Merge "Change space base test to use parameters"
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 04645d1..0665e84 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -274,7 +274,8 @@
- interpreter/mterp/ \
+ interpreter/mterp/ \
+ interpreter/mterp/out/mterp_x86.S \
arch/x86/ \
arch/x86/ \
arch/x86/jni_entrypoints_x86.S \
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/ b/runtime/interpreter/
index 6b5218d..ec63fdf 100644
--- a/runtime/interpreter/
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
#if !defined(__clang__)
-#if defined(__arm__)
+#if (defined(__arm__) || defined(__i386__))
// TODO: remove when all targets implemented.
static constexpr InterpreterImplKind kInterpreterImplKind = kMterpImplKind;
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
// Clang 3.4 fails to build the goto interpreter implementation.
-#if defined(__arm__)
+#if (defined(__arm__) || defined(__i386__))
static constexpr InterpreterImplKind kInterpreterImplKind = kMterpImplKind;
static constexpr InterpreterImplKind kInterpreterImplKind = kSwitchImplKind;
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_x86 b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_x86
index 277817d..5fab379 100644
--- a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_x86
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_x86
@@ -36,262 +36,262 @@
# (override example:) op OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR arm-vfp
# (fallback example:) op OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR FALLBACK
- op op_nop FALLBACK
- op op_move FALLBACK
- op op_move_from16 FALLBACK
- op op_move_16 FALLBACK
- op op_move_wide FALLBACK
- op op_move_wide_from16 FALLBACK
- op op_move_wide_16 FALLBACK
- op op_move_object FALLBACK
- op op_move_object_from16 FALLBACK
- op op_move_object_16 FALLBACK
- op op_move_result FALLBACK
- op op_move_result_wide FALLBACK
- op op_move_result_object FALLBACK
- op op_move_exception FALLBACK
- op op_return_void FALLBACK
- op op_return FALLBACK
- op op_return_wide FALLBACK
- op op_return_object FALLBACK
- op op_const_4 FALLBACK
- op op_const_16 FALLBACK
- op op_const FALLBACK
- op op_const_high16 FALLBACK
- op op_const_wide_16 FALLBACK
- op op_const_wide_32 FALLBACK
- op op_const_wide FALLBACK
- op op_const_wide_high16 FALLBACK
- op op_const_string FALLBACK
- op op_const_string_jumbo FALLBACK
- op op_const_class FALLBACK
- op op_monitor_enter FALLBACK
- op op_monitor_exit FALLBACK
- op op_check_cast FALLBACK
- op op_instance_of FALLBACK
- op op_array_length FALLBACK
- op op_new_instance FALLBACK
- op op_new_array FALLBACK
- op op_filled_new_array FALLBACK
- op op_filled_new_array_range FALLBACK
- op op_fill_array_data FALLBACK
- op op_throw FALLBACK
- op op_goto FALLBACK
- op op_goto_16 FALLBACK
- op op_goto_32 FALLBACK
- op op_packed_switch FALLBACK
- op op_sparse_switch FALLBACK
- op op_cmpl_float FALLBACK
- op op_cmpg_float FALLBACK
- op op_cmpl_double FALLBACK
- op op_cmpg_double FALLBACK
- op op_cmp_long FALLBACK
- op op_if_eq FALLBACK
- op op_if_ne FALLBACK
- op op_if_lt FALLBACK
- op op_if_ge FALLBACK
- op op_if_gt FALLBACK
- op op_if_le FALLBACK
- op op_if_eqz FALLBACK
- op op_if_nez FALLBACK
- op op_if_ltz FALLBACK
- op op_if_gez FALLBACK
- op op_if_gtz FALLBACK
- op op_if_lez FALLBACK
- op_unused_3e FALLBACK
- op_unused_3f FALLBACK
- op_unused_40 FALLBACK
- op_unused_41 FALLBACK
- op_unused_42 FALLBACK
- op_unused_43 FALLBACK
- op op_aget FALLBACK
- op op_aget_wide FALLBACK
- op op_aget_object FALLBACK
- op op_aget_boolean FALLBACK
- op op_aget_byte FALLBACK
- op op_aget_char FALLBACK
- op op_aget_short FALLBACK
- op op_aput FALLBACK
- op op_aput_wide FALLBACK
- op op_aput_object FALLBACK
- op op_aput_boolean FALLBACK
- op op_aput_byte FALLBACK
- op op_aput_char FALLBACK
- op op_aput_short FALLBACK
- op op_iget FALLBACK
- op op_iget_wide FALLBACK
- op op_iget_object FALLBACK
- op op_iget_boolean FALLBACK
- op op_iget_byte FALLBACK
- op op_iget_char FALLBACK
- op op_iget_short FALLBACK
- op op_iput FALLBACK
- op op_iput_wide FALLBACK
- op op_iput_object FALLBACK
- op op_iput_boolean FALLBACK
- op op_iput_byte FALLBACK
- op op_iput_char FALLBACK
- op op_iput_short FALLBACK
- op op_sget FALLBACK
- op op_sget_wide FALLBACK
- op op_sget_object FALLBACK
- op op_sget_boolean FALLBACK
- op op_sget_byte FALLBACK
- op op_sget_char FALLBACK
- op op_sget_short FALLBACK
- op op_sput FALLBACK
- op op_sput_wide FALLBACK
- op op_sput_object FALLBACK
- op op_sput_boolean FALLBACK
- op op_sput_byte FALLBACK
- op op_sput_char FALLBACK
- op op_sput_short FALLBACK
- op op_invoke_virtual FALLBACK
- op op_invoke_super FALLBACK
- op op_invoke_direct FALLBACK
- op op_invoke_static FALLBACK
- op op_invoke_interface FALLBACK
- op op_return_void_no_barrier FALLBACK
- op op_invoke_virtual_range FALLBACK
- op op_invoke_super_range FALLBACK
- op op_invoke_direct_range FALLBACK
- op op_invoke_static_range FALLBACK
- op op_invoke_interface_range FALLBACK
- op_unused_79 FALLBACK
- op_unused_7a FALLBACK
- op op_neg_int FALLBACK
- op op_not_int FALLBACK
- op op_neg_long FALLBACK
- op op_not_long FALLBACK
- op op_neg_float FALLBACK
- op op_neg_double FALLBACK
- op op_int_to_long FALLBACK
- op op_int_to_float FALLBACK
- op op_int_to_double FALLBACK
- op op_long_to_int FALLBACK
- op op_long_to_float FALLBACK
- op op_long_to_double FALLBACK
- op op_float_to_int FALLBACK
- op op_float_to_long FALLBACK
- op op_float_to_double FALLBACK
- op op_double_to_int FALLBACK
- op op_double_to_long FALLBACK
- op op_double_to_float FALLBACK
- op op_int_to_byte FALLBACK
- op op_int_to_char FALLBACK
- op op_int_to_short FALLBACK
- op op_add_int FALLBACK
- op op_sub_int FALLBACK
- op op_mul_int FALLBACK
- op op_div_int FALLBACK
- op op_rem_int FALLBACK
- op op_and_int FALLBACK
- op op_or_int FALLBACK
- op op_xor_int FALLBACK
- op op_shl_int FALLBACK
- op op_shr_int FALLBACK
- op op_ushr_int FALLBACK
- op op_add_long FALLBACK
- op op_sub_long FALLBACK
- op op_mul_long FALLBACK
- op op_div_long FALLBACK
- op op_rem_long FALLBACK
- op op_and_long FALLBACK
- op op_or_long FALLBACK
- op op_xor_long FALLBACK
- op op_shl_long FALLBACK
- op op_shr_long FALLBACK
- op op_ushr_long FALLBACK
- op op_add_float FALLBACK
- op op_sub_float FALLBACK
- op op_mul_float FALLBACK
- op op_div_float FALLBACK
- op op_rem_float FALLBACK
- op op_add_double FALLBACK
- op op_sub_double FALLBACK
- op op_mul_double FALLBACK
- op op_div_double FALLBACK
- op op_rem_double FALLBACK
- op op_add_int_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_sub_int_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_mul_int_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_div_int_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_rem_int_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_and_int_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_or_int_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_xor_int_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_shl_int_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_shr_int_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_ushr_int_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_add_long_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_sub_long_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_mul_long_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_div_long_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_rem_long_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_and_long_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_or_long_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_xor_long_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_shl_long_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_shr_long_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_ushr_long_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_add_float_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_sub_float_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_mul_float_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_div_float_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_rem_float_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_add_double_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_sub_double_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_mul_double_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_div_double_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_rem_double_2addr FALLBACK
- op op_add_int_lit16 FALLBACK
- op op_rsub_int FALLBACK
- op op_mul_int_lit16 FALLBACK
- op op_div_int_lit16 FALLBACK
- op op_rem_int_lit16 FALLBACK
- op op_and_int_lit16 FALLBACK
- op op_or_int_lit16 FALLBACK
- op op_xor_int_lit16 FALLBACK
- op op_add_int_lit8 FALLBACK
- op op_rsub_int_lit8 FALLBACK
- op op_mul_int_lit8 FALLBACK
- op op_div_int_lit8 FALLBACK
- op op_rem_int_lit8 FALLBACK
- op op_and_int_lit8 FALLBACK
- op op_or_int_lit8 FALLBACK
- op op_xor_int_lit8 FALLBACK
- op op_shl_int_lit8 FALLBACK
- op op_shr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
- op op_ushr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
- op op_iget_quick FALLBACK
- op op_iget_wide_quick FALLBACK
- op op_iget_object_quick FALLBACK
- op op_iput_quick FALLBACK
- op op_iput_wide_quick FALLBACK
- op op_iput_object_quick FALLBACK
- op op_invoke_virtual_quick FALLBACK
- op op_invoke_virtual_range_quick FALLBACK
- op op_iput_boolean_quick FALLBACK
- op op_iput_byte_quick FALLBACK
- op op_iput_char_quick FALLBACK
- op op_iput_short_quick FALLBACK
- op op_iget_boolean_quick FALLBACK
- op op_iget_byte_quick FALLBACK
- op op_iget_char_quick FALLBACK
- op op_iget_short_quick FALLBACK
- op_unused_f3 FALLBACK
- op_unused_f4 FALLBACK
- op_unused_f5 FALLBACK
- op_unused_f6 FALLBACK
- op_unused_f7 FALLBACK
- op_unused_f8 FALLBACK
- op_unused_f9 FALLBACK
- op_unused_fa FALLBACK
- op_unused_fb FALLBACK
- op_unused_fc FALLBACK
- op_unused_fd FALLBACK
- op_unused_fe FALLBACK
- op_unused_ff FALLBACK
+ # op op_nop FALLBACK
