Create separate for main build targets
The runtime, compiler, dex2oat, and oatdump now are in seperate trees
to prevent dependency creep. They can now be individually built
without rebuilding the rest of the art projects. dalvikvm and jdwpspy
were already this way. Builds in the art directory should behave as
before, building everything including tests.
Change-Id: Ic6b1151e5ed0f823c3dd301afd2b13eb2d8feb81
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abf921f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,1093 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "arm_lir.h"
+#include "codegen_arm.h"
+#include "dex/quick/mir_to_lir-inl.h"
+namespace art {
+/* This file contains codegen for the Thumb ISA. */
+static int EncodeImmSingle(int value)
+ int res;
+ int bit_a = (value & 0x80000000) >> 31;
+ int not_bit_b = (value & 0x40000000) >> 30;
+ int bit_b = (value & 0x20000000) >> 29;
+ int b_smear = (value & 0x3e000000) >> 25;
+ int slice = (value & 0x01f80000) >> 19;
+ int zeroes = (value & 0x0007ffff);
+ if (zeroes != 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (bit_b) {
+ if ((not_bit_b != 0) || (b_smear != 0x1f))
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ if ((not_bit_b != 1) || (b_smear != 0x0))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ res = (bit_a << 7) | (bit_b << 6) | slice;
+ return res;
+ * Determine whether value can be encoded as a Thumb2 floating point
+ * immediate. If not, return -1. If so return encoded 8-bit value.
+ */
+static int EncodeImmDouble(int64_t value)
+ int res;
+ int bit_a = (value & 0x8000000000000000ll) >> 63;
+ int not_bit_b = (value & 0x4000000000000000ll) >> 62;
+ int bit_b = (value & 0x2000000000000000ll) >> 61;
+ int b_smear = (value & 0x3fc0000000000000ll) >> 54;
+ int slice = (value & 0x003f000000000000ll) >> 48;
+ uint64_t zeroes = (value & 0x0000ffffffffffffll);
+ if (zeroes != 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (bit_b) {
+ if ((not_bit_b != 0) || (b_smear != 0xff))
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ if ((not_bit_b != 1) || (b_smear != 0x0))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ res = (bit_a << 7) | (bit_b << 6) | slice;
+ return res;
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadFPConstantValue(int r_dest, int value)
+ if (value == 0) {
+ // TODO: we need better info about the target CPU. a vector exclusive or
+ // would probably be better here if we could rely on its existance.
+ // Load an immediate +2.0 (which encodes to 0)
+ NewLIR2(kThumb2Vmovs_IMM8, r_dest, 0);
+ // +0.0 = +2.0 - +2.0
+ return NewLIR3(kThumb2Vsubs, r_dest, r_dest, r_dest);
+ } else {
+ int encoded_imm = EncodeImmSingle(value);
+ if (encoded_imm >= 0) {
+ return NewLIR2(kThumb2Vmovs_IMM8, r_dest, encoded_imm);
+ }
+ }
+ LIR* data_target = ScanLiteralPool(literal_list_, value, 0);
+ if (data_target == NULL) {
+ data_target = AddWordData(&literal_list_, value);
+ }
+ LIR* load_pc_rel = RawLIR(current_dalvik_offset_, kThumb2Vldrs,
+ r_dest, r15pc, 0, 0, 0, data_target);
+ SetMemRefType(load_pc_rel, true, kLiteral);
+ load_pc_rel->alias_info = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(data_target);
+ AppendLIR(load_pc_rel);
+ return load_pc_rel;
+static int LeadingZeros(uint32_t val)
+ uint32_t alt;
+ int n;
+ int count;
+ count = 16;
+ n = 32;
+ do {
+ alt = val >> count;
+ if (alt != 0) {
+ n = n - count;
+ val = alt;
+ }
+ count >>= 1;
+ } while (count);
+ return n - val;
+ * Determine whether value can be encoded as a Thumb2 modified
+ * immediate. If not, return -1. If so, return i:imm3:a:bcdefgh form.
