Revert^4 "Partial LSE analysis & store removal"
We incorrectly handled merging unknowns in some situations.
Specifically in cases where we are unable to materialize loop-phis we
could end up with PureUnknowns which could end up hiding stores that
need to be kept.
In an unrelated issue we were incorrectly considering some values as
escapes when live at the point of an invoke. Since
SearchPhiPlaceholdersForKeptStores used a more precise notion of
escapes we could end up removing stores without being able to replace
the values.
This reverts commit 2316b3a0779f3721a78681f5c70ed6624ecaebef.
This unreverts commit b6837f0350ff66c13582b0e94178dd5ca283ff0a
This reverts commit fe270426c8a2a69a8f669339e83b86fbf40e25a1.
This unreverts commit bb6cda60e4418c0ab557ea4090e046bed8206763.
Bug: 67037140
Bug: 173120044
Reason for revert: Fixed issue causing incorrect store elimination
Test: ./ --host
Test: Boot cuttlefish
Change-Id: I2ebae9ccfaf5169d551c5019b547589d0fce1dc9
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 5f15822..0110134 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -16,15 +16,20 @@
#include "load_store_elimination.h"
+#include "base/arena_allocator.h"
#include "base/arena_bit_vector.h"
#include "base/array_ref.h"
#include "base/bit_vector-inl.h"
+#include "base/bit_vector.h"
#include "base/scoped_arena_allocator.h"
#include "base/scoped_arena_containers.h"
#include "escape.h"
+#include "execution_subgraph.h"
#include "load_store_analysis.h"
-#include "optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h"
+#include "nodes.h"
+#include "optimizing_compiler_stats.h"
#include "reference_type_propagation.h"
+#include "side_effects_analysis.h"
* The general algorithm of load-store elimination (LSE).
@@ -258,6 +263,7 @@
enum class Type {
+ kMergedUnknown,
@@ -282,6 +288,13 @@
return value;
+ static Value MergedUnknown(const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder) {
+ Value value;
+ value.type_ = Type::kMergedUnknown;
+ value.phi_placeholder_ = phi_placeholder;
+ return value;
+ }
// Default heap value after an allocation.
// A heap location can be set to that value right after an allocation.
static Value Default() {
@@ -325,10 +338,18 @@
return type_ == Type::kInvalid;
- bool IsUnknown() const {
+ bool IsMergedUnknown() const {
+ return type_ == Type::kMergedUnknown;
+ }
+ bool IsPureUnknown() const {
return type_ == Type::kUnknown;
+ bool IsUnknown() const {
+ return type_ == Type::kUnknown || type_ == Type::kMergedUnknown;
+ }
bool IsDefault() const {
return type_ == Type::kDefault;
@@ -355,10 +376,25 @@
const PhiPlaceholder* GetPhiPlaceholder() const {
- DCHECK(NeedsPhi());
+ DCHECK(NeedsPhi() || IsMergedUnknown());
return phi_placeholder_;
+ uint32_t GetMergeBlockId() const {
+ DCHECK(IsMergedUnknown()) << this;
+ return phi_placeholder_->GetBlockId();
+ }
+ HBasicBlock* GetMergeBlock(const HGraph* graph) const {
+ DCHECK(IsMergedUnknown()) << this;
+ return graph->GetBlocks()[GetMergeBlockId()];
+ }
+ size_t GetHeapLocation() const {
+ DCHECK(IsMergedUnknown() || NeedsPhi()) << this;
+ return phi_placeholder_->GetHeapLocation();
+ }
bool Equals(Value other) const {
// Only valid values can be compared.
@@ -369,9 +405,9 @@
(other.IsDefault() && IsInstruction() && IsZeroBitPattern(GetInstruction()));
} else {
// Note: Two unknown values are considered different.