+ # op op_move FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_from16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_wide_from16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_wide_16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_object_from16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_object_16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_result FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_result_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_result_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_exception FALLBACK
+ # op op_return_void FALLBACK
+ # op op_return FALLBACK
+ # op op_return_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_return_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_4 FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_const FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_high16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_wide_16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_wide_32 FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_wide_high16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_string FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_string_jumbo FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_class FALLBACK
+ # op op_monitor_enter FALLBACK
+ # op op_monitor_exit FALLBACK
+ # op op_check_cast FALLBACK
+ # op op_instance_of FALLBACK
+ # op op_array_length FALLBACK
+ # op op_new_instance FALLBACK
+ # op op_new_array FALLBACK
+ # op op_filled_new_array FALLBACK
+ # op op_filled_new_array_range FALLBACK
+ # op op_fill_array_data FALLBACK
+ # op op_throw FALLBACK
+ # op op_goto FALLBACK
+ # op op_goto_16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_goto_32 FALLBACK
+ # op op_packed_switch FALLBACK
+ # op op_sparse_switch FALLBACK
+ # op op_cmpl_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_cmpg_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_cmpl_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_cmpg_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_cmp_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_eq FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_ne FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_lt FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_ge FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_gt FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_le FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_eqz FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_nez FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_ltz FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_gez FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_gtz FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_lez FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_3e FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_3f FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_40 FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_41 FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_42 FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_43 FALLBACK
+ # op op_aget FALLBACK
+ # op op_aget_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_aget_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_aget_boolean FALLBACK
+ # op op_aget_byte FALLBACK
+ # op op_aget_char FALLBACK
+ # op op_aget_short FALLBACK
+ # op op_aput FALLBACK
+ # op op_aput_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_aput_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_aput_boolean FALLBACK
+ # op op_aput_byte FALLBACK
+ # op op_aput_char FALLBACK
+ # op op_aput_short FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_boolean FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_byte FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_char FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_short FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_boolean FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_byte FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_char FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_short FALLBACK
+ # op op_sget FALLBACK
+ # op op_sget_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_sget_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_sget_boolean FALLBACK
+ # op op_sget_byte FALLBACK
+ # op op_sget_char FALLBACK
+ # op op_sget_short FALLBACK
+ # op op_sput FALLBACK
+ # op op_sput_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_sput_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_sput_boolean FALLBACK
+ # op op_sput_byte FALLBACK
+ # op op_sput_char FALLBACK
+ # op op_sput_short FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_virtual FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_super FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_direct FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_static FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_interface FALLBACK
+ # op op_return_void_no_barrier FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_virtual_range FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_super_range FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_direct_range FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_static_range FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_interface_range FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_79 FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_7a FALLBACK
+ # op op_neg_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_not_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_neg_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_not_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_neg_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_neg_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_int_to_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_int_to_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_int_to_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_long_to_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_long_to_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_long_to_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_float_to_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_float_to_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_float_to_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_double_to_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_double_to_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_double_to_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_int_to_byte FALLBACK
+ # op op_int_to_char FALLBACK
+ # op op_int_to_short FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_and_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_or_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_xor_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_shl_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_shr_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_ushr_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_and_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_or_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_xor_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_shl_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_shr_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_ushr_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_and_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_or_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_xor_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_shl_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_shr_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_ushr_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_and_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_or_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_xor_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_shl_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_shr_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_ushr_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_rsub_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_and_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_or_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_xor_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_rsub_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_and_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_or_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_xor_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_shl_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_shr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_ushr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_wide_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_object_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_wide_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_object_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_virtual_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_virtual_range_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_boolean_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_byte_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_char_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_short_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_boolean_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_byte_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_char_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_short_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_lambda FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_f4 FALLBACK
+ op op_capture_variable FALLBACK
+ op op_create_lambda FALLBACK
+ op op_liberate_variable FALLBACK
+ op op_box_lambda FALLBACK
+ op op_unbox_lambda FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_fa FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_fb FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_fc FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_fd FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_fe FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_ff FALLBACK
# common subroutines for asm
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/out/mterp_x86.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/out/mterp_x86.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..923d502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/out/mterp_x86.S
@@ -0,0 +1,12945 @@
+ * This file was generated automatically by for 'x86'.