+ */
+int ArmMir2Lir::ModifiedImmediate(uint32_t value)
+ int z_leading;
+ int z_trailing;
+ uint32_t b0 = value & 0xff;
+ /* Note: case of value==0 must use 0:000:0:0000000 encoding */
+ if (value <= 0xFF)
+ return b0; // 0:000:a:bcdefgh
+ if (value == ((b0 << 16) | b0))
+ return (0x1 << 8) | b0; /* 0:001:a:bcdefgh */
+ if (value == ((b0 << 24) | (b0 << 16) | (b0 << 8) | b0))
+ return (0x3 << 8) | b0; /* 0:011:a:bcdefgh */
+ b0 = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
+ if (value == ((b0 << 24) | (b0 << 8)))
+ return (0x2 << 8) | b0; /* 0:010:a:bcdefgh */
+ /* Can we do it with rotation? */
+ z_leading = LeadingZeros(value);
+ z_trailing = 32 - LeadingZeros(~value & (value - 1));
+ /* A run of eight or fewer active bits? */
+ if ((z_leading + z_trailing) < 24)
+ return -1; /* No - bail */
+ /* left-justify the constant, discarding msb (known to be 1) */
+ value <<= z_leading + 1;
+ /* Create bcdefgh */
+ value >>= 25;
+ /* Put it all together */
+ return value | ((0x8 + z_leading) << 7); /* [01000..11111]:bcdefgh */
+bool ArmMir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantInt(int32_t value)
+ return (ModifiedImmediate(value) >= 0) || (ModifiedImmediate(~value) >= 0);
+bool ArmMir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantFloat(int32_t value)
+ return EncodeImmSingle(value) >= 0;
+bool ArmMir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantLong(int64_t value)
+ return InexpensiveConstantInt(High32Bits(value)) && InexpensiveConstantInt(Low32Bits(value));
+bool ArmMir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantDouble(int64_t value)
+ return EncodeImmDouble(value) >= 0;
+ * Load a immediate using a shortcut if possible; otherwise
+ * grab from the per-translation literal pool.
+ *
+ * No additional register clobbering operation performed. Use this version when
+ * 1) r_dest is freshly returned from AllocTemp or
+ * 2) The codegen is under fixed register usage
+ */
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadConstantNoClobber(int r_dest, int value)
+ LIR* res;
+ int mod_imm;
+ if (ARM_FPREG(r_dest)) {
+ return LoadFPConstantValue(r_dest, value);
+ }
+ /* See if the value can be constructed cheaply */
+ if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest) && (value >= 0) && (value <= 255)) {
+ return NewLIR2(kThumbMovImm, r_dest, value);
+ }
+ /* Check Modified immediate special cases */
+ mod_imm = ModifiedImmediate(value);
+ if (mod_imm >= 0) {
+ res = NewLIR2(kThumb2MovImmShift, r_dest, mod_imm);
+ return res;
+ }
+ mod_imm = ModifiedImmediate(~value);
+ if (mod_imm >= 0) {
+ res = NewLIR2(kThumb2MvnImm12, r_dest, mod_imm);
+ return res;
+ }
+ /* 16-bit immediate? */
+ if ((value & 0xffff) == value) {
+ res = NewLIR2(kThumb2MovImm16, r_dest, value);
+ return res;
+ }
+ /* Do a low/high pair */
+ res = NewLIR2(kThumb2MovImm16, r_dest, Low16Bits(value));
+ NewLIR2(kThumb2MovImm16H, r_dest, High16Bits(value));
+ return res;
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpUnconditionalBranch(LIR* target)
+ LIR* res = NewLIR1(kThumbBUncond, 0 /* offset to be patched during assembly*/);
+ res->target = target;
+ return res;
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpCondBranch(ConditionCode cc, LIR* target)
+ LIR* branch = NewLIR2(kThumb2BCond, 0 /* offset to be patched */,
+ ArmConditionEncoding(cc));
+ branch->target = target;
+ return branch;
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpReg(OpKind op, int r_dest_src)
+ ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
+ switch (op) {
+ case kOpBlx:
+ opcode = kThumbBlxR;
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Bad opcode " << op;
+ }
+ return NewLIR1(opcode, r_dest_src);
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpRegRegShift(OpKind op, int r_dest_src1, int r_src2,
+ int shift)
+ bool thumb_form = ((shift == 0) && ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1) && ARM_LOWREG(r_src2));
+ ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
+ switch (op) {
+ case kOpAdc:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbAdcRR : kThumb2AdcRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpAnd:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbAndRR : kThumb2AndRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpBic:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbBicRR : kThumb2BicRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpCmn:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbCmnRR : kThumb2CmnRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpCmp:
