Refined add/sub analysis vis-a-vis SIMD idioms.

Slightly more general detection of + and - with
constants ensures less cases are undetected.

Bug: b/74026074

Test: test-art-host,target
Change-Id: Ie5bb2dd10294436a27487e5a1ddc77d9e2dd2303
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 1d83815..71e24de 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@
                                /*out*/ HInstruction** r,
                                /*out*/ HInstruction** s,
                                /*out*/ bool* is_unsigned) {
+  DCHECK(a != nullptr && b != nullptr);
   // Look for a matching sign extension.
   DataType::Type stype = HVecOperation::ToSignedType(type);
   if (IsSignExtensionAndGet(a, stype, r) && IsSignExtensionAndGet(b, stype, s)) {
@@ -247,6 +248,7 @@
                               DataType::Type type,
                               /*out*/ HInstruction** r,
                               /*out*/ bool* is_unsigned) {
+  DCHECK(a != nullptr);
   // Look for a matching sign extension.
   DataType::Type stype = HVecOperation::ToSignedType(type);
   if (IsSignExtensionAndGet(a, stype, r)) {
@@ -270,20 +272,28 @@
   return vl >> (DataType::SizeShift(other_type) - DataType::SizeShift(vector_type));
-// Detect up to two instructions a and b, and an acccumulated constant c.
-static bool IsAddConstHelper(HInstruction* instruction,
-                             /*out*/ HInstruction** a,
-                             /*out*/ HInstruction** b,
-                             /*out*/ int64_t* c,
-                             int32_t depth) {
-  static constexpr int32_t kMaxDepth = 8;  // don't search too deep
+// Detect up to two added operands a and b and an acccumulated constant c.
+static bool IsAddConst(HInstruction* instruction,
+                       /*out*/ HInstruction** a,
+                       /*out*/ HInstruction** b,
+                       /*out*/ int64_t* c,
+                       int32_t depth = 8) {  // don't search too deep
   int64_t value = 0;
+  // Enter add/sub while still within reasonable depth.
+  if (depth > 0) {
+    if (instruction->IsAdd()) {
+      return IsAddConst(instruction->InputAt(0), a, b, c, depth - 1) &&
+             IsAddConst(instruction->InputAt(1), a, b, c, depth - 1);
+    } else if (instruction->IsSub() &&
+               IsInt64AndGet(instruction->InputAt(1), &value)) {
+      *c -= value;
+      return IsAddConst(instruction->InputAt(0), a, b, c, depth - 1);
+    }
+  }
+  // Otherwise, deal with leaf nodes.
   if (IsInt64AndGet(instruction, &value)) {
     *c += value;
     return true;
-  } else if (instruction->IsAdd() && depth <= kMaxDepth) {
-    return IsAddConstHelper(instruction->InputAt(0), a, b, c, depth + 1) &&
-           IsAddConstHelper(instruction->InputAt(1), a, b, c, depth + 1);
   } else if (*a == nullptr) {
     *a = instruction;
     return true;
@@ -291,42 +301,40 @@
     *b = instruction;
     return true;
-  return false;  // too many non-const operands
+  return false;  // too many operands
-// Detect a + b + c for an optional constant c.
-static bool IsAddConst(HInstruction* instruction,
-                       /*out*/ HInstruction** a,
-                       /*out*/ HInstruction** b,
-                       /*out*/ int64_t* c) {
-  if (instruction->IsAdd()) {
-    // Try to find a + b and accumulated c.
-    if (IsAddConstHelper(instruction->InputAt(0), a, b, c, /*depth*/ 0) &&
-        IsAddConstHelper(instruction->InputAt(1), a, b, c, /*depth*/ 0) &&
-        *b != nullptr) {
-      return true;
+// Detect a + b + c with optional constant c.
+static bool IsAddConst2(HGraph* graph,
+                        HInstruction* instruction,
+                        /*out*/ HInstruction** a,
+                        /*out*/ HInstruction** b,
+                        /*out*/ int64_t* c) {
+  if (IsAddConst(instruction, a, b, c) && *a != nullptr) {
+    if (*b == nullptr) {
+      // Constant is usually already present, unless accumulated.
