Bring across the JDWP implementation.
This compiles and links, but does nothing until we fill out the 100 or so
unimplemented methods in "". Note that I also need to add the
extra command-line handling for the JDWP agent stuff, and add calls from
the runtime to the various "something interesting is going on" hooks.
Change-Id: I477cf3caf9e248c384ce1d739cbfadb60e2008bc
diff --git a/src/debugger.h b/src/debugger.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b66fd11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/debugger.h
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Dalvik-specific side of debugger support. (The JDWP code is intended to
+ * be relatively generic.)
+ */
+#ifndef ART_DEBUGGER_H_
+#define ART_DEBUGGER_H_
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include "object.h"
+#include "jdwp/jdwp.h"
+namespace art {
+struct Thread;
+ * Invoke-during-breakpoint support.
+ */
+struct DebugInvokeReq {
+ /* boolean; only set when we're in the tail end of an event handler */
+ bool ready;
+ /* boolean; set if the JDWP thread wants this thread to do work */
+ bool invokeNeeded;
+ /* request */
+ Object* obj; /* not used for ClassType.InvokeMethod */
+ Object* thread;
+ Class* class_;
+ Method* method;
+ uint32_t numArgs;
+ uint64_t* argArray; /* will be NULL if numArgs==0 */
+ uint32_t options;
+ /* result */
+ JDWP::JdwpError err;
+ uint8_t resultTag;
+ JValue resultValue;
+ JDWP::ObjectId exceptObj;
+ /* condition variable to wait on while the method executes */
+ Mutex lock_;
+ ConditionVariable cond_;
+class Dbg {
+ static bool DebuggerStartup();
+ static void DebuggerShutdown();
+ // Return the DebugInvokeReq for the current thread.
+ static DebugInvokeReq* GetInvokeReq();
+ /*
+ * Enable/disable breakpoints and step modes. Used to provide a heads-up
+ * when the debugger attaches.
+ */
+ static void Connected();
+ static void Active();
+ static void Disconnected();
+ /*
+ * Returns "true" if a debugger is connected. Returns "false" if it's
+ * just DDM.
+ */
+ static bool IsDebuggerConnected();
+ static bool IsDebuggingEnabled();
+ /*
+ * Time, in milliseconds, since the last debugger activity. Does not
+ * include DDMS activity. Returns -1 if there has been no activity.
+ * Returns 0 if we're in the middle of handling a debugger request.
+ */
+ static int64_t LastDebuggerActivity();
+ /*
+ * Block/allow GC depending on what we're doing. These return the old
+ * status, which can be fed to ThreadContinuing() to restore the previous
+ * mode.
+ */
+ static int ThreadRunning();
+ static int ThreadWaiting();
+ static int ThreadContinuing(int status);
+ static void UndoDebuggerSuspensions();
+ // The debugger wants the VM to exit.
+ static void Exit(int status);
+ /*
+ * Class, Object, Array
+ */
+ static const char* GetClassDescriptor(JDWP::RefTypeId id);
+ static JDWP::ObjectId GetClassObject(JDWP::RefTypeId id);
+ static JDWP::RefTypeId GetSuperclass(JDWP::RefTypeId id);
+ static JDWP::ObjectId GetClassLoader(JDWP::RefTypeId id);
+ static uint32_t GetAccessFlags(JDWP::RefTypeId id);
+ static bool IsInterface(JDWP::RefTypeId id);
+ static void GetClassList(uint32_t* pNumClasses, JDWP::RefTypeId** pClassRefBuf);
+ static void GetVisibleClassList(JDWP::ObjectId classLoaderId, uint32_t* pNumClasses, JDWP::RefTypeId** pClassRefBuf);
+ static void GetClassInfo(JDWP::RefTypeId classId, uint8_t* pTypeTag, uint32_t* pStatus, const char** pSignature);
+ static bool FindLoadedClassBySignature(const char* classDescriptor, JDWP::RefTypeId* pRefTypeId);
+ static void GetObjectType(JDWP::ObjectId objectId, uint8_t* pRefTypeTag, JDWP::RefTypeId* pRefTypeId);
+ static uint8_t GetClassObjectType(JDWP::RefTypeId refTypeId);
+ static const char* GetSignature(JDWP::RefTypeId refTypeId);
+ static const char* GetSourceFile(JDWP::RefTypeId refTypeId);
+ static const char* GetObjectTypeName(JDWP::ObjectId objectId);
+ static uint8_t GetObjectTag(JDWP::ObjectId objectId);
+ static int GetTagWidth(int tag);
+ static int GetArrayLength(JDWP::ObjectId arrayId);
+ static uint8_t GetArrayElementTag(JDWP::ObjectId arrayId);
+ static bool OutputArray(JDWP::ObjectId arrayId, int firstIndex, int count, JDWP::ExpandBuf* pReply);
+ static bool SetArrayElements(JDWP::ObjectId arrayId, int firstIndex, int count, const uint8_t* buf);
+ static JDWP::ObjectId CreateString(const char* str);
+ static JDWP::ObjectId CreateObject(JDWP::RefTypeId classId);
+ static JDWP::ObjectId CreateArrayObject(JDWP::RefTypeId arrayTypeId, uint32_t length);
+ static bool MatchType(JDWP::RefTypeId instClassId, JDWP::RefTypeId classId);
+ /*
+ * Method and Field
+ */
+ static const char* GetMethodName(JDWP::RefTypeId refTypeId, JDWP::MethodId id);
+ static void OutputAllFields(JDWP::RefTypeId refTypeId, bool withGeneric, JDWP::ExpandBuf* pReply);
+ static void OutputAllMethods(JDWP::RefTypeId refTypeId, bool withGeneric, JDWP::ExpandBuf* pReply);
+ static void OutputAllInterfaces(JDWP::RefTypeId refTypeId, JDWP::ExpandBuf* pReply);
+ static void OutputLineTable(JDWP::RefTypeId refTypeId, JDWP::MethodId methodId, JDWP::ExpandBuf* pReply);
+ static void OutputVariableTable(JDWP::RefTypeId refTypeId, JDWP::MethodId id, bool withGeneric, JDWP::ExpandBuf* pReply);
+ static uint8_t GetFieldBasicTag(JDWP::ObjectId objId, JDWP::FieldId fieldId);
+ static uint8_t GetStaticFieldBasicTag(JDWP::RefTypeId refTypeId, JDWP::FieldId fieldId);
+ static void GetFieldValue(JDWP::ObjectId objectId, JDWP::FieldId fieldId, JDWP::ExpandBuf* pReply);
+ static void SetFieldValue(JDWP::ObjectId objectId, JDWP::FieldId fieldId, uint64_t value, int width);
+ static void GetStaticFieldValue(JDWP::RefTypeId refTypeId, JDWP::FieldId fieldId, JDWP::ExpandBuf* pReply);
+ static void SetStaticFieldValue(JDWP::RefTypeId refTypeId, JDWP::FieldId fieldId, uint64_t rawValue, int width);
+ static char* StringToUtf8(JDWP::ObjectId strId);
+ /*
+ * Thread, ThreadGroup, Frame
+ */
+ static char* GetThreadName(JDWP::ObjectId threadId);
+ static JDWP::ObjectId GetThreadGroup(JDWP::ObjectId threadId);
+ static char* GetThreadGroupName(JDWP::ObjectId threadGroupId);
+ static JDWP::ObjectId GetThreadGroupParent(JDWP::ObjectId threadGroupId);
+ static JDWP::ObjectId GetSystemThreadGroupId();
+ static JDWP::ObjectId GetMainThreadGroupId();
+ static bool GetThreadStatus(JDWP::ObjectId threadId, uint32_t* threadStatus, uint32_t* suspendStatus);
+ static uint32_t GetThreadSuspendCount(JDWP::ObjectId threadId);
+ static bool ThreadExists(JDWP::ObjectId threadId);
+ static bool IsSuspended(JDWP::ObjectId threadId);
+ //static void WaitForSuspend(JDWP::ObjectId threadId);
+ static void GetThreadGroupThreads(JDWP::ObjectId threadGroupId, JDWP::ObjectId** ppThreadIds, uint32_t* pThreadCount);
+ static void GetAllThreads(JDWP::ObjectId** ppThreadIds, uint32_t* pThreadCount);
+ static int GetThreadFrameCount(JDWP::ObjectId threadId);
+ static bool GetThreadFrame(JDWP::ObjectId threadId, int num, JDWP::FrameId* pFrameId, JDWP::JdwpLocation* pLoc);
+ static JDWP::ObjectId GetThreadSelfId();
+ static void SuspendVM(bool isEvent);
+ static void ResumeVM();
+ static void SuspendThread(JDWP::ObjectId threadId);
+ static void ResumeThread(JDWP::ObjectId threadId);
+ static void SuspendSelf();
+ static bool GetThisObject(JDWP::ObjectId threadId, JDWP::FrameId frameId, JDWP::ObjectId* pThisId);
+ static void GetLocalValue(JDWP::ObjectId threadId, JDWP::FrameId frameId, int slot, uint8_t tag, uint8_t* buf, int expectedLen);
+ static void SetLocalValue(JDWP::ObjectId threadId, JDWP::FrameId frameId, int slot, uint8_t tag, uint64_t value, int width);
+ /*
+ * Debugger notification
+ */
+ enum {
+ kBreakPoint = 0x01,
+ kSingleStep = 0x02,
+ kMethodEntry = 0x04,
+ kMethodExit = 0x08,
+ };
+ static void PostLocationEvent(const Method* method, int pcOffset, Object* thisPtr, int eventFlags);
+ static void PostException(void* throwFp, int throwRelPc, void* catchFp, int catchRelPc, Object* exception);
+ static void PostThreadStart(Thread* t);
+ static void PostThreadDeath(Thread* t);
+ static void PostClassPrepare(Class* c);
+ static bool WatchLocation(const JDWP::JdwpLocation* pLoc);
+ static void UnwatchLocation(const JDWP::JdwpLocation* pLoc);
+ static bool ConfigureStep(JDWP::ObjectId threadId, JDWP::JdwpStepSize size, JDWP::JdwpStepDepth depth);
+ static void UnconfigureStep(JDWP::ObjectId threadId);
+ static JDWP::JdwpError InvokeMethod(JDWP::ObjectId threadId, JDWP::ObjectId objectId, JDWP::RefTypeId classId, JDWP::MethodId methodId, uint32_t numArgs, uint64_t* argArray, uint32_t options, uint8_t* pResultTag, uint64_t* pResultValue, JDWP::ObjectId* pExceptObj);
+ static void ExecuteMethod(DebugInvokeReq* pReq);
+ /* perform "late registration" of an object ID */
+ static void RegisterObjectId(JDWP::ObjectId id);
+ /*
+ * DDM support.
+ */
+ static bool DdmHandlePacket(const uint8_t* buf, int dataLen, uint8_t** pReplyBuf, int* pReplyLen);
+ static void DdmConnected();
+ static void DdmDisconnected();
+ static void DdmSendChunk(int type, size_t len, const uint8_t* buf);
+ static void DdmSendChunkV(int type, const struct iovec* iov, int iovcnt);
+#define CHUNK_TYPE(_name) \
+ ((_name)[0] << 24 | (_name)[1] << 16 | (_name)[2] << 8 | (_name)[3])
+} // namespace art
+#endif // ART_DEBUGGER_H_