- return IsDefault() ||
- (IsInstruction() && GetInstruction() == other.GetInstruction()) ||
- (NeedsPhi() && GetPhiPlaceholder() == other.GetPhiPlaceholder());
+ return IsDefault() || (IsInstruction() && GetInstruction() == other.GetInstruction()) ||
+ (NeedsPhi() && GetPhiPlaceholder() == other.GetPhiPlaceholder()) ||
+ (IsMergedUnknown() && GetPhiPlaceholder() == other.GetPhiPlaceholder());
@@ -379,7 +415,11 @@
return Equals(ForInstruction(instruction));
+ std::ostream& Dump(std::ostream& os) const;
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Value& v);
Type type_;
union {
HInstruction* instruction_;
@@ -397,6 +437,20 @@
return PhiPlaceholderIndex(phi_placeholder.GetPhiPlaceholder());
+ bool IsPartialNoEscape(HBasicBlock* blk, size_t idx) {
+ auto* ri = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(idx)->GetReferenceInfo();
+ auto* sg = ri->GetNoEscapeSubgraph();
+ return ri->IsPartialSingleton() &&
+ std::none_of(sg->GetExcludedCohorts().cbegin(),
+ sg->GetExcludedCohorts().cend(),
+ [&](const ExecutionSubgraph::ExcludedCohort& ex) -> bool {
+ // Make sure we haven't yet and never will escape.
+ return ex.PrecedesBlock(blk) ||
+ ex.ContainsBlock(blk) ||
+ ex.SucceedsBlock(blk);
+ });
+ }
const PhiPlaceholder* GetPhiPlaceholder(uint32_t block_id, size_t idx) const {
size_t phi_placeholders_begin = phi_placeholders_begin_for_block_[block_id];
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = &phi_placeholders_[phi_placeholders_begin + idx];
@@ -545,7 +599,12 @@
// Keep the store referenced by the instruction, or all stores that feed a Phi placeholder.
// This is necessary if the stored heap value can be observed.
void KeepStores(Value value) {
- if (value.IsUnknown()) {
+ if (value.IsPureUnknown()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (value.IsMergedUnknown()) {
+ kept_merged_unknowns_.SetBit(PhiPlaceholderIndex(value));
+ phi_placeholders_to_search_for_kept_stores_.SetBit(PhiPlaceholderIndex(value));
if (value.NeedsPhi()) {
@@ -568,7 +627,9 @@
// We use this function when reading a location with unknown value and
// therefore we cannot know what exact store wrote that unknown value.
// But we can have a phi placeholder here marking multiple stores to keep.
- DCHECK(!heap_values[i].stored_by.IsInstruction());
+ !heap_values[i].stored_by.IsInstruction() ||
+ heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetReferenceInfo()->IsPartialSingleton());
heap_values[i].stored_by = Value::Unknown();
} else if (heap_location_collector_.MayAlias(i, loc_index)) {
@@ -779,7 +840,8 @@
ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& heap_values = heap_values_for_[block->GetBlockId()];
for (size_t i = 0u, size = heap_values.size(); i != size; ++i) {
ReferenceInfo* ref_info = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetReferenceInfo();
- if (!ref_info->IsSingletonAndRemovable()) {
+ if (!ref_info->IsSingletonAndRemovable() &&
+ !(ref_info->IsPartialSingleton() && IsPartialNoEscape(block, i))) {
heap_values[i].stored_by = Value::Unknown();
@@ -804,7 +866,23 @@
for (size_t i = 0u, size = heap_values.size(); i != size; ++i) {
ReferenceInfo* ref_info = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetReferenceInfo();
- if (ref_info->IsSingleton()) {
+ ArrayRef<const ExecutionSubgraph::ExcludedCohort> cohorts =
+ ref_info->GetNoEscapeSubgraph()->GetExcludedCohorts();
+ HBasicBlock* blk = instruction->GetBlock();
+ // We don't need to do anything if the reference has not escaped at this point.
