Create separate for main build targets

The runtime, compiler, dex2oat, and oatdump now are in seperate trees
to prevent dependency creep.  They can now be individually built
without rebuilding the rest of the art projects. dalvikvm and jdwpspy
were already this way. Builds in the art directory should behave as
before, building everything including tests.

Change-Id: Ic6b1151e5ed0f823c3dd301afd2b13eb2d8feb81
diff --git a/compiler/dex/ b/compiler/dex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee68a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/dex/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/mutex.h"
+#include "dex_file-inl.h"
+#include "dex_instruction-inl.h"
+#include "driver/compiler_driver.h"
+#include "driver/dex_compilation_unit.h"
+#include "mirror/abstract_method-inl.h"
+#include "mirror/class-inl.h"
+#include "mirror/dex_cache.h"
+#include "mirror/field-inl.h"
+namespace art {
+namespace optimizer {
+// Controls quickening activation.
+const bool kEnableQuickening = true;
+// Controls logging.
+const bool kEnableLogging = false;
+class DexCompiler {
+ public:
+  DexCompiler(art::CompilerDriver& compiler,
+              const DexCompilationUnit& unit)
+    : driver_(compiler),
+      unit_(unit) {};
+  ~DexCompiler() {};
+  void Compile();
+ private:
+  const DexFile& GetDexFile() const {
+    return *unit_.GetDexFile();
+  }
+  // TODO: since the whole compilation pipeline uses a "const DexFile", we need
+  // to "unconst" here. The DEX-to-DEX compiler should work on a non-const DexFile.
+  DexFile& GetModifiableDexFile() {
+    return *const_cast<DexFile*>(unit_.GetDexFile());
+  }
+  // Compiles a RETURN-VOID into a RETURN-VOID-BARRIER within a constructor where
+  // a barrier is required.
+  void CompileReturnVoid(Instruction* inst, uint32_t dex_pc);
+  // Compiles a field access into a quick field access.
+  // The field index is replaced by an offset within an Object where we can read
+  // from / write to this field. Therefore, this does not involve any resolution
+  // at runtime.
+  // Since the field index is encoded with 16 bits, we can replace it only if the
+  // field offset can be encoded with 16 bits too.
+  void CompileInstanceFieldAccess(Instruction* inst, uint32_t dex_pc,
+                                  Instruction::Code new_opcode, bool is_put);
+  // Compiles a virtual method invocation into a quick virtual method invocation.
+  // The method index is replaced by the vtable index where the corresponding
+  // AbstractMethod can be found. Therefore, this does not involve any resolution
+  // at runtime.
+  // Since the method index is encoded with 16 bits, we can replace it only if the
+  // vtable index can be encoded with 16 bits too.
+  void CompileInvokeVirtual(Instruction* inst, uint32_t dex_pc,
+                            Instruction::Code new_opcode, bool is_range);
+  CompilerDriver& driver_;
+  const DexCompilationUnit& unit_;
+// Ensures write access to a part of DEX file.
+// If a DEX file is read-only, it modifies its protection (mprotect) so it allows
+// write access to the part of DEX file defined by an address and a length.
+// In this case, it also takes the DexFile::modification_lock to prevent from
+// concurrent protection modification from a parallel DEX-to-DEX compilation on
+// the same DEX file.
+// When the instance is destroyed, it recovers original protection and releases
+// the lock.
+// TODO: as this scoped class is similar to a MutexLock we should use annotalysis
+// to capture the locking behavior.
+class ScopedDexWriteAccess {
+ public:
+  ScopedDexWriteAccess(DexFile& dex_file, Instruction* inst,
+                       size_t length)
+    : dex_file_(dex_file),
+      address_(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(inst)),
+      length_(length),
+      is_read_only_(dex_file_.IsReadOnly()) {
+    if (is_read_only_) {
+      // We need to enable DEX write access. To avoid concurrent DEX write access
+      // modification, we take the DexFile::modification_lock before.
