Rewrite interface table setup.
Collect references for all required interfaces and allocate
the table of the correct size to avoid reallocation.
Add new cases when we can reuse the interface table from the
superclass. When there are no new interfaces, check also for
concrete class with no new virtual methods. After collecting
interface references, re-check if all direct interfaces were
already present in the interface table of the superclass.
Primary boot images for aosp_oriole-userdebug have unchanged
reservation size for both arm and arm64 (the size reduction
did not cross a page boundary in any .art file). The boot
image extension reservations are smaller by 1 page (4KiB)
for arm and 4 pages (16KiB) for arm64.
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: --host --optimizing
Bug: 181943478
Change-Id: I5a0d2d44f53fca05ac6a86888a7d5a673570f9ec
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index d2ab81e..56fd922 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -625,6 +625,16 @@
+ObjPtr<mirror::IfTable> AllocIfTable(Thread* self,
+ size_t ifcount,
+ ObjPtr<mirror::Class> iftable_class)
+ REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ DCHECK(iftable_class->IsArrayClass());
+ DCHECK(iftable_class->GetComponentType()->IsObjectClass());
+ return ObjPtr<mirror::IfTable>::DownCast(ObjPtr<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object>>(
+ mirror::IfTable::Alloc(self, iftable_class, ifcount * mirror::IfTable::kMax)));
bool ClassLinker::InitWithoutImage(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> boot_class_path,
std::string* error_msg) {
VLOG(startup) << "ClassLinker::Init";
@@ -732,10 +742,10 @@
SetClassRoot(ClassRoot::kJavaLangRefReference, java_lang_ref_Reference.Get());
// Fill in the empty iftable. Needs to be done after the kObjectArrayClass root is set.
- java_lang_Object->SetIfTable(AllocIfTable(self, 0));
+ java_lang_Object->SetIfTable(AllocIfTable(self, 0, object_array_class.Get()));
// Create array interface entries to populate once we can load system classes.
- object_array_class->SetIfTable(AllocIfTable(self, 2));
+ object_array_class->SetIfTable(AllocIfTable(self, 2, object_array_class.Get()));
DCHECK_EQ(GetArrayIfTable(), object_array_class->GetIfTable());
// Setup the primitive type classes.
@@ -6638,10 +6648,12 @@
+namespace {
// Simple helper function that checks that no subtypes of 'val' are contained within the 'classes'
// set.
static bool NotSubinterfaceOfAny(
- const HashSet<mirror::Class*>& classes,
+ const ScopedArenaHashSet<mirror::Class*>& classes,
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> val)
REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
@@ -6654,48 +6666,113 @@
return true;
-// Fills in and flattens the interface inheritance hierarchy.
+// We record new interfaces by the index of the direct interface and the index in the
+// direct interface's `IfTable`, or `dex::kDexNoIndex` if it's the direct interface itself.
+struct NewInterfaceReference {
+ uint32_t direct_interface_index;
+ uint32_t direct_interface_iftable_index;
+class ProxyInterfacesAccessor {
+ public:
+ explicit ProxyInterfacesAccessor(Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>> interfaces)
+ REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
+ : interfaces_(interfaces) {}
+ size_t GetLength() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ return interfaces_->GetLength();
+ }
+ ObjPtr<mirror::Class> GetInterface(size_t index) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ DCHECK_LT(index, GetLength());
+ return interfaces_->GetWithoutChecks(index);
+ }
+ private:
+ Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>> interfaces_;
+class NonProxyInterfacesAccessor {
+ public:
+ NonProxyInterfacesAccessor(ClassLinker* class_linker, Handle<mirror::Class> klass)
+ REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
+ : interfaces_(klass->GetInterfaceTypeList()),
+ class_linker_(class_linker),
+ klass_(klass) {
+ DCHECK(!klass->IsProxyClass());
+ }
+ size_t GetLength() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ return (interfaces_ != nullptr) ? interfaces_->Size() : 0u;
+ }
+ ObjPtr<mirror::Class> GetInterface(size_t index) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ DCHECK_LT(index, GetLength());
+ dex::TypeIndex type_index = interfaces_->GetTypeItem(index).type_idx_;
+ return class_linker_->LookupResolvedType(type_index, klass_.Get());
+ }
+ private:
+ const dex::TypeList* interfaces_;
+ ClassLinker* class_linker_;
+ Handle<mirror::Class> klass_;
+// Finds new interfaces to add to the interface table in addition to superclass interfaces.