+ if (thumb_form)
+ opcode = kThumbCmpRR;
+ else if ((shift == 0) && !ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1) && !ARM_LOWREG(r_src2))
+ opcode = kThumbCmpHH;
+ else if ((shift == 0) && ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1))
+ opcode = kThumbCmpLH;
+ else if (shift == 0)
+ opcode = kThumbCmpHL;
+ else
+ opcode = kThumb2CmpRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpXor:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbEorRR : kThumb2EorRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpMov:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1) && ARM_LOWREG(r_src2))
+ opcode = kThumbMovRR;
+ else if (!ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1) && !ARM_LOWREG(r_src2))
+ opcode = kThumbMovRR_H2H;
+ else if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1))
+ opcode = kThumbMovRR_H2L;
+ else
+ opcode = kThumbMovRR_L2H;
+ break;
+ case kOpMul:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbMul : kThumb2MulRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpMvn:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbMvn : kThumb2MnvRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpNeg:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbNeg : kThumb2NegRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpOr:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbOrr : kThumb2OrrRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpSbc:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbSbc : kThumb2SbcRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpTst:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbTst : kThumb2TstRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpLsl:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbLslRR : kThumb2LslRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpLsr:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbLsrRR : kThumb2LsrRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpAsr:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbAsrRR : kThumb2AsrRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpRor:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbRorRR : kThumb2RorRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpAdd:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbAddRRR : kThumb2AddRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpSub:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbSubRRR : kThumb2SubRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOp2Byte:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ return NewLIR4(kThumb2Sbfx, r_dest_src1, r_src2, 0, 8);
+ case kOp2Short:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ return NewLIR4(kThumb2Sbfx, r_dest_src1, r_src2, 0, 16);
+ case kOp2Char:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ return NewLIR4(kThumb2Ubfx, r_dest_src1, r_src2, 0, 16);
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Bad opcode: " << op;
+ break;
+ }
+ DCHECK_GE(static_cast<int>(opcode), 0);
+ if (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_BINARY_OP)
+ return NewLIR2(opcode, r_dest_src1, r_src2);
+ else if (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_TERTIARY_OP) {
+ if (EncodingMap[opcode].field_loc[2].kind == kFmtShift)
+ return NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest_src1, r_src2, shift);
+ else
+ return NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest_src1, r_dest_src1, r_src2);
+ } else if (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_QUAD_OP)
+ return NewLIR4(opcode, r_dest_src1, r_dest_src1, r_src2, shift);
+ else {
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected encoding operand count";
+ return NULL;
+ }
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpRegReg(OpKind op, int r_dest_src1, int r_src2)
+ return OpRegRegShift(op, r_dest_src1, r_src2, 0);
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpRegRegRegShift(OpKind op, int r_dest, int r_src1,
+ int r_src2, int shift)
+ ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
+ bool thumb_form = (shift == 0) && ARM_LOWREG(r_dest) && ARM_LOWREG(r_src1) &&
+ ARM_LOWREG(r_src2);
+ switch (op) {
