Revert^4 "Partial LSE analysis & store removal"
We incorrectly handled merging unknowns in some situations.
Specifically in cases where we are unable to materialize loop-phis we
could end up with PureUnknowns which could end up hiding stores that
need to be kept.
In an unrelated issue we were incorrectly considering some values as
escapes when live at the point of an invoke. Since
SearchPhiPlaceholdersForKeptStores used a more precise notion of
escapes we could end up removing stores without being able to replace
the values.
This reverts commit 2316b3a0779f3721a78681f5c70ed6624ecaebef.
This unreverts commit b6837f0350ff66c13582b0e94178dd5ca283ff0a
This reverts commit fe270426c8a2a69a8f669339e83b86fbf40e25a1.
This unreverts commit bb6cda60e4418c0ab557ea4090e046bed8206763.
Bug: 67037140
Bug: 173120044
Reason for revert: Fixed issue causing incorrect store elimination
Test: ./ --host
Test: Boot cuttlefish
Change-Id: I2ebae9ccfaf5169d551c5019b547589d0fce1dc9
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index f71a473..55620bb 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -27,11 +27,19 @@
class LoadStoreEliminationTest : public OptimizingUnitTest {
+ AdjacencyListGraph SetupFromAdjacencyList(
+ const std::string_view entry_name,
+ const std::string_view exit_name,
+ const std::vector<AdjacencyListGraph::Edge>& adj) {
+ return AdjacencyListGraph(graph_, GetAllocator(), entry_name, exit_name, adj);
+ }
void PerformLSE() {
LoadStoreElimination lse(graph_, /*stats=*/ nullptr);
- EXPECT_TRUE(CheckGraphSkipRefTypeInfoChecks());
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CheckGraphSkipRefTypeInfoChecks(oss)) << oss.str();
// Create instructions shared among tests.
@@ -1442,4 +1450,2061 @@
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// // ALL should be kept
+// switch (parameter_value) {
+// case 1:
+// // Case1
+// obj.field = 1;
+// call_func(obj);
+// break;
+// case 2:
+// // Case2
+// obj.field = 2;
+// call_func(obj);
+// // We don't know what obj.field is now we aren't able to eliminate the read below!
+// break;
+// default:
+// // Case3
+// // TODO This only happens because of limitations on our LSE which is unable
+// // to materialize co-dependent loop and non-loop phis.
+// // Ideally we'd want to generate
+// // P1 = PHI[3, loop_val]
+// // while (test()) {
+// // if (test2()) { goto; } else { goto; }
+// // loop_val = [P1, 5]
+// // }
+// // Currently we aren't able to unfortunately.
+// obj.field = 3;
+// while (test()) {
+// if (test2()) { } else { obj.field = 5; }
+// }
+// break;
+// }
+// EXIT
+// return obj.field
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialUnknownMerge) {
+ CreateGraph();
+ AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+ "exit",
+ { { "entry", "bswitch" },
+ { "bswitch", "case1" },
+ { "bswitch", "case2" },
+ { "bswitch", "case3" },
+ { "case1", "breturn" },
+ { "case2", "breturn" },
+ { "case3", "loop_pre_header" },
+ { "loop_pre_header", "loop_header" },
+ { "loop_header", "loop_body" },
+ { "loop_body", "loop_if_left" },
+ { "loop_body", "loop_if_right" },
+ { "loop_if_left", "loop_end" },
+ { "loop_if_right", "loop_end" },
+ { "loop_end", "loop_header" },
+ { "loop_header", "breturn" },
+ { "breturn", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+ GET_BLOCK(entry);
+ GET_BLOCK(bswitch);
+ GET_BLOCK(exit);
+ GET_BLOCK(breturn);
+ GET_BLOCK(case1);
+ GET_BLOCK(case2);
+ GET_BLOCK(case3);
+ GET_BLOCK(loop_pre_header);
+ GET_BLOCK(loop_header);
+ GET_BLOCK(loop_body);
+ GET_BLOCK(loop_if_left);
+ GET_BLOCK(loop_if_right);
+ GET_BLOCK(loop_end);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+ HInstruction* switch_val = new (GetAllocator())
+ HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kInt32);
+ HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+ HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+ HInstruction* c3 = graph_->GetIntConstant(3);
+ HInstruction* c5 = graph_->GetIntConstant(5);
+ HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ false);
+ HInstruction* new_inst =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+ 0,
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ false,
+ QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+ HInstruction* entry_goto = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ entry->AddInstruction(switch_val);
+ entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+ entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+ entry->AddInstruction(entry_goto);
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+ ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, ¤t_locals);
+ new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* switch_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HPackedSwitch(0, 2, switch_val);
+ bswitch->AddInstruction(switch_inst);
+ HInstruction* write_c1 = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c1,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* call_c1 = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 1,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* goto_c1 = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ call_c1->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+ case1->AddInstruction(write_c1);
+ case1->AddInstruction(call_c1);
+ case1->AddInstruction(goto_c1);
+ call_c1->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_c2 = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c2,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* call_c2 = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 1,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* goto_c2 = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ call_c2->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+ case2->AddInstruction(write_c2);
+ case2->AddInstruction(call_c2);
+ case2->AddInstruction(goto_c2);
+ call_c2->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_c3 = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c3,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_c3 = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ case3->AddInstruction(write_c3);
