Replace String CharArray with internal uint16_t array.
Summary of high level changes:
- Adds compiler inliner support to identify string init methods
- Adds compiler support (quick & optimizing) with new invoke code path
that calls method off the thread pointer
- Adds thread entrypoints for all string init methods
- Adds map to verifier to log when receiver of string init has been
copied to other registers. used by compiler and interpreter
Change-Id: I797b992a8feb566f9ad73060011ab6f51eb7ce01
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/string-inl.h b/runtime/mirror/string-inl.h
index b367cff..8f5a7d4 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/string-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/string-inl.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "array.h"
#include "class.h"
+#include "gc/heap-inl.h"
#include "intern_table.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#include "string.h"
@@ -29,41 +30,147 @@
namespace mirror {
inline uint32_t String::ClassSize() {
- uint32_t vtable_entries = Object::kVTableLength + 51;
+ uint32_t vtable_entries = Object::kVTableLength + 52;
return Class::ComputeClassSize(true, vtable_entries, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2);
-inline uint16_t String::UncheckedCharAt(int32_t index) {
- return GetCharArray()->Get(index + GetOffset());
+// Sets string count in the allocation code path to ensure it is guarded by a CAS.
+class SetStringCountVisitor {
+ public:
+ explicit SetStringCountVisitor(int32_t count) : count_(count) {
+ }
-inline CharArray* String::GetCharArray() {
- return GetFieldObject<CharArray>(ValueOffset());
+ void operator()(Object* obj, size_t usable_size ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const
+ SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ // Avoid AsString as object is not yet in live bitmap or allocation stack.
+ String* string = down_cast<String*>(obj);
+ string->SetCount(count_);
+ }
-inline int32_t String::GetLength() {
- int32_t result = GetField32(OFFSET_OF_OBJECT_MEMBER(String, count_));
- DCHECK(result >= 0 && result <= GetCharArray()->GetLength());
- return result;
+ private:
+ const int32_t count_;
-inline void String::SetArray(CharArray* new_array) {
- // Array is invariant so use non-transactional mode. Also disable check as we may run inside
- // a transaction.
- DCHECK(new_array != nullptr);
- SetFieldObject<false, false>(OFFSET_OF_OBJECT_MEMBER(String, array_), new_array);
+// Sets string count and value in the allocation code path to ensure it is guarded by a CAS.
+class SetStringCountAndBytesVisitor {
+ public:
+ SetStringCountAndBytesVisitor(int32_t count, uint8_t* src, int32_t high_byte)
+ : count_(count), src_(src), high_byte_(high_byte) {
+ }
+ void operator()(Object* obj, size_t usable_size ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const
+ SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ // Avoid AsString as object is not yet in live bitmap or allocation stack.
+ String* string = down_cast<String*>(obj);
+ string->SetCount(count_);
+ uint16_t* value = string->GetValue();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count_; i++) {
+ value[i] = high_byte_ + (src_[i] & 0xFF);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ const int32_t count_;
+ const uint8_t* const src_;
+ const int32_t high_byte_;
+// Sets string count and value in the allocation code path to ensure it is guarded by a CAS.
+class SetStringCountAndValueVisitor {
+ public:
+ SetStringCountAndValueVisitor(int32_t count, uint16_t* src) : count_(count), src_(src) {
+ }
+ void operator()(Object* obj, size_t usable_size) const
+ SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ UNUSED(usable_size);
+ // Avoid AsString as object is not yet in live bitmap or allocation stack.
+ String* string = down_cast<String*>(obj);
+ string->SetCount(count_);
+ memcpy(string->GetValue(), src_, count_ * sizeof(uint16_t));
+ }
+ private:
+ const int32_t count_;
+ const uint16_t* const src_;
inline String* String::Intern() {
return Runtime::Current()->GetInternTable()->InternWeak(this);
+inline uint16_t String::CharAt(int32_t index) {
+ int32_t count = GetField32(OFFSET_OF_OBJECT_MEMBER(String, count_));
+ if (UNLIKELY((index < 0) || (index >= count))) {
+ Thread* self = Thread::Current();
+ self->ThrowNewExceptionF("Ljava/lang/StringIndexOutOfBoundsException;",
+ "length=%i; index=%i", count, index);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return GetValue()[index];
+template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags>
+inline size_t String::SizeOf() {
+ return sizeof(String) + (sizeof(uint16_t) * GetLength<kVerifyFlags>());
+template <bool kIsInstrumented, typename PreFenceVisitor>
+inline String* String::Alloc(Thread* self, int32_t utf16_length, gc::AllocatorType allocator_type,
+ const PreFenceVisitor& pre_fence_visitor) {
+ size_t header_size = sizeof(String);
+ size_t data_size = sizeof(uint16_t) * utf16_length;
+ size_t size = header_size + data_size;
+ Class* string_class = GetJavaLangString();
+ // Check for overflow and throw OutOfMemoryError if this was an unreasonable request.
+ if (UNLIKELY(size < data_size)) {
+ self->ThrowOutOfMemoryError(StringPrintf("%s of length %d would overflow",
+ PrettyDescriptor(string_class).c_str(),
+ utf16_length).c_str());
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ gc::Heap* heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap();
+ return down_cast<String*>(
+ heap->AllocObjectWithAllocator<kIsInstrumented, false>(self, string_class, size,
+ allocator_type, pre_fence_visitor));
+template <bool kIsInstrumented>
+inline String* String::AllocFromByteArray(Thread* self, int32_t byte_length,
+ Handle<ByteArray> array, int32_t offset,
+ int32_t high_byte, gc::AllocatorType allocator_type) {
+ uint8_t* data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(array->GetData()) + offset;
+ SetStringCountAndBytesVisitor visitor(byte_length, data, high_byte << 8);
+ String* string = Alloc<kIsInstrumented>(self, byte_length, allocator_type, visitor);
+ return string;
+template <bool kIsInstrumented>
+inline String* String::AllocFromCharArray(Thread* self, int32_t array_length,
+ Handle<CharArray> array, int32_t offset,
+ gc::AllocatorType allocator_type) {
+ uint16_t* data = array->GetData() + offset;
+ SetStringCountAndValueVisitor visitor(array_length, data);
+ String* new_string = Alloc<kIsInstrumented>(self, array_length, allocator_type, visitor);
+ return new_string;
+template <bool kIsInstrumented>
+inline String* String::AllocFromString(Thread* self, int32_t string_length, Handle<String> string,
+ int32_t offset, gc::AllocatorType allocator_type) {
+ uint16_t* data = string->GetValue() + offset;
+ SetStringCountAndValueVisitor visitor(string_length, data);
+ String* new_string = Alloc<kIsInstrumented>(self, string_length, allocator_type, visitor);
+ return new_string;
inline int32_t String::GetHashCode() {
int32_t result = GetField32(OFFSET_OF_OBJECT_MEMBER(String, hash_code_));
if (UNLIKELY(result == 0)) {
result = ComputeHashCode();
- DCHECK(result != 0 || ComputeUtf16Hash(GetCharArray(), GetOffset(), GetLength()) == 0)
+ DCHECK(result != 0 || ComputeUtf16Hash(GetValue(), GetLength()) == 0)
<< ToModifiedUtf8() << " " << result;
return result;