Check oat files of boot images.

Before this change, oat files of boot images were not checked when we
load boot images. We need this check to ensure that the boot images are
up-to-date, especially when we move the primary boot image out of the

This check is performed at an early stage, rather than when the oat
files are actually loaded for execution, in order to determine whether
the runtime should re-compile the boot image or not.

On boot, the check itself costs ~100ms for the primary instruction set.
However, the overall boot time regression is neglectable (<10ms). This
is probably because the cost is amortized later when oat files are
loaded for execution, due to caches. The boot time impact is tested for
10 times on a high-end device.

Bug: 209963183
Test: All ART gtests and run-tests in Presubmits.
Change-Id: I5c6f3edd633fd980c51c00d02b813659996e85dd
diff --git a/runtime/gc/space/ b/runtime/gc/space/
index 0885159..caae3c6 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/space/
+++ b/runtime/gc/space/
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 #include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
 #include "android-base/strings.h"
 #include "android-base/unique_fd.h"
 #include "arch/instruction_set.h"
 #include "art_field-inl.h"
 #include "art_method-inl.h"
@@ -1514,6 +1513,12 @@
                       const char* file_description,
                       /*out*/std::string* error_msg);
+  bool ValidateOatFile(const std::string& base_location,
+                       const std::string& base_filename,
+                       size_t bcp_index,
+                       size_t component_count,
+                       /*out*/std::string* error_msg);
   bool ReadHeader(const std::string& base_location,
                   const std::string& base_filename,
                   size_t bcp_index,
@@ -1820,6 +1825,68 @@
   return true;
+bool ImageSpace::BootImageLayout::ValidateOatFile(
+    const std::string& base_location,
+    const std::string& base_filename,
+    size_t bcp_index,
+    size_t component_count,
+    /*out*/std::string* error_msg) {
+  std::string art_filename = ExpandLocation(base_filename, bcp_index);
+  std::string art_location = ExpandLocation(base_location, bcp_index);
+  std::string oat_filename = ImageHeader::GetOatLocationFromImageLocation(art_filename);
+  std::string oat_location = ImageHeader::GetOatLocationFromImageLocation(art_location);
+  int oat_fd =
+      bcp_index < boot_class_path_oat_fds_.size() ? boot_class_path_oat_fds_[bcp_index] : -1;
+  int vdex_fd =
+      bcp_index < boot_class_path_vdex_fds_.size() ? boot_class_path_vdex_fds_[bcp_index] : -1;
+  auto dex_filenames =
+      ArrayRef<const std::string>(boot_class_path_).SubArray(bcp_index, component_count);
+  auto dex_fds =
+      bcp_index + component_count < boot_class_path_fds_.size() ?
+          ArrayRef<const int>(boot_class_path_fds_).SubArray(bcp_index, component_count) :
+          ArrayRef<const int>();
+  // We open the oat file here only for validating that it's up-to-date. We don't open it as
+  // executable or mmap it to a reserved space. This `OatFile` object will be dropped after
+  // validation, and will not go into the `ImageSpace`.
+  std::unique_ptr<OatFile> oat_file;
+  DCHECK_EQ(oat_fd >= 0, vdex_fd >= 0);
+  if (oat_fd >= 0) {
+    oat_file.reset(OatFile::Open(
+        /*zip_fd=*/ -1,
+        vdex_fd,
+        oat_fd,
+        oat_location,
+        /*executable=*/ false,
+        /*low_4gb=*/ false,
+        dex_filenames,
+        dex_fds,
+        /*reservation=*/ nullptr,
+        error_msg));
+  } else {
+    oat_file.reset(OatFile::Open(
+        /*zip_fd=*/ -1,
+        oat_filename,
+        oat_location,
+        /*executable=*/ false,
+        /*low_4gb=*/ false,
+        dex_filenames,
+        dex_fds,
+        /*reservation=*/ nullptr,
+        error_msg));
+  }
+  if (oat_file == nullptr) {
+    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to open oat file '%s' when validating it for image '%s': %s",
+                              oat_filename.c_str(),
+                              art_location.c_str(),
+                              error_msg->c_str());
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!ImageSpace::ValidateOatFile(*oat_file, error_msg, dex_filenames, dex_fds)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