-// By the end of this function all interfaces in the transitive closure of to_process are added to
-// the iftable and every interface precedes all of its sub-interfaces in this list.
+// Interfaces in the interface table must satisfy the following constraint:
+// all I, J: Interface | I <: J implies J precedes I
+// (note A <: B means that A is a subtype of B). We order this backwards so that we do not need
+// to reorder superclass interfaces when new interfaces are added in subclass's interface tables.
-// all I, J: Interface | I <: J implies J precedes I
-// (note A <: B means that A is a subtype of B)
-// This returns the total number of items in the iftable. The iftable might be resized down after
-// this call.
-// We order this backwards so that we do not need to reorder superclass interfaces when new
-// interfaces are added in subclass's interface tables.
-// Upon entry into this function iftable is a copy of the superclass's iftable with the first
-// super_ifcount entries filled in with the transitive closure of the interfaces of the superclass.
-// The other entries are uninitialized. We will fill in the remaining entries in this function. The
-// iftable must be large enough to hold all interfaces without changing its size.
-static size_t FillIfTable(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass,
- ObjPtr<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>> interfaces,
- ObjPtr<mirror::IfTable> iftable,
- size_t super_ifcount,
- size_t num_interfaces)
+// This function returns a list of references for all interfaces in the transitive
+// closure of the direct interfaces that are not in the superclass interfaces.
+// The entries in the list are ordered to satisfy the interface table ordering
+// constraint and therefore the interface table formed by appending them to the
+// superclass interface table shall also satisfy that constraint.
+template <typename InterfaceAccessor>
+static ArrayRef<const NewInterfaceReference> FindNewIfTableInterfaces(
+ ObjPtr<mirror::IfTable> super_iftable,
+ size_t super_ifcount,
+ ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator,
+ InterfaceAccessor&& interfaces,
+ ArrayRef<NewInterfaceReference> initial_storage,
+ /*out*/ScopedArenaVector<NewInterfaceReference>* supplemental_storage)
REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
ScopedAssertNoThreadSuspension nts(__FUNCTION__);
// This is the set of all classes already in the iftable. Used to make checking
// if a class has already been added quicker.
constexpr size_t kBufferSize = 32; // 256 bytes on 64-bit architectures.
mirror::Class* buffer[kBufferSize];
- HashSet<mirror::Class*> classes_in_iftable(buffer, kBufferSize);
+ ScopedArenaHashSet<mirror::Class*> classes_in_iftable(buffer, kBufferSize, allocator->Adapter());
// The first super_ifcount elements are from the superclass. We note that they are already added.
for (size_t i = 0; i < super_ifcount; i++) {
- ObjPtr<mirror::Class> iface = iftable->GetInterface(i);
+ ObjPtr<mirror::Class> iface = super_iftable->GetInterface(i);
DCHECK(NotSubinterfaceOfAny(classes_in_iftable, iface)) << "Bad ordering.";
- classes_in_iftable.insert(iface.Ptr());
+ classes_in_iftable.Put(iface.Ptr());
- size_t filled_ifcount = super_ifcount;
- const bool have_interfaces = interfaces != nullptr;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != num_interfaces; ++i) {
- ObjPtr<mirror::Class> interface =
- have_interfaces ? interfaces->Get(i) : klass->GetDirectInterface(i);
+ ArrayRef<NewInterfaceReference> current_storage = initial_storage;
+ DCHECK_NE(current_storage.size(), 0u);
+ size_t num_new_interfaces = 0u;
+ auto insert_reference = [&](uint32_t direct_interface_index,
+ uint32_t direct_interface_iface_index) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(num_new_interfaces == current_storage.size())) {
+ bool copy = != supplemental_storage->data();
+ supplemental_storage->resize(2u * num_new_interfaces);
+ if (copy) {
+ std::copy_n(, num_new_interfaces, supplemental_storage->data());
+ }
+ current_storage = ArrayRef<NewInterfaceReference>(*supplemental_storage);
+ }
+ current_storage[num_new_interfaces] = {direct_interface_index, direct_interface_iface_index};
+ ++num_new_interfaces;
+ };
+ for (size_t i = 0, num_interfaces = interfaces.GetLength(); i != num_interfaces; ++i) {
+ ObjPtr<mirror::Class> interface = interfaces.GetInterface(i);
// Let us call the first filled_ifcount elements of iftable the current-iface-list.