+ case kOpAdd:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbAddRRR : kThumb2AddRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpSub:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbSubRRR : kThumb2SubRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpRsub:
+ opcode = kThumb2RsubRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpAdc:
+ opcode = kThumb2AdcRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpAnd:
+ opcode = kThumb2AndRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpBic:
+ opcode = kThumb2BicRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpXor:
+ opcode = kThumb2EorRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpMul:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ opcode = kThumb2MulRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpOr:
+ opcode = kThumb2OrrRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpSbc:
+ opcode = kThumb2SbcRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpLsl:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ opcode = kThumb2LslRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpLsr:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ opcode = kThumb2LsrRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpAsr:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ opcode = kThumb2AsrRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpRor:
+ DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
+ opcode = kThumb2RorRRR;
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Bad opcode: " << op;
+ break;
+ }
+ DCHECK_GE(static_cast<int>(opcode), 0);
+ if (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_QUAD_OP)
+ return NewLIR4(opcode, r_dest, r_src1, r_src2, shift);
+ else {
+ DCHECK(EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_TERTIARY_OP);
+ return NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest, r_src1, r_src2);
+ }
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpRegRegReg(OpKind op, int r_dest, int r_src1, int r_src2)
+ return OpRegRegRegShift(op, r_dest, r_src1, r_src2, 0);
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpRegRegImm(OpKind op, int r_dest, int r_src1, int value)
+ LIR* res;
+ bool neg = (value < 0);
+ int abs_value = (neg) ? -value : value;
+ ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
+ ArmOpcode alt_opcode = kThumbBkpt;
+ bool all_low_regs = (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest) && ARM_LOWREG(r_src1));
+ int mod_imm = ModifiedImmediate(value);
+ int mod_imm_neg = ModifiedImmediate(-value);
+ switch (op) {
+ case kOpLsl:
+ if (all_low_regs)
+ return NewLIR3(kThumbLslRRI5, r_dest, r_src1, value);
+ else
+ return NewLIR3(kThumb2LslRRI5, r_dest, r_src1, value);
+ case kOpLsr:
+ if (all_low_regs)
+ return NewLIR3(kThumbLsrRRI5, r_dest, r_src1, value);
+ else
+ return NewLIR3(kThumb2LsrRRI5, r_dest, r_src1, value);
+ case kOpAsr:
+ if (all_low_regs)
+ return NewLIR3(kThumbAsrRRI5, r_dest, r_src1, value);
+ else
+ return NewLIR3(kThumb2AsrRRI5, r_dest, r_src1, value);
+ case kOpRor:
+ return NewLIR3(kThumb2RorRRI5, r_dest, r_src1, value);
+ case kOpAdd:
+ if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest) && (r_src1 == r13sp) &&
+ (value <= 1020) && ((value & 0x3)==0)) {
+ return NewLIR3(kThumbAddSpRel, r_dest, r_src1, value >> 2);
+ } else if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest) && (r_src1 == r15pc) &&
+ (value <= 1020) && ((value & 0x3)==0)) {
+ return NewLIR3(kThumbAddPcRel, r_dest, r_src1, value >> 2);
+ }
+ // Note: intentional fallthrough
+ case kOpSub:
+ if (all_low_regs && ((abs_value & 0x7) == abs_value)) {
+ if (op == kOpAdd)
+ opcode = (neg) ? kThumbSubRRI3 : kThumbAddRRI3;
+ else
+ opcode = (neg) ? kThumbAddRRI3 : kThumbSubRRI3;
+ return NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest, r_src1, abs_value);
+ } else if ((abs_value & 0xff) == abs_value) {
+ if (op == kOpAdd)
+ opcode = (neg) ? kThumb2SubRRI12 : kThumb2AddRRI12;
+ else
+ opcode = (neg) ? kThumb2AddRRI12 : kThumb2SubRRI12;
+ return NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest, r_src1, abs_value);
+ }
+ if (mod_imm_neg >= 0) {
+ op = (op == kOpAdd) ? kOpSub : kOpAdd;
+ mod_imm = mod_imm_neg;
+ }
+ if (op == kOpSub) {
+ opcode = kThumb2SubRRI8;
+ alt_opcode = kThumb2SubRRR;
+ } else {
+ opcode = kThumb2AddRRI8;
