Optionally add debug symbols to ELF files made by quick compiler.

Added debug symbols to ELF files created by dex2oat using
the quick compiler. Adds two flags --include-debug-symbols and
--no-include-debug-symbols for dex2oat that control the inclusion of these
debug symbols. Debug info is added by default if kIsDebugBuild is true.

Fixed bug where Intel DWARF information would not correctly deal with
deduplicated code the binary.

Changed the portable compiler code path in dex2oat.cc so that symbols
will not be stripped when run with --include-debug-symbols.

Change-Id: Ia2eb2f654dedf0e5e8606f7744e05b8d14155fb1
diff --git a/compiler/oat_writer.cc b/compiler/oat_writer.cc
index 5d532ab..65bc318 100644
--- a/compiler/oat_writer.cc
+++ b/compiler/oat_writer.cc
@@ -350,31 +350,14 @@
         uint32_t thumb_offset = compiled_method->CodeDelta();
         quick_code_offset = offset_ + sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader) + thumb_offset;
-        std::vector<uint8_t>* cfi_info = writer_->compiler_driver_->GetCallFrameInformation();
-        if (cfi_info != nullptr) {
-          // Copy in the FDE, if present
-          const std::vector<uint8_t>* fde = compiled_method->GetCFIInfo();
-          if (fde != nullptr) {
-            // Copy the information into cfi_info and then fix the address in the new copy.
-            int cur_offset = cfi_info->size();
-            cfi_info->insert(cfi_info->end(), fde->begin(), fde->end());
-            // Set the 'initial_location' field to address the start of the method.
-            uint32_t new_value = quick_code_offset - writer_->oat_header_->GetExecutableOffset();
-            uint32_t offset_to_update = cur_offset + 2*sizeof(uint32_t);
-            (*cfi_info)[offset_to_update+0] = new_value;
-            (*cfi_info)[offset_to_update+1] = new_value >> 8;
-            (*cfi_info)[offset_to_update+2] = new_value >> 16;
-            (*cfi_info)[offset_to_update+3] = new_value >> 24;
-            std::string name = PrettyMethod(it.GetMemberIndex(), *dex_file_, false);
-            writer_->method_info_.push_back(DebugInfo(name, new_value, new_value + code_size));
-          }
-        }
+        bool force_debug_capture = false;
+        bool deduped = false;
         // Deduplicate code arrays.
         auto code_iter = dedupe_map_.find(compiled_method);
         if (code_iter != dedupe_map_.end()) {
           quick_code_offset = code_iter->second;
+          deduped = true;
         } else {
           dedupe_map_.Put(compiled_method, quick_code_offset);
@@ -409,6 +392,41 @@
           writer_->oat_header_->UpdateChecksum(&(*quick_code)[0], code_size);
           offset_ += code_size;
+        uint32_t quick_code_start = quick_code_offset - writer_->oat_header_->GetExecutableOffset();
+        std::vector<uint8_t>* cfi_info = writer_->compiler_driver_->GetCallFrameInformation();
+        if (cfi_info != nullptr) {
+          // Copy in the FDE, if present
+          const std::vector<uint8_t>* fde = compiled_method->GetCFIInfo();
+          if (fde != nullptr) {
+            // Copy the information into cfi_info and then fix the address in the new copy.
+            int cur_offset = cfi_info->size();
+            cfi_info->insert(cfi_info->end(), fde->begin(), fde->end());
+            // Set the 'initial_location' field to address the start of the method.
+            uint32_t offset_to_update = cur_offset + 2*sizeof(uint32_t);
+            (*cfi_info)[offset_to_update+0] = quick_code_start;
+            (*cfi_info)[offset_to_update+1] = quick_code_start >> 8;
+            (*cfi_info)[offset_to_update+2] = quick_code_start >> 16;
+            (*cfi_info)[offset_to_update+3] = quick_code_start >> 24;
+            force_debug_capture = true;
+          }
+        }
+        if (writer_->compiler_driver_->DidIncludeDebugSymbols() || force_debug_capture) {
+          // Record debug information for this function if we are doing that or
+          // we have CFI and so need it.
+          std::string name = PrettyMethod(it.GetMemberIndex(), *dex_file_, true);
+          if (deduped) {
+            // TODO We should place the DEDUPED tag on the first instance of a
+            // deduplicated symbol so that it will show up in a debuggerd crash
+            // report.
+            name += " [ DEDUPED ]";
+          }
+          writer_->method_info_.push_back(DebugInfo(name, quick_code_start,
+                                                    quick_code_start + code_size));
+        }
       if (kIsDebugBuild) {