+      *b = graph->GetConstant(instruction->GetType(), (*c));
+      *c = 0;
-    // Found a + b.
-    *a = instruction->InputAt(0);
-    *b = instruction->InputAt(1);
-    *c = 0;
     return true;
   return false;
-// Detect a + c for constant c.
-static bool IsAddConst(HInstruction* instruction,
-                       /*out*/ HInstruction** a,
-                       /*out*/ int64_t* c) {
-  if (instruction->IsAdd()) {
-    if (IsInt64AndGet(instruction->InputAt(0), c)) {
-      *a = instruction->InputAt(1);
-      return true;
-    } else if (IsInt64AndGet(instruction->InputAt(1), c)) {
-      *a = instruction->InputAt(0);
-      return true;
-    }
+// Detect a direct a - b or a hidden a - (-c).
+static bool IsSubConst2(HGraph* graph,
+                        HInstruction* instruction,
+                        /*out*/ HInstruction** a,
+                        /*out*/ HInstruction** b) {
+  int64_t c = 0;
+  if (instruction->IsSub()) {
+    *a = instruction->InputAt(0);
+    *b = instruction->InputAt(1);
+    return true;
+  } else if (IsAddConst(instruction, a, b, &c) && *a != nullptr && *b == nullptr) {
+    // Constant for the hidden subtraction.
+    *b = graph->GetConstant(instruction->GetType(), -c);
+    return true;
   return false;
@@ -378,7 +386,8 @@
 // Accept various saturated addition forms.
-static bool IsSaturatedAdd(HInstruction* clippee,
+static bool IsSaturatedAdd(HInstruction* a,
+                           HInstruction* b,
                            DataType::Type type,
                            int64_t lo,
                            int64_t hi,
@@ -390,8 +399,7 @@
   // Tighten the range for signed single clipping on constant.
   if (!is_unsigned) {
     int64_t c = 0;
-    HInstruction* notused = nullptr;
-    if (IsAddConst(clippee, &notused, &c)) {
+    if (IsInt64AndGet(a, &c) || IsInt64AndGet(b, &c)) {
       // For c in proper range and narrower operand r:
       //    MIN(r + c,  127) c > 0
       // or MAX(r + c, -128) c < 0 (and possibly redundant bound).
@@ -413,7 +421,7 @@
 // Accept various saturated subtraction forms.
-static bool IsSaturatedSub(HInstruction* clippee,
+static bool IsSaturatedSub(HInstruction* a,
                            DataType::Type type,
                            int64_t lo,
                            int64_t hi,
@@ -425,7 +433,7 @@
   // Tighten the range for signed single clipping on constant.
   if (!is_unsigned) {
     int64_t c = 0;
-    if (IsInt64AndGet(clippee->InputAt(0), /*out*/ &c)) {
+    if (IsInt64AndGet(a, /*out*/ &c)) {
       // For c in proper range and narrower operand r:
       //    MIN(c - r,  127) c > 0
       // or MAX(c - r, -128) c < 0 (and possibly redundant bound).
@@ -1521,8 +1529,7 @@
       return false;  // reject, unless all operands are same-extension narrower
     // Accept MIN/MAX(x, y) for vectorizable operands.
-    DCHECK(r != nullptr);
-    DCHECK(s != nullptr);
+    DCHECK(r != nullptr && s != nullptr);
     if (generate_code && vector_mode_ != kVector) {  // de-idiom
       r = opa;
       s = opb;
@@ -2026,31 +2033,37 @@
       instruction->GetType() != DataType::Type::kInt64) {
     return false;
-  // Clipped addition or subtraction?
+  // Clipped addition or subtraction on narrower operands? We will try both
+  // formats since, e.g., x+c can be interpreted as x+c and x-(-c), depending
+  // on what clipping values are used, to get most benefits.
   int64_t lo = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
   int64_t hi = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
   HInstruction* clippee = FindClippee(instruction, &lo, &hi);
-  bool is_add = true;
-  if (clippee->IsAdd()) {
-    is_add = true;
-  } else if (clippee->IsSub()) {
-    is_add = false;
-  } else {
-    return false;  // clippee is not add/sub
-  }
-  // Addition or subtraction on narrower operands?