+      dex_file_.GetModificationLock().ExclusiveLock(Thread::Current());
+      bool success = dex_file_.EnableWrite(address_, length_);
+      DCHECK(success) << "Failed to enable DEX write access";
+    }
+  }
+  ~ScopedDexWriteAccess() {
+    DCHECK_EQ(is_read_only_, dex_file_.IsReadOnly());
+    if (is_read_only_) {
+      bool success = dex_file_.DisableWrite(address_, length_);
+      DCHECK(success) << "Failed to disable DEX write access";
+      // Now we recovered original read-only protection, we can release the
+      // DexFile::modification_lock.
+      dex_file_.GetModificationLock().ExclusiveUnlock(Thread::Current());
+    }
+  }
+ private:
+  DexFile& dex_file_;
+  // TODO: make address_ const.
+  uint8_t* address_;
+  const size_t length_;
+  const bool is_read_only_;
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedDexWriteAccess);
+void DexCompiler::Compile() {
+  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = unit_.GetCodeItem();
+  const uint16_t* insns = code_item->insns_;
+  const uint32_t insns_size = code_item->insns_size_in_code_units_;
+  Instruction* inst = const_cast<Instruction*>(Instruction::At(insns));
+  for (uint32_t dex_pc = 0; dex_pc < insns_size;
+       inst = const_cast<Instruction*>(inst->Next()), dex_pc = inst->GetDexPc(insns)) {
+    switch (inst->Opcode()) {
+      case Instruction::RETURN_VOID:
+        CompileReturnVoid(inst, dex_pc);
+        break;
+      case Instruction::IGET:
+        CompileInstanceFieldAccess(inst, dex_pc, Instruction::IGET_QUICK, false);
+        break;
+      case Instruction::IGET_WIDE:
+        CompileInstanceFieldAccess(inst, dex_pc, Instruction::IGET_WIDE_QUICK, false);
+        break;
+      case Instruction::IGET_OBJECT:
+        CompileInstanceFieldAccess(inst, dex_pc, Instruction::IGET_OBJECT_QUICK, false);
+        break;
+      case Instruction::IPUT:
+      case Instruction::IPUT_BOOLEAN:
+      case Instruction::IPUT_BYTE:
+      case Instruction::IPUT_CHAR:
+      case Instruction::IPUT_SHORT:
+        // These opcodes have the same implementation in interpreter so group
+        // them under IPUT_QUICK.
+        CompileInstanceFieldAccess(inst, dex_pc, Instruction::IPUT_QUICK, true);
+        break;
+      case Instruction::IPUT_WIDE:
+        CompileInstanceFieldAccess(inst, dex_pc, Instruction::IPUT_WIDE_QUICK, true);
+        break;
+      case Instruction::IPUT_OBJECT:
+        CompileInstanceFieldAccess(inst, dex_pc, Instruction::IPUT_OBJECT_QUICK, true);
+        break;
+      case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL:
+        CompileInvokeVirtual(inst, dex_pc, Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_QUICK, false);
+        break;
+      case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE:
+        CompileInvokeVirtual(inst, dex_pc, Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE_QUICK, true);
+        break;
+      default:
+        // Nothing to do.
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+void DexCompiler::CompileReturnVoid(Instruction* inst, uint32_t dex_pc) {
+  DCHECK(inst->Opcode() == Instruction::RETURN_VOID);
+  // Are we compiling a constructor ?
+  if ((unit_.GetAccessFlags() & kAccConstructor) == 0) {
+    return;
+  }
+  // Do we need a constructor barrier ?
+  if (!driver_.RequiresConstructorBarrier(Thread::Current(), unit_.GetDexFile(),
+                                         unit_.GetClassDefIndex())) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (kEnableLogging) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "Replacing " << Instruction::Name(inst->Opcode())
+    << " by " << Instruction::Name(Instruction::RETURN_VOID_BARRIER)
+    << " at dex pc " << StringPrintf("0x%x", dex_pc) << " in method "
+    << PrettyMethod(unit_.GetDexMethodIndex(), GetDexFile(), true);
+  }
+  ScopedDexWriteAccess sdwa(GetModifiableDexFile(), inst, 2u);
+  inst->SetOpcode(Instruction::RETURN_VOID_BARRIER);
+void DexCompiler::CompileInstanceFieldAccess(Instruction* inst,
+                                             uint32_t dex_pc,
+                                             Instruction::Code new_opcode,
+                                             bool is_put) {
+  if (!kEnableQuickening) {
+    return;
+  }
+  uint32_t field_idx = inst->VRegC_22c();
+  int field_offset;
+  bool is_volatile;
+  bool fast_path = driver_.ComputeInstanceFieldInfo(field_idx, &unit_, field_offset,
+                                                    is_volatile, is_put);
+  if (fast_path && !is_volatile && IsUint(16, field_offset)) {
+    // TODO: use VLOG ?