+ *
+ * --> DO NOT EDIT <--
+ */
+/* File: x86/header.S */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ Art assembly interpreter notes:
+ First validate assembly code by implementing ExecuteXXXImpl() style body (doesn't
+ handle invoke, allows higher-level code to create frame & shadow frame.
+ Once that's working, support direct entry code & eliminate shadow frame (and
+ excess locals allocation.
+ Some (hopefully) temporary ugliness. We'll treat rFP as pointing to the
+ base of the vreg array within the shadow frame. Access the other fields,
+ dex_pc_, method_ and number_of_vregs_ via negative offsets. For now, we'll continue
+ the shadow frame mechanism of double-storing object references - via rFP &
+ number_of_vregs_.
+ */
+x86 ABI general notes:
+Caller save set:
+ eax, edx, ecx, st(0)-st(7)
+Callee save set:
+ ebx, esi, edi, ebp
+Return regs:
+ 32-bit in eax
+ 64-bit in edx:eax (low-order 32 in eax)
+ fp on top of fp stack st(0)
+Parameters passed on stack, pushed right-to-left. On entry to target, first
+parm is at 4(%esp). Traditional entry code is:
+ push %ebp # save old frame pointer
+ mov %ebp,%esp # establish new frame pointer
+ sub FrameSize,%esp # Allocate storage for spill, locals & outs
+Once past the prologue, arguments are referenced at ((argno + 2)*4)(%ebp)
+Stack must be 16-byte aligned to support SSE in native code.
+If we're not doing variable stack allocation (alloca), the frame pointer can be
+eliminated and all arg references adjusted to be esp relative.
+Mterp and x86 notes:
+Some key interpreter variables will be assigned to registers.
+ nick reg purpose
+ rPC esi interpreted program counter, used for fetching instructions
+ rFP edi interpreted frame pointer, used for accessing locals and args
+ rINSTw bx first 16-bit code of current instruction
+ rINSTbl bl opcode portion of instruction word
+ rINSTbh bh high byte of inst word, usually contains src/tgt reg names
+ rIBASE edx base of instruction handler table
+ rREFS ebp base of object references in shadow frame.
+ o High order 16 bits of ebx must be zero on entry to handler
+ o rPC, rFP, rINSTw/rINSTbl valid on handler entry and exit
+ o eax and ecx are scratch, rINSTw/ebx sometimes scratch
+Macros are provided for common operations. Each macro MUST emit only
+one instruction to make instruction-counting easier. They MUST NOT alter
+unspecified registers or condition codes.
+ * This is a #include, not a %include, because we want the C pre-processor
+ * to expand the macros into assembler assignment statements.
+ */
+#include "asm_support.h"
+/* Frame size must be 16-byte aligned.
+ * Remember about 4 bytes for return address
+ */
+#define FRAME_SIZE 44
+/* Frame diagram while executing ExecuteMterpImpl, high to low addresses */
+#define IN_ARG3 (FRAME_SIZE + 16)
+#define IN_ARG2 (FRAME_SIZE + 12)
+#define IN_ARG1 (FRAME_SIZE + 8)
+#define IN_ARG0 (FRAME_SIZE + 4)
+#define CALLER_RP (FRAME_SIZE + 0)
+/* Spill offsets relative to %esp */
+#define EBP_SPILL (FRAME_SIZE - 4)
+#define EDI_SPILL (FRAME_SIZE - 8)
+#define ESI_SPILL (FRAME_SIZE - 12)
+#define EBX_SPILL (FRAME_SIZE - 16)
+#define LOCAL0 (FRAME_SIZE - 20)
+#define LOCAL1 (FRAME_SIZE - 24)
+#define LOCAL2 (FRAME_SIZE - 28)
+/* Out Arg offsets, relative to %esp */
+#define OUT_ARG3 ( 12)
+#define OUT_ARG2 ( 8)
+#define OUT_ARG1 ( 4)
+#define OUT_ARG0 ( 0) /* <- ExecuteMterpImpl esp + 0 */
+/* During bringup, we'll use the shadow frame model instead of rFP */
+/* single-purpose registers, given names for clarity */
+#define rSELF IN_ARG0(%esp)
+#define rPC %esi
+#define rFP %edi
+#define rINST %ebx
+#define rINSTw %bx
+#define rINSTbh %bh
+#define rINSTbl %bl
+#define rIBASE %edx
+#define rREFS %ebp
+ * Instead of holding a pointer to the shadow frame, we keep rFP at the base of the vregs. So,
+ * to access other shadow frame fields, we need to use a backwards offset. Define those here.
+ */
+ *
+ * The reference interpreter performs explicit suspect checks, which is somewhat wasteful.
+ * Dalvik's interpreter folded suspend checks into the jump table mechanism, and eventually
+ * mterp should do so as well.
+ */
+#define MTERP_SUSPEND 0
+ * "export" the PC to dex_pc field in the shadow frame, f/b/o future exception objects. Must
+ * be done *before* something throws.
+ *
+ * It's okay to do this more than once.
+ *
+ * NOTE: the fast interpreter keeps track of dex pc as a direct pointer to the mapped
+ * dex byte codes. However, the rest of the runtime expects dex pc to be an instruction
+ * offset into the code_items_[] array. For effiency, we will "export" the
+ * current dex pc as a direct pointer using the EXPORT_PC macro, and rely on GetDexPC
+ * to convert to a dex pc when needed.
+ */
+.macro EXPORT_PC
+ movl rPC, OFF_FP_DEX_PC_PTR(rFP)
+ * Refresh handler table.
+ * IBase handles uses the caller save register so we must restore it after each call.
+ * Also it is used as a result of some 64-bit operations (like imul) and we should
+ * restore it in such cases also.
+ *
+ * TODO: Consider spilling the IBase instead of restoring it from Thread structure.
+ */
+ movl rSELF, rIBASE
+ * If rSELF is already loaded then we can use it from known reg.
+ */
+ * Refresh rINST.
+ * At enter to handler rINST does not contain the opcode number.
+ * However some utilities require the full value, so this macro
+ * restores the opcode number.
+ */
+.macro REFRESH_INST _opnum
+ movb rINSTbl, rINSTbh
+ movb $\_opnum, rINSTbl
+ * Fetch the next instruction from rPC into rINSTw. Does not advance rPC.
+ */
+.macro FETCH_INST
+ movzwl (rPC), rINST
+ * Remove opcode from rINST, compute the address of handler and jump to it.
+ */
+.macro GOTO_NEXT
+ movzx rINSTbl,%eax
+ movzbl rINSTbh,rINST
+ shll $7, %eax
+ addl rIBASE, %eax
+ jmp *%eax
+ * Advance rPC by instruction count.
+ */
+.macro ADVANCE_PC _count
+ leal 2*\_count(rPC), rPC
+ * Advance rPC by instruction count, fetch instruction and jump to handler.
+ */
+ ADVANCE_PC \_count
+ * Get/set the 32-bit value from a Dalvik register.