+  HInstruction* a = nullptr;
+  HInstruction* b = nullptr;
   HInstruction* r = nullptr;
   HInstruction* s = nullptr;
   bool is_unsigned = false;
-  if (IsNarrowerOperands(clippee->InputAt(0), clippee->InputAt(1), type, &r, &s, &is_unsigned) &&
-      (is_add ? IsSaturatedAdd(clippee, type, lo, hi, is_unsigned)
-              : IsSaturatedSub(clippee, type, lo, hi, is_unsigned))) {
-    DCHECK(r != nullptr);
-    DCHECK(s != nullptr);
+  bool is_add = true;
+  int64_t c = 0;
+  // First try for saturated addition.
+  if (IsAddConst2(graph_, clippee, /*out*/ &a, /*out*/ &b, /*out*/ &c) && c == 0 &&
+      IsNarrowerOperands(a, b, type, &r, &s, &is_unsigned) &&
+      IsSaturatedAdd(r, s, type, lo, hi, is_unsigned)) {
+    is_add = true;
   } else {
-    return false;
+    // Then try again for saturated subtraction.
+    a = b = r = s = nullptr;
+    if (IsSubConst2(graph_, clippee, /*out*/ &a, /*out*/ &b) &&
+        IsNarrowerOperands(a, b, type, &r, &s, &is_unsigned) &&
+        IsSaturatedSub(r, type, lo, hi, is_unsigned)) {
+      is_add = false;
+    } else {
+      return false;
+    }
   // Accept saturation idiom for vectorizable operands.
+  DCHECK(r != nullptr && s != nullptr);
   if (generate_code && vector_mode_ != kVector) {  // de-idiom
     r = instruction->InputAt(0);
     s = instruction->InputAt(1);
@@ -2101,8 +2114,7 @@
     HInstruction* a = nullptr;
     HInstruction* b = nullptr;
     int64_t       c = 0;
-    if (IsAddConst(instruction->InputAt(0), /*out*/ &a, /*out*/ &b, /*out*/ &c)) {
-      DCHECK(a != nullptr && b != nullptr);
+    if (IsAddConst2(graph_, instruction->InputAt(0), /*out*/ &a, /*out*/ &b, /*out*/ &c)) {
       // Accept c == 1 (rounded) or c == 0 (not rounded).
       bool is_rounded = false;
       if (c == 1) {
@@ -2124,8 +2136,7 @@
       // Accept recognized halving add for vectorizable operands. Vectorized code uses the
       // shorthand idiomatic operation. Sequential code uses the original scalar expressions.
-      DCHECK(r != nullptr);
-      DCHECK(s != nullptr);
+      DCHECK(r != nullptr && s != nullptr);
       if (generate_code && vector_mode_ != kVector) {  // de-idiom
         r = instruction->InputAt(0);
         s = instruction->InputAt(1);
@@ -2175,19 +2186,11 @@
   HInstruction* v = instruction->InputAt(1);
   HInstruction* a = nullptr;
   HInstruction* b = nullptr;
-  if (v->GetType() == reduction_type && v->IsAbs()) {
-    HInstruction* x = v->InputAt(0);
-    if (x->GetType() == reduction_type) {
-      int64_t c = 0;
-      if (x->IsSub()) {
-        a = x->InputAt(0);
-        b = x->InputAt(1);
-      } else if (IsAddConst(x, /*out*/ &a, /*out*/ &c)) {
-        b = graph_->GetConstant(reduction_type, -c);  // hidden SUB!
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (a == nullptr || b == nullptr) {
+  if (v->IsAbs() &&
+      v->GetType() == reduction_type &&
+      IsSubConst2(graph_, v->InputAt(0), /*out*/ &a, /*out*/ &b)) {
+    DCHECK(a != nullptr && b != nullptr);
+  } else {
     return false;
   // Accept same-type or consistent sign extension for narrower-type on operands a and b.
@@ -2220,8 +2223,7 @@
   // Accept SAD idiom for vectorizable operands. Vectorized code uses the shorthand
   // idiomatic operation. Sequential code uses the original scalar expressions.