+    if (kEnableLogging) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "Quickening " << Instruction::Name(inst->Opcode())
+                << " to " << Instruction::Name(new_opcode)
+                << " by replacing field index " << field_idx
+                << " by field offset " << field_offset
+                << " at dex pc " << StringPrintf("0x%x", dex_pc) << " in method "
+                << PrettyMethod(unit_.GetDexMethodIndex(), GetDexFile(), true);
+    }
+    // We are modifying 4 consecutive bytes.
+    ScopedDexWriteAccess sdwa(GetModifiableDexFile(), inst, 4u);
+    inst->SetOpcode(new_opcode);
+    // Replace field index by field offset.
+    inst->SetVRegC_22c(static_cast<uint16_t>(field_offset));
+  }
+void DexCompiler::CompileInvokeVirtual(Instruction* inst,
+                                uint32_t dex_pc,
+                                Instruction::Code new_opcode,
+                                bool is_range) {
+  if (!kEnableQuickening) {
+    return;
+  }
+  uint32_t method_idx = is_range ? inst->VRegB_3rc() : inst->VRegB_35c();
+  MethodReference target_method(&GetDexFile(), method_idx);
+  InvokeType invoke_type = kVirtual;
+  InvokeType original_invoke_type = invoke_type;
+  int vtable_idx;
+  uintptr_t direct_code;
+  uintptr_t direct_method;
+  bool fast_path = driver_.ComputeInvokeInfo(&unit_, dex_pc, invoke_type,
+                                             target_method, vtable_idx,
+                                             direct_code, direct_method,
+                                             false);
+  // TODO: support devirtualization.
+  if (fast_path && original_invoke_type == invoke_type) {
+    if (vtable_idx >= 0 && IsUint(16, vtable_idx)) {
+      // TODO: use VLOG ?
+      if (kEnableLogging) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Quickening " << Instruction::Name(inst->Opcode())
+                  << "(" << PrettyMethod(method_idx, GetDexFile(), true) << ")"
+                  << " to " << Instruction::Name(new_opcode)
+                  << " by replacing method index " << method_idx
+                  << " by vtable index " << vtable_idx
+                  << " at dex pc " << StringPrintf("0x%x", dex_pc) << " in method "
+                  << PrettyMethod(unit_.GetDexMethodIndex(), GetDexFile(), true);
+      }
+      // We are modifying 4 consecutive bytes.
+      ScopedDexWriteAccess sdwa(GetModifiableDexFile(), inst, 4u);
+      inst->SetOpcode(new_opcode);
+      // Replace method index by vtable index.
+      if (is_range) {
+        inst->SetVRegB_3rc(static_cast<uint16_t>(vtable_idx));
+      } else {
+        inst->SetVRegB_35c(static_cast<uint16_t>(vtable_idx));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+}  // namespace optimizer
+}  // namespace art
+extern "C" art::CompiledMethod*
+    ArtCompileDEX(art::CompilerDriver& compiler, const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
+                  uint32_t access_flags, art::InvokeType invoke_type,
+                  uint32_t class_def_idx, uint32_t method_idx, jobject class_loader,
+                  const art::DexFile& dex_file) {
+  art::DexCompilationUnit unit(NULL, class_loader, art::Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker(),
+                               dex_file, code_item, class_def_idx, method_idx, access_flags);
+  art::optimizer::DexCompiler dex_compiler(compiler, unit);
+  dex_compiler.Compile();
+  return NULL;