+ alt_opcode = kThumb2AddRRR;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kOpRsub:
+ opcode = kThumb2RsubRRI8;
+ alt_opcode = kThumb2RsubRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpAdc:
+ opcode = kThumb2AdcRRI8;
+ alt_opcode = kThumb2AdcRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpSbc:
+ opcode = kThumb2SbcRRI8;
+ alt_opcode = kThumb2SbcRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpOr:
+ opcode = kThumb2OrrRRI8;
+ alt_opcode = kThumb2OrrRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpAnd:
+ opcode = kThumb2AndRRI8;
+ alt_opcode = kThumb2AndRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpXor:
+ opcode = kThumb2EorRRI8;
+ alt_opcode = kThumb2EorRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpMul:
+ //TUNING: power of 2, shift & add
+ mod_imm = -1;
+ alt_opcode = kThumb2MulRRR;
+ break;
+ case kOpCmp: {
+ int mod_imm = ModifiedImmediate(value);
+ LIR* res;
+ if (mod_imm >= 0) {
+ res = NewLIR2(kThumb2CmpRI12, r_src1, mod_imm);
+ } else {
+ int r_tmp = AllocTemp();
+ res = LoadConstant(r_tmp, value);
+ OpRegReg(kOpCmp, r_src1, r_tmp);
+ FreeTemp(r_tmp);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Bad opcode: " << op;
+ }
+ if (mod_imm >= 0) {
+ return NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest, r_src1, mod_imm);
+ } else {
+ int r_scratch = AllocTemp();
+ LoadConstant(r_scratch, value);
+ if (EncodingMap[alt_opcode].flags & IS_QUAD_OP)
+ res = NewLIR4(alt_opcode, r_dest, r_src1, r_scratch, 0);
+ else
+ res = NewLIR3(alt_opcode, r_dest, r_src1, r_scratch);
+ FreeTemp(r_scratch);
+ return res;
+ }
+/* Handle Thumb-only variants here - otherwise punt to OpRegRegImm */
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpRegImm(OpKind op, int r_dest_src1, int value)
+ bool neg = (value < 0);
+ int abs_value = (neg) ? -value : value;
+ bool short_form = (((abs_value & 0xff) == abs_value) && ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1));
+ ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
+ switch (op) {
+ case kOpAdd:
+ if ( !neg && (r_dest_src1 == r13sp) && (value <= 508)) { /* sp */
+ DCHECK_EQ((value & 0x3), 0);
+ return NewLIR1(kThumbAddSpI7, value >> 2);
+ } else if (short_form) {
+ opcode = (neg) ? kThumbSubRI8 : kThumbAddRI8;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kOpSub:
+ if (!neg && (r_dest_src1 == r13sp) && (value <= 508)) { /* sp */
+ DCHECK_EQ((value & 0x3), 0);
+ return NewLIR1(kThumbSubSpI7, value >> 2);
+ } else if (short_form) {
+ opcode = (neg) ? kThumbAddRI8 : kThumbSubRI8;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kOpCmp:
+ if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1) && short_form)
+ opcode = (short_form) ? kThumbCmpRI8 : kThumbCmpRR;
+ else if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest_src1))
+ opcode = kThumbCmpRR;
+ else {
+ short_form = false;
+ opcode = kThumbCmpHL;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Punt to OpRegRegImm - if bad case catch it there */
+ short_form = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (short_form)
+ return NewLIR2(opcode, r_dest_src1, abs_value);
+ else {
+ return OpRegRegImm(op, r_dest_src1, r_dest_src1, value);
+ }
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadConstantWide(int r_dest_lo, int r_dest_hi, int64_t value)
+ LIR* res = NULL;
+ int32_t val_lo = Low32Bits(value);
+ int32_t val_hi = High32Bits(value);
+ int target_reg = S2d(r_dest_lo, r_dest_hi);
+ if (ARM_FPREG(r_dest_lo)) {
+ if ((val_lo == 0) && (val_hi == 0)) {
+ // TODO: we need better info about the target CPU. a vector exclusive or
+ // would probably be better here if we could rely on its existance.
+ // Load an immediate +2.0 (which encodes to 0)
+ NewLIR2(kThumb2Vmovd_IMM8, target_reg, 0);
+ // +0.0 = +2.0 - +2.0
+ res = NewLIR3(kThumb2Vsubd, target_reg, target_reg, target_reg);
+ } else {
+ int encoded_imm = EncodeImmDouble(value);
+ if (encoded_imm >= 0) {
+ res = NewLIR2(kThumb2Vmovd_IMM8, target_reg, encoded_imm);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((InexpensiveConstantInt(val_lo) && (InexpensiveConstantInt(val_hi)))) {
+ res = LoadConstantNoClobber(r_dest_lo, val_lo);
+ LoadConstantNoClobber(r_dest_hi, val_hi);
+ }
+ }
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ // No short form - load from the literal pool.
+ LIR* data_target = ScanLiteralPoolWide(literal_list_, val_lo, val_hi);