-  DCHECK(r != nullptr);
-  DCHECK(s != nullptr);
+  DCHECK(r != nullptr && s != nullptr);
   if (generate_code && vector_mode_ != kVector) {  // de-idiom
     r = s = v->InputAt(0);
diff --git a/test/646-checker-hadd-short/src/ b/test/646-checker-hadd-short/src/
index 85c2fca..c09da81 100644
--- a/test/646-checker-hadd-short/src/
+++ b/test/646-checker-hadd-short/src/
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@
   static short[] sB2 = new short[M];
   static short[] sBo = new short[M];
+  private static int $inline$mone() {
+    return -1;
+  }
   /// CHECK-START: void Main.halving_add_signed(short[], short[], short[]) loop_optimization (before)
   /// CHECK-DAG: <<I1:i\d+>>   IntConstant 1                       loop:none
   /// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi:i\d+>>  Phi                                 loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
@@ -184,6 +188,35 @@
+  /// CHECK-START: void Main.rounding_halving_add_signed_alt3(short[], short[], short[]) loop_optimization (before)
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<I1:i\d+>>   IntConstant 1                       loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<M1:i\d+>>   IntConstant -1                      loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<I9:i\d+>>   IntConstant 9                       loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<M9:i\d+>>   IntConstant -9                      loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi:i\d+>>  Phi                                 loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:s\d+>> ArrayGet                            loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get2:s\d+>> ArrayGet                            loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Add1:i\d+>> Add [<<Get1>>,<<I9>>]               loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Add2:i\d+>> Add [<<Get2>>,<<M9>>]               loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Add3:i\d+>> Add [<<Add1>>,<<Add2>>]             loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Sub:i\d+>>  Sub [<<Add3>>,<<M1>>]               loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Shr:i\d+>>  Shr [<<Sub>>,<<I1>>]                loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnv:s\d+>>  TypeConversion [<<Shr>>]            loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:               ArraySet [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Cnv>>] loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  //
+  /// CHECK-START-{ARM,ARM64,MIPS64}: void Main.rounding_halving_add_signed_alt3(short[], short[], short[]) loop_optimization (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:d\d+>> VecLoad                               loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get2:d\d+>> VecLoad                               loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<HAdd:d\d+>> VecHalvingAdd [<<Get1>>,<<Get2>>] packed_type:Int16 rounded:true loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},{{i\d+}},<<HAdd>>] loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  private static void rounding_halving_add_signed_alt3(short[] b1, short[] b2, short[] bo) {
+    int min_length = Math.min(bo.length, Math.min(b1.length, b2.length));
+    for (int i = 0; i < min_length; i++) {
+      // Computations that cancel to adding 1 also do not confuse recognition.
+      bo[i] = (short) (((b1[i] + 9) + (b2[i] - 9) - $inline$mone()) >> 1);
+    }
+  }
   /// CHECK-START: void Main.rounding_halving_add_unsigned(short[], short[], short[]) instruction_simplifier (before)
   /// CHECK-DAG: <<I1:i\d+>>   IntConstant 1                       loop:none
   /// CHECK-DAG: <<UMAX:i\d+>> IntConstant 65535                   loop:none
@@ -366,6 +399,11 @@
       short e = (short) ((sB1[i] + sB2[i] + 1) >> 1);
       expectEquals(e, sBo[i]);
+    rounding_halving_add_signed_alt3(sB1, sB2, sBo);
+    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
+      short e = (short) ((sB1[i] + sB2[i] + 1) >> 1);
+      expectEquals(e, sBo[i]);
+    }
     rounding_halving_add_unsigned(sB1, sB2, sBo);
     for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
       short e = (short) (((sB1[i] & 0xffff) + (sB2[i] & 0xffff) + 1) >> 1);
diff --git a/test/660-checker-simd-sad-short/src/ b/test/660-checker-simd-sad-short/src/
index 8a44d9e..77c9e53 100644
--- a/test/660-checker-simd-sad-short/src/
+++ b/test/660-checker-simd-sad-short/src/
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
 public class Main {
+  private static int $inline$seven() {
+    return 7;
+  }
   // TODO: lower precision still coming, b/64091002
