dex2oat: handle the case when a dm file and a vdex file are passed.

Package manager can pass both when an app moves location (for example,
it moves to a sdcard).

In this situation, just arbitrarily take the vdex file.

Bug: 210081649
Bug: 210431530
Change-Id: I5ff972ae6ad86efa60f9ae25dae0ab9202ab9ff0
diff --git a/dex2oat/ b/dex2oat/
index 3d956e2..32016d1 100644
--- a/dex2oat/
+++ b/dex2oat/
@@ -705,11 +705,6 @@
       Usage("--oat-fd should not be used with --image");
-    if ((input_vdex_fd_ != -1 || !input_vdex_.empty()) &&
-        (dm_fd_ != -1 || !dm_file_location_.empty())) {
-      Usage("An input vdex should not be passed with a .dm file");
-    }
     if (!parser_options->oat_symbols.empty() &&
         parser_options->oat_symbols.size() != oat_filenames_.size()) {
       Usage("--oat-file arguments do not match --oat-symbols arguments");
@@ -1348,11 +1343,16 @@
+    // If we have a dm file and a vdex file, we (arbitrarily) pick the vdex file.
+    // In theory the files should be the same.
     if (dm_file_ != nullptr) {
-      DCHECK(input_vdex_file_ == nullptr);
-      input_vdex_file_ = VdexFile::OpenFromDm(dm_file_location_, *dm_file_);
-      if (input_vdex_file_ != nullptr) {
-        VLOG(verifier) << "Doing fast verification with vdex from DexMetadata archive";
+      if (input_vdex_file_ == nullptr) {
+        input_vdex_file_ = VdexFile::OpenFromDm(dm_file_location_, *dm_file_);
+        if (input_vdex_file_ != nullptr) {
+          VLOG(verifier) << "Doing fast verification with vdex from DexMetadata archive";
+        }
+      } else {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Ignoring vdex file in dex metadata due to vdex file already being passed";