// At this point in the loop current-iface-list has the invariant that:
@@ -6710,34 +6787,128 @@
int32_t ifcount = interface->GetIfTableCount();
for (int32_t j = 0; j < ifcount; j++) {
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> super_interface = interface->GetIfTable()->GetInterface(j);
- if (!ContainsElement(classes_in_iftable, super_interface)) {
+ if (classes_in_iftable.find(super_interface.Ptr()) == classes_in_iftable.end()) {
DCHECK(NotSubinterfaceOfAny(classes_in_iftable, super_interface)) << "Bad ordering.";
- classes_in_iftable.insert(super_interface.Ptr());
- iftable->SetInterface(filled_ifcount, super_interface);
- filled_ifcount++;
+ classes_in_iftable.Put(super_interface.Ptr());
+ insert_reference(i, j);
+ // Add this interface reference after all of its super-interfaces.
DCHECK(NotSubinterfaceOfAny(classes_in_iftable, interface)) << "Bad ordering";
- // Place this interface onto the current-iface-list after all of its super-interfaces.
- classes_in_iftable.insert(interface.Ptr());
- iftable->SetInterface(filled_ifcount, interface);
- filled_ifcount++;
+ classes_in_iftable.Put(interface.Ptr());
+ insert_reference(i, dex::kDexNoIndex);
} else if (kIsDebugBuild) {
// Check all super-interfaces are already in the list.
int32_t ifcount = interface->GetIfTableCount();
for (int32_t j = 0; j < ifcount; j++) {
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> super_interface = interface->GetIfTable()->GetInterface(j);
- DCHECK(ContainsElement(classes_in_iftable, super_interface))
+ DCHECK(classes_in_iftable.find(super_interface.Ptr()) != classes_in_iftable.end())
<< "Iftable does not contain " << mirror::Class::PrettyClass(super_interface)
<< ", a superinterface of " << interface->PrettyClass();
+ return ArrayRef<const NewInterfaceReference>(, num_new_interfaces);
+template <typename InterfaceAccessor>
+static ObjPtr<mirror::IfTable> SetupInterfaceLookupTable(
+ Thread* self,
+ Handle<mirror::Class> klass,
+ ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator,
+ InterfaceAccessor&& interfaces)
+ REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ DCHECK(klass->HasSuperClass());
+ ObjPtr<mirror::IfTable> super_iftable = klass->GetSuperClass()->GetIfTable();
+ const size_t super_ifcount = super_iftable->Count();
+ const size_t num_interfaces = interfaces.GetLength();
+ // If there are no new interfaces, we can recycle parent's interface table if the class
+ // inherits no interfaces from the superclass (this is always the case for interfaces as
+ // their superclass `java.lang.Object` does not implement any interface), or there are no
+ // new virtuals, or all interfaces inherited from the superclass are just marker interfaces.
+ auto is_marker_iface = [=](size_t index) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) ALWAYS_INLINE {
+ return super_iftable->GetMethodArrayCount(index) == 0;
+ };
+ auto can_reuse_super_iftable = [=]() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) ALWAYS_INLINE{
+ if (super_ifcount == 0u) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ DCHECK(!klass->IsInterface());
+ return klass->NumDeclaredVirtualMethods() == 0u ||
+ std::all_of(CountIter(0), CountIter(super_ifcount), is_marker_iface);
+ };
+ if (num_interfaces == 0 && can_reuse_super_iftable()) {
+ return super_iftable;
+ }
+ // Check that every class being implemented is an interface.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != num_interfaces; ++i) {
+ ObjPtr<mirror::Class> interface = interfaces.GetInterface(i);
+ DCHECK(interface != nullptr);
+ if (UNLIKELY(!interface->IsInterface())) {
+ ThrowIncompatibleClassChangeError(klass.Get(),
+ "Class %s implements non-interface class %s",
+ klass->PrettyDescriptor().c_str(),
+ interface->PrettyDescriptor().c_str());
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ static constexpr size_t kMaxStackReferences = 16;
+ NewInterfaceReference initial_storage[kMaxStackReferences];
+ ScopedArenaVector<NewInterfaceReference> supplemental_storage(allocator->Adapter());
+ ArrayRef<const NewInterfaceReference> new_interface_references =
+ FindNewIfTableInterfaces(
+ super_iftable,
+ super_ifcount,
+ allocator,
+ interfaces,
+ ArrayRef<NewInterfaceReference>(initial_storage),
+ &supplemental_storage);
+ // If all declared interfaces were already present in superclass interface table, we can
+ // re-check if other conditions of reusing the superclass interface table are satisfied.