+ if (data_target == NULL) {
+ data_target = AddWideData(&literal_list_, val_lo, val_hi);
+ }
+ if (ARM_FPREG(r_dest_lo)) {
+ res = RawLIR(current_dalvik_offset_, kThumb2Vldrd,
+ target_reg, r15pc, 0, 0, 0, data_target);
+ } else {
+ res = RawLIR(current_dalvik_offset_, kThumb2LdrdPcRel8,
+ r_dest_lo, r_dest_hi, r15pc, 0, 0, data_target);
+ }
+ SetMemRefType(res, true, kLiteral);
+ res->alias_info = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(data_target);
+ AppendLIR(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+int ArmMir2Lir::EncodeShift(int code, int amount) {
+ return ((amount & 0x1f) << 2) | code;
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadBaseIndexed(int rBase, int r_index, int r_dest,
+ int scale, OpSize size)
+ bool all_low_regs = ARM_LOWREG(rBase) && ARM_LOWREG(r_index) && ARM_LOWREG(r_dest);
+ LIR* load;
+ ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
+ bool thumb_form = (all_low_regs && (scale == 0));
+ int reg_ptr;
+ if (ARM_FPREG(r_dest)) {
+ if (ARM_SINGLEREG(r_dest)) {
+ DCHECK((size == kWord) || (size == kSingle));
+ opcode = kThumb2Vldrs;
+ size = kSingle;
+ } else {
+ DCHECK((size == kLong) || (size == kDouble));
+ DCHECK_EQ((r_dest & 0x1), 0);
+ opcode = kThumb2Vldrd;
+ size = kDouble;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (size == kSingle)
+ size = kWord;
+ }
+ switch (size) {
+ case kDouble: // fall-through
+ case kSingle:
+ reg_ptr = AllocTemp();
+ if (scale) {
+ NewLIR4(kThumb2AddRRR, reg_ptr, rBase, r_index,
+ EncodeShift(kArmLsl, scale));
+ } else {
+ OpRegRegReg(kOpAdd, reg_ptr, rBase, r_index);
+ }
+ load = NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest, reg_ptr, 0);
+ FreeTemp(reg_ptr);
+ return load;
+ case kWord:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbLdrRRR : kThumb2LdrRRR;
+ break;
+ case kUnsignedHalf:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbLdrhRRR : kThumb2LdrhRRR;
+ break;
+ case kSignedHalf:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbLdrshRRR : kThumb2LdrshRRR;
+ break;
+ case kUnsignedByte:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbLdrbRRR : kThumb2LdrbRRR;
+ break;
+ case kSignedByte:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbLdrsbRRR : kThumb2LdrsbRRR;
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Bad size: " << size;
+ }
+ if (thumb_form)
+ load = NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest, rBase, r_index);
+ else
+ load = NewLIR4(opcode, r_dest, rBase, r_index, scale);
+ return load;
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::StoreBaseIndexed(int rBase, int r_index, int r_src,
+ int scale, OpSize size)
+ bool all_low_regs = ARM_LOWREG(rBase) && ARM_LOWREG(r_index) && ARM_LOWREG(r_src);
+ LIR* store = NULL;
+ ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
+ bool thumb_form = (all_low_regs && (scale == 0));
+ int reg_ptr;
+ if (ARM_FPREG(r_src)) {
+ if (ARM_SINGLEREG(r_src)) {
+ DCHECK((size == kWord) || (size == kSingle));
+ opcode = kThumb2Vstrs;
+ size = kSingle;
+ } else {
+ DCHECK((size == kLong) || (size == kDouble));
+ DCHECK_EQ((r_src & 0x1), 0);
+ opcode = kThumb2Vstrd;
+ size = kDouble;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (size == kSingle)
+ size = kWord;
+ }
+ switch (size) {
+ case kDouble: // fall-through
+ case kSingle:
+ reg_ptr = AllocTemp();
+ if (scale) {
+ NewLIR4(kThumb2AddRRR, reg_ptr, rBase, r_index,
+ EncodeShift(kArmLsl, scale));
+ } else {
+ OpRegRegReg(kOpAdd, reg_ptr, rBase, r_index);
+ }
+ store = NewLIR3(opcode, r_src, reg_ptr, 0);
+ FreeTemp(reg_ptr);
+ return store;
+ case kWord:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbStrRRR : kThumb2StrRRR;
+ break;
+ case kUnsignedHalf:
+ case kSignedHalf:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbStrhRRR : kThumb2StrhRRR;
+ break;
+ case kUnsignedByte:
+ case kSignedByte:
+ opcode = (thumb_form) ? kThumbStrbRRR : kThumb2StrbRRR;
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Bad size: " << size;
+ }
+ if (thumb_form)
+ store = NewLIR3(opcode, r_src, rBase, r_index);
+ else
+ store = NewLIR4(opcode, r_src, rBase, r_index, scale);
+ return store;
+ * Load value from base + displacement. Optionally perform null check
+ * on base (which must have an associated s_reg and MIR). If not
+ * performing null check, incoming MIR can be null.