+ // This is true if either we (1) never escape or (2) sometimes escape but
+ // there is no possible execution where we have done so at this time. NB
+ // We count being in the excluded cohort as escaping. Technically, this is
+ // a bit over-conservative (since we can have multiple non-escaping calls
+ // before a single escaping one) but this simplifies everything greatly.
+ if (ref_info->IsSingleton() ||
+ // partial and we aren't currently escaping and we haven't escaped yet.
+ (ref_info->IsPartialSingleton() && ref_info->GetNoEscapeSubgraph()->ContainsBlock(blk) &&
+ std::none_of(cohorts.begin(),
+ cohorts.end(),
+ [&](const ExecutionSubgraph::ExcludedCohort& cohort) {
+ return cohort.PrecedesBlock(blk);
+ }))) {
// Singleton references cannot be seen by the callee.
} else {
if (side_effects.DoesAnyRead() || side_effects.DoesAnyWrite()) {
@@ -953,11 +1031,44 @@
// The unknown heap value is used to mark Phi placeholders that cannot be replaced.
ScopedArenaVector<Value> phi_placeholder_replacements_;
+ // Merged-unknowns that must have their predecessor values kept to ensure
+ // partially escaped values are written
+ ArenaBitVector kept_merged_unknowns_;
ScopedArenaVector<HInstruction*> singleton_new_instances_;
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Value& v);
+std::ostream& LSEVisitor::Value::Dump(std::ostream& os) const {
+ switch (type_) {
+ case Type::kDefault:
+ return os << "Default";
+ case Type::kInstruction:
+ return os << "Instruction[id: " << instruction_->GetId()
+ << ", block: " << instruction_->GetBlock()->GetBlockId() << "]";
+ case Type::kUnknown:
+ return os << "Unknown";
+ case Type::kInvalid:
+ return os << "Invalid";
+ case Type::kMergedUnknown:
+ return os << "MergedUnknown[block: " << phi_placeholder_->GetBlockId()
+ << ", heap_loc: " << phi_placeholder_->GetHeapLocation() << "]";
+ case Type::kNeedsLoopPhi:
+ return os << "NeedsLoopPhi[block: " << phi_placeholder_->GetBlockId()
+ << ", heap_loc: " << phi_placeholder_->GetHeapLocation() << "]";
+ case Type::kNeedsNonLoopPhi:
+ return os << "NeedsNonLoopPhi[block: " << phi_placeholder_->GetBlockId()
+ << ", heap_loc: " << phi_placeholder_->GetHeapLocation() << "]";
+ }
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const LSEVisitor::Value& v) {
+ return v.Dump(os);
ScopedArenaVector<LSEVisitor::PhiPlaceholder> LSEVisitor::CreatePhiPlaceholders(
HGraph* graph,
const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector,
@@ -1032,6 +1143,10 @@
+ kept_merged_unknowns_(&allocator_,
+ /*start_bits=*/ phi_placeholders_.size(),
+ /*expandable=*/ false,
+ kArenaAllocLSE),
singleton_new_instances_(allocator_.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE)) {
// Clear bit vectors.
@@ -1049,18 +1164,21 @@
uint32_t pre_header_block_id = loop_info->GetPreHeader()->GetBlockId();
Value pre_header_value = ReplacementOrValue(heap_values_for_[pre_header_block_id][idx].value);
if (pre_header_value.IsUnknown()) {
- return Value::Unknown();
+ return pre_header_value;
if (kIsDebugBuild) {
// Check that the reference indeed dominates this loop.
HeapLocation* location = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(idx);
HInstruction* ref = location->GetReferenceInfo()->GetReference();
- CHECK(ref->GetBlock() != block && ref->GetBlock()->Dominates(block));
+ CHECK(ref->GetBlock() != block && ref->GetBlock()->Dominates(block))
+ << GetGraph()->PrettyMethod();
// Check that the index, if defined inside the loop, tracks a default value
// or a Phi placeholder requiring a loop Phi.