+ case3->AddInstruction(goto_c3);
+ HInstruction* goto_preheader = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ loop_pre_header->AddInstruction(goto_preheader);
+ HInstruction* suspend_check_header = new (GetAllocator()) HSuspendCheck();
+ HInstruction* call_loop_header = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 0,
+ DataType::Type::kBool,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* if_loop_header = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(call_loop_header);
+ loop_header->AddInstruction(suspend_check_header);
+ loop_header->AddInstruction(call_loop_header);
+ loop_header->AddInstruction(if_loop_header);
+ call_loop_header->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ suspend_check_header->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* call_loop_body = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 0,
+ DataType::Type::kBool,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* if_loop_body = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(call_loop_body);
+ loop_body->AddInstruction(call_loop_body);
+ loop_body->AddInstruction(if_loop_body);
+ call_loop_body->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* goto_loop_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ loop_if_left->AddInstruction(goto_loop_left);
+ HInstruction* write_loop_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c5,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_loop_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ loop_if_right->AddInstruction(write_loop_right);
+ loop_if_right->AddInstruction(goto_loop_right);
+ HInstruction* goto_loop_end = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ loop_end->AddInstruction(goto_loop_end);
+ HInstruction* read_bottom = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* return_exit = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_bottom);
+ breturn->AddInstruction(read_bottom);
+ breturn->AddInstruction(return_exit);
+ HInstruction* exit_ins = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+ exit->AddInstruction(exit_ins);
+ // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+ graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+ PerformLSE();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(read_bottom));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_c1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_c2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_c3));
+ // EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_loop_left));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_loop_right));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+// // LEFT
+// obj.field = 1;
+// call_func(obj);
+// foo_r = obj.field
+// } else {
+// obj.field = 2;
+// // RIGHT
+// foo_l = obj.field;
+// }
+// EXIT
+// return PHI(foo_l, foo_r)
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadElimination) {
+ InitGraph();
+ AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+ "exit_REAL",
+ { { "entry", "left" },
+ { "entry", "right" },
+ { "left", "exit" },
+ { "right", "exit" },
+ { "exit", "exit_REAL" } }));
+ HBasicBlock* entry = blks.Get("entry");
+ HBasicBlock* left = blks.Get("left");
+ HBasicBlock* right = blks.Get("right");
+ HBasicBlock* exit = blks.Get("exit");
+ HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+ HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+ HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+ HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+ HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ false);
+ HInstruction* new_inst =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+ 0,
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ false,
+ QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+ HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+ entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+ entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+ ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, ¤t_locals);
+ new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c1,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 1,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* read_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(16),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+ left->AddInstruction(write_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(read_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+ call_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c2,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(16),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* read_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(16),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(read_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+ HInstruction* phi_final =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HPhi(GetAllocator(), 12, 2, DataType::Type::kInt32);
+ phi_final->SetRawInputAt(0, read_left);
+ phi_final->SetRawInputAt(1, read_right);
+ HInstruction* return_exit = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(phi_final);
+ exit->AddPhi(phi_final->AsPhi());
+ exit->AddInstruction(return_exit);
+ // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+ graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+ PerformLSE();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(IsRemoved(read_right));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(IsRemoved(read_left));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(IsRemoved(phi_final));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(phi_final->GetInputs()[1] == c2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(phi_final->GetInputs()[0] == read_left);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+// // LEFT
+// obj.field = 1;
+// call_func(obj);
+// // We don't know what obj.field is now we aren't able to eliminate the read below!