+ */
+#define VREG_ADDRESS(_vreg) (rFP,_vreg,4)
+#define VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(_vreg) 4(rFP,_vreg,4)
+#define VREG_REF_ADDRESS(_vreg) (rREFS,_vreg,4)
+#define VREG_REF_HIGH_ADDRESS(_vreg) 4(rREFS,_vreg,4)
+.macro GET_VREG _reg _vreg
+ movl (rFP,\_vreg,4), \_reg
+/* Read wide value to xmm. */
+.macro GET_WIDE_FP_VREG _reg _vreg
+ movq (rFP,\_vreg,4), \_reg
+.macro SET_VREG _reg _vreg
+ movl \_reg, (rFP,\_vreg,4)
+ movl $0, (rREFS,\_vreg,4)
+/* Write wide value from xmm. xmm is clobbered. */
+.macro SET_WIDE_FP_VREG _reg _vreg
+ movq \_reg, (rFP,\_vreg,4)
+ pxor \_reg, \_reg
+ movq \_reg, (rREFS,\_vreg,4)
+.macro SET_VREG_OBJECT _reg _vreg
+ movl \_reg, (rFP,\_vreg,4)
+ movl \_reg, (rREFS,\_vreg,4)
+.macro GET_VREG_HIGH _reg _vreg
+ movl 4(rFP,\_vreg,4), \_reg
+.macro SET_VREG_HIGH _reg _vreg
+ movl \_reg, 4(rFP,\_vreg,4)
+ movl $0, 4(rREFS,\_vreg,4)
+.macro CLEAR_REF _vreg
+ movl $0, (rREFS,\_vreg,4)
+.macro CLEAR_WIDE_REF _vreg
+ movl $0, (rREFS,\_vreg,4)
+ movl $0, 4(rREFS,\_vreg,4)
+/* File: x86/entry.S */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Interpreter entry point.
+ */
+ .text
+ .global ExecuteMterpImpl
+ .type ExecuteMterpImpl, %function
+ * On entry:
+ * 0 Thread* self
+ * 1 code_item
+ * 2 ShadowFrame
+ * 3 JValue* result_register
+ *
+ */
+ .cfi_startproc
+ /* Allocate frame */
+ subl $FRAME_SIZE, %esp
+ .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset FRAME_SIZE
+ /* Spill callee save regs */
+ movl %ebp, EBP_SPILL(%esp)
+ movl %edi, EDI_SPILL(%esp)
+ movl %esi, ESI_SPILL(%esp)
+ movl %ebx, EBX_SPILL(%esp)
+ /* Load ShadowFrame pointer */
+ movl IN_ARG2(%esp), %edx
+ /* Remember the return register */
+ movl IN_ARG3(%esp), %eax
+ /* Remember the code_item */
+ movl IN_ARG1(%esp), %ecx
+ /* set up "named" registers */
+ leal (rFP, %eax, 4), rREFS
+ movl SHADOWFRAME_DEX_PC_OFFSET(%edx), %eax
+ lea (rPC, %eax, 2), rPC
+ /* Starting ibase */
+ /* start executing the instruction at rPC */
+ /* NOTE: no fallthrough */
+ .global artMterpAsmInstructionStart
+ .type artMterpAsmInstructionStart, %function
+artMterpAsmInstructionStart = .L_op_nop
+ .text
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_nop: /* 0x00 */
+/* File: x86/op_nop.S */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move: /* 0x01 */
+/* File: x86/op_move.S */
+ /* for move, move-object, long-to-int */
+ /* op vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- BA
+ andb $0xf, %al # eax <- A
+ shrl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .else
+ SET_VREG rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_from16: /* 0x02 */
+/* File: x86/op_move_from16.S */
+ /* for: move/from16, move-object/from16 */
+ /* op vAA, vBBBB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- AA
+ movw 2(rPC), rINSTw # rINSTw <- BBBB
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .else
+ SET_VREG rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_16: /* 0x03 */
+/* File: x86/op_move_16.S */
+ /* for: move/16, move-object/16 */
+ /* op vAAAA, vBBBB */
+ movzwl 4(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BBBB
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- AAAA
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .else
+ SET_VREG rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_wide: /* 0x04 */
+/* File: x86/op_move_wide.S */
+ /* move-wide vA, vB */
+ /* NOTE: regs can overlap, e.g. "move v6,v7" or "move v7,v6" */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ GET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 rINST # xmm0 <- v[B]
+ SET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 %ecx # v[A] <- xmm0
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_wide_from16: /* 0x05 */
+/* File: x86/op_move_wide_from16.S */
+ /* move-wide/from16 vAA, vBBBB */
+ /* NOTE: regs can overlap, e.g. "move v6,v7" or "move v7,v6" */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BBBB
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- AAAA
+ GET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 %ecx # xmm0 <- v[B]
+ SET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 %eax # v[A] <- xmm0
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_wide_16: /* 0x06 */
+/* File: x86/op_move_wide_16.S */
+ /* move-wide/16 vAAAA, vBBBB */
+ /* NOTE: regs can overlap, e.g. "move v6,v7" or "move v7,v6" */
+ movzwl 4(rPC), %ecx # ecx<- BBBB
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- AAAA
+ GET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 %ecx # xmm0 <- v[B]
+ SET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 %eax # v[A] <- xmm0
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_object: /* 0x07 */
+/* File: x86/op_move_object.S */
+/* File: x86/op_move.S */
+ /* for move, move-object, long-to-int */
+ /* op vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- BA
+ andb $0xf, %al # eax <- A
+ shrl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ .if 1
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .else
+ SET_VREG rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_object_from16: /* 0x08 */
+/* File: x86/op_move_object_from16.S */
+/* File: x86/op_move_from16.S */
+ /* for: move/from16, move-object/from16 */
+ /* op vAA, vBBBB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- AA
+ movw 2(rPC), rINSTw # rINSTw <- BBBB
+ .if 1
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .else
+ SET_VREG rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_object_16: /* 0x09 */
+/* File: x86/op_move_object_16.S */
+/* File: x86/op_move_16.S */
+ /* for: move/16, move-object/16 */
+ /* op vAAAA, vBBBB */
+ movzwl 4(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BBBB
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- AAAA
+ .if 1
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .else
+ SET_VREG rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_result: /* 0x0a */
+/* File: x86/op_move_result.S */
+ /* for: move-result, move-result-object */
+ /* op vAA */
+ movl OFF_FP_RESULT_REGISTER(rFP), %eax # get pointer to result JType.
+ movl (%eax), %eax # r0 <- result.i.
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_result_wide: /* 0x0b */
+/* File: x86/op_move_result_wide.S */
+ /* move-result-wide vAA */
+ movl OFF_FP_RESULT_REGISTER(rFP), %eax # get pointer to result JType.
+ movl 4(%eax), %ecx # Get high
+ movl (%eax), %eax # Get low
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[AA+0] <- eax
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %ecx rINST # v[AA+1] <- ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_result_object: /* 0x0c */
+/* File: x86/op_move_result_object.S */
+/* File: x86/op_move_result.S */
+ /* for: move-result, move-result-object */
+ /* op vAA */
+ movl OFF_FP_RESULT_REGISTER(rFP), %eax # get pointer to result JType.
+ movl (%eax), %eax # r0 <- result.i.