HInstruction* index = location->GetIndex();
if (index != nullptr && loop_info->Contains(*index->GetBlock())) {
- CHECK(pre_header_value.NeedsLoopPhi() || pre_header_value.Equals(Value::Default()));
+ CHECK(pre_header_value.NeedsLoopPhi() || pre_header_value.Equals(Value::Default()))
+ << GetGraph()->PrettyMethod() << " blk: " << block->GetBlockId() << " "
+ << pre_header_value;
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = GetPhiPlaceholder(block->GetBlockId(), idx);
@@ -1115,14 +1233,20 @@
Value merged_value =
for (size_t i = 1u, size = predecessors.size(); i != size; ++i) {
- if (merged_value.IsUnknown()) {
- break;
- }
Value pred_value =
- if (pred_value.IsUnknown()) {
- merged_value = Value::Unknown();
- } else if (!pred_value.Equals(merged_value)) {
+ if (pred_value.Equals(merged_value)) {
+ // Value is the same. No need to update our merged value.
+ continue;
+ } else if (pred_value.IsUnknown() || merged_value.IsUnknown()) {
+ // If one is unknown and the other is a different type of unknown
+ const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = GetPhiPlaceholder(block->GetBlockId(), idx);
+ merged_value = Value::MergedUnknown(phi_placeholder);
+ // We know that at least one of the merge points is unknown (and both are
+ // not pure-unknowns since that's captured above). This means that the
+ // overall value needs to be a MergedUnknown. Just return that.
+ break;
+ } else {
// There are conflicting known values. We may still be able to replace loads with a Phi.
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = GetPhiPlaceholder(block->GetBlockId(), idx);
// Propagate the need for a new loop Phi from all predecessors.
@@ -1130,6 +1254,8 @@
merged_value = ReplacementOrValue(Value::ForPhiPlaceholder(phi_placeholder, needs_loop_phi));
+ DCHECK(!merged_value.IsPureUnknown() || block->GetPredecessors().size() <= 1)
+ << merged_value << " in " << GetGraph()->PrettyMethod();
return merged_value;
@@ -1247,7 +1373,8 @@
for (HBasicBlock* predecessor : current_block->GetPredecessors()) {
Value pred_value = ReplacementOrValue(heap_values_for_[predecessor->GetBlockId()][idx].value);
- DCHECK(!pred_value.IsUnknown());
+ DCHECK(!pred_value.IsUnknown())
+ << "block " << current_block->GetBlockId() << " pred: " << predecessor->GetBlockId();
if (pred_value.NeedsNonLoopPhi()) {
// We need to process the Phi placeholder first.
@@ -1287,8 +1414,10 @@
} else if (record.value.IsUnknown()) {
// Load isn't eliminated. Put the load as the value into the HeapLocation.
// This acts like GVN but with better aliasing analysis.
+ Value old_value = record.value;
record.value = Value::ForInstruction(instruction);
KeepStoresIfAliasedToLocation(heap_values, idx);
+ KeepStores(old_value);
} else if (record.value.NeedsLoopPhi()) {
// We do not know yet if the value is known for all back edges. Record for future processing.
