Use flattened Runtime APEX contents in ART chroot-based device testing.
Copy the contents of the flattened Debug Runtime Module
directory (`/system/apex/`) to
`/apex/` within the chroot directory on the device.
Avoid generating artifacts that are not expected in the `system`
directory (`TARGET_OUT`) of a "normal" build.
Adjust the chroot environment to have it use the system linker
configuration of the built target ("guest system") and the linker
configuration of the Runtime APEX, even if the linker configuration
flavor of the "guest system" (e.g. legacy configuration) does not
match the one of the "host system" (e.g. full-VNDK configuration).
This is done by renaming the configuration file provided by the "guest
system" (created according to the build target configuration) within
the chroot environment, using the name of the configuration file
expected by the linker (governed by system properties of the "host
Test: ART chroot-based on-device testing using the master-art branch
Test: ART chroot-based on-device testing using the master branch (with
`TARGET_FLATTEN_APEX` set to `true` before building).
Bug: 124425036
Bug: 121117762
Change-Id: Ied3f6ee8b2d68c3473fab864d1bbed9e88df59d3
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 88c671f..5b78593 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+#! /bin/bash
# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
@@ -14,36 +14,168 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
+# Push ART artifacts and its dependencies to a chroot directory for on-device testing.
adb wait-for-device
-if [[ -z "${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}" ]]; then
+if [[ -z "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP" ]]; then
+ echo 'ANDROID_BUILD_TOP environment variable is empty; did you forget to run `lunch`?'
+ exit 1
+if [[ -z "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT" ]]; then
echo 'ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT environment variable is empty; did you forget to run `lunch`?'
exit 1
-if [[ -z "${ART_TEST_CHROOT}" ]]; then
- echo 'ART_TEST_CHROOT environment variable is empty'
+if [[ -z "$ART_TEST_CHROOT" ]]; then
+ echo 'ART_TEST_CHROOT environment variable is empty; please set it before running this script.'
exit 1
+if [[ "$(build/soong/soong_ui.bash --dumpvar-mode TARGET_FLATTEN_APEX)" != "true" ]]; then
+ echo -e "${red}This script only works when APEX packages are flattened, but the build" \
+ "configuration is set up to use non-flattened APEX packages.${nc}"
+ echo -e "${magenta}You can force APEX flattening by setting the environment variable" \
+ "\`TARGET_FLATTEN_APEX\` to \"true\" before starting the build and running this script.${nc}"
+ exit 1
+# Linker configuration.
+# ---------------------
+# Adjust the chroot environment to have it use the system linker configuration
+# of the built target ("guest system"), located in `/system/etc` under the
+# chroot directory, even if the linker configuration flavor of the "guest
+# system" (e.g. legacy configuration) does not match the one of the "host
+# system" (e.g. full-VNDK configuration). This is done by renaming the
+# configuration file provided by the "guest system" (created according to the
+# build target configuration) within the chroot environment, using the name of
+# the configuration file expected by the linker (governed by system properties
+# of the "host system").
+# Default linker configuration file name/stem.
+# VNDK-lite linker configuration file name.
+# Find linker configuration path name on the "host system".
+# The logic here partly replicates (and simplifies) Bionic's linker logic around
+# configuration file search (see `get_ld_config_file_path` in
+# bionic/linker/linker.cpp).
+get_ld_host_system_config_file_path() {
+ # Check whether the "host device" uses a VNDK-lite linker configuration.
+ local vndk_lite=$(adb shell getprop "ro.vndk.lite" false)
+ if [[ "$vndk_lite" = true ]]; then
+ if adb shell test -f "$ld_config_vndk_lite_file_path"; then
+ echo "$ld_config_vndk_lite_file_path"
+ return
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Check the "host device"'s VNDK version, if any.
+ local vndk_version=$(adb shell getprop "ro.vndk.version")
+ if [[ -n "$vndk_version" ]] && [[ "$vndk_version" != current ]]; then
+ # Insert the VNDK version after the last period (and add another period).
+ local ld_config_file_vdnk_path=$(echo "$ld_config_file_path" \
+ | sed -e "s/^\\(.*\\)\\.\\([^.]\\)/\\1.${vndk_version}.\\2/")
+ if adb shell test -f "$ld_config_file_vdnk_path"; then
+ echo "$ld_config_file_vdnk_path"
+ return
+ fi
+ else
+ if adb shell test -f "$ld_config_file_path"; then
+ echo "$ld_config_file_path"
+ return
+ fi
+ fi
+ # If all else fails, return the default linker configuration name.