+ .if 1
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_exception: /* 0x0d */
+/* File: x86/op_move_exception.S */
+ /* move-exception vAA */
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET(%ecx), %eax
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[AA] <- exception object
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_return_void: /* 0x0e */
+/* File: x86/op_return_void.S */
+ .extern MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ call MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ xorl %ecx, %ecx
+ jmp MterpReturn
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_return: /* 0x0f */
+/* File: x86/op_return.S */
+ * Return a 32-bit value.
+ *
+ * for: return, return-object
+ */
+ /* op vAA */
+ .extern MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ call MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vAA
+ xorl %ecx, %ecx
+ jmp MterpReturn
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_return_wide: /* 0x10 */
+/* File: x86/op_return_wide.S */
+ * Return a 64-bit value.
+ */
+ /* return-wide vAA */
+ .extern MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ call MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- v[AA+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx rINST # ecx <- v[AA+1]
+ jmp MterpReturn
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_return_object: /* 0x11 */
+/* File: x86/op_return_object.S */
+/* File: x86/op_return.S */
+ * Return a 32-bit value.
+ *
+ * for: return, return-object
+ */
+ /* op vAA */
+ .extern MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ call MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vAA
+ xorl %ecx, %ecx
+ jmp MterpReturn
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_4: /* 0x12 */
+/* File: x86/op_const_4.S */
+ /* const/4 vA, #+B */
+ movsx rINSTbl, %eax # eax <-ssssssBx
+ movl $0xf, rINST
+ andl %eax, rINST # rINST <- A
+ sarl $4, %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_16: /* 0x13 */
+/* File: x86/op_const_16.S */
+ /* const/16 vAA, #+BBBB */
+ movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssBBBB
+ SET_VREG %ecx rINST # vAA <- ssssBBBB
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const: /* 0x14 */
+/* File: x86/op_const.S */
+ /* const vAA, #+BBBBbbbb */
+ movl 2(rPC), %eax # grab all 32 bits at once
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # vAA<- eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_high16: /* 0x15 */
+/* File: x86/op_const_high16.S */
+ /* const/high16 vAA, #+BBBB0000 */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000BBBB
+ sall $16, %eax # eax <- BBBB0000
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # vAA <- eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_wide_16: /* 0x16 */
+/* File: x86/op_const_wide_16.S */
+ /* const-wide/16 vAA, #+BBBB */
+ movswl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- ssssBBBB
+ movl rIBASE, %ecx # preserve rIBASE (cltd trashes it)
+ cltd # rIBASE:eax <- ssssssssssssBBBB
+ SET_VREG_HIGH rIBASE rINST # store msw
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # store lsw
+ movl %ecx, rIBASE # restore rIBASE
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_wide_32: /* 0x17 */
+/* File: x86/op_const_wide_32.S */
+ /* const-wide/32 vAA, #+BBBBbbbb */
+ movl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BBBBbbbb
+ movl rIBASE, %ecx # preserve rIBASE (cltd trashes it)
+ cltd # rIBASE:eax <- ssssssssssssBBBB
+ SET_VREG_HIGH rIBASE rINST # store msw
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # store lsw
+ movl %ecx, rIBASE # restore rIBASE
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_wide: /* 0x18 */
+/* File: x86/op_const_wide.S */
+ /* const-wide vAA, #+HHHHhhhhBBBBbbbb */
+ movl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- lsw
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- AA
+ movl 6(rPC), rINST # rINST <- msw
+ SET_VREG %eax %ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_wide_high16: /* 0x19 */
+/* File: x86/op_const_wide_high16.S */
+ /* const-wide/high16 vAA, #+BBBB000000000000 */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000BBBB
+ sall $16, %eax # eax <- BBBB0000
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %eax rINST # v[AA+1] <- eax
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[AA+0] <- eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_string: /* 0x1a */
+/* File: x86/op_const_string.S */
+ /* const/string vAA, String@BBBB */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BBBB
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpConstString # (index, tgt_reg, shadow_frame, self)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_string_jumbo: /* 0x1b */
+/* File: x86/op_const_string_jumbo.S */
+ /* const/string vAA, String@BBBBBBBB */
+ movl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BBBB
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpConstString # (index, tgt_reg, shadow_frame, self)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_class: /* 0x1c */
+/* File: x86/op_const_class.S */
+ /* const/class vAA, Class@BBBB */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- BBBB
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpConstClass # (index, tgt_reg, shadow_frame, self)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_monitor_enter: /* 0x1d */
+/* File: x86/op_monitor_enter.S */
+ * Synchronize on an object.
+ */
+ /* monitor-enter vAA */
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call artLockObjectFromCode # (object, self)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_monitor_exit: /* 0x1e */
+/* File: x86/op_monitor_exit.S */
+ * Unlock an object.
+ *
+ * Exceptions that occur when unlocking a monitor need to appear as
+ * if they happened at the following instruction. See the Dalvik
+ * instruction spec.
+ */
+ /* monitor-exit vAA */
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call artUnlockObjectFromCode # (object, self)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_check_cast: /* 0x1f */
+/* File: x86/op_check_cast.S */
+ * Check to see if a cast from one class to another is allowed.
+ */
+ /* check-cast vAA, class@BBBB */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BBBB
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP),%eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckCast # (index, obj, method, self)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_instance_of: /* 0x20 */
+/* File: x86/op_instance_of.S */
+ * Check to see if an object reference is an instance of a class.
+ *
+ * Most common situation is a non-null object, being compared against
+ * an already-resolved class.
+ */
+ /* instance-of vA, vB, class@CCCC */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BBBB
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rINST, %eax # eax <- BA
+ sarl $4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %eax # Get object
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP),%eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpInstanceOf # (index, obj, method, self)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINSTbl <- A
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_array_length: /* 0x21 */
+/* File: x86/op_array_length.S */
+ * Return the length of an array.
+ */
+ mov rINST, %eax # eax <- BA
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx rINST # ecx <- vB (object ref)
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ andb $0xf, %al # eax <- A
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_new_instance: /* 0x22 */
+/* File: x86/op_new_instance.S */
+ * Create a new instance of a class.
+ */
+ /* new-instance vAA, class@BBBB */
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ call MterpNewInstance
+ testl %eax, %eax # 0 means an exception is thrown
+ jz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_new_array: /* 0x23 */
+/* File: x86/op_new_array.S */
+ * Allocate an array of objects, specified with the array class
+ * and a count.
+ *
+ * The verifier guarantees that this is an array class, so we don't
+ * check for it here.
+ */
+ /* new-array vA, vB, class@CCCC */
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpNewArray
+ testl %eax, %eax # 0 means an exception is thrown
+ jz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_filled_new_array: /* 0x24 */
+/* File: x86/op_filled_new_array.S */
+ * Create a new array with elements filled from registers.
+ *
+ * for: filled-new-array, filled-new-array/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, type@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpFilledNewArray
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ call MterpFilledNewArray
+ testl %eax, %eax # 0 means an exception is thrown
+ jz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_filled_new_array_range: /* 0x25 */
+/* File: x86/op_filled_new_array_range.S */
+/* File: x86/op_filled_new_array.S */
+ * Create a new array with elements filled from registers.
