Direct calls to @CriticalNative methods.
Emit direct calls from compiled managed code to the native
code registered with the method, avoiding the JNI stub.
Golem results:
art-opt-cc x86 x86-64 arm arm64
NativeDowncallStaticCritical +12.5% +62.5% +75.9% +41.7%
NativeDowncallStaticCritical6 +55.6% +87.5% +72.1% +35.3%
art-opt x86 x86-64 arm arm64
NativeDowncallStaticCritical +28.6% +85.6% +76.4% +38.4%
NativeDowncallStaticCritical6 +44.6% +44.6% +74.6% +32.2%
Test: Covered by 178-app-image-native-method.
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: --host --debuggable --ndebuggable \
--optimizing --jit --jit-on-first-use
Test: --target --optimizing
Test: --target --debuggable --ndebuggable \
--optimizing --jit --jit-on-first-use -t 178
Test: aosp_cf_x86_phone-userdebug boots.
Test: aosp_cf_x86_phone-userdebug/jitzygote boots.
Bug: 112189621
Change-Id: I8b37da51e8fe0b7bc513bb81b127fe0416068866
diff --git a/compiler/jni/ b/compiler/jni/
index 2db1390..685e1e2 100644
--- a/compiler/jni/
+++ b/compiler/jni/
@@ -314,6 +314,12 @@
ASSERT_TRUE(jmethod_ != nullptr) << method_name << " " << method_sig;
+ // Make sure the test class is visibly initialized so that the RegisterNatives() below
+ // sets the JNI entrypoint rather than leaving it as null (this test pretends to be an
+ // AOT compiler and therefore the ClassLinker skips entrypoint initialization). Even
+ // if the ClassLinker initialized it with a stub, we would not want to test that here.
+ class_linker_->MakeInitializedClassesVisiblyInitialized(Thread::Current(), /*wait=*/ true);
if (native_fnptr != nullptr) {
JNINativeMethod methods[] = { { method_name, method_sig, native_fnptr } };
ASSERT_EQ(JNI_OK, env_->RegisterNatives(jklass_, methods, 1))