Inline monomorphic calls.

Change-Id: If38171c2dc7d4a4378df5d050afc4fff4499c98f
diff --git a/compiler/jit/ b/compiler/jit/
index 2125c9a..d001495 100644
--- a/compiler/jit/
+++ b/compiler/jit/
@@ -170,18 +170,6 @@
   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
-  // Check if the method is already compiled.
-  if (runtime->GetJit()->GetCodeCache()->ContainsPc(method->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode())) {
-    VLOG(jit) << "Already compiled " << PrettyMethod(method);
-    return true;
-  }
-  // Don't compile the method if we are supposed to be deoptimized.
-  instrumentation::Instrumentation* instrumentation = runtime->GetInstrumentation();
-  if (instrumentation->AreAllMethodsDeoptimized() || instrumentation->IsDeoptimized(method)) {
-    return false;
-  }
   // Ensure the class is initialized.
   Handle<mirror::Class> h_class(hs.NewHandle(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
   if (!runtime->GetClassLinker()->EnsureInitialized(self, h_class, true, true)) {
@@ -190,13 +178,13 @@
   // Do the compilation.
-  JitCodeCache* const code_cache = runtime->GetJit()->GetCodeCache();
   bool success = false;
     TimingLogger::ScopedTiming t2("Compiling", &logger);
     // If we get a request to compile a proxy method, we pass the actual Java method
     // of that proxy method, as the compiler does not expect a proxy method.
     ArtMethod* method_to_compile = method->GetInterfaceMethodIfProxy(sizeof(void*));
+    JitCodeCache* const code_cache = runtime->GetJit()->GetCodeCache();
     success = compiler_driver_->GetCompiler()->JitCompile(self, code_cache, method_to_compile);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 6d93be3..a4dcb3a 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -171,13 +171,37 @@
                                   const DexFile& dex_file,
                                   uint32_t referrer_index)
     SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
-  if (method->GetDexFile()->GetLocation().compare(dex_file.GetLocation()) == 0) {
+  if (IsSameDexFile(*method->GetDexFile(), dex_file)) {
     return method->GetDexMethodIndex();
   } else {
     return method->FindDexMethodIndexInOtherDexFile(dex_file, referrer_index);
+static uint32_t FindClassIndexIn(mirror::Class* cls, const DexFile& dex_file)
+    SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+  if (cls->GetDexCache() == nullptr) {
+    DCHECK(cls->IsArrayClass());
+    // TODO: find the class in `dex_file`.
+    return DexFile::kDexNoIndex;
+  } else if (cls->GetDexTypeIndex() == DexFile::kDexNoIndex16) {
+    // TODO: deal with proxy classes.
+    return DexFile::kDexNoIndex;
+  } else if (IsSameDexFile(cls->GetDexFile(), dex_file)) {
+    // Update the dex cache to ensure the class is in. The generated code will
+    // consider it is. We make it safe by updating the dex cache, as other
+    // dex files might also load the class, and there is no guarantee the dex
+    // cache of the dex file of the class will be updated.
+    if (cls->GetDexCache()->GetResolvedType(cls->GetDexTypeIndex()) == nullptr) {
+      cls->GetDexCache()->SetResolvedType(cls->GetDexTypeIndex(), cls);
+    }
+    return cls->GetDexTypeIndex();
+  } else {
+    // TODO: find the class in `dex_file`.
+    return DexFile::kDexNoIndex;
+  }
 bool HInliner::TryInline(HInvoke* invoke_instruction) {
   if (invoke_instruction->IsInvokeUnresolved()) {
     return false;  // Don't bother to move further if we know the method is unresolved.
@@ -214,53 +238,176 @@
     return false;
-  if (!invoke_instruction->IsInvokeStaticOrDirect()) {
-    resolved_method = FindVirtualOrInterfaceTarget(invoke_instruction, resolved_method);
-    if (resolved_method == nullptr) {
+  if (invoke_instruction->IsInvokeStaticOrDirect()) {
+    return TryInline(invoke_instruction, resolved_method);
+  }
+  // Check if we can statically find the method.
+  ArtMethod* actual_method = FindVirtualOrInterfaceTarget(invoke_instruction, resolved_method);
+  if (actual_method != nullptr) {
+    return TryInline(invoke_instruction, actual_method);
+  }
+  // Check if we can use an inline cache.
+  ArtMethod* caller = graph_->GetArtMethod();
+  size_t pointer_size = class_linker->GetImagePointerSize();
+  // Under JIT, we should always know the caller.
+  DCHECK(!Runtime::Current()->UseJit() || (caller != nullptr));
+  if (caller != nullptr && caller->GetProfilingInfo(pointer_size) != nullptr) {
+    ProfilingInfo* profiling_info = caller->GetProfilingInfo(pointer_size);
+    const InlineCache& ic = *profiling_info->GetInlineCache(invoke_instruction->GetDexPc());
+    if (ic.IsUnitialized()) {
       VLOG(compiler) << "Interface or virtual call to "
                      << PrettyMethod(method_index, caller_dex_file)
-                     << " could not be statically determined";
+                     << " is not hit and not inlined";
       return false;
-    }
-    // We have found a method, but we need to find where that method is for the caller's
-    // dex file.
-    method_index = FindMethodIndexIn(resolved_method, caller_dex_file, method_index);
-    if (method_index == DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {
+    } else if (ic.IsMonomorphic()) {
+      MaybeRecordStat(kMonomorphicCall);
+      return TryInlineMonomorphicCall(invoke_instruction, resolved_method, ic);
+    } else if (ic.IsPolymorphic()) {
+      MaybeRecordStat(kPolymorphicCall);
+      return TryInlinePolymorphicCall(invoke_instruction, resolved_method, ic);
+    } else {
+      DCHECK(ic.IsMegamorphic());
       VLOG(compiler) << "Interface or virtual call to "
-                     << PrettyMethod(resolved_method)
-                     << " cannot be inlined because unaccessible to caller";
+                     << PrettyMethod(method_index, caller_dex_file)
+                     << " is megamorphic and not inlined";
+      MaybeRecordStat(kMegamorphicCall);
       return false;
-  bool same_dex_file =
-      IsSameDexFile(*outer_compilation_unit_.GetDexFile(), *resolved_method->GetDexFile());
+  VLOG(compiler) << "Interface or virtual call to "
+                 << PrettyMethod(method_index, caller_dex_file)
+                 << " could not be statically determined";
+  return false;
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = resolved_method->GetCodeItem();
+bool HInliner::TryInlineMonomorphicCall(HInvoke* invoke_instruction,
+                                        ArtMethod* resolved_method,
+                                        const InlineCache& ic) {
+  const DexFile& caller_dex_file = *caller_compilation_unit_.GetDexFile();
+  uint32_t class_index = FindClassIndexIn(ic.GetMonomorphicType(), caller_dex_file);
+  if (class_index == DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {
+    VLOG(compiler) << "Call to " << PrettyMethod(resolved_method)
+                   << " from inline cache is not inlined because its class is not"
+                   << " accessible to the caller";
+    return false;
+  }
+  ClassLinker* class_linker = caller_compilation_unit_.GetClassLinker();
+  size_t pointer_size = class_linker->GetImagePointerSize();
+  if (invoke_instruction->IsInvokeInterface()) {
+    resolved_method = ic.GetMonomorphicType()->FindVirtualMethodForInterface(
+        resolved_method, pointer_size);
+  } else {
+    DCHECK(invoke_instruction->IsInvokeVirtual());
+    resolved_method = ic.GetMonomorphicType()->FindVirtualMethodForVirtual(
+        resolved_method, pointer_size);
+  }
+  DCHECK(resolved_method != nullptr);
+  HInstruction* receiver = invoke_instruction->InputAt(0);
+  HInstruction* cursor = invoke_instruction->GetPrevious();
+  HBasicBlock* bb_cursor = invoke_instruction->GetBlock();
+  if (!TryInline(invoke_instruction, resolved_method, /* do_rtp */ false)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // We successfully inlined, now add a guard.
+  ArtField* field = class_linker->GetClassRoot(ClassLinker::kJavaLangObject)->GetInstanceField(0);
+  DCHECK_EQ(std::string(field->GetName()), "shadow$_klass_");
+  HInstanceFieldGet* field_get = new (graph_->GetArena()) HInstanceFieldGet(
+      receiver,
+      Primitive::kPrimNot,
+      field->GetOffset(),
+      field->IsVolatile(),
+      field->GetDexFieldIndex(),
+      field->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDexClassDefIndex(),
+      *field->GetDexFile(),
+      handles_->NewHandle(field->GetDexCache()),
+      invoke_instruction->GetDexPc());
+  bool is_referrer =
+      (ic.GetMonomorphicType() == outermost_graph_->GetArtMethod()->GetDeclaringClass());
+  HLoadClass* load_class = new (graph_->GetArena()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                               class_index,
+                                                               caller_dex_file,
+                                                               is_referrer,
+                                                               invoke_instruction->GetDexPc(),
+                                                               /* needs_access_check */ false,
+                                                               /* is_in_dex_cache */ true);
+  HNotEqual* compare = new (graph_->GetArena()) HNotEqual(load_class, field_get);
+  HDeoptimize* deoptimize = new (graph_->GetArena()) HDeoptimize(
+      compare, invoke_instruction->GetDexPc());
+  // TODO: Extend reference type propagation to understand the guard.
+  if (cursor != nullptr) {
+    bb_cursor->InsertInstructionAfter(load_class, cursor);
+  } else {
+    bb_cursor->InsertInstructionBefore(load_class, bb_cursor->GetFirstInstruction());
+  }
+  bb_cursor->InsertInstructionAfter(field_get, load_class);
+  bb_cursor->InsertInstructionAfter(compare, field_get);
+  bb_cursor->InsertInstructionAfter(deoptimize, compare);
+  deoptimize->CopyEnvironmentFrom(invoke_instruction->GetEnvironment());
+  // Run type propagation to get the guard typed, and eventually propagate the
+  // type of the receiver.
+  ReferenceTypePropagation rtp_fixup(graph_, handles_);
+  rtp_fixup.Run();
+  MaybeRecordStat(kInlinedMonomorphicCall);
+  return true;
+bool HInliner::TryInlinePolymorphicCall(HInvoke* invoke_instruction ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                                        ArtMethod* resolved_method,
+                                        const InlineCache& ic ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+  // TODO
+  VLOG(compiler) << "Unimplemented polymorphic inlining for "
+                 << PrettyMethod(resolved_method);
+  return false;
+bool HInliner::TryInline(HInvoke* invoke_instruction, ArtMethod* method, bool do_rtp) {
+  const DexFile& caller_dex_file = *caller_compilation_unit_.GetDexFile();
+  uint32_t method_index = FindMethodIndexIn(
+      method, caller_dex_file, invoke_instruction->GetDexMethodIndex());
+  if (method_index == DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {
+    VLOG(compiler) << "Call to "
+                   << PrettyMethod(method)
+                   << " cannot be inlined because unaccessible to caller";
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool same_dex_file = IsSameDexFile(*outer_compilation_unit_.GetDexFile(), *method->GetDexFile());
+  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = method->GetCodeItem();
   if (code_item == nullptr) {
-    VLOG(compiler) << "Method " << PrettyMethod(method_index, caller_dex_file)
+    VLOG(compiler) << "Method " << PrettyMethod(method)
                    << " is not inlined because it is native";
     return false;
   size_t inline_max_code_units = compiler_driver_->GetCompilerOptions().GetInlineMaxCodeUnits();
   if (code_item->insns_size_in_code_units_ > inline_max_code_units) {
-    VLOG(compiler) << "Method " << PrettyMethod(method_index, caller_dex_file)
+    VLOG(compiler) << "Method " << PrettyMethod(method)
                    << " is too big to inline";
     return false;
   if (code_item->tries_size_ != 0) {
-    VLOG(compiler) << "Method " << PrettyMethod(method_index, caller_dex_file)
+    VLOG(compiler) << "Method " << PrettyMethod(method)
                    << " is not inlined because of try block";
     return false;
-  if (!resolved_method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsVerified()) {
-    uint16_t class_def_idx = resolved_method->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDexClassDefIndex();
+  if (!method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsVerified()) {
+    uint16_t class_def_idx = method->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDexClassDefIndex();
     if (!compiler_driver_->IsMethodVerifiedWithoutFailures(
-          resolved_method->GetDexMethodIndex(), class_def_idx, *resolved_method->GetDexFile())) {
+          method->GetDexMethodIndex(), class_def_idx, *method->GetDexFile())) {
       VLOG(compiler) << "Method " << PrettyMethod(method_index, caller_dex_file)
                      << " couldn't be verified, so it cannot be inlined";
       return false;
@@ -277,7 +424,7 @@
     return false;
-  if (!TryBuildAndInline(resolved_method, invoke_instruction, same_dex_file)) {
+  if (!TryBuildAndInline(method, invoke_instruction, same_dex_file, do_rtp)) {
     return false;
@@ -288,7 +435,8 @@
 bool HInliner::TryBuildAndInline(ArtMethod* resolved_method,
                                  HInvoke* invoke_instruction,
-                                 bool same_dex_file) {
+                                 bool same_dex_file,
+                                 bool do_rtp) {
   ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
   const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = resolved_method->GetCodeItem();
   const DexFile& callee_dex_file = *resolved_method->GetDexFile();
@@ -341,6 +489,7 @@
+  callee_graph->SetArtMethod(resolved_method);
   OptimizingCompilerStats inline_stats;
   HGraphBuilder builder(callee_graph,
@@ -422,6 +571,7 @@
   size_t number_of_instructions_budget = kMaximumNumberOfHInstructions;
   if (depth_ + 1 < compiler_driver_->GetCompilerOptions().GetInlineDepthLimit()) {
     HInliner inliner(callee_graph,
+                     outermost_graph_,
@@ -533,9 +683,9 @@
   HNullConstant* null_constant = graph_->GetNullConstant();
   if (!null_constant->GetReferenceTypeInfo().IsValid()) {
     ReferenceTypeInfo::TypeHandle obj_handle =
-            handles_->NewHandle(class_linker->GetClassRoot(ClassLinker::kJavaLangObject));
+        handles_->NewHandle(class_linker->GetClassRoot(ClassLinker::kJavaLangObject));
-            ReferenceTypeInfo::Create(obj_handle, false /* is_exact */));
+        ReferenceTypeInfo::Create(obj_handle, false /* is_exact */));
   // Check the integrity of reference types and run another type propagation if needed.
@@ -554,14 +704,16 @@
          return_handle, return_handle->CannotBeAssignedFromOtherTypes() /* is_exact */));
-    // If the return type is a refinement of the declared type run the type propagation again.
-    ReferenceTypeInfo return_rti = return_replacement->GetReferenceTypeInfo();
-    ReferenceTypeInfo invoke_rti = invoke_instruction->GetReferenceTypeInfo();
-    if (invoke_rti.IsStrictSupertypeOf(return_rti)
-        || (return_rti.IsExact() && !invoke_rti.IsExact())
-        || !return_replacement->CanBeNull()) {
-      ReferenceTypePropagation rtp_fixup(graph_, handles_);
-      rtp_fixup.Run();
+    if (do_rtp) {
+      // If the return type is a refinement of the declared type run the type propagation again.
+      ReferenceTypeInfo return_rti = return_replacement->GetReferenceTypeInfo();
+      ReferenceTypeInfo invoke_rti = invoke_instruction->GetReferenceTypeInfo();
+      if (invoke_rti.IsStrictSupertypeOf(return_rti)
+          || (return_rti.IsExact() && !invoke_rti.IsExact())
+          || !return_replacement->CanBeNull()) {
+        ReferenceTypePropagation rtp_fixup(graph_, handles_);
+        rtp_fixup.Run();
+      }
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/inliner.h b/compiler/optimizing/inliner.h
index 0f6a945..7b9fb73 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/inliner.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/inliner.h
@@ -27,11 +27,13 @@
 class DexCompilationUnit;
 class HGraph;
 class HInvoke;
+class InlineCache;
 class OptimizingCompilerStats;
 class HInliner : public HOptimization {
   HInliner(HGraph* outer_graph,
+           HGraph* outermost_graph,
            CodeGenerator* codegen,
            const DexCompilationUnit& outer_compilation_unit,
            const DexCompilationUnit& caller_compilation_unit,
@@ -40,6 +42,7 @@
            OptimizingCompilerStats* stats,
            size_t depth = 0)
       : HOptimization(outer_graph, kInlinerPassName, stats),
+        outermost_graph_(outermost_graph),
@@ -54,10 +57,33 @@
   bool TryInline(HInvoke* invoke_instruction);
+  // Try to inline `resolved_method` in place of `invoke_instruction`. `do_rtp` is whether
+  // reference type propagation can run after the inlining.
+  bool TryInline(HInvoke* invoke_instruction, ArtMethod* resolved_method, bool do_rtp = true)
+    SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  // Try to inline the target of a monomorphic call. If successful, the code
+  // in the graph will look like:
+  // if (receiver.getClass() != ic.GetMonomorphicType()) deopt
+  // ... // inlined code
+  bool TryInlineMonomorphicCall(HInvoke* invoke_instruction,
+                                ArtMethod* resolved_method,
+                                const InlineCache& ic)
+    SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  // Try to inline targets of a polymorphic call. Currently unimplemented.
+  bool TryInlinePolymorphicCall(HInvoke* invoke_instruction,
+                                ArtMethod* resolved_method,
+                                const InlineCache& ic)
+    SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   bool TryBuildAndInline(ArtMethod* resolved_method,
                          HInvoke* invoke_instruction,
-                         bool same_dex_file);
+                         bool same_dex_file,
+                         bool do_rtp = true);
+  HGraph* const outermost_graph_;
   const DexCompilationUnit& outer_compilation_unit_;
   const DexCompilationUnit& caller_compilation_unit_;
   CodeGenerator* const codegen_;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index c38bbe3..02befc0 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -121,6 +121,8 @@
           // phi in it.
           if (instruction->NeedsEnvironment()) {
             UpdateLoopPhisIn(instruction->GetEnvironment(), loop_info);
+          } else {
+            DCHECK(!instruction->HasEnvironment());
         } else if (instruction->CanThrow()) {
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
index 19614f1..9d3c88c 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
@@ -371,6 +371,9 @@
   bool HasTryCatch() const { return has_try_catch_; }
   void SetHasTryCatch(bool value) { has_try_catch_ = value; }
+  ArtMethod* GetArtMethod() const { return art_method_; }
+  void SetArtMethod(ArtMethod* method) { art_method_ = method; }
   // Returns an instruction with the opposite boolean value from 'cond'.
   // The instruction has been inserted into the graph, either as a constant, or
   // before cursor.
@@ -479,6 +482,11 @@
   HCurrentMethod* cached_current_method_;
+  // The ArtMethod this graph is for. Note that for AOT, it may be null,
+  // for example for methods whose declaring class could not be resolved
+  // (such as when the superclass could not be found).
+  ArtMethod* art_method_;
   friend class SsaBuilder;           // For caching constants.
   friend class SsaLivenessAnalysis;  // For the linear order.
   ART_FRIEND_TEST(GraphTest, IfSuccessorSimpleJoinBlock1);
@@ -2462,11 +2470,15 @@
 // Deoptimize to interpreter, upon checking a condition.
 class HDeoptimize : public HTemplateInstruction<1> {
-  explicit HDeoptimize(HInstruction* cond, uint32_t dex_pc)
+  HDeoptimize(HInstruction* cond, uint32_t dex_pc)
       : HTemplateInstruction(SideEffects::None(), dex_pc) {
     SetRawInputAt(0, cond);
+  bool CanBeMoved() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
+  bool InstructionDataEquals(HInstruction* other ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const OVERRIDE {
+    return true;
+  }
   bool NeedsEnvironment() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
   bool CanThrow() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index cae2d3f..3495603 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
   HInliner* inliner = new (graph->GetArena()) HInliner(
-    graph, codegen, dex_compilation_unit, dex_compilation_unit, driver, handles, stats);
+      graph, graph, codegen, dex_compilation_unit, dex_compilation_unit, driver, handles, stats);
   HOptimization* optimizations[] = { inliner };
   RunOptimizations(optimizations, arraysize(optimizations), pass_observer);
@@ -763,8 +763,8 @@
     ArtMethod* art_method = compiler_driver->ResolveMethod(
         soa, dex_cache, loader, &dex_compilation_unit, method_idx, invoke_type);
     // We may not get a method, for example if its class is erroneous.
-    // TODO: Clean this up, the compiler driver should just pass the ArtMethod to compile.
     if (art_method != nullptr) {
+      graph->SetArtMethod(art_method);
       interpreter_metadata = art_method->GetQuickenedInfo();
@@ -948,6 +948,7 @@
   if (stack_map_data == nullptr) {
     return false;
+  MaybeRecordStat(MethodCompilationStat::kCompiled);
   codegen->BuildStackMaps(MemoryRegion(stack_map_data, stack_map_size));
   const void* code = code_cache->CommitCode(
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h b/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h
index e5ea0f5..6296eed 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h
@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@
+  kInlinedMonomorphicCall,
+  kMonomorphicCall,
+  kPolymorphicCall,
+  kMegamorphicCall,
@@ -111,6 +115,10 @@
       case kNotCompiledUnsupportedIsa : name = "NotCompiledUnsupportedIsa"; break;
       case kNotCompiledVerificationError : name = "NotCompiledVerificationError"; break;
       case kNotCompiledVerifyAtRuntime : name = "NotCompiledVerifyAtRuntime"; break;
+      case kInlinedMonomorphicCall: name = "InlinedMonomorphicCall"; break;
+      case kMonomorphicCall: name = "MonomorphicCall"; break;
+      case kPolymorphicCall: name = "PolymorphicCall"; break;
+      case kMegamorphicCall: name = "kMegamorphicCall"; break;
       case kLastStat:
         LOG(FATAL) << "invalid stat "