+ *
+ * for: filled-new-array, filled-new-array/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, type@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpFilledNewArrayRange
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ call MterpFilledNewArrayRange
+ testl %eax, %eax # 0 means an exception is thrown
+ jz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_fill_array_data: /* 0x26 */
+/* File: x86/op_fill_array_data.S */
+ /* fill-array-data vAA, +BBBBBBBB */
+ movl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BBBBbbbb
+ leal (rPC,%ecx,2), %ecx # ecx <- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vAA (array object)
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpFillArrayData # (obj, payload)
+ testl %eax, %eax # 0 means an exception is thrown
+ jz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_throw: /* 0x27 */
+/* File: x86/op_throw.S */
+ * Throw an exception object in the current thread.
+ */
+ /* throw vAA */
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax<- vAA (exception object)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz common_errNullObject
+ movl rSELF,%ecx
+ movl %eax, THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET(%ecx)
+ jmp MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_goto: /* 0x28 */
+/* File: x86/op_goto.S */
+ * Unconditional branch, 8-bit offset.
+ *
+ * The branch distance is a signed code-unit offset, which we need to
+ * double to get a byte offset.
+ */
+ /* goto +AA */
+ movsbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- ssssssAA
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 1f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_goto_16: /* 0x29 */
+/* File: x86/op_goto_16.S */
+ * Unconditional branch, 16-bit offset.
+ *
+ * The branch distance is a signed code-unit offset, which we need to
+ * double to get a byte offset.
+ */
+ /* goto/16 +AAAA */
+ movswl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- ssssAAAA
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 1f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_goto_32: /* 0x2a */
+/* File: x86/op_goto_32.S */
+ * Unconditional branch, 32-bit offset.
+ *
+ * The branch distance is a signed code-unit offset, which we need to
+ * double to get a byte offset.
+ *
+ * Unlike most opcodes, this one is allowed to branch to itself, so
+ * our "backward branch" test must be "<=0" instead of "<0". Because
+ * we need the V bit set, we'll use an adds to convert from Dalvik
+ * offset to byte offset.
+ */
+ /* goto/32 +AAAAAAAA */
+ movl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- AAAAAAAA
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 1f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_packed_switch: /* 0x2b */
+/* File: x86/op_packed_switch.S */
+ * Handle a packed-switch or sparse-switch instruction. In both cases
+ * we decode it and hand it off to a helper function.
+ *
+ * We don't really expect backward branches in a switch statement, but
+ * they're perfectly legal, so we check for them here.
+ *
+ * for: packed-switch, sparse-switch
+ */
+ /* op vAA, +BBBB */
+ movl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BBBBbbbb
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vAA
+ leal (rPC,%ecx,2), %ecx # ecx <- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # ARG1 <- vAA
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # ARG0 <- switchData
+ call MterpDoPackedSwitch
+ addl %eax, %eax
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 1f
+ # REFRESH_IBASE - we did it above.
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sparse_switch: /* 0x2c */
+/* File: x86/op_sparse_switch.S */
+/* File: x86/op_packed_switch.S */
+ * Handle a packed-switch or sparse-switch instruction. In both cases
+ * we decode it and hand it off to a helper function.
+ *
+ * We don't really expect backward branches in a switch statement, but
+ * they're perfectly legal, so we check for them here.
+ *
+ * for: packed-switch, sparse-switch
+ */
+ /* op vAA, +BBBB */
+ movl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BBBBbbbb
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vAA
+ leal (rPC,%ecx,2), %ecx # ecx <- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # ARG1 <- vAA
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # ARG0 <- switchData
+ call MterpDoSparseSwitch
+ addl %eax, %eax
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 1f
+ # REFRESH_IBASE - we did it above.
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_cmpl_float: /* 0x2d */
+/* File: x86/op_cmpl_float.S */
+/* File: x86/fpcmp.S */
+ * Compare two floating-point values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the
+ * destination register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * int compare(x, y) {
+ * if (x == y) {
+ * return 0;
+ * } else if (x < y) {
+ * return -1;
+ * } else if (x > y) {
+ * return 1;
+ * } else {
+ * return nanval ? 1 : -1;
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx<- CC
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- BB
+ movss VREG_ADDRESS(%eax), %xmm0
+ xor %eax, %eax
+ ucomiss VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0
+ jp .Lop_cmpl_float_nan_is_neg
+ je .Lop_cmpl_float_finish
+ jb .Lop_cmpl_float_less
+ incl %eax
+ jmp .Lop_cmpl_float_finish
+ decl %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_cmpg_float: /* 0x2e */
+/* File: x86/op_cmpg_float.S */
+/* File: x86/fpcmp.S */
+ * Compare two floating-point values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the
+ * destination register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * int compare(x, y) {
+ * if (x == y) {
+ * return 0;
+ * } else if (x < y) {
+ * return -1;
+ * } else if (x > y) {
+ * return 1;
+ * } else {
+ * return nanval ? 1 : -1;
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx<- CC
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- BB
+ movss VREG_ADDRESS(%eax), %xmm0
+ xor %eax, %eax
+ ucomiss VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0
+ jp .Lop_cmpg_float_nan_is_pos
+ je .Lop_cmpg_float_finish
+ jb .Lop_cmpg_float_less
+ incl %eax
+ jmp .Lop_cmpg_float_finish
+ decl %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_cmpl_double: /* 0x2f */
+/* File: x86/op_cmpl_double.S */
+/* File: x86/fpcmp.S */
+ * Compare two floating-point values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the
+ * destination register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * int compare(x, y) {
+ * if (x == y) {
+ * return 0;
+ * } else if (x < y) {
+ * return -1;
+ * } else if (x > y) {
+ * return 1;
+ * } else {
+ * return nanval ? 1 : -1;
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx<- CC
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- BB
+ movsd VREG_ADDRESS(%eax), %xmm0
+ xor %eax, %eax
+ ucomisd VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0
+ jp .Lop_cmpl_double_nan_is_neg
+ je .Lop_cmpl_double_finish
+ jb .Lop_cmpl_double_less
+ incl %eax
+ jmp .Lop_cmpl_double_finish
+ decl %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_cmpg_double: /* 0x30 */
+/* File: x86/op_cmpg_double.S */
+/* File: x86/fpcmp.S */
+ * Compare two floating-point values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the
+ * destination register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * int compare(x, y) {
+ * if (x == y) {
+ * return 0;
+ * } else if (x < y) {
+ * return -1;
+ * } else if (x > y) {
+ * return 1;
+ * } else {
+ * return nanval ? 1 : -1;
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx<- CC
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- BB
+ movsd VREG_ADDRESS(%eax), %xmm0
+ xor %eax, %eax
+ ucomisd VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0
+ jp .Lop_cmpg_double_nan_is_pos
+ je .Lop_cmpg_double_finish
+ jb .Lop_cmpg_double_less
+ incl %eax
+ jmp .Lop_cmpg_double_finish
+ decl %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_cmp_long: /* 0x31 */
+/* File: x86/op_cmp_long.S */
+ * Compare two 64-bit values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the destination
+ * register based on the results of the comparison.
