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Change-Id: I9ab7975daa5ed7aae6bff8730bb63fb48a798ea8
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/locations.h b/compiler/optimizing/locations.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c60d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/locations.h
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "base/bit_field.h"
+#include "utils/allocation.h"
+#include "utils/growable_array.h"
+#include "utils/managed_register.h"
+namespace art {
+class HInstruction;
+ * A Location is an abstraction over the potential location
+ * of an instruction. It could be in register or stack.
+ */
+class Location : public ValueObject {
+ public:
+ enum Kind {
+ kInvalid = 0,
+ kStackSlot = 1, // Word size slot.
+ kDoubleStackSlot = 2, // 64bit stack slot.
+ kRegister = 3,
+ // On 32bits architectures, quick can pass a long where the
+ // low bits are in the last parameter register, and the high
+ // bits are in a stack slot. The kQuickParameter kind is for
+ // handling this special case.
+ kQuickParameter = 4,
+ // Unallocated location represents a location that is not fixed and can be
+ // allocated by a register allocator. Each unallocated location has
+ // a policy that specifies what kind of location is suitable. Payload
+ // contains register allocation policy.
+ kUnallocated = 5,
+ };
+ Location() : value_(kInvalid) {
+ DCHECK(!IsValid());
+ }
+ Location(const Location& other) : ValueObject(), value_(other.value_) {}
+ Location& operator=(const Location& other) {
+ value_ = other.value_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool IsValid() const {
+ return value_ != kInvalid;
+ }
+ bool IsInvalid() const {
+ return !IsValid();
+ }
+ bool IsConstant() const {
+ // TODO: support constants.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Empty location. Used if there the location should be ignored.
+ static Location NoLocation() {
+ return Location();
+ }
+ // Register locations.
+ static Location RegisterLocation(ManagedRegister reg) {
+ return Location(kRegister, reg.RegId());
+ }
+ bool IsRegister() const {
+ return GetKind() == kRegister;
+ }
+ ManagedRegister reg() const {
+ DCHECK(IsRegister());
+ return static_cast<ManagedRegister>(GetPayload());
+ }
+ static uword EncodeStackIndex(intptr_t stack_index) {
+ DCHECK(-kStackIndexBias <= stack_index);
+ DCHECK(stack_index < kStackIndexBias);
+ return static_cast<uword>(kStackIndexBias + stack_index);
+ }
+ static Location StackSlot(intptr_t stack_index) {
+ uword payload = EncodeStackIndex(stack_index);
+ Location loc(kStackSlot, payload);
+ // Ensure that sign is preserved.
+ DCHECK_EQ(loc.GetStackIndex(), stack_index);
+ return loc;
+ }
+ bool IsStackSlot() const {
+ return GetKind() == kStackSlot;
+ }
+ static Location DoubleStackSlot(intptr_t stack_index) {
+ uword payload = EncodeStackIndex(stack_index);
+ Location loc(kDoubleStackSlot, payload);
+ // Ensure that sign is preserved.
+ DCHECK_EQ(loc.GetStackIndex(), stack_index);
+ return loc;
+ }
+ bool IsDoubleStackSlot() const {
+ return GetKind() == kDoubleStackSlot;
+ }
+ intptr_t GetStackIndex() const {
+ DCHECK(IsStackSlot() || IsDoubleStackSlot());
+ // Decode stack index manually to preserve sign.
+ return GetPayload() - kStackIndexBias;
+ }
+ intptr_t GetHighStackIndex(uintptr_t word_size) const {
+ DCHECK(IsDoubleStackSlot());
+ // Decode stack index manually to preserve sign.