+// } else {
+// obj.field = 2;
+// // RIGHT
+// }
+// EXIT
+// return obj.field
+// TODO We eventually want to be able to eliminate the right write along with the final read but
+// will need either new blocks or new instructions.
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadPreserved) {
+ InitGraph();
+ AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+ "exit_REAL",
+ { { "entry", "left" },
+ { "entry", "right" },
+ { "left", "exit" },
+ { "right", "exit" },
+ { "exit", "exit_REAL" } }));
+ HBasicBlock* entry = blks.Get("entry");
+ HBasicBlock* left = blks.Get("left");
+ HBasicBlock* right = blks.Get("right");
+ HBasicBlock* exit = blks.Get("exit");
+ HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+ HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+ HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+ HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+ HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ false);
+ HInstruction* new_inst =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+ 0,
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ false,
+ QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+ HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+ entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+ entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+ ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, ¤t_locals);
+ new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c1,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 1,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+ left->AddInstruction(write_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+ call_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c2,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+ HInstruction* read_bottom = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* return_exit = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_bottom);
+ exit->AddInstruction(read_bottom);
+ exit->AddInstruction(return_exit);
+ // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+ graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+ PerformLSE();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(IsRemoved(read_bottom));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+// // LEFT
+// obj.field = 1;
+// call_func(obj);
+// // We don't know what obj.field is now we aren't able to eliminate the read below!
+// } else {
+// if (param2) {
+// obj.field = 2;
+// } else {
+// obj.field = 3;
+// }
+// // RIGHT
+// }
+// EXIT
+// return obj.field
+// TODO We eventually want to be able to eliminate the right write along with the final read but
+// will need either new blocks or new instructions.
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadPreserved2) {
+ InitGraph();
+ AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+ "exit_REAL",
+ { { "entry", "left" },
+ { "entry", "right_start" },
+ { "left", "exit" },
+ { "right_start", "right_first" },
+ { "right_start", "right_second" },
+ { "right_first", "right_end" },
+ { "right_second", "right_end" },
+ { "right_end", "exit" },
+ { "exit", "exit_REAL" } }));
+ HBasicBlock* entry = blks.Get("entry");
+ HBasicBlock* left = blks.Get("left");
+ HBasicBlock* right_start = blks.Get("right_start");
+ HBasicBlock* right_first = blks.Get("right_first");
+ HBasicBlock* right_second = blks.Get("right_second");
+ HBasicBlock* right_end = blks.Get("right_end");
+ HBasicBlock* exit = blks.Get("exit");
+ HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+ HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+ HInstruction* bool_value_2 = new (GetAllocator())
+ HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 2, DataType::Type::kBool);
+ HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+ HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+ HInstruction* c3 = graph_->GetIntConstant(3);
+ HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ false);
+ HInstruction* new_inst =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+ 0,
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ false,
+ QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+ HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(bool_value_2);
+ entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+ entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+ entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+ ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, ¤t_locals);
+ new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c1,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 1,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+ left->AddInstruction(write_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+ call_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* right_if = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value_2);
+ right_start->AddInstruction(right_if);
+ HInstruction* write_right_first = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c2,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_right_first = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ right_first->AddInstruction(write_right_first);
+ right_first->AddInstruction(goto_right_first);
+ HInstruction* write_right_second = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c3,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_right_second = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ right_second->AddInstruction(write_right_second);
+ right_second->AddInstruction(goto_right_second);
+ HInstruction* goto_right_end = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ right_end->AddInstruction(goto_right_end);
+ HInstruction* read_bottom = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* return_exit = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_bottom);
+ exit->AddInstruction(read_bottom);
+ exit->AddInstruction(return_exit);
+ // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+ graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+ PerformLSE();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(IsRemoved(read_bottom));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_right_first));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_right_second));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+// // LEFT
+// escape(obj);
+// obj.field = 1;
+// } else {
+// // RIGHT
+// obj.field = 2;
+// }
+// EXIT
+// return obj.field
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadElimination2) {
+ InitGraph();
+ AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+ "exit",
+ { { "entry", "left" },
+ { "entry", "right" },
+ { "left", "breturn"},
+ { "right", "breturn" },
+ { "breturn", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+ GET_BLOCK(entry);
+ GET_BLOCK(exit);
+ GET_BLOCK(breturn);
+ GET_BLOCK(left);
+ GET_BLOCK(right);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+ HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+ HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+ HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+ HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+ HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ false);
+ HInstruction* new_inst =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+ 0,
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ false,
+ QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+ HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+ entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+ entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+ ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, ¤t_locals);
+ new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 1,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* write_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c1,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+ left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(write_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+ call_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c2,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+ HInstruction* read_bottom = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* return_exit = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_bottom);