+ if (UNLIKELY(num_interfaces != 0u && new_interface_references.empty())) {
+ DCHECK(!klass->IsInterface());
+ if (can_reuse_super_iftable()) {
+ return super_iftable;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create the interface table.
+ size_t ifcount = super_ifcount + new_interface_references.size();
+ ObjPtr<mirror::IfTable> iftable = AllocIfTable(self, ifcount, super_iftable->GetClass());
+ if (UNLIKELY(iftable == nullptr)) {
+ self->AssertPendingOOMException();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Fill in table with superclass's iftable.
+ if (super_ifcount != 0) {
+ // Reload `super_iftable` as it may have been clobbered by the allocation.
+ super_iftable = klass->GetSuperClass()->GetIfTable();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < super_ifcount; i++) {
+ ObjPtr<mirror::Class> super_interface = super_iftable->GetInterface(i);
+ iftable->SetInterface(i, super_interface);
+ }
+ }
+ // Fill in the table with additional interfaces.
+ size_t current_index = super_ifcount;
+ for (NewInterfaceReference ref : new_interface_references) {
+ ObjPtr<mirror::Class> direct_interface = interfaces.GetInterface(ref.direct_interface_index);
+ ObjPtr<mirror::Class> new_interface = (ref.direct_interface_iftable_index != dex::kDexNoIndex)
+ ? direct_interface->GetIfTable()->GetInterface(ref.direct_interface_iftable_index)
+ : direct_interface;
+ iftable->SetInterface(current_index, new_interface);
+ ++current_index;
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(current_index, ifcount);
if (kIsDebugBuild) {
// Check that the iftable is ordered correctly.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < filled_ifcount; i++) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ifcount; i++) {
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> if_a = iftable->GetInterface(i);
- for (size_t j = i + 1; j < filled_ifcount; j++) {
+ for (size_t j = i + 1; j < ifcount; j++) {
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> if_b = iftable->GetInterface(j);
// !(if_a <: if_b)
@@ -6748,98 +6919,8 @@
- return filled_ifcount;
-bool ClassLinker::SetupInterfaceLookupTable(Thread* self,
- Handle<mirror::Class> klass,
- Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>> interfaces) {
- StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
- const bool has_superclass = klass->HasSuperClass();
- const size_t super_ifcount = has_superclass ? klass->GetSuperClass()->GetIfTableCount() : 0U;
- const bool have_interfaces = interfaces != nullptr;
- const size_t num_interfaces =
- have_interfaces ? interfaces->GetLength() : klass->NumDirectInterfaces();
- if (num_interfaces == 0) {
- if (super_ifcount == 0) {
- if (LIKELY(has_superclass)) {
- klass->SetIfTable(klass->GetSuperClass()->GetIfTable());
- }
- // Class implements no interfaces.
- DCHECK_EQ(klass->GetIfTableCount(), 0);
- return true;
- }
- // Class implements same interfaces as parent, are any of these not marker interfaces?
- bool has_non_marker_interface = false;
- ObjPtr<mirror::IfTable> super_iftable = klass->GetSuperClass()->GetIfTable();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < super_ifcount; ++i) {
- if (super_iftable->GetMethodArrayCount(i) > 0) {
- has_non_marker_interface = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- // Class just inherits marker interfaces from parent so recycle parent's iftable.