+ */
+ /* cmp-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB+1], BB is clobbered
+ cmpl VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx), %eax
+ jl .Lop_cmp_long_smaller
+ jg .Lop_cmp_long_bigger
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB, restore BB
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB]
+ sub VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %eax
+ ja .Lop_cmp_long_bigger
+ jb .Lop_cmp_long_smaller
+ movl $1, %eax
+ jmp .Lop_cmp_long_finish
+ movl $-1, %eax
+ jmp .Lop_cmp_long_finish
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_eq: /* 0x32 */
+/* File: x86/op_if_eq.S */
+/* File: x86/bincmp.S */
+ * Generic two-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * For: if-eq, if-ne, if-lt, if-ge, if-gt, if-le
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vA, vB, +CCCC */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax <- vA
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ cmpl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %eax # compare (vA, vB)
+ movl $2, %eax # assume not taken
+ jne 1f
+ movswl 2(rPC),%eax # Get signed branch offset
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 2f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_ne: /* 0x33 */
+/* File: x86/op_if_ne.S */
+/* File: x86/bincmp.S */
+ * Generic two-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * For: if-eq, if-ne, if-lt, if-ge, if-gt, if-le
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vA, vB, +CCCC */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax <- vA
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ cmpl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %eax # compare (vA, vB)
+ movl $2, %eax # assume not taken
+ je 1f
+ movswl 2(rPC),%eax # Get signed branch offset
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 2f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_lt: /* 0x34 */
+/* File: x86/op_if_lt.S */
+/* File: x86/bincmp.S */
+ * Generic two-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * For: if-eq, if-ne, if-lt, if-ge, if-gt, if-le
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vA, vB, +CCCC */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax <- vA
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ cmpl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %eax # compare (vA, vB)
+ movl $2, %eax # assume not taken
+ jge 1f
+ movswl 2(rPC),%eax # Get signed branch offset
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 2f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_ge: /* 0x35 */
+/* File: x86/op_if_ge.S */
+/* File: x86/bincmp.S */
+ * Generic two-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * For: if-eq, if-ne, if-lt, if-ge, if-gt, if-le
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vA, vB, +CCCC */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax <- vA
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ cmpl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %eax # compare (vA, vB)
+ movl $2, %eax # assume not taken
+ jl 1f
+ movswl 2(rPC),%eax # Get signed branch offset
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 2f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_gt: /* 0x36 */
+/* File: x86/op_if_gt.S */
+/* File: x86/bincmp.S */
+ * Generic two-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * For: if-eq, if-ne, if-lt, if-ge, if-gt, if-le
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vA, vB, +CCCC */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax <- vA
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ cmpl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %eax # compare (vA, vB)
+ movl $2, %eax # assume not taken
+ jle 1f
+ movswl 2(rPC),%eax # Get signed branch offset
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 2f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_le: /* 0x37 */
+/* File: x86/op_if_le.S */
+/* File: x86/bincmp.S */
+ * Generic two-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * For: if-eq, if-ne, if-lt, if-ge, if-gt, if-le
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vA, vB, +CCCC */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax <- vA
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ cmpl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %eax # compare (vA, vB)
+ movl $2, %eax # assume not taken
+ jg 1f
+ movswl 2(rPC),%eax # Get signed branch offset
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 2f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_eqz: /* 0x38 */
+/* File: x86/op_if_eqz.S */
+/* File: x86/zcmp.S */
+ * Generic one-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * for: if-eqz, if-nez, if-ltz, if-gez, if-gtz, if-lez
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vAA, +BBBB */
+ cmpl $0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # compare (vA, 0)
+ movl $2, %eax # assume branch not taken
+ jne 1f
+ movswl 2(rPC),%eax # fetch signed displacement
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 2f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_nez: /* 0x39 */
+/* File: x86/op_if_nez.S */
+/* File: x86/zcmp.S */
+ * Generic one-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * for: if-eqz, if-nez, if-ltz, if-gez, if-gtz, if-lez
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vAA, +BBBB */
+ cmpl $0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # compare (vA, 0)
+ movl $2, %eax # assume branch not taken
+ je 1f
+ movswl 2(rPC),%eax # fetch signed displacement
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 2f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_ltz: /* 0x3a */
+/* File: x86/op_if_ltz.S */
+/* File: x86/zcmp.S */
+ * Generic one-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * for: if-eqz, if-nez, if-ltz, if-gez, if-gtz, if-lez
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vAA, +BBBB */
+ cmpl $0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # compare (vA, 0)
+ movl $2, %eax # assume branch not taken
+ jge 1f
+ movswl 2(rPC),%eax # fetch signed displacement
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 2f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_gez: /* 0x3b */
+/* File: x86/op_if_gez.S */
+/* File: x86/zcmp.S */
+ * Generic one-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * for: if-eqz, if-nez, if-ltz, if-gez, if-gtz, if-lez
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vAA, +BBBB */
+ cmpl $0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # compare (vA, 0)
+ movl $2, %eax # assume branch not taken
+ jl 1f
+ movswl 2(rPC),%eax # fetch signed displacement
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 2f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_gtz: /* 0x3c */
+/* File: x86/op_if_gtz.S */
+/* File: x86/zcmp.S */
+ * Generic one-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * for: if-eqz, if-nez, if-ltz, if-gez, if-gtz, if-lez
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vAA, +BBBB */
+ cmpl $0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # compare (vA, 0)
+ movl $2, %eax # assume branch not taken
+ jle 1f
+ movswl 2(rPC),%eax # fetch signed displacement
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 2f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_lez: /* 0x3d */
+/* File: x86/op_if_lez.S */
+/* File: x86/zcmp.S */
+ * Generic one-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * for: if-eqz, if-nez, if-ltz, if-gez, if-gtz, if-lez
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vAA, +BBBB */
+ cmpl $0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # compare (vA, 0)
+ movl $2, %eax # assume branch not taken
+ jg 1f
+ movswl 2(rPC),%eax # fetch signed displacement
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 2f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_3e: /* 0x3e */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_3e.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_3f: /* 0x3f */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_3f.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_40: /* 0x40 */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_40.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_41: /* 0x41 */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_41.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_42: /* 0x42 */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_42.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_43: /* 0x43 */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_43.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aget: /* 0x44 */
+/* File: x86/op_aget.S */
+ * Array get, 32 bits or less. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * for: aget, aget-boolean, aget-byte, aget-char, aget-short
+ *
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ movl MIRROR_INT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax,%ecx,4), %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aget_wide: /* 0x45 */
+/* File: x86/op_aget_wide.S */
+ * Array get, 64 bits. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ */
+ /* aget-wide vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ leal MIRROR_WIDE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax,%ecx,8), %eax
+ movq (%eax), %xmm0 # xmm0 <- vBB[vCC]
+ SET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 rINST # vAA <- xmm0
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aget_object: /* 0x46 */
+/* File: x86/op_aget_object.S */
+ * Array object get. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * for: aget-object
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecs <- vCC (requested index)
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call artAGetObjectFromMterp # (array, index)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aget_boolean: /* 0x47 */
+/* File: x86/op_aget_boolean.S */
+/* File: x86/op_aget.S */
+ * Array get, 32 bits or less. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * for: aget, aget-boolean, aget-byte, aget-char, aget-short
+ *
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ movzbl MIRROR_BOOLEAN_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax,%ecx,1), %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aget_byte: /* 0x48 */
+/* File: x86/op_aget_byte.S */
+/* File: x86/op_aget.S */
+ * Array get, 32 bits or less. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * for: aget, aget-boolean, aget-byte, aget-char, aget-short
+ *
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ movsbl MIRROR_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax,%ecx,1), %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aget_char: /* 0x49 */
+/* File: x86/op_aget_char.S */
+/* File: x86/op_aget.S */
+ * Array get, 32 bits or less. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * for: aget, aget-boolean, aget-byte, aget-char, aget-short
+ *
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ movzwl MIRROR_CHAR_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax,%ecx,2), %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aget_short: /* 0x4a */
+/* File: x86/op_aget_short.S */
+/* File: x86/op_aget.S */
+ * Array get, 32 bits or less. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * for: aget, aget-boolean, aget-byte, aget-char, aget-short
+ *
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ movswl MIRROR_SHORT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax,%ecx,2), %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aput: /* 0x4b */
+/* File: x86/op_aput.S */
+ * Array put, 32 bits or less. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ * for: aput, aput-boolean, aput-byte, aput-char, aput-short
+ *
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ leal MIRROR_INT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax,%ecx,4), %eax
+ movl rINST, (%eax)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aput_wide: /* 0x4c */
+/* File: x86/op_aput_wide.S */