+ breturn->AddInstruction(read_bottom);
+ breturn->AddInstruction(return_exit);
+ HInstruction* exit_instruction = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+ exit->AddInstruction(exit_instruction);
+ // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+ graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+ PerformLSE();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(read_bottom));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_left));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+// // LEFT
+// obj.field = 1;
+// escape(obj);
+// return obj.field;
+// } else {
+// // RIGHT
+// obj.field = 2;
+// return obj.field;
+// }
+// EXIT
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadElimination3) {
+ InitGraph();
+ AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList(
+ "entry",
+ "exit",
+ { { "entry", "left" }, { "entry", "right" }, { "left", "exit" }, { "right", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+ GET_BLOCK(entry);
+ GET_BLOCK(exit);
+ GET_BLOCK(left);
+ GET_BLOCK(right);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+ HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+ HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+ HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+ HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+ HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ false);
+ HInstruction* new_inst =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+ 0,
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ false,
+ QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+ HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+ entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+ entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+ ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, ¤t_locals);
+ new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c1,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 1,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* read_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* return_left = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_left);
+ call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+ left->AddInstruction(write_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(read_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(return_left);
+ call_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c2,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* read_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* return_right = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(read_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(return_right);
+ HInstruction* exit_instruction = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+ exit->AddInstruction(exit_instruction);
+ // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+ graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+ PerformLSE();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(read_right));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_left));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(read_left));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+// // LEFT
+// obj.field = 1;
+// while (true) {
+// bool esc = escape(obj);
+// obj.field = 3;
+// if (esc) break;
+// }
+// return obj.field;
+// } else {
+// // RIGHT
+// obj.field = 2;
+// return obj.field;
+// }
+// EXIT
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadElimination4) {
+ InitGraph();
+ AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+ "exit",
+ { { "entry", "entry_post" },
+ { "entry_post", "right" },
+ { "right", "exit" },
+ { "entry_post", "left_pre" },
+ { "left_pre", "left_loop" },
+ { "left_loop", "left_loop" },
+ { "left_loop", "left_finish" },
+ { "left_finish", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+ GET_BLOCK(entry);
+ GET_BLOCK(entry_post);
+ GET_BLOCK(exit);
+ GET_BLOCK(left_pre);
+ GET_BLOCK(left_loop);
+ GET_BLOCK(left_finish);
+ GET_BLOCK(right);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+ // Left-loops first successor is the break.
+ if (left_loop->GetSuccessors()[0] != left_finish) {
+ left_loop->SwapSuccessors();
+ }
+ HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+ HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+ HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+ HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+ HInstruction* c3 = graph_->GetIntConstant(3);
+ HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ false);
+ HInstruction* new_inst =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+ 0,
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ false,
+ QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+ HInstruction* goto_entry = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+ entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+ entry->AddInstruction(goto_entry);
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+ ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, ¤t_locals);
+ new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+ entry_post->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+ HInstruction* write_left_pre = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c1,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_left_pre = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ left_pre->AddInstruction(write_left_pre);
+ left_pre->AddInstruction(goto_left_pre);
+ HInstruction* suspend_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HSuspendCheck();
+ HInstruction* call_left_loop = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 1,
+ DataType::Type::kBool,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* write_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c3,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* if_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(call_left_loop);
+ call_left_loop->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+ left_loop->AddInstruction(suspend_left_loop);
+ left_loop->AddInstruction(call_left_loop);
+ left_loop->AddInstruction(write_left_loop);
+ left_loop->AddInstruction(if_left_loop);
+ suspend_left_loop->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ call_left_loop->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* read_left_end = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* return_left_end = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_left_end);
+ left_finish->AddInstruction(read_left_end);
+ left_finish->AddInstruction(return_left_end);
+ HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c2,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* read_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* return_right = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(read_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(return_right);
+ HInstruction* exit_instruction = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+ exit->AddInstruction(exit_instruction);
+ // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+ graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+ PerformLSE();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left_pre));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(read_right));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left_loop));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_left_loop));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(read_left_end));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+// // LEFT
+// escape(obj);
+// obj.field = 1;
+// } else {
+// // RIGHT
+// // obj hasn't escaped so it's invisible.