loads_requiring_loop_phi_.insert(std::make_pair(instruction, record));
@@ -1864,7 +1993,8 @@
void LSEVisitor::ProcessLoopPhiWithUnknownInput(const PhiPlaceholder* loop_phi_with_unknown_input) {
size_t loop_phi_with_unknown_input_index = PhiPlaceholderIndex(loop_phi_with_unknown_input);
- phi_placeholder_replacements_[loop_phi_with_unknown_input_index] = Value::Unknown();
+ phi_placeholder_replacements_[loop_phi_with_unknown_input_index] =
+ Value::MergedUnknown(loop_phi_with_unknown_input);
uint32_t block_id = loop_phi_with_unknown_input->GetBlockId();
const ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*> reverse_post_order = GetGraph()->GetReversePostOrder();
@@ -1895,7 +2025,8 @@
Value value;
if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
if (block->GetLoopInformation()->IsIrreducible()) {
- value = Value::Unknown();
+ const PhiPlaceholder* placeholder = GetPhiPlaceholder(block->GetBlockId(), idx);
+ value = Value::MergedUnknown(placeholder);
} else {
value = PrepareLoopValue(block, idx);
@@ -2047,8 +2178,22 @@
const ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*>& blocks = GetGraph()->GetBlocks();
+ std::optional<ArenaBitVector> not_kept_stores;
+ if (stats_) {
+ not_kept_stores.emplace(GetGraph()->GetAllocator(),
+ kept_stores_.GetBitSizeOf(),
+ false,
+ ArenaAllocKind::kArenaAllocLSE);
+ }
while (!work_queue.empty()) {
- const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = &phi_placeholders_[work_queue.back()];
+ uint32_t cur_phi_idx = work_queue.back();
+ const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = &phi_placeholders_[cur_phi_idx];
+ // Only writes to partial-escapes need to be specifically kept.
+ bool is_partial_kept_merged_unknown =
+ kept_merged_unknowns_.IsBitSet(cur_phi_idx) &&
+ heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation())
+ ->GetReferenceInfo()
+ ->IsPartialSingleton();
size_t idx = phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation();
HBasicBlock* block = blocks[phi_placeholder->GetBlockId()];
@@ -2091,18 +2236,39 @@
if (!stored_by.IsUnknown() && (i == idx || may_alias(i))) {
if (stored_by.NeedsPhi()) {
size_t phi_placeholder_index = PhiPlaceholderIndex(stored_by);
+ if (is_partial_kept_merged_unknown) {
+ // Propagate merged-unknown keep since otherwise this might look
+ // like a partial escape we can remove.
+ kept_merged_unknowns_.SetBit(phi_placeholder_index);
+ }
if (!phi_placeholders_to_search_for_kept_stores_.IsBitSet(phi_placeholder_index)) {
} else {
- kept_stores_.SetBit(stored_by.GetInstruction()->GetId());
+ ReferenceInfo* ri = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetReferenceInfo();
+ DCHECK(ri != nullptr) << "No heap value for " << stored_by.GetInstruction()->DebugName()
+ << " id: " << stored_by.GetInstruction()->GetId() << " block: "
+ << stored_by.GetInstruction()->GetBlock()->GetBlockId();
+ if (!is_partial_kept_merged_unknown && IsPartialNoEscape(predecessor, idx)) {
+ if (not_kept_stores) {
+ not_kept_stores->SetBit(stored_by.GetInstruction()->GetId());
+ }
+ } else {
+ kept_stores_.SetBit(stored_by.GetInstruction()->GetId());
+ }
+ if (not_kept_stores) {
+ // a - b := (a & ~b)
+ not_kept_stores->Subtract(&kept_stores_);
+ auto num_removed = not_kept_stores->NumSetBits();
+ MaybeRecordStat(stats_, MethodCompilationStat::kPartialStoreRemoved, num_removed);
+ }
void LSEVisitor::UpdateValueRecordForStoreElimination(/*inout*/ValueRecord* value_record) {
@@ -2273,6 +2439,7 @@
if (!new_instance->HasNonEnvironmentUses()) {
+ MaybeRecordStat(stats_, MethodCompilationStat::kFullLSEAllocationRemoved);
@@ -2284,8 +2451,14 @@
// Skip this optimization.
return false;
+ // We need to be able to determine reachability. Clear it just to be safe but
+ // this should initially be empty.
+ graph_->ClearReachabilityInformation();
+ // This is O(blocks^3) time complexity. It means we can query reachability in
+ // O(1) though.
+ graph_->ComputeReachabilityInformation();
ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
- LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, &allocator);
+ LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, stats_, &allocator, /*for_elimination=*/true);
const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector = lsa.GetHeapLocationCollector();
if (heap_location_collector.GetNumberOfHeapLocations() == 0) {