+ return GetPayload() - kStackIndexBias + word_size;
+ }
+ static Location QuickParameter(uint32_t parameter_index) {
+ return Location(kQuickParameter, parameter_index);
+ }
+ uint32_t GetQuickParameterIndex() const {
+ DCHECK(IsQuickParameter());
+ return GetPayload();
+ }
+ bool IsQuickParameter() const {
+ return GetKind() == kQuickParameter;
+ }
+ arm::ArmManagedRegister AsArm() const;
+ x86::X86ManagedRegister AsX86() const;
+ Kind GetKind() const {
+ return KindField::Decode(value_);
+ }
+ bool Equals(Location other) const {
+ return value_ == other.value_;
+ }
+ const char* DebugString() const {
+ switch (GetKind()) {
+ case kInvalid: return "?";
+ case kRegister: return "R";
+ case kStackSlot: return "S";
+ case kDoubleStackSlot: return "DS";
+ case kQuickParameter: return "Q";
+ case kUnallocated: return "U";
+ }
+ return "?";
+ }
+ // Unallocated locations.
+ enum Policy {
+ kAny,
+ kRequiresRegister,
+ kSameAsFirstInput,
+ };
+ bool IsUnallocated() const {
+ return GetKind() == kUnallocated;
+ }
+ static Location UnallocatedLocation(Policy policy) {
+ return Location(kUnallocated, PolicyField::Encode(policy));
+ }
+ // Any free register is suitable to replace this unallocated location.
+ static Location Any() {
+ return UnallocatedLocation(kAny);
+ }
+ static Location RequiresRegister() {
+ return UnallocatedLocation(kRequiresRegister);
+ }
+ // The location of the first input to the instruction will be
+ // used to replace this unallocated location.
+ static Location SameAsFirstInput() {
+ return UnallocatedLocation(kSameAsFirstInput);
+ }
+ Policy GetPolicy() const {
+ DCHECK(IsUnallocated());
+ return PolicyField::Decode(GetPayload());
+ }
+ uword GetEncoding() const {
+ return GetPayload();
+ }
+ private:
+ // Number of bits required to encode Kind value.
+ static constexpr uint32_t kBitsForKind = 4;
+ static constexpr uint32_t kBitsForPayload = kWordSize * kBitsPerByte - kBitsForKind;
+ explicit Location(uword value) : value_(value) {}
+ Location(Kind kind, uword payload)
+ : value_(KindField::Encode(kind) | PayloadField::Encode(payload)) {}
+ uword GetPayload() const {
+ return PayloadField::Decode(value_);
+ }
+ typedef BitField<Kind, 0, kBitsForKind> KindField;
+ typedef BitField<uword, kBitsForKind, kBitsForPayload> PayloadField;
+ // Layout for kUnallocated locations payload.
+ typedef BitField<Policy, 0, 3> PolicyField;
+ // Layout for stack slots.
+ static const intptr_t kStackIndexBias =
+ static_cast<intptr_t>(1) << (kBitsForPayload - 1);
+ // Location either contains kind and payload fields or a tagged handle for
+ // a constant locations. Values of enumeration Kind are selected in such a
+ // way that none of them can be interpreted as a kConstant tag.
+ uword value_;
+ * The code generator computes LocationSummary for each instruction so that
+ * the instruction itself knows what code to generate: where to find the inputs
+ * and where to place the result.
+ *
+ * The intent is to have the code for generating the instruction independent of
+ * register allocation. A register allocator just has to provide a LocationSummary.
+ */
+class LocationSummary : public ArenaObject {
+ public:
+ explicit LocationSummary(HInstruction* instruction);
+ void SetInAt(uint32_t at, Location location) {
+ inputs_.Put(at, location);
+ }
+ Location InAt(uint32_t at) const {
+ return inputs_.Get(at);
+ }
+ size_t GetInputCount() const {
+ return inputs_.Size();
+ }
+ void SetOut(Location location) {
+ output_ = Location(location);
+ }
+ void AddTemp(Location location) {
+ temps_.Add(location);
+ }
+ Location GetTemp(uint32_t at) const {
+ return temps_.Get(at);
+ }
+ void SetTempAt(uint32_t at, Location location) {
+ temps_.Put(at, location);
+ }
+ size_t GetTempCount() const {
+ return temps_.Size();
+ }
+ Location Out() const { return output_; }
+ private:
+ GrowableArray<Location> inputs_;
+ GrowableArray<Location> temps_;
+ Location output_;
+} // namespace art