Reland "More entrypoint handling cleanup."

This reverts commit 8cedd8b45854cb971510a435909573a5855092d2.

Reason for revert: Fixed test

Change-Id: I551912891b65cac9927dcdb89033113f290d913c
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index e227aa2..82b1cc2 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -3309,66 +3309,6 @@
-bool ClassLinker::ShouldUseInterpreterEntrypoint(ArtMethod* method, const void* quick_code) {
-  ScopedAssertNoThreadSuspension sants(__FUNCTION__);
-  if (UNLIKELY(method->IsNative() || method->IsProxyMethod())) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (quick_code == nullptr) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
-  instrumentation::Instrumentation* instr = runtime->GetInstrumentation();
-  if (instr->InterpretOnly()) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (runtime->GetClassLinker()->IsQuickToInterpreterBridge(quick_code)) {
-    // Doing this check avoids doing compiled/interpreter transitions.
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (Thread::Current()->IsForceInterpreter()) {
-    // Force the use of interpreter when it is required by the debugger.
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (Thread::Current()->IsAsyncExceptionPending()) {
-    // Force use of interpreter to handle async-exceptions
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (quick_code == GetQuickInstrumentationEntryPoint()) {
-    const void* instr_target = instr->GetCodeForInvoke(method);
-    DCHECK_NE(instr_target, GetQuickInstrumentationEntryPoint()) << method->PrettyMethod();
-    return ShouldUseInterpreterEntrypoint(method, instr_target);
-  }
-  if (runtime->IsJavaDebuggable()) {
-    // For simplicity, we ignore precompiled code and go to the interpreter
-    // assuming we don't already have jitted code.
-    // We could look at the oat file where `quick_code` is being defined,
-    // and check whether it's been compiled debuggable, but we decided to
-    // only rely on the JIT for debuggable apps.
-    jit::Jit* jit = Runtime::Current()->GetJit();
-    return (jit == nullptr) || !jit->GetCodeCache()->ContainsPc(quick_code);
-  }
-  if (runtime->IsNativeDebuggable()) {
-    DCHECK(runtime->UseJitCompilation() && runtime->GetJit()->JitAtFirstUse());
-    // If we are doing native debugging, ignore application's AOT code,
-    // since we want to JIT it (at first use) with extra stackmaps for native
-    // debugging. We keep however all AOT code from the boot image,
-    // since the JIT-at-first-use is blocking and would result in non-negligible
-    // startup performance impact.
-    return !runtime->GetHeap()->IsInBootImageOatFile(quick_code);
-  }
-  return false;
 void ClassLinker::FixupStaticTrampolines(Thread* self, ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass) {
   ScopedAssertNoThreadSuspension sants(__FUNCTION__);
   DCHECK(klass->IsVisiblyInitialized()) << klass->PrettyDescriptor();
@@ -3395,17 +3335,12 @@
   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
-  if (!runtime->IsStarted()) {
-    if (runtime->IsAotCompiler() || runtime->GetHeap()->HasBootImageSpace()) {
-      return;  // OAT file unavailable.
-    }
+  if (runtime->IsAotCompiler()) {
+    // We should not update entrypoints when running the transactional
+    // interpreter.
+    return;
-  const DexFile& dex_file = klass->GetDexFile();
-  bool has_oat_class;
-  OatFile::OatClass oat_class = OatFile::FindOatClass(dex_file,
-                                                      klass->GetDexClassDefIndex(),
-                                                      &has_oat_class);
   // Link the code of methods skipped by LinkCode.
   for (size_t method_index = 0; method_index < num_direct_methods; ++method_index) {
     ArtMethod* method = klass->GetDirectMethod(method_index, pointer_size);
@@ -3413,42 +3348,8 @@
       // Only update static methods.
-    const void* quick_code = nullptr;
-    // In order:
-    // 1) Check if we have AOT Code.
-    // 2) Check if we have JIT Code.
-    // 3) Check if we can use Nterp.
-    if (has_oat_class) {
-      OatFile::OatMethod oat_method = oat_class.GetOatMethod(method_index);
-      quick_code = oat_method.GetQuickCode();
-    }
