Create allocator adapter for using Arena in std containers.

Create ArenaAllocatorAdapter, similar to the existing
ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter, for allocating memory for
standard containers via the ArenaAllocator. Add the ability
to specify allocation kind rather than just kArenaAllocSTL
to both adapters. Move the scoped arena allocator to the
scoped_arena_containers.h header file.

Define template aliases for containers using the new adapter
and change a few MIRGraph and Mir2Lir members to use them.

Change-Id: I9bbc50248e0fed81729497b848cb29bf68444268
diff --git a/compiler/utils/scoped_arena_allocator.h b/compiler/utils/scoped_arena_allocator.h
index 9f33f2d..62ea330 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/scoped_arena_allocator.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/scoped_arena_allocator.h
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@
     return arena_stack_->Alloc(bytes, kind);
-  // ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter is incomplete here, we need to define this later.
-  ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<void> Adapter();
+  // Get adapter for use in STL containers. See scoped_arena_containers.h .
+  ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<void> Adapter(ArenaAllocKind kind = kArenaAllocSTL);
   // Allow a delete-expression to destroy but not deallocate allocators created by Create().
   static void operator delete(void* ptr) { UNUSED(ptr); }
@@ -138,125 +138,6 @@
-template <>
-class ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<void>
-    : private DebugStackReference, private DebugStackIndirectTopRef {
- public:
-  typedef void value_type;
-  typedef void* pointer;
-  typedef const void* const_pointer;
-  template <typename U>
-  struct rebind {
-    typedef ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<U> other;
-  };
-  explicit ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter(ScopedArenaAllocator* arena_allocator)
-      : DebugStackReference(arena_allocator),
-        DebugStackIndirectTopRef(arena_allocator),
-        arena_stack_(arena_allocator->arena_stack_) {
-  }
-  template <typename U>
-  ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter(const ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<U>& other)
-      : DebugStackReference(other),
-        DebugStackIndirectTopRef(other),
-        arena_stack_(other.arena_stack_) {
-  }
-  ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter(const ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter& other) = default;
-  ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter& operator=(const ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter& other) = default;
-  ~ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter() = default;
- private:
-  ArenaStack* arena_stack_;
-  template <typename U>
-  friend class ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter;
-// Adapter for use of ScopedArenaAllocator in STL containers.
-template <typename T>
-class ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter : private DebugStackReference, private DebugStackIndirectTopRef {
- public:
-  typedef T value_type;
-  typedef T* pointer;
-  typedef T& reference;
-  typedef const T* const_pointer;
-  typedef const T& const_reference;
-  typedef size_t size_type;
-  typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
-  template <typename U>
-  struct rebind {
-    typedef ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<U> other;
-  };
-  explicit ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter(ScopedArenaAllocator* arena_allocator)
-      : DebugStackReference(arena_allocator),
-        DebugStackIndirectTopRef(arena_allocator),
-        arena_stack_(arena_allocator->arena_stack_) {
-  }
-  template <typename U>
-  ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter(const ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<U>& other)
-      : DebugStackReference(other),
-        DebugStackIndirectTopRef(other),
-        arena_stack_(other.arena_stack_) {
-  }
-  ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter(const ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter& other) = default;
-  ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter& operator=(const ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter& other) = default;
-  ~ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter() = default;
-  size_type max_size() const {
-    return static_cast<size_type>(-1) / sizeof(T);
-  }
-  pointer address(reference x) const { return &x; }
-  const_pointer address(const_reference x) const { return &x; }
-  pointer allocate(size_type n, ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<void>::pointer hint = nullptr) {
-    DCHECK_LE(n, max_size());
-    DebugStackIndirectTopRef::CheckTop();
-    return reinterpret_cast<T*>(arena_stack_->Alloc(n * sizeof(T), kArenaAllocSTL));
-  }
-  void deallocate(pointer p, size_type n) {
-    DebugStackIndirectTopRef::CheckTop();
-  }
-  void construct(pointer p, const_reference val) {
-    // Don't CheckTop(), allow reusing existing capacity of a vector/deque below the top.
-    new (static_cast<void*>(p)) value_type(val);
-  }
-  void destroy(pointer p) {
-    // Don't CheckTop(), allow reusing existing capacity of a vector/deque below the top.
-    p->~value_type();
-  }
- private:
-  ArenaStack* arena_stack_;
-  template <typename U>
-  friend class ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter;
-  template <typename U>
-  friend bool operator==(const ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<U>& lhs,
-                         const ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<U>& rhs);
-template <typename T>
-inline bool operator==(const ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<T>& lhs,
-                       const ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<T>& rhs) {
-  return lhs.arena_stack_ == rhs.arena_stack_;
-template <typename T>
-inline bool operator!=(const ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<T>& lhs,
-                       const ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<T>& rhs) {
-  return !(lhs == rhs);
-inline ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<void> ScopedArenaAllocator::Adapter() {
-  return ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<void>(this);
 }  // namespace art