+// obj.field = 2;
+// noescape();
+// }
+// EXIT
+// return obj.field
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadElimination5) {
+ InitGraph();
+ AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+ "exit",
+ { { "entry", "left" },
+ { "entry", "right" },
+ { "left", "breturn" },
+ { "right", "breturn" },
+ { "breturn", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+ GET_BLOCK(entry);
+ GET_BLOCK(exit);
+ GET_BLOCK(breturn);
+ GET_BLOCK(left);
+ GET_BLOCK(right);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+ HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+ HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+ HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+ HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+ HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ false);
+ HInstruction* new_inst =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+ 0,
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ false,
+ QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+ HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+ entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+ entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+ ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, ¤t_locals);
+ new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 1,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* write_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c1,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+ left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(write_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+ call_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c2,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* call_right = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 0,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(call_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+ call_right->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* read_bottom = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* return_exit = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_bottom);
+ breturn->AddInstruction(read_bottom);
+ breturn->AddInstruction(return_exit);
+ HInstruction* exit_instruction = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+ exit->AddInstruction(exit_instruction);
+ // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+ graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+ PerformLSE();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(read_bottom));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_left));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_right));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// // Eliminate this one. Object hasn't escaped yet so it's safe.
+// obj.field = 3;
+// noescape();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+// // LEFT
+// obj.field = 5;
+// escape(obj);
+// obj.field = 1;
+// } else {
+// // RIGHT
+// obj.field = 2;
+// }
+// EXIT
+// return obj.field
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadElimination6) {
+ InitGraph();
+ AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+ "exit",
+ { { "entry", "left" },
+ { "entry", "right" },
+ { "left", "breturn" },
+ { "right", "breturn" },
+ { "breturn", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+ GET_BLOCK(entry);
+ GET_BLOCK(exit);
+ GET_BLOCK(breturn);
+ GET_BLOCK(left);
+ GET_BLOCK(right);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+ HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+ HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+ HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+ HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+ HInstruction* c3 = graph_->GetIntConstant(3);
+ HInstruction* c5 = graph_->GetIntConstant(5);
+ HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ false);
+ HInstruction* new_inst =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+ 0,
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ false,
+ QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+ HInstruction* write_entry = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c3,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* call_entry = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 0,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+ entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+ entry->AddInstruction(write_entry);
+ entry->AddInstruction(call_entry);
+ entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+ ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, ¤t_locals);
+ new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ call_entry->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_left_start = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c5,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 1,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* write_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c1,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+ left->AddInstruction(write_left_start);
+ left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(write_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+ call_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c2,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+ HInstruction* read_bottom = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* return_exit = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_bottom);
+ breturn->AddInstruction(read_bottom);
+ breturn->AddInstruction(return_exit);
+ HInstruction* exit_instruction = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+ exit->AddInstruction(exit_instruction);
+ // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+ graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+ PerformLSE();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(read_bottom));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(write_entry));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left_start));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_left));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_entry));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+// // LEFT
+// obj.field = 1;
+// while (true) {
+// bool esc = escape(obj);
+// if (esc) break;
+// obj.field = 3;
+// }
+// } else {
+// // RIGHT
+// obj.field = 2;
+// }
+// return obj.field;
+// EXIT
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadPreserved3) {
+ InitGraph();
+ AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+ "exit",
+ { { "entry", "entry_post" },
+ { "entry_post", "right" },
+ { "right", "return_block" },
+ { "entry_post", "left_pre" },
+ { "left_pre", "left_loop" },
+ { "left_loop", "left_loop_post" },
+ { "left_loop_post", "left_loop" },
+ { "left_loop", "return_block" },
+ { "return_block", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+ GET_BLOCK(entry);
+ GET_BLOCK(entry_post);
+ GET_BLOCK(exit);
+ GET_BLOCK(return_block);
+ GET_BLOCK(left_pre);
+ GET_BLOCK(left_loop);
+ GET_BLOCK(left_loop_post);
+ GET_BLOCK(right);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+ // Left-loops first successor is the break.
+ if (left_loop->GetSuccessors()[0] != return_block) {
+ left_loop->SwapSuccessors();
+ }
+ HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+ HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+ HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+ HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+ HInstruction* c3 = graph_->GetIntConstant(3);
+ HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ false);
+ HInstruction* new_inst =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+ 0,
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ false,
+ QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+ HInstruction* goto_entry = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+ entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+ entry->AddInstruction(goto_entry);
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+ ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, ¤t_locals);
+ new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+ entry_post->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+ HInstruction* write_left_pre = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c1,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_left_pre = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ left_pre->AddInstruction(write_left_pre);
+ left_pre->AddInstruction(goto_left_pre);
+ HInstruction* suspend_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HSuspendCheck();
+ HInstruction* call_left_loop = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 1,
+ DataType::Type::kBool,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* if_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(call_left_loop);
+ call_left_loop->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+ left_loop->AddInstruction(suspend_left_loop);
+ left_loop->AddInstruction(call_left_loop);
+ left_loop->AddInstruction(if_left_loop);
+ suspend_left_loop->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ call_left_loop->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c3,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ left_loop_post->AddInstruction(write_left_loop);
+ left_loop_post->AddInstruction(goto_left_loop);
+ HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c2,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+ HInstruction* read_return = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* return_final = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_return);
+ return_block->AddInstruction(read_return);
+ return_block->AddInstruction(return_final);
+ HInstruction* exit_instruction = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+ exit->AddInstruction(exit_instruction);
+ // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+ graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+ PerformLSE();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left_pre));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(read_return));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left_loop));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_left_loop));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+// // LEFT
+// // ELIMINATE (not visible since always overridden by obj.field = 3)
+// obj.field = 1;
+// while (true) {
+// bool stop = should_stop();
+// // DO NOT ELIMINATE (visible by read at end)
+// obj.field = 3;
+// if (stop) break;
+// }
+// } else {
+// // RIGHT
+// obj.field = 2;
+// escape(obj);
+// }
+// return obj.field;
+// EXIT
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadPreserved4) {
+ InitGraph();
+ AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+ "exit",
+ { { "entry", "entry_post" },
+ { "entry_post", "right" },
+ { "right", "return_block" },
+ { "entry_post", "left_pre" },
+ { "left_pre", "left_loop" },
+ { "left_loop", "left_loop" },
+ { "left_loop", "return_block" },
+ { "return_block", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+ GET_BLOCK(entry);
+ GET_BLOCK(entry_post);
+ GET_BLOCK(exit);
+ GET_BLOCK(return_block);
+ GET_BLOCK(left_pre);
+ GET_BLOCK(left_loop);
+ GET_BLOCK(right);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+ // Left-loops first successor is the break.
