Synchronize JNI critical calls with the CC collector thread flip.
JNI critical calls (like GetArrayElementsCritical) would need to block
for the whole GC run to finish if the CC collector GC is ongoing. This
CL changes it so that they don't need to block for the GC run, but
only for the duration of the thread flip operation, which is much
shorter. This is valid due to the to-space invariant.
Bug: 12687968
Bug: 19235243
Change-Id: I1b6b4ae4fa539ddc0ec50b10ae8c8709f2a12fe8
diff --git a/runtime/gc/ b/runtime/gc/
index d7f918b..aed7c62 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/
+++ b/runtime/gc/
@@ -161,6 +161,8 @@
zygote_creation_lock_("zygote creation lock", kZygoteCreationLock),
+ disable_thread_flip_count_(0),
+ thread_flip_running_(false),
@@ -480,6 +482,9 @@
gc_complete_lock_ = new Mutex("GC complete lock");
gc_complete_cond_.reset(new ConditionVariable("GC complete condition variable",
+ thread_flip_lock_ = new Mutex("GC thread flip lock");
+ thread_flip_cond_.reset(new ConditionVariable("GC thread flip condition variable",
+ *thread_flip_lock_));
task_processor_.reset(new TaskProcessor());
reference_processor_.reset(new ReferenceProcessor());
pending_task_lock_ = new Mutex("Pending task lock");
@@ -770,6 +775,71 @@
+void Heap::IncrementDisableThreadFlip(Thread* self) {
+ // Supposed to be called by mutators. If thread_flip_running_ is true, block. Otherwise, go ahead.
+ CHECK(kUseReadBarrier);
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kWaitingForGcThreadFlip);
+ MutexLock mu(self, *thread_flip_lock_);
+ bool has_waited = false;
+ uint64_t wait_start = NanoTime();
+ while (thread_flip_running_) {
+ has_waited = true;
+ thread_flip_cond_->Wait(self);
+ }
+ ++disable_thread_flip_count_;
+ if (has_waited) {
+ uint64_t wait_time = NanoTime() - wait_start;
+ total_wait_time_ += wait_time;
+ if (wait_time > long_pause_log_threshold_) {
+ LOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << " blocked for " << PrettyDuration(wait_time);
+ }
+ }
+void Heap::DecrementDisableThreadFlip(Thread* self) {
+ // Supposed to be called by mutators. Decrement disable_thread_flip_count_ and potentially wake up
+ // the GC waiting before doing a thread flip.
+ CHECK(kUseReadBarrier);
+ MutexLock mu(self, *thread_flip_lock_);
+ CHECK_GT(disable_thread_flip_count_, 0U);
+ --disable_thread_flip_count_;
+ thread_flip_cond_->Broadcast(self);
+void Heap::ThreadFlipBegin(Thread* self) {
+ // Supposed to be called by GC. Set thread_flip_running_ to be true. If disable_thread_flip_count_
+ // > 0, block. Otherwise, go ahead.
+ CHECK(kUseReadBarrier);
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kWaitingForGcThreadFlip);
+ MutexLock mu(self, *thread_flip_lock_);
+ bool has_waited = false;
+ uint64_t wait_start = NanoTime();
+ CHECK(!thread_flip_running_);
+ // Set this to true before waiting so that a new mutator entering a JNI critical won't starve GC.
+ thread_flip_running_ = true;
+ while (disable_thread_flip_count_ > 0) {
+ has_waited = true;
+ thread_flip_cond_->Wait(self);
+ }
+ if (has_waited) {
+ uint64_t wait_time = NanoTime() - wait_start;
+ total_wait_time_ += wait_time;
+ if (wait_time > long_pause_log_threshold_) {
+ LOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << " blocked for " << PrettyDuration(wait_time);
+ }
+ }
+void Heap::ThreadFlipEnd(Thread* self) {
+ // Supposed to be called by GC. Set thread_flip_running_ to false and potentially wake up mutators
+ // waiting before doing a JNI critical.
+ CHECK(kUseReadBarrier);
+ MutexLock mu(self, *thread_flip_lock_);
+ CHECK(thread_flip_running_);
+ thread_flip_running_ = false;
+ thread_flip_cond_->Broadcast(self);
void Heap::UpdateProcessState(ProcessState process_state) {
if (process_state_ != process_state) {
process_state_ = process_state;