- if (!has_non_marker_interface) {
- klass->SetIfTable(super_iftable);
- return true;
- }
- }
- size_t ifcount = super_ifcount + num_interfaces;
- // Check that every class being implemented is an interface.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_interfaces; i++) {
- ObjPtr<mirror::Class> interface =
- have_interfaces ? interfaces->GetWithoutChecks(i) : klass->GetDirectInterface(i);
- DCHECK(interface != nullptr);
- if (UNLIKELY(!interface->IsInterface())) {
- std::string temp;
- ThrowIncompatibleClassChangeError(klass.Get(),
- "Class %s implements non-interface class %s",
- klass->PrettyDescriptor().c_str(),
- PrettyDescriptor(interface->GetDescriptor(&temp)).c_str());
- return false;
- }
- ifcount += interface->GetIfTableCount();
- }
- // Create the interface function table.
- MutableHandle<mirror::IfTable> iftable(hs.NewHandle(AllocIfTable(self, ifcount)));
- if (UNLIKELY(iftable == nullptr)) {
- self->AssertPendingOOMException();
- return false;
- }
- // Fill in table with superclass's iftable.
- if (super_ifcount != 0) {
- ObjPtr<mirror::IfTable> super_iftable = klass->GetSuperClass()->GetIfTable();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < super_ifcount; i++) {
- ObjPtr<mirror::Class> super_interface = super_iftable->GetInterface(i);
- iftable->SetInterface(i, super_interface);
- }
- }
- // Note that AllowThreadSuspension is to thread suspension as pthread_testcancel is to pthread
- // cancellation. That is it will suspend if one has a pending suspend request but otherwise
- // doesn't really do anything.
- self->AllowThreadSuspension();
- const size_t new_ifcount =
- FillIfTable(klass.Get(), interfaces.Get(), iftable.Get(), super_ifcount, num_interfaces);
- self->AllowThreadSuspension();
- // Shrink iftable in case duplicates were found
- if (new_ifcount < ifcount) {
- DCHECK_NE(num_interfaces, 0U);
- iftable.Assign(ObjPtr<mirror::IfTable>::DownCast(
- mirror::IfTable::CopyOf(iftable, self, new_ifcount * mirror::IfTable::kMax)));
- if (UNLIKELY(iftable == nullptr)) {
- self->AssertPendingOOMException();
- return false;
- }
- ifcount = new_ifcount;
- } else {
- DCHECK_EQ(new_ifcount, ifcount);
- }
- klass->SetIfTable(iftable.Get());
- return true;
+ return iftable;
// Finds the method with a name/signature that matches cmp in the given lists of methods. The list
@@ -6861,8 +6942,6 @@
return FindSameNameAndSignature(cmp, rest...);
-namespace {
// Check that all vtable entries are present in this class's virtuals or are the same as a
// superclasses vtable entry.
void CheckClassOwnsVTableEntries(Thread* self,
@@ -7126,6 +7205,7 @@
: class_linker_(class_linker),
+ runtime_(runtime),
@@ -7139,21 +7219,18 @@
move_table_(allocator_.Adapter()) {
- // Links the virtual methods for the given class and records any default methods
- // that will need to be updated later.
+ // Links the virtual and interface methods for the given class.
// Arguments:
// * self - The current thread.
// * klass - class, whose vtable will be filled in.
- bool LinkVirtualMethods(Thread* self, Handle<mirror::Class> klass)
- REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
- // Sets the imt entries and fixes up the vtable for the given class by linking
- // all the interface methods.
- bool LinkInterfaceMethods(
+ // * interfaces - implemented interfaces for a proxy class, otherwise null.
+ // * out_new_conflict - whether there is a new conflict compared to the superclass.
+ // * out_imt - interface method table to fill.
+ bool LinkMethods(
Thread* self,
Handle<mirror::Class> klass,
- Runtime* runtime,
+ Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>> interfaces,
bool* out_new_conflict,
ArtMethod** out_imt)
@@ -7167,9 +7244,18 @@
size_t num_virtual_methods)
- bool LinkJavaLangObjectVirtualMethods(Thread* self, Handle<mirror::Class> klass)
+ bool LinkJavaLangObjectMethods(Thread* self, Handle<mirror::Class> klass)
REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) COLD_ATTR;
+ // Sets the imt entries and fixes up the vtable for the given class by linking
+ // all the interface methods.
+ bool LinkInterfaceMethods(
+ Thread* self,
+ Handle<mirror::Class> klass,
+ bool* out_new_conflict,
+ ArtMethod** out_imt)
+ REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
ArtMethod* FindOrCreateImplementationMethod(
ArtMethod* interface_method,
MethodNameAndSignatureComparator& interface_name_comparator,
@@ -7386,6 +7472,7 @@
ClassLinker* class_linker_;
Handle<mirror::Class> klass_;
Thread* const self_;
+ Runtime* const runtime_;
// These are allocated on the heap to begin, we then transfer to linear alloc when we re-create
// the virtual methods array.
@@ -7905,9 +7992,12 @@
template <PointerSize kPointerSize>
-bool ClassLinker::LinkMethodsHelper<kPointerSize>::LinkVirtualMethods(
+bool ClassLinker::LinkMethodsHelper<kPointerSize>::LinkMethods(
Thread* self,
- Handle<mirror::Class> klass) {
+ Handle<mirror::Class> klass,
+ Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>> interfaces,
+ bool* out_new_conflict,
+ ArtMethod** out_imt) {
const size_t num_virtual_methods = klass->NumVirtualMethods();
if (klass->IsInterface()) {
// No vtable.
@@ -7944,10 +8034,38 @@
if (has_defaults) {
- return true;
+ ObjPtr<mirror::IfTable> iftable = SetupInterfaceLookupTable(
+ self, klass, &allocator_, NonProxyInterfacesAccessor(class_linker_, klass));
+ if (UNLIKELY(iftable == nullptr)) {
+ self->AssertPendingException();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // TODO: Delay setting the interface table until we're sure we shall not throw an exception.
+ klass->SetIfTable(iftable);
+ return LinkInterfaceMethods(self, klass, out_new_conflict, out_imt);
} else if (LIKELY(klass->HasSuperClass())) {
- const size_t super_vtable_length = klass->GetSuperClass()->GetVTableLength();
+ // Copy IMT from superclass. It shall be updated later if needed.
+ class_linker_->FillImtFromSuperClass(klass,
+ runtime_->GetImtUnimplementedMethod(),
+ runtime_->GetImtConflictMethod(),
+ out_new_conflict,
+ out_imt);
+ // We set up the interface lookup table now because we need it to determine if we need
+ // to update any vtable entries with new default method implementations.
StackHandleScope<3> hs(self);
+ Handle<mirror::IfTable> iftable = hs.NewHandle(UNLIKELY(klass->IsProxyClass())
+ ? SetupInterfaceLookupTable(self, klass, &allocator_, ProxyInterfacesAccessor(interfaces))
+ : SetupInterfaceLookupTable(
+ self, klass, &allocator_, NonProxyInterfacesAccessor(class_linker_, klass)));
+ if (UNLIKELY(iftable == nullptr)) {
+ self->AssertPendingException();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // TODO: Delay setting the interface table until we're sure we shall not throw an exception.
+ klass->SetIfTable(iftable.Get());
+ const size_t super_vtable_length = klass->GetSuperClass()->GetVTableLength();
Handle<mirror::Class> super_class(hs.NewHandle(klass->GetSuperClass()));
// If there are no new virtual methods and no new interfaces, we can simply reuse
@@ -7971,6 +8089,8 @@
CHECK(super_vtable != nullptr) << super_class->PrettyClass();
+ // The interface table from superclass has also been reused by `SetupInterfaceLookupTable()`.
+ DCHECK(iftable.Get() == super_class->GetIfTable()) << klass->PrettyDescriptor();
return true;
@@ -7999,6 +8119,15 @@
vtable->SetElementPtrSize(vtable_index, &virtual_method, kPointerSize);
+ // Allocate method arrays, so that we can link interface methods without thread suspension,
+ // otherwise GC could miss visiting newly allocated copied methods.
+ // TODO: Do not allocate copied methods during linking, store only records about what
+ // we need to allocate and allocate it at the end. Start with superclass iftable and
+ // perform copy-on-write when needed to facilitate maximum memory sharing.
+ if (!class_linker_->AllocateIfTableMethodArrays(self, klass, iftable)) {
+ return false;
+ }
// For non-overridden vtable slots, copy a method from `super_class`.
for (size_t j = 0; j != super_vtable_length; ++j) {
if (vtable->GetElementPtrSize<ArtMethod*, kPointerSize>(j) != nullptr) {
@@ -8065,14 +8194,14 @@
+ return LinkInterfaceMethods(self, klass, out_new_conflict, out_imt);
} else {
- return LinkJavaLangObjectVirtualMethods(self, klass);
+ return LinkJavaLangObjectMethods(self, klass);
- return true;
template <PointerSize kPointerSize>
-bool ClassLinker::LinkMethodsHelper<kPointerSize>::LinkJavaLangObjectVirtualMethods(
+bool ClassLinker::LinkMethodsHelper<kPointerSize>::LinkJavaLangObjectMethods(
Thread* self,
Handle<mirror::Class> klass) {
DCHECK_EQ(klass.Get(), GetClassRoot<mirror::Object>(class_linker_));
@@ -8094,16 +8223,17 @@
+ // The interface table is already allocated but there are no interface methods to link.
+ DCHECK(klass->GetIfTable() != nullptr);
+ DCHECK_EQ(klass->GetIfTableCount(), 0);
return true;
// TODO This method needs to be split up into several smaller methods.
template <PointerSize kPointerSize>
bool ClassLinker::LinkMethodsHelper<kPointerSize>::LinkInterfaceMethods(
Thread* self,
Handle<mirror::Class> klass,
- Runtime* runtime,
bool* out_new_conflict,
ArtMethod** out_imt) {
StackHandleScope<3> hs(self);
@@ -8117,23 +8247,8 @@
Handle<mirror::IfTable> iftable(hs.NewHandle(klass->GetIfTable()));
MutableHandle<mirror::PointerArray> vtable(hs.NewHandle(klass->GetVTableDuringLinking()));
- ArtMethod* const unimplemented_method = runtime->GetImtUnimplementedMethod();
- ArtMethod* const imt_conflict_method = runtime->GetImtConflictMethod();
- // Copy the IMT from the super class if possible.
- if (has_superclass && fill_tables) {
- class_linker_->FillImtFromSuperClass(klass,
- unimplemented_method,
- imt_conflict_method,
- out_new_conflict,
- out_imt);
- }
- // Allocate method arrays before since we don't want miss visiting miranda method roots due to
- // thread suspension.
- if (fill_tables) {
- if (!class_linker_->AllocateIfTableMethodArrays(self, klass, iftable)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
+ ArtMethod* const unimplemented_method = runtime_->GetImtUnimplementedMethod();
+ ArtMethod* const imt_conflict_method = runtime_->GetImtConflictMethod();
auto* old_cause = self->StartAssertNoThreadSuspension(
"Copying ArtMethods for LinkInterfaceMethods");
@@ -8345,23 +8460,16 @@
bool* out_new_conflict,
ArtMethod** out_imt) {
- // We set up the interface lookup table first because we need it to determine if we need
- // to update any vtable entries with new default method implementations.
- if (!SetupInterfaceLookupTable(self, klass, interfaces)) {
- return false;
- }
// Link virtual methods then interface methods.
Runtime* const runtime = Runtime::Current();
if (LIKELY(GetImagePointerSize() == kRuntimePointerSize)) {
LinkMethodsHelper<kRuntimePointerSize> helper(this, klass, self, runtime);
- return helper.LinkVirtualMethods(self, klass) &&
- helper.LinkInterfaceMethods(self, klass, runtime, out_new_conflict, out_imt);
+ return helper.LinkMethods(self, klass, interfaces, out_new_conflict, out_imt);
} else {
constexpr PointerSize kOtherPointerSize =
(kRuntimePointerSize == PointerSize::k64) ? PointerSize::k32 : PointerSize::k64;
LinkMethodsHelper<kOtherPointerSize> helper(this, klass, self, runtime);
- return helper.LinkVirtualMethods(self, klass) &&
- helper.LinkInterfaceMethods(self, klass, runtime, out_new_conflict, out_imt);
+ return helper.LinkMethods(self, klass, interfaces, out_new_conflict, out_imt);
@@ -10063,13 +10171,6 @@
return visitor.holder_;
-ObjPtr<mirror::IfTable> ClassLinker::AllocIfTable(Thread* self, size_t ifcount) {
- return ObjPtr<mirror::IfTable>::DownCast(ObjPtr<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object>>(
- mirror::IfTable::Alloc(self,
- GetClassRoot<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object>>(this),
- ifcount * mirror::IfTable::kMax)));
bool ClassLinker::DenyAccessBasedOnPublicSdk(ArtMethod* art_method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const
REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
// Should not be called on ClassLinker, only on AotClassLinker that overrides this.