+ */
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadBaseDispBody(int rBase, int displacement, int r_dest,
+ int r_dest_hi, OpSize size, int s_reg)
+ LIR* load = NULL;
+ ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
+ bool short_form = false;
+ bool thumb2Form = (displacement < 4092 && displacement >= 0);
+ bool all_low_regs = (ARM_LOWREG(rBase) && ARM_LOWREG(r_dest));
+ int encoded_disp = displacement;
+ bool is64bit = false;
+ bool already_generated = false;
+ switch (size) {
+ case kDouble:
+ case kLong:
+ is64bit = true;
+ if (ARM_FPREG(r_dest)) {
+ if (ARM_SINGLEREG(r_dest)) {
+ DCHECK(ARM_FPREG(r_dest_hi));
+ r_dest = S2d(r_dest, r_dest_hi);
+ }
+ opcode = kThumb2Vldrd;
+ if (displacement <= 1020) {
+ short_form = true;
+ encoded_disp >>= 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ } else {
+ if (displacement <= 1020) {
+ load = NewLIR4(kThumb2LdrdI8, r_dest, r_dest_hi, rBase, displacement >> 2);
+ } else {
+ load = LoadBaseDispBody(rBase, displacement, r_dest,
+ -1, kWord, s_reg);
+ LoadBaseDispBody(rBase, displacement + 4, r_dest_hi,
+ -1, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+ }
+ already_generated = true;
+ }
+ case kSingle:
+ case kWord:
+ if (ARM_FPREG(r_dest)) {
+ opcode = kThumb2Vldrs;
+ if (displacement <= 1020) {
+ short_form = true;
+ encoded_disp >>= 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest) && (rBase == r15pc) &&
+ (displacement <= 1020) && (displacement >= 0)) {
+ short_form = true;
+ encoded_disp >>= 2;
+ opcode = kThumbLdrPcRel;
+ } else if (ARM_LOWREG(r_dest) && (rBase == r13sp) &&
+ (displacement <= 1020) && (displacement >= 0)) {
+ short_form = true;
+ encoded_disp >>= 2;
+ opcode = kThumbLdrSpRel;
+ } else if (all_low_regs && displacement < 128 && displacement >= 0) {
+ DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x3), 0);
+ short_form = true;
+ encoded_disp >>= 2;
+ opcode = kThumbLdrRRI5;
+ } else if (thumb2Form) {
+ short_form = true;
+ opcode = kThumb2LdrRRI12;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kUnsignedHalf:
+ if (all_low_regs && displacement < 64 && displacement >= 0) {
+ DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x1), 0);
+ short_form = true;
+ encoded_disp >>= 1;
+ opcode = kThumbLdrhRRI5;
+ } else if (displacement < 4092 && displacement >= 0) {
+ short_form = true;
+ opcode = kThumb2LdrhRRI12;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kSignedHalf:
+ if (thumb2Form) {
+ short_form = true;
+ opcode = kThumb2LdrshRRI12;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kUnsignedByte:
+ if (all_low_regs && displacement < 32 && displacement >= 0) {
+ short_form = true;
+ opcode = kThumbLdrbRRI5;
+ } else if (thumb2Form) {
+ short_form = true;
+ opcode = kThumb2LdrbRRI12;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kSignedByte:
+ if (thumb2Form) {
+ short_form = true;
+ opcode = kThumb2LdrsbRRI12;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Bad size: " << size;
+ }
+ if (!already_generated) {
+ if (short_form) {
+ load = NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest, rBase, encoded_disp);
+ } else {
+ int reg_offset = AllocTemp();
+ LoadConstant(reg_offset, encoded_disp);
+ load = LoadBaseIndexed(rBase, reg_offset, r_dest, 0, size);
+ FreeTemp(reg_offset);
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: in future may need to differentiate Dalvik accesses w/ spills
+ if (rBase == rARM_SP) {
+ AnnotateDalvikRegAccess(load, displacement >> 2, true /* is_load */, is64bit);
+ }
+ return load;
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadBaseDisp(int rBase, int displacement, int r_dest,
+ OpSize size, int s_reg)
+ return LoadBaseDispBody(rBase, displacement, r_dest, -1, size, s_reg);
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadBaseDispWide(int rBase, int displacement, int r_dest_lo,
+ int r_dest_hi, int s_reg)
+ return LoadBaseDispBody(rBase, displacement, r_dest_lo, r_dest_hi, kLong, s_reg);
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::StoreBaseDispBody(int rBase, int displacement,
+ int r_src, int r_src_hi, OpSize size) {
+ LIR* store = NULL;
+ ArmOpcode opcode = kThumbBkpt;
+ bool short_form = false;
+ bool thumb2Form = (displacement < 4092 && displacement >= 0);
+ bool all_low_regs = (ARM_LOWREG(rBase) && ARM_LOWREG(r_src));
+ int encoded_disp = displacement;
+ bool is64bit = false;
+ bool already_generated = false;
+ switch (size) {
+ case kLong:
+ case kDouble:
+ is64bit = true;
+ if (!ARM_FPREG(r_src)) {
+ if (displacement <= 1020) {
+ store = NewLIR4(kThumb2StrdI8, r_src, r_src_hi, rBase, displacement >> 2);
+ } else {
+ store = StoreBaseDispBody(rBase, displacement, r_src, -1, kWord);
+ StoreBaseDispBody(rBase, displacement + 4, r_src_hi, -1, kWord);
+ }
+ already_generated = true;
+ } else {
+ if (ARM_SINGLEREG(r_src)) {
+ DCHECK(ARM_FPREG(r_src_hi));
+ r_src = S2d(r_src, r_src_hi);
+ }
+ opcode = kThumb2Vstrd;
+ if (displacement <= 1020) {
+ short_form = true;
+ encoded_disp >>= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kSingle:
+ case kWord:
+ if (ARM_FPREG(r_src)) {
+ opcode = kThumb2Vstrs;
+ if (displacement <= 1020) {
+ short_form = true;
+ encoded_disp >>= 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ARM_LOWREG(r_src) && (rBase == r13sp) &&
+ (displacement <= 1020) && (displacement >= 0)) {
+ short_form = true;
+ encoded_disp >>= 2;
+ opcode = kThumbStrSpRel;
+ } else if (all_low_regs && displacement < 128 && displacement >= 0) {
+ DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x3), 0);
+ short_form = true;
+ encoded_disp >>= 2;
+ opcode = kThumbStrRRI5;
+ } else if (thumb2Form) {
+ short_form = true;
+ opcode = kThumb2StrRRI12;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kUnsignedHalf:
+ case kSignedHalf:
+ if (all_low_regs && displacement < 64 && displacement >= 0) {
+ DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x1), 0);
+ short_form = true;
+ encoded_disp >>= 1;
+ opcode = kThumbStrhRRI5;
+ } else if (thumb2Form) {
+ short_form = true;
+ opcode = kThumb2StrhRRI12;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kUnsignedByte:
+ case kSignedByte:
+ if (all_low_regs && displacement < 32 && displacement >= 0) {
+ short_form = true;
+ opcode = kThumbStrbRRI5;
+ } else if (thumb2Form) {
+ short_form = true;
+ opcode = kThumb2StrbRRI12;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Bad size: " << size;
+ }
+ if (!already_generated) {
+ if (short_form) {
+ store = NewLIR3(opcode, r_src, rBase, encoded_disp);
+ } else {
+ int r_scratch = AllocTemp();
+ LoadConstant(r_scratch, encoded_disp);
+ store = StoreBaseIndexed(rBase, r_scratch, r_src, 0, size);
+ FreeTemp(r_scratch);
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: In future, may need to differentiate Dalvik & spill accesses
+ if (rBase == rARM_SP) {
+ AnnotateDalvikRegAccess(store, displacement >> 2, false /* is_load */, is64bit);
+ }
+ return store;
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::StoreBaseDisp(int rBase, int displacement, int r_src,
+ OpSize size)
+ return StoreBaseDispBody(rBase, displacement, r_src, -1, size);
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::StoreBaseDispWide(int rBase, int displacement,
+ int r_src_lo, int r_src_hi)
+ return StoreBaseDispBody(rBase, displacement, r_src_lo, r_src_hi, kLong);
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpFpRegCopy(int r_dest, int r_src)
+ int opcode;
+ if (ARM_DOUBLEREG(r_dest)) {
+ opcode = kThumb2Vmovd;
+ } else {
+ if (ARM_SINGLEREG(r_dest)) {
+ opcode = ARM_SINGLEREG(r_src) ? kThumb2Vmovs : kThumb2Fmsr;
+ } else {
+ opcode = kThumb2Fmrs;
+ }
+ }
+ LIR* res = RawLIR(current_dalvik_offset_, opcode, r_dest, r_src);
+ if (!(cu_->disable_opt & (1 << kSafeOptimizations)) && r_dest == r_src) {
+ res->flags.is_nop = true;
+ }
+ return res;
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpThreadMem(OpKind op, int thread_offset)
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of OpThreadMem for Arm";
+ return NULL;
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpMem(OpKind op, int rBase, int disp)
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of OpMem for Arm";
+ return NULL;
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::StoreBaseIndexedDisp(int rBase, int r_index, int scale,
+ int displacement, int r_src, int r_src_hi, OpSize size,
+ int s_reg)
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of StoreBaseIndexedDisp for Arm";
+ return NULL;
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::OpRegMem(OpKind op, int r_dest, int rBase, int offset)
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of OpRegMem for Arm";
+ return NULL;
+LIR* ArmMir2Lir::LoadBaseIndexedDisp(int rBase, int r_index, int scale,
+ int displacement, int r_dest, int r_dest_hi, OpSize size,
+ int s_reg)
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of LoadBaseIndexedDisp for Arm";
+ return NULL;
+} // namespace art