+ * Array put, 64 bits. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ */
+ /* aput-wide vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ leal MIRROR_WIDE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax,%ecx,8), %eax
+ GET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 rINST # xmm0 <- vAA
+ movq %xmm0, (%eax) # vBB[vCC] <- xmm0
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aput_object: /* 0x4d */
+/* File: x86/op_aput_object.S */
+ * Store an object into an array. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ call MterpAputObject # (array, index)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aput_boolean: /* 0x4e */
+/* File: x86/op_aput_boolean.S */
+/* File: x86/op_aput.S */
+ * Array put, 32 bits or less. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ * for: aput, aput-boolean, aput-byte, aput-char, aput-short
+ *
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ leal MIRROR_BOOLEAN_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax,%ecx,1), %eax
+ movb rINSTbl, (%eax)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aput_byte: /* 0x4f */
+/* File: x86/op_aput_byte.S */
+/* File: x86/op_aput.S */
+ * Array put, 32 bits or less. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ * for: aput, aput-boolean, aput-byte, aput-char, aput-short
+ *
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ leal MIRROR_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax,%ecx,1), %eax
+ movb rINSTbl, (%eax)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aput_char: /* 0x50 */
+/* File: x86/op_aput_char.S */
+/* File: x86/op_aput.S */
+ * Array put, 32 bits or less. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ * for: aput, aput-boolean, aput-byte, aput-char, aput-short
+ *
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ leal MIRROR_CHAR_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax,%ecx,2), %eax
+ movw rINSTw, (%eax)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aput_short: /* 0x51 */
+/* File: x86/op_aput_short.S */
+/* File: x86/op_aput.S */
+ * Array put, 32 bits or less. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ * for: aput, aput-boolean, aput-byte, aput-char, aput-short
+ *
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ leal MIRROR_SHORT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax,%ecx,2), %eax
+ movw rINSTw, (%eax)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget: /* 0x52 */
+/* File: x86/op_iget.S */
+ * General instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget, iget-object, iget-boolean, iget-byte, iget-char, iget-short
+ */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ mov rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artGet32InstanceFromCode
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException # bail out
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <-value
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <-value
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_wide: /* 0x53 */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_wide.S */
+ * 64-bit instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget-wide
+ */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ mov rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artGet64InstanceFromCode
+ mov rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException # bail out
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_object: /* 0x54 */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_object.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iget.S */
+ * General instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget, iget-object, iget-boolean, iget-byte, iget-char, iget-short
+ */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ mov rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artGetObjInstanceFromCode
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException # bail out
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ .if 1
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <-value
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <-value
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_boolean: /* 0x55 */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_boolean.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iget.S */
+ * General instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget, iget-object, iget-boolean, iget-byte, iget-char, iget-short
+ */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ mov rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artGetBooleanInstanceFromCode
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException # bail out
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <-value
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <-value
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_byte: /* 0x56 */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_byte.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iget.S */
+ * General instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget, iget-object, iget-boolean, iget-byte, iget-char, iget-short
+ */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ mov rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artGetByteInstanceFromCode
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException # bail out
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <-value
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <-value
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_char: /* 0x57 */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_char.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iget.S */
+ * General instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget, iget-object, iget-boolean, iget-byte, iget-char, iget-short
+ */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ mov rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artGetCharInstanceFromCode
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException # bail out
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <-value
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <-value
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_short: /* 0x58 */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_short.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iget.S */
+ * General instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget, iget-object, iget-boolean, iget-byte, iget-char, iget-short
+ */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ mov rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artGetShortInstanceFromCode
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException # bail out
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <-value
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <-value
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput: /* 0x59 */
+/* File: x86/op_iput.S */
+ * General 32-bit instance field put.
+ *
+ * for: iput, iput-object, iput-boolean, iput-byte, iput-char, iput-short
+ */
+ /* op vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern artSet32InstanceFromMterp
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx<- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx<- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST<- A
+ GET_VREG %eax, rINST
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # fp[A]
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # referrer
+ call artSet32InstanceFromMterp
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_wide: /* 0x5a */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_wide.S */
+ /* iput-wide vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern artSet64InstanceFromMterp
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl,%ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4,%ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ andb $0xf,rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ leal VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # &fp[A]
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # referrer
+ call artSet64InstanceFromMterp
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_object: /* 0x5b */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_object.S */
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpIputObject
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_boolean: /* 0x5c */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_boolean.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iput.S */
+ * General 32-bit instance field put.
+ *
+ * for: iput, iput-object, iput-boolean, iput-byte, iput-char, iput-short
+ */
+ /* op vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern artSet8InstanceFromMterp
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx<- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx<- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST<- A
+ GET_VREG %eax, rINST
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # fp[A]
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # referrer
+ call artSet8InstanceFromMterp
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_byte: /* 0x5d */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_byte.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iput.S */
+ * General 32-bit instance field put.
+ *
+ * for: iput, iput-object, iput-boolean, iput-byte, iput-char, iput-short
+ */
+ /* op vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern artSet8InstanceFromMterp
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx<- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx<- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST<- A
+ GET_VREG %eax, rINST
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # fp[A]
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # referrer
+ call artSet8InstanceFromMterp
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_char: /* 0x5e */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_char.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iput.S */
+ * General 32-bit instance field put.
+ *
+ * for: iput, iput-object, iput-boolean, iput-byte, iput-char, iput-short
+ */
+ /* op vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern artSet16InstanceFromMterp
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx<- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx<- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST<- A
+ GET_VREG %eax, rINST
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # fp[A]
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # referrer
+ call artSet16InstanceFromMterp
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_short: /* 0x5f */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_short.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iput.S */
+ * General 32-bit instance field put.
+ *
+ * for: iput, iput-object, iput-boolean, iput-byte, iput-char, iput-short
+ */
+ /* op vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern artSet16InstanceFromMterp
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx<- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx<- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST<- A
+ GET_VREG %eax, rINST
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # fp[A]
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # referrer
+ call artSet16InstanceFromMterp
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sget: /* 0x60 */
+/* File: x86/op_sget.S */
+ * General SGET handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sget, sget-object, sget-boolean, sget-byte, sget-char, sget-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGet32StaticFromCode
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # self
+ call artGet32StaticFromCode
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sget_wide: /* 0x61 */
+/* File: x86/op_sget_wide.S */
+ * SGET_WIDE handler wrapper.
+ *
+ */
+ /* sget-wide vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGet64StaticFromCode
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # