Inline unimplemented intrinsics

There are intrinsics that are unimplemented i.e. we didn't
hand-craft code for them. Allow the inliner to inline those.

Since our optimizations expect InvokeVirtual, I stopped the
de-virtualization of intrinsics. That could be re-added
if we modify optimizations like TryReplaceStringBuilderAppend.

Test: art/test/testrunner/ --host --64 --optimizing -b
Test: art/test/testrunner/ --target --64 --optimizing
Test: compiling the APK in the bug and seeing the inline
Bug: 262585898
Fixes: 262585898
Change-Id: I501b69c4ffd9082ca8ffacb1cd1cd5d1ab3668a8
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
index 1fac62f..dff2e79 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
@@ -53,6 +53,53 @@
 // these are not clobbered by any direct call to native code (such as math intrinsics).
 static constexpr FloatRegister non_volatile_xmm_regs[] = { XMM12, XMM13, XMM14, XMM15 };
+  V(CRC32Update)                               \
+  V(CRC32UpdateBytes)                          \
+  V(CRC32UpdateByteBuffer)                     \
+  V(FP16ToFloat)                               \
+  V(FP16ToHalf)                                \
+  V(FP16Floor)                                 \
+  V(FP16Ceil)                                  \
+  V(FP16Rint)                                  \
+  V(FP16Greater)                               \
+  V(FP16GreaterEquals)                         \
+  V(FP16Less)                                  \
+  V(FP16LessEquals)                            \
+  V(FP16Compare)                               \
+  V(FP16Min)                                   \
+  V(FP16Max)                                   \
+  V(StringStringIndexOf)                       \
+  V(StringStringIndexOfAfter)                  \
+  V(StringBufferAppend)                        \
+  V(StringBufferLength)                        \
+  V(StringBufferToString)                      \
+  V(StringBuilderAppendObject)                 \
+  V(StringBuilderAppendString)                 \
+  V(StringBuilderAppendCharSequence)           \
+  V(StringBuilderAppendCharArray)              \
+  V(StringBuilderAppendBoolean)                \
+  V(StringBuilderAppendChar)                   \
+  V(StringBuilderAppendInt)                    \
+  V(StringBuilderAppendLong)                   \
+  V(StringBuilderAppendFloat)                  \
+  V(StringBuilderAppendDouble)                 \
+  V(StringBuilderLength)                       \
+  V(StringBuilderToString)                     \
+  /* 1.8 */                                    \
+  V(UnsafeGetAndAddInt)                        \
+  V(UnsafeGetAndAddLong)                       \
+  V(UnsafeGetAndSetInt)                        \
+  V(UnsafeGetAndSetLong)                       \
+  V(UnsafeGetAndSetObject)                     \
+  V(MethodHandleInvokeExact)                   \
+  V(MethodHandleInvoke)                        \
+  /* OpenJDK 11 */                             \
+  V(JdkUnsafeGetAndAddInt)                     \
+  V(JdkUnsafeGetAndAddLong)                    \
+  V(JdkUnsafeGetAndSetInt)                     \
+  V(JdkUnsafeGetAndSetLong)                    \
+  V(JdkUnsafeGetAndSetObject)
 class InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention : public CallingConvention<Register, FloatRegister> {