-    jit::Jit* jit = runtime->GetJit();
-    if (quick_code == nullptr && jit != nullptr) {
-      quick_code = jit->GetCodeCache()->GetSavedEntryPointOfPreCompiledMethod(method);
-    }
-    if (quick_code == nullptr &&
-        interpreter::CanRuntimeUseNterp() &&
-        CanMethodUseNterp(method)) {
-      quick_code = interpreter::GetNterpEntryPoint();
-    }
-    // Check whether the method is native, in which case it's generic JNI.
-    if (quick_code == nullptr && method->IsNative()) {
-      quick_code = GetQuickGenericJniStub();
-    } else if (ShouldUseInterpreterEntrypoint(method, quick_code)) {
-      // Use interpreter entry point.
-      if (IsQuickToInterpreterBridge(method->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode())) {
-        // If we have the trampoline or the bridge already, no need to update.
-        // This saves in not dirtying boot image memory.
-        continue;
-      }
-      quick_code = GetQuickToInterpreterBridge();
-    }
-    CHECK(quick_code != nullptr);
-    runtime->GetInstrumentation()->UpdateMethodsCode(method, quick_code);
+    instrumentation::Instrumentation* instrumentation = runtime->GetInstrumentation();
+    instrumentation->UpdateMethodsCode(method, instrumentation->GetCodeForInvoke(method));
   // Ignore virtual methods on the iterator.
@@ -3477,6 +3378,7 @@
   // Method shouldn't have already been linked.
   DCHECK(method->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode() == nullptr);
+  DCHECK(!method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsVisiblyInitialized());  // Actually ClassStatus::Idx.
   if (!method->IsInvokable()) {
     EnsureThrowsInvocationError(class_linker, method);
@@ -3490,46 +3392,13 @@
     const OatFile::OatMethod oat_method = oat_class->GetOatMethod(class_def_method_index);
     quick_code = oat_method.GetQuickCode();
-  bool enter_interpreter = class_linker->ShouldUseInterpreterEntrypoint(method, quick_code);
-  // Note: this mimics the logic in that installs the resolution
-  // stub only if we have compiled code and the method needs a class initialization
-  // check.
-  if (quick_code == nullptr) {
-    if (method->IsNative()) {
-      method->SetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode(GetQuickGenericJniStub());
-    } else {
-      // Note we cannot use the nterp entrypoint because we do not know if the
-      // method will need the slow interpreter for lock verification. This will
-      // be updated in EnsureSkipAccessChecksMethods.
-      method->SetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode(GetQuickToInterpreterBridge());
-    }
-  } else if (enter_interpreter) {
-    method->SetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode(GetQuickToInterpreterBridge());
-  } else if (NeedsClinitCheckBeforeCall(method)) {
-    DCHECK(!method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsVisiblyInitialized());  // Actually ClassStatus::Idx.
-    // If we do have code but the method needs a class initialization check before calling
-    // that code, install the resolution stub that will perform the check.
-    // It will be replaced by the proper entry point by ClassLinker::FixupStaticTrampolines
-    // after initializing class (see ClassLinker::InitializeClass method).
-    method->SetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode(GetQuickResolutionStub());
-  } else {
-    method->SetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode(quick_code);
-  }
+  runtime->GetInstrumentation()->InitializeMethodsCode(method, quick_code);
   if (method->IsNative()) {
     // Set up the dlsym lookup stub. Do not go through `UnregisterNative()`
     // as the extra processing for @CriticalNative is not needed yet.
         method->IsCriticalNative() ? GetJniDlsymLookupCriticalStub() : GetJniDlsymLookupStub());
-    if (enter_interpreter || quick_code == nullptr) {
-      // We have a native method here without code. Then it should have the generic JNI
-      // trampoline as entrypoint.
-      // TODO: this doesn't handle all the cases where trampolines may be installed.
-      DCHECK(class_linker->IsQuickGenericJniStub(method->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode()));
-    }