Quick compiler: generalize NarrowRegLoc()

Some of the RegStorage utilites (DoubleToLowSingle(),
DoubleToHighSingle(), etc.) worked only for targets which
which treat double precision registers as a pair of aliased
single precision registers.

This CL elminates those utilities, and replaces them with
a new RegisterInfo utility that will search an aliased register
set and return the member matching the required storage
configuration (if it exists).

Change-Id: Iff5de10f467d20a56e1a89df9fbf30d1cf63c240
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/codegen_util.cc b/compiler/dex/quick/codegen_util.cc
index 256135d..3fbbc4e 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/codegen_util.cc
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/codegen_util.cc
@@ -1201,21 +1201,27 @@
 RegLocation Mir2Lir::NarrowRegLoc(RegLocation loc) {
-  loc.wide = false;
   if (loc.location == kLocPhysReg) {
+    DCHECK(!loc.reg.Is32Bit());
     if (loc.reg.IsPair()) {
-      loc.reg = loc.reg.GetLow();
+      RegisterInfo* info_lo = GetRegInfo(loc.reg.GetLow());
+      RegisterInfo* info_hi = GetRegInfo(loc.reg.GetHigh());
+      info_lo->SetIsWide(false);
+      info_hi->SetIsWide(false);
+      loc.reg = info_lo->GetReg();
     } else {
-      // FIXME: temp workaround.
-      // Issue here: how do we narrow to a 32-bit value in 64-bit container?
-      // Probably the wrong thing to narrow the RegStorage container here.  That
-      // should be a target decision.  At the RegLocation level, we're only
-      // modifying the view of the Dalvik value - this is orthogonal to the storage
-      // container size.  Consider this a temp workaround.
-      DCHECK(loc.reg.IsDouble());
-      loc.reg = loc.reg.DoubleToLowSingle();
+      RegisterInfo* info = GetRegInfo(loc.reg);
+      RegisterInfo* info_new = info->FindMatchingView(RegisterInfo::k32SoloStorageMask);
+      DCHECK(info_new != nullptr);
+      if (info->IsLive() && (info->SReg() == loc.s_reg_low)) {
+        info->MarkDead();
+        info_new->MarkLive(loc.s_reg_low);
+      }
+      loc.reg = info_new->GetReg();
+    DCHECK(loc.reg.Valid());
+  loc.wide = false;
   return loc;