+ if (left_loop->GetSuccessors()[0] != return_block) {
+ left_loop->SwapSuccessors();
+ }
+ HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+ HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+ HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+ HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+ HInstruction* c3 = graph_->GetIntConstant(3);
+ HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ false);
+ HInstruction* new_inst =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+ 0,
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ false,
+ QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+ HInstruction* goto_entry = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+ entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+ entry->AddInstruction(goto_entry);
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+ ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, ¤t_locals);
+ new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+ entry_post->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+ HInstruction* write_left_pre = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c1,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_left_pre = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ left_pre->AddInstruction(write_left_pre);
+ left_pre->AddInstruction(goto_left_pre);
+ HInstruction* suspend_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HSuspendCheck();
+ HInstruction* call_left_loop = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 0,
+ DataType::Type::kBool,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* write_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c3,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* if_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(call_left_loop);
+ left_loop->AddInstruction(suspend_left_loop);
+ left_loop->AddInstruction(call_left_loop);
+ left_loop->AddInstruction(write_left_loop);
+ left_loop->AddInstruction(if_left_loop);
+ suspend_left_loop->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ call_left_loop->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c2,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* call_right = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 1,
+ DataType::Type::kBool,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ call_right->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+ right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(call_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+ call_right->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* read_return = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* return_final = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_return);
+ return_block->AddInstruction(read_return);
+ return_block->AddInstruction(return_final);
+ HInstruction* exit_instruction = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+ exit->AddInstruction(exit_instruction);
+ // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+ graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+ PerformLSE();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(read_return));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left_loop));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_left_loop));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(write_left_pre));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_right));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+// // LEFT
+// escape(obj);
+// obj.field = 1;
+// // obj has already escaped so can't use field = 1 for value
+// noescape();
+// } else {
+// // RIGHT
+// // obj is needed for read since we don't know what the left value is
+// obj.field = 2;
+// noescape();
+// }
+// EXIT
+// return obj.field
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadPreserved5) {
+ InitGraph();
+ AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+ "exit",
+ { { "entry", "left" },
+ { "entry", "right" },
+ { "left", "breturn" },
+ { "right", "breturn" },
+ { "breturn", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+ GET_BLOCK(entry);
+ GET_BLOCK(exit);
+ GET_BLOCK(breturn);
+ GET_BLOCK(left);
+ GET_BLOCK(right);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+ HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+ HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+ HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+ HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+ HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ false);
+ HInstruction* new_inst =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+ 0,
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ false,
+ QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+ HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+ entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+ entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+ ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, ¤t_locals);
+ new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 1,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* write_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c1,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* call2_left = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 0,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+ left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(write_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(call2_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+ call_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ call2_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c2,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* call_right = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 0,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(call_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+ call_right->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* read_bottom = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* return_exit = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_bottom);
+ breturn->AddInstruction(read_bottom);
+ breturn->AddInstruction(return_exit);
+ HInstruction* exit_instruction = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+ exit->AddInstruction(exit_instruction);
+ // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+ graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+ PerformLSE();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(read_bottom));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_left));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_right));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// DO NOT ELIMINATE. Kept by escape.
+// obj.field = 3;
+// noescape();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+// // LEFT
+// escape(obj);
+// obj.field = 1;
+// } else {
+// // RIGHT
+// obj.field = 2;
+// }
+// EXIT
+// return obj.field
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadPreserved6) {
+ InitGraph();
+ AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+ "exit",
+ { { "entry", "left" },
+ { "entry", "right" },
+ { "left", "breturn" },
+ { "right", "breturn" },
+ { "breturn", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+ GET_BLOCK(entry);
+ GET_BLOCK(exit);
+ GET_BLOCK(breturn);
+ GET_BLOCK(left);
+ GET_BLOCK(right);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+ HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+ HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+ HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+ HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+ HInstruction* c3 = graph_->GetIntConstant(3);
+ HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ false);
+ HInstruction* new_inst =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+ 0,
+ dex::TypeIndex(10),
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ false,
+ QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+ HInstruction* write_entry = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c3,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* call_entry = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 0,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+ entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+ entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+ entry->AddInstruction(write_entry);
+ entry->AddInstruction(call_entry);
+ entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+ ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, ¤t_locals);
+ new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ call_entry->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+ 1,
+ DataType::Type::kVoid,
+ 0,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ nullptr,
+ {},
+ InvokeType::kStatic,
+ { nullptr, 0 },
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+ HInstruction* write_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c1,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+ left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(write_left);
+ left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+ call_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+ HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+ c2,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+ right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+ right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+ HInstruction* read_bottom = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+ nullptr,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32,
+ MemberOffset(10),
+ false,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ 0);
+ HInstruction* return_exit = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_bottom);
+ breturn->AddInstruction(read_bottom);
+ breturn->AddInstruction(return_exit);
+ HInstruction* exit_instruction = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+ exit->AddInstruction(exit_instruction);
+ // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+ graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+ PerformLSE();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(read_bottom));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_entry));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_left));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_entry));
} // namespace art