 bool ImageSpace::BootImageLayout::ReadHeader(const std::string& base_location,
                                              const std::string& base_filename,
                                              size_t bcp_index,
@@ -1848,6 +1915,15 @@
     return false;
+  // Validate oat files. We do it here so that the boot image will be re-compiled in memory if it's
+  // outdated.
+  size_t component_count = (header.GetImageSpaceCount() == 1u) ? header.GetComponentCount() : 1u;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < header.GetImageSpaceCount(); i++) {
+    if (!ValidateOatFile(base_location, base_filename, bcp_index + i, component_count, error_msg)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
   if (chunks_.empty()) {
     base_address_ = reinterpret_cast32<uint32_t>(header.GetImageBegin());
@@ -3221,6 +3297,8 @@
     return false;
+  // Load the image. We don't validate oat files in this stage because they have been validated
+  // before.
   if (!LoadImage(layout,
                  /*validate_oat_file=*/ false,
@@ -3378,20 +3456,32 @@
 bool ImageSpace::ValidateOatFile(const OatFile& oat_file, std::string* error_msg) {
-  const ArtDexFileLoader dex_file_loader;
-  for (const OatDexFile* oat_dex_file : oat_file.GetOatDexFiles()) {
-    const std::string& dex_file_location = oat_dex_file->GetDexFileLocation();
+  return ValidateOatFile(oat_file, error_msg, ArrayRef<const std::string>(), ArrayRef<const int>());
+bool ImageSpace::ValidateOatFile(const OatFile& oat_file,
+                                 std::string* error_msg,
+                                 ArrayRef<const std::string> dex_filenames,
+                                 ArrayRef<const int> dex_fds) {
+  const ArtDexFileLoader dex_file_loader;
+  size_t dex_file_index = 0;
+  for (const OatDexFile* oat_dex_file : oat_file.GetOatDexFiles()) {
     // Skip multidex locations - These will be checked when we visit their
     // corresponding primary non-multidex location.
-    if (DexFileLoader::IsMultiDexLocation(dex_file_location.c_str())) {
+    if (DexFileLoader::IsMultiDexLocation(oat_dex_file->GetDexFileLocation().c_str())) {
+    DCHECK(dex_filenames.empty() || dex_file_index < dex_filenames.size());
+    const std::string& dex_file_location =
+        dex_filenames.empty() ? oat_dex_file->GetDexFileLocation() : dex_filenames[dex_file_index];
+    int dex_fd = dex_file_index < dex_fds.size() ? dex_fds[dex_file_index] : -1;
+    dex_file_index++;
     std::vector<uint32_t> checksums;
     std::vector<std::string> dex_locations_ignored;
     if (!dex_file_loader.GetMultiDexChecksums(
-        dex_file_location.c_str(), &checksums, &dex_locations_ignored, error_msg)) {
+            dex_file_location.c_str(), &checksums, &dex_locations_ignored, error_msg, dex_fd)) {
       *error_msg = StringPrintf("ValidateOatFile failed to get checksums of dex file '%s' "
                                 "referenced by oat file %s: %s",
diff --git a/runtime/gc/space/image_space.h b/runtime/gc/space/image_space.h
index 5cf751c..d366b5b 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/space/image_space.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/space/image_space.h
@@ -278,6 +278,16 @@
   // This function is exposed for testing purposes.
   static bool ValidateOatFile(const OatFile& oat_file, std::string* error_msg);
+  // Same as above, but allows to use `dex_filenames` and `dex_fds` to find the dex files instead of
+  // using the dex filenames in the header of the oat file. This overload is useful when the actual
+  // dex filenames are different from what's in the header (e.g., when we run dex2oat on host), or
+  // when the runtime can only access files through FDs (e.g., when we run dex2oat on target in a
+  // restricted SELinux domain).
+  static bool ValidateOatFile(const OatFile& oat_file,
+                              std::string* error_msg,
+                              ArrayRef<const std::string> dex_filenames,
+                              ArrayRef<const int> dex_fds);
   // Return the end of the image which includes non-heap objects such as ArtMethods and ArtFields.
   uint8_t* GetImageEnd() const {
     return Begin() + GetImageHeader().GetImageSize();