   private static short sadShort2Short(short[] s1, short[] s2) {
@@ -153,6 +157,102 @@
     return sad;
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.sadShort2IntConstant1(short[]) loop_optimization (before)
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons0:i\d+>>  IntConstant 0                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons1:i\d+>>  IntConstant 1                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons:i\d+>>   IntConstant -7                 loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi1:i\d+>>   Phi [<<Cons0>>,{{i\d+}}]       loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi2:i\d+>>   Phi [<<Cons0>>,{{i\d+}}]       loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:s\d+>>   ArrayGet [{{l\d+}},<<Phi1>>]   loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Add:i\d+>>    Add [<<Get1>>,<<Cons>>]        loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Intrin:i\d+>> Abs [<<Add>>]                  loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                 Add [<<Phi2>>,<<Intrin>>]      loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                 Add [<<Phi1>>,<<Cons1>>]       loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  //
+  /// CHECK-START-{ARM64,MIPS64}: int Main.sadShort2IntConstant1(short[]) loop_optimization (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons0:i\d+>>  IntConstant 0                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons1:i\d+>>  IntConstant 1                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons:i\d+>>   IntConstant 7                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons8:i\d+>>  IntConstant 8                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Rep:d\d+>>    VecReplicateScalar [<<Cons>>]  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Set:d\d+>>    VecSetScalars [<<Cons0>>]      loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi1:i\d+>>   Phi [<<Cons0>>,{{i\d+}}]       loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi2:d\d+>>   Phi [<<Set>>,{{d\d+}}]         loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Load1:d\d+>>  VecLoad [{{l\d+}},<<Phi1>>]    loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<SAD:d\d+>>    VecSADAccumulate [<<Phi2>>,<<Load1>>,<<Rep>>] loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                 Add [<<Phi1>>,<<Cons8>>]       loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  private static int sadShort2IntConstant1(short[] s) {
+    int sad = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
+      sad += Math.abs(s[i] - 7);  // s[i] + -7
+    }
+    return sad;
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.sadShort2IntConstant2(short[]) loop_optimization (before)
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons0:i\d+>>  IntConstant 0                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons1:i\d+>>  IntConstant 1                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons:i\d+>>   IntConstant 7                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi1:i\d+>>   Phi [<<Cons0>>,{{i\d+}}]       loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi2:i\d+>>   Phi [<<Cons0>>,{{i\d+}}]       loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:s\d+>>   ArrayGet [{{l\d+}},<<Phi1>>]   loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Sub:i\d+>>    Sub [<<Get1>>,<<Cons>>]        loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Intrin:i\d+>> Abs [<<Sub>>]                  loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                 Add [<<Phi2>>,<<Intrin>>]      loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                 Add [<<Phi1>>,<<Cons1>>]       loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  //
+  /// CHECK-START-{ARM64,MIPS64}: int Main.sadShort2IntConstant2(short[]) loop_optimization (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons0:i\d+>>  IntConstant 0                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons1:i\d+>>  IntConstant 1                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons:i\d+>>   IntConstant 7                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons8:i\d+>>  IntConstant 8                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Rep:d\d+>>    VecReplicateScalar [<<Cons>>]  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Set:d\d+>>    VecSetScalars [<<Cons0>>]      loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi1:i\d+>>   Phi [<<Cons0>>,{{i\d+}}]       loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi2:d\d+>>   Phi [<<Set>>,{{d\d+}}]         loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Load1:d\d+>>  VecLoad [{{l\d+}},<<Phi1>>]    loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<SAD:d\d+>>    VecSADAccumulate [<<Phi2>>,<<Load1>>,<<Rep>>] loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                 Add [<<Phi1>>,<<Cons8>>]       loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  private static int sadShort2IntConstant2(short[] s) {
+    int sad = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
+      sad += Math.abs(s[i] - $inline$seven());  // s[i] - 7
+    }
+    return sad;
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.sadShort2IntConstant3(short[]) loop_optimization (before)
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons0:i\d+>>  IntConstant 0                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons1:i\d+>>  IntConstant 1                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons:i\d+>>   IntConstant 7                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi1:i\d+>>   Phi [<<Cons0>>,{{i\d+}}]       loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi2:i\d+>>   Phi [<<Cons0>>,{{i\d+}}]       loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:s\d+>>   ArrayGet [{{l\d+}},<<Phi1>>]   loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Add:i\d+>>    Add [<<Get1>>,<<Cons>>]        loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Intrin:i\d+>> Abs [<<Add>>]                  loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                 Add [<<Phi2>>,<<Intrin>>]      loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                 Add [<<Phi1>>,<<Cons1>>]       loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  //
+  /// CHECK-START-{ARM64,MIPS64}: int Main.sadShort2IntConstant3(short[]) loop_optimization (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons0:i\d+>>  IntConstant 0                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons1:i\d+>>  IntConstant 1                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons:i\d+>>   IntConstant -7                 loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons8:i\d+>>  IntConstant 8                  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Rep:d\d+>>    VecReplicateScalar [<<Cons>>]  loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Set:d\d+>>    VecSetScalars [<<Cons0>>]      loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi1:i\d+>>   Phi [<<Cons0>>,{{i\d+}}]       loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi2:d\d+>>   Phi [<<Set>>,{{d\d+}}]         loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Load1:d\d+>>  VecLoad [{{l\d+}},<<Phi1>>]    loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<SAD:d\d+>>    VecSADAccumulate [<<Phi2>>,<<Load1>>,<<Rep>>] loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                 Add [<<Phi1>>,<<Cons8>>]       loop:<<Loop>>      outer_loop:none
+  private static int sadShort2IntConstant3(short[] s) {
+    int sad = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
+      sad += Math.abs(s[i] + $inline$seven());  // hidden s[i] - (-7)
+    }
+    return sad;
+  }
   /// CHECK-START: long Main.sadShort2Long(short[], short[]) loop_optimization (before)
   /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons0:i\d+>>  IntConstant 0                  loop:none
   /// CHECK-DAG: <<Cons1:i\d+>>  IntConstant 1                  loop:none
@@ -243,6 +343,9 @@
     expectEquals(65535, sadShort2IntAlt(s2, s1));
     expectEquals(65535, sadShort2IntAlt2(s1, s2));
     expectEquals(65535, sadShort2IntAlt2(s2, s1));
+    expectEquals(32880, sadShort2IntConstant1(s1));
+    expectEquals(32880, sadShort2IntConstant2(s1));
+    expectEquals(32866, sadShort2IntConstant3(s1));
     expectEquals(65535L, sadShort2Long(s1, s2));
     expectEquals(65535L, sadShort2Long(s2, s1));
     expectEquals(65536L, sadShort2LongAt1(s1, s2));
@@ -279,6 +382,9 @@
     expectEquals(1291788, sadShort2Int(s1, s2));
     expectEquals(1291788, sadShort2IntAlt(s1, s2));
     expectEquals(1291788, sadShort2IntAlt2(s1, s2));
+    expectEquals(823907, sadShort2IntConstant1(s1));
+    expectEquals(823907, sadShort2IntConstant2(s1));
+    expectEquals(823953, sadShort2IntConstant3(s1));
     expectEquals(1291788L, sadShort2Long(s1, s2));
     expectEquals(1291789L, sadShort2LongAt1(s1, s2));
diff --git a/test/678-checker-simd-saturation/src/ b/test/678-checker-simd-saturation/src/
index d123cc2..decc691 100644
--- a/test/678-checker-simd-saturation/src/
+++ b/test/678-checker-simd-saturation/src/
@@ -19,6 +19,14 @@
 public class Main {
+  static final int $inline$p15() {
+    return 15;
+  }
+  static final int $inline$m15() {
+    return -15;
+  }
   // Direct min-max.
@@ -230,8 +238,8 @@
   /// CHECK-START-{ARM,ARM64}: void Main.satSubPConstSByte(byte[], byte[]) loop_optimization (after)
   /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:d\d+>> VecReplicateScalar                   loop:none
   /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get2:d\d+>> VecLoad [{{l\d+}},<<Phi:i\d+>>]      loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
-  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Add:d\d+>>  VecSaturationSub [<<Get1>>,<<Get2>>] packed_type:Int8 loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
-  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Add>>]  loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Sub:d\d+>>  VecSaturationSub [<<Get1>>,<<Get2>>] packed_type:Int8 loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Sub>>]  loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
   public static void satSubPConstSByte(byte[] a, byte[] b) {
     int n = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
@@ -242,8 +250,8 @@
   /// CHECK-START-{ARM,ARM64}: void Main.satSubNConstSByte(byte[], byte[]) loop_optimization (after)
   /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:d\d+>> VecReplicateScalar                   loop:none
   /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get2:d\d+>> VecLoad [{{l\d+}},<<Phi:i\d+>>]      loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
-  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Add:d\d+>>  VecSaturationSub [<<Get1>>,<<Get2>>] packed_type:Int8 loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
-  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Add>>]  loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Sub:d\d+>>  VecSaturationSub [<<Get1>>,<<Get2>>] packed_type:Int8 loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Sub>>]  loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
   public static void satSubNConstSByte(byte[] a, byte[] b) {
     int n = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
@@ -282,8 +290,8 @@
   /// CHECK-START-{ARM,ARM64}: void Main.satSubPConstSShort(short[], short[]) loop_optimization (after)
   /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:d\d+>> VecReplicateScalar                   loop:none
   /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get2:d\d+>> VecLoad [{{l\d+}},<<Phi:i\d+>>]      loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
-  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Add:d\d+>>  VecSaturationSub [<<Get1>>,<<Get2>>] packed_type:Int16 loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
-  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Add>>]  loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Sub:d\d+>>  VecSaturationSub [<<Get1>>,<<Get2>>] packed_type:Int16 loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Sub>>]  loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
   public static void satSubPConstSShort(short[] a, short[] b) {
     int n = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
@@ -294,8 +302,8 @@
   /// CHECK-START-{ARM,ARM64}: void Main.satSubNConstSShort(short[], short[]) loop_optimization (after)
   /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:d\d+>> VecReplicateScalar                   loop:none
   /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get2:d\d+>> VecLoad [{{l\d+}},<<Phi:i\d+>>]      loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
-  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Add:d\d+>>  VecSaturationSub [<<Get1>>,<<Get2>>] packed_type:Int16 loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
-  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Add>>]  loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Sub:d\d+>>  VecSaturationSub [<<Get1>>,<<Get2>>] packed_type:Int16 loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Sub>>]  loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
   public static void satSubNConstSShort(short[] a, short[] b) {
     int n = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
@@ -304,7 +312,59 @@
-  // Alternatives.
+  // Alternatives 8-bit clipping.
+  //
+  /// CHECK-START-{ARM,ARM64}: void Main.usatAddConst(byte[], byte[]) loop_optimization (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:d\d+>> VecReplicateScalar                   loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get2:d\d+>> VecLoad [{{l\d+}},<<Phi:i\d+>>]      loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Add:d\d+>>  VecSaturationAdd [<<Get2>>,<<Get1>>] packed_type:Uint8 loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Add>>]  loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  public static void usatAddConst(byte[] a, byte[] b) {
+    int n = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      b[i] = (byte) Math.min((a[i] & 0xff) + $inline$p15(), 255);
+    }
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START-{ARM,ARM64}: void Main.usatAddConstAlt(byte[], byte[]) loop_optimization (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:d\d+>> VecReplicateScalar                   loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get2:d\d+>> VecLoad [{{l\d+}},<<Phi:i\d+>>]      loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Add:d\d+>>  VecSaturationAdd [<<Get2>>,<<Get1>>] packed_type:Uint8 loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Add>>]  loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  public static void usatAddConstAlt(byte[] a, byte[] b) {
+    int n = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      b[i] = (byte) Math.min((a[i] & 0xff) - $inline$m15(), 255);
+    }
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START-{ARM,ARM64}: void Main.usatSubConst(byte[], byte[]) loop_optimization (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:d\d+>> VecReplicateScalar                   loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get2:d\d+>> VecLoad [{{l\d+}},<<Phi:i\d+>>]      loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Sub:d\d+>>  VecSaturationSub [<<Get2>>,<<Get1>>] packed_type:Uint8 loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Sub>>]  loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  public static void usatSubConst(byte[] a, byte[] b) {
+    int n = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      b[i] = (byte) Math.max((a[i] & 0xff) - $inline$p15(), 0);
+    }
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START-{ARM,ARM64}: void Main.usatSubConstAlt(byte[], byte[]) loop_optimization (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:d\d+>> VecReplicateScalar                   loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get2:d\d+>> VecLoad [{{l\d+}},<<Phi:i\d+>>]      loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Sub:d\d+>>  VecSaturationSub [<<Get2>>,<<Get1>>] packed_type:Uint8 loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Sub>>]  loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  public static void usatSubConstAlt(byte[] a, byte[] b) {
+    int n = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      b[i] = (byte) Math.max((a[i] & 0xff) + $inline$m15(), 0);
+    }
+  }
+  //
+  // Alternatives 16-bit clipping.
   /// CHECK-START: void Main.satAlt1(short[], short[], short[]) loop_optimization (before)
@@ -442,6 +502,34 @@
+  /// CHECK-START-{ARM,ARM64}: void Main.usatSubConst(short[], short[]) loop_optimization (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:d\d+>> VecReplicateScalar                   loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get2:d\d+>> VecLoad [{{l\d+}},<<Phi:i\d+>>]      loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Sub:d\d+>>  VecSaturationSub [<<Get2>>,<<Get1>>] packed_type:Uint16 loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Sub>>]  loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  public static void usatSubConst(short[] a, short[] b) {
+    int n = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      int t = a[i] & 0xffff;
+      int s = t - $inline$p15();
+      b[i] = (short)(s > 0 ? s : 0);
+    }
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START-{ARM,ARM64}: void Main.usatSubConstAlt(short[], short[]) loop_optimization (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get1:d\d+>> VecReplicateScalar                   loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Get2:d\d+>> VecLoad [{{l\d+}},<<Phi:i\d+>>]      loop:<<Loop:B\d+>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG: <<Sub:d\d+>>  VecSaturationSub [<<Get2>>,<<Get1>>] packed_type:Uint16 loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  /// CHECK-DAG:               VecStore [{{l\d+}},<<Phi>>,<<Sub>>]  loop:<<Loop>> outer_loop:none
+  public static void usatSubConstAlt(short[] a, short[] b) {
+    int n = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      int t = a[i] & 0xffff;
+      int s = t + $inline$m15();
+      b[i] = (short)(s > 0 ? s : 0);
+    }
+  }
   // Test drivers.
@@ -503,6 +591,27 @@
       byte e = (byte) Math.max(-15 - b1[i], -128);
       expectEquals(e, out[i]);
+    // Alternatives.
+    usatAddConst(b1, out);
+    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+      byte e = (byte) Math.min((b1[i] & 0xff) + 15, 255);
+      expectEquals(e, out[i]);
+    }
+    usatAddConstAlt(b1, out);
+    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+      byte e = (byte) Math.min((b1[i] & 0xff) + 15, 255);
+      expectEquals(e, out[i]);
+    }
+    usatSubConst(b1, out);
+    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+      byte e = (byte) Math.max((b1[i] & 0xff) - 15, 0);
+      expectEquals(e, out[i]);
+    }
+    usatSubConstAlt(b1, out);
+    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+      byte e = (byte) Math.max((b1[i] & 0xff) - 15, 0);
+      expectEquals(e, out[i]);
+    }
   private static void test16Bit() {
@@ -630,6 +739,16 @@
       short e = (short) Math.max(Math.min(s1[i] + 15, 32767), -32752);
       expectEquals(e, out[i]);
+    usatSubConst(s1, out);
+    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+      short e = (short) Math.max((s1[i] & 0xffff) - 15, 0);
+      expectEquals(e, out[i]);
+    }
+    usatSubConstAlt(s1, out);
+    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+      short e = (short) Math.max((s1[i] & 0xffff) - 15, 0);
+      expectEquals(e, out[i]);
+    }
   public static void main(String[] args) {