+ echo -e "${yellow}Cannot find linker configuration; using default path name:" \
+ "\`$ld_config_file_path\`${nc}" >&2
+ echo "$ld_config_file_path"
+ return
+# Find linker configuration path name on the "guest system".
+# The logic here tries to "guess" the name of the linker configuration file,
+# based on the contents of the build directory.
+get_ld_guest_system_config_file_path() {
+ if [[ -z "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT" ]]; then
+ echo -e "${red}ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT environment variable is empty;" \
+ "did you forget to run \`lunch\`${nc}?" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ local ld_config_file_location="$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/etc"
+ local ld_config_file_path_number=$(find "$ld_config_file_location" -name "ld.*.txt" | wc -l)
+ if [[ "$ld_config_file_path_number" -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo -e "${red}No linker configuration file found in \`$ld_config_file_location\`${nc}" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ "$ld_config_file_path_number" -gt 1 ]]; then
+ echo -e \
+ "${red}More than one linker configuration file found in \`$ld_config_file_location\`${nc}" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Strip the build prefix to make the path name relative to the "guest root directory".
+ find "$ld_config_file_location" -name "ld.*.txt" | sed -e "s|^$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT||"
+# Synchronization recipe.
+# -----------------------
# Sync the system directory to the chroot.
+echo -e "${green}Syncing system directory...${nc}"
# Overwrite the default public.libraries.txt file with a smaller one that
# contains only the public libraries pushed to the chroot directory.
-adb push ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/art/tools/public.libraries.buildbot.txt \
- ${ART_TEST_CHROOT}/system/etc/public.libraries.txt
+adb push "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/art/tools/public.libraries.buildbot.txt" \
+ "$ART_TEST_CHROOT/system/etc/public.libraries.txt"
-# Temporarily push a copy of the ICU data file into the Android Runtime Root
-# location ("/apex/"). This step is required in the time
-# interval between:
-# 1. the moment we stop setting `ART_TEST_ANDROID_RUNTIME_ROOT` to "/system"
-# (meaning Bionic will start looking for it in the default
-# `ANDROID_RUNTIME_ROOT` location, which is "/apex/"); and
-# 2. the moment we start installing and using the Runtime APEX (which includes
-# the ICU data file) within the chroot directory on device for target
-# testing.
-adb shell rm -rf ${ART_TEST_CHROOT}/apex/
-adb push ${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}/system/etc/icu ${ART_TEST_CHROOT}/apex/
+echo -e "${green}Activating Runtime APEX...${nc}"
+# Manually "activate" the flattened Debug Runtime APEX by syncing it to the
+# /apex directory in the chroot.
+# We copy the files from `/system/apex/` to
+# `/apex/` in the chroot directory, instead of simply using a
+# symlink, as Bionic's linker relies on the real path name of a binary
+# (e.g. `/apex/`) to select the linker
+# configuration.
+# TODO: Handle the case of build targets using non-flatted APEX packages.
+# As a workaround, one can run `export TARGET_FLATTEN_APEX=true` before building
+# a target to have its APEX packages flattened.
+adb shell rm -rf "$ART_TEST_CHROOT/apex/"
+adb shell cp -a "$ART_TEST_CHROOT/system/apex/" \
+ "$ART_TEST_CHROOT/apex/"
+# Adjust the linker configuration file (if needed).
+# Check the linker configurations files on the "host system" and the "guest
+# system". If these file names are different, rename the "guest system" linker
+# configuration file within the chroot environment using the "host system"
+# linker configuration file name.
+echo -e "${green}Determining host system linker configuration:" \
+ "\`$ld_host_system_config_file_path\`${nc}"
+echo -e "${green}Determining guest system linker configuration:" \
+ "\`$ld_guest_system_config_file_path\`${nc}"
+if [[ "$ld_host_system_config_file_path" != "$ld_guest_system_config_file_path" ]]; then
+ echo -e "${green}Renaming linker configuration file in chroot environment:" \
+ "\`$ART_TEST_CHROOT$ld_guest_system_config_file_path\`" \
+ "-> \`$ART_TEST_CHROOT$ld_host_system_config_file_path\`${nc}"
+ adb shell mv -f "$ART_TEST_CHROOT$ld_guest_system_config_file_path" \
+ "$ART_TEST_CHROOT$ld_host_system_config_file_path"
# Sync the data directory to the chroot.
+echo -e "${green}Syncing data directory...${nc}"