Ignore catch blocks whose type can't be resolved.

Reverts change 72b3e430d880ef57eaa6a34a0822165994052202 but keeps unit test and
missing delete that would fail assertions on long jump context recycling.

Change-Id: I926755e8b831b208aa7e1ce46421bef3793a1441
diff --git a/runtime/catch_block_stack_visitor.cc b/runtime/catch_block_stack_visitor.cc
index 55b330a..b820276 100644
--- a/runtime/catch_block_stack_visitor.cc
+++ b/runtime/catch_block_stack_visitor.cc
@@ -50,17 +50,9 @@
   if (dex_pc != DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {
     bool clear_exception = false;
-    bool exc_changed = false;
     StackHandleScope<1> hs(Thread::Current());
     Handle<mirror::Class> to_find(hs.NewHandle((*exception_)->GetClass()));
-    uint32_t found_dex_pc = method->FindCatchBlock(to_find, dex_pc, &clear_exception,
-                                                   &exc_changed);
-    if (UNLIKELY(exc_changed)) {
-      DCHECK_EQ(DexFile::kDexNoIndex, found_dex_pc);
-      exception_->Assign(self_->GetException(nullptr));  // TODO: Throw location?
-      // There is a new context installed, delete it.
-      delete self_->GetLongJumpContext();
-    }
+    uint32_t found_dex_pc = method->FindCatchBlock(to_find, dex_pc, &clear_exception);
     if (found_dex_pc != DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/interpreter_common.h b/runtime/interpreter/interpreter_common.h
index cfc90a6..f69fecc 100644
--- a/runtime/interpreter/interpreter_common.h
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/interpreter_common.h
@@ -587,16 +587,10 @@
   ThrowLocation throw_location;
   mirror::Throwable* exception = self->GetException(&throw_location);
   bool clear_exception = false;
-  bool new_exception = false;
   StackHandleScope<3> hs(self);
   Handle<mirror::Class> exception_class(hs.NewHandle(exception->GetClass()));
   uint32_t found_dex_pc = shadow_frame.GetMethod()->FindCatchBlock(exception_class, dex_pc,
-                                                                   &clear_exception,
-                                                                   &new_exception);
-  if (UNLIKELY(new_exception)) {
-    // Update the exception.
-    exception = self->GetException(&throw_location);
-  }
+                                                                   &clear_exception);
   if (found_dex_pc == DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {
     instrumentation->MethodUnwindEvent(self, this_object,
                                        shadow_frame.GetMethod(), dex_pc);
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/art_method.cc b/runtime/mirror/art_method.cc
index e2d3f41..c01fc72 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/art_method.cc
+++ b/runtime/mirror/art_method.cc
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
 uint32_t ArtMethod::FindCatchBlock(Handle<Class> exception_type, uint32_t dex_pc,
-                                   bool* has_no_move_exception, bool* exc_changed) {
+                                   bool* has_no_move_exception) {
   MethodHelper mh(this);
   const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = mh.GetCodeItem();
   // Set aside the exception while we resolve its type.
@@ -251,17 +251,16 @@
     // Does this catch exception type apply?
     Class* iter_exception_type = mh.GetClassFromTypeIdx(iter_type_idx);
-    if (iter_exception_type == nullptr) {
-      // Now have a NoClassDefFoundError as exception.
+    if (UNLIKELY(iter_exception_type == nullptr)) {
+      // Now have a NoClassDefFoundError as exception. Ignore in case the exception class was
+      // removed by a pro-guard like tool.
       // Note: this is not RI behavior. RI would have failed when loading the class.
-      *exc_changed = true;
-      // TODO: Add old exception as suppressed.
+      self->ClearException();
+      // Delete any long jump context as this routine is called during a stack walk which will
+      // release its in use context at the end.
+      delete self->GetLongJumpContext();
       LOG(WARNING) << "Unresolved exception class when finding catch block: "
-        << mh.GetTypeDescriptorFromTypeIdx(iter_type_idx);
-      // Return immediately.
-      return DexFile::kDexNoIndex;
+        << DescriptorToDot(mh.GetTypeDescriptorFromTypeIdx(iter_type_idx));
     } else if (iter_exception_type->IsAssignableFrom(exception_type.Get())) {
       found_dex_pc = it.GetHandlerAddress();
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/art_method.h b/runtime/mirror/art_method.h
index 2e8253f..f901512 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/art_method.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/art_method.h
@@ -398,11 +398,8 @@
   // Find the catch block for the given exception type and dex_pc. When a catch block is found,
   // indicates whether the found catch block is responsible for clearing the exception or whether
   // a move-exception instruction is present.
-  // In the process of finding a catch block we might trigger resolution errors. This is flagged
-  // by exc_changed, which indicates that a different exception is now stored in the thread and
-  // should be reloaded.
   uint32_t FindCatchBlock(Handle<Class> exception_type, uint32_t dex_pc,
-                          bool* has_no_move_exception, bool* exc_changed)
+                          bool* has_no_move_exception)
   static void SetClass(Class* java_lang_reflect_ArtMethod);
diff --git a/test/111-unresolvable-exception/expected.txt b/test/111-unresolvable-exception/expected.txt
index 052dd74..f8a1e96 100644
--- a/test/111-unresolvable-exception/expected.txt
+++ b/test/111-unresolvable-exception/expected.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Caught class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
+Got expected exception.
diff --git a/test/111-unresolvable-exception/src/Main.java b/test/111-unresolvable-exception/src/Main.java
index ba07ee1..adeb0a2 100644
--- a/test/111-unresolvable-exception/src/Main.java
+++ b/test/111-unresolvable-exception/src/Main.java
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
         throw new RuntimeException();  // Trigger exception handling.
       } catch (TestException e) {      // This handler will have an unresolvable class.
       } catch (Exception e) {          // General-purpose handler
-        System.out.println("Should not get here!");
+        System.out.println("Got expected exception.");