testrunner: Forward --build-with-javac-dx to run-test

make testrunner.py invoke run-test build scripts with javac+dx.

This allows most of the tests to build (and pass) with javac/dx
instead of jack. All failing tests are blacklisted.

Known issues:
* Any tests using InvokeDynamic will fail (need desugar support).
* Any tests with USE_JACK=true will fail (don't have bin/jack).

Bug: 37636792
Bug: 36902714
Change-Id: Ib427197add5a1dd9b134a83c25d989fd518b2a64
diff --git a/test/knownfailures.json b/test/knownfailures.json
index 0e42a29..3ca67bf 100644
--- a/test/knownfailures.json
+++ b/test/knownfailures.json
@@ -602,5 +602,67 @@
         "bug": "b/37239009",
         "variant": "jvmti-stress"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": [
+            "004-JniTest",
+            "004-NativeAllocations",
+            "004-ReferenceMap",
+            "004-StackWalk",
+            "048-reflect-v8",
+            "089-many-methods",
+            "138-duplicate-classes-check",
+            "146-bad-interface",
+            "157-void-class",
+            "563-checker-invoke-super",
+            "580-checker-string-fact-intrinsics",
+            "596-monitor-inflation",
+            "604-hot-static-interface",
+            "612-jit-dex-cache",
+            "613-inlining-dex-cache",
+            "616-cha-interface-default",
+            "636-wrong-static-access",
+            "909-attach-agent",
+            "910-methods",
+            "911-get-stack-trace",
+            "912-classes",
+            "913-heaps",
+            "914-hello-obsolescence",
+            "915-obsolete-2",
+            "916-obsolete-jit",
+            "919-obsolete-fields",
+            "921-hello-failure",
+            "926-multi-obsolescence",
+            "940-recursive-obsolete",
+            "941-recurive-obsolete-jit",
+            "942-private-recursive",
+            "943-private-recursive-jit",
+            "945-obsolete-native",
+            "946-obsolete-throw",
+            "948-change-annotations",
+            "950-redefine-intrinsic",
+            "951-threaded-obsolete",
+            "952-invoke-custom",
+            "953-invoke-polymorphic-compiler",
+            "956-methodhandles",
+            "957-methodhandle-transforms",
+            "958-methodhandle-stackframe",
+            "959-invoke-polymorphic-accessors",
+            "960-default-smali",
+            "961-default-iface-resolution-gen",
+            "962-iface-static",
+            "963-default-range-smali",
+            "964-default-iface-init-gen",
+            "965-default-verify",
+            "966-default-conflict",
+            "967-default-ame",
+            "969-iface-super",
+            "981-dedup-original-dex",
+            "984-obsolete-invoke",
+            "985-re-obsolete"
+        ],
+        "description": "Tests that use javac/dx to build (not jack).",
+        "env_vars": {"ANDROID_COMPILE_WITH_JACK": "false"},
+        "bug": "b/37636792"
diff --git a/test/testrunner/env.py b/test/testrunner/env.py
index 7d9297f..a0c4ea8 100644
--- a/test/testrunner/env.py
+++ b/test/testrunner/env.py
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@
 ANDROID_BUILD_TOP = _get_android_build_top()
+# Compiling with jack? Possible values in (True, False, 'default')
 # Directory used for temporary test files on the host.
 ART_HOST_TEST_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = 'test-art-')
diff --git a/test/testrunner/testrunner.py b/test/testrunner/testrunner.py
index 8072631..a809246 100755
--- a/test/testrunner/testrunner.py
+++ b/test/testrunner/testrunner.py
@@ -450,6 +450,12 @@
           options_test += ' --instruction-set-features ' + \
+      # Use the default run-test behavior unless ANDROID_COMPILE_WITH_JACK is explicitly set.
+      if env.ANDROID_COMPILE_WITH_JACK == True:
+        options_test += ' --build-with-jack'
+      elif env.ANDROID_COMPILE_WITH_JACK == False:
+        options_test += ' --build-with-javac-dx'
       # TODO(http://36039166): This is a temporary solution to
       # fix build breakages.
       options_test = (' --output-path %s') % (