ART: Fix arm32 quick_invoke_stub CFI
Follow-up to 4808846b2a8647a448aaa05d561a4f60b190196b.
Change-Id: I534ba39a4f59eaea9cfec8e81c944675284fc427
diff --git a/runtime/arch/arm/quick_entrypoints_arm.S b/runtime/arch/arm/quick_entrypoints_arm.S
index 068f458..2000110 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/arm/quick_entrypoints_arm.S
+++ b/runtime/arch/arm/quick_entrypoints_arm.S
@@ -24,10 +24,9 @@
.extern artDeliverPendingException
- * Macro that sets up the callee save frame to conform with
- * Runtime::CreateCalleeSaveMethod(kSaveAll)
+ * Macro to spill the GPRs.
push {r4-r11, lr} @ 9 words (36 bytes) of callee saves.
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 36
.cfi_rel_offset r4, 0
@@ -39,6 +38,14 @@
.cfi_rel_offset r10, 24
.cfi_rel_offset r11, 28
.cfi_rel_offset lr, 32
+ /*
+ * Macro that sets up the callee save frame to conform with
+ * Runtime::CreateCalleeSaveMethod(kSaveAll)
+ */
+ SPILL_ALL_CALLEE_SAVE_GPRS @ 9 words (36 bytes) of callee saves.
vpush {s16-s31} @ 16 words (64 bytes) of floats.
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 64
sub sp, #12 @ 3 words of space, bottom word will hold Method*
@@ -380,17 +387,7 @@
* +-------------------------+
ENTRY art_quick_invoke_stub_internal
- push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, lr} @ spill regs
- .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 16
- .cfi_rel_offset r4, 0
- .cfi_rel_offset r5, 4
- .cfi_rel_offset r6, 8
- .cfi_rel_offset r7, 12
- .cfi_rel_offset r8, 16
- .cfi_rel_offset r9, 20
- .cfi_rel_offset r10, 24
- .cfi_rel_offset r11, 28
- .cfi_rel_offset lr, 32
+ SPILL_ALL_CALLEE_SAVE_GPRS @ spill regs (9)
mov r11, sp @ save the stack pointer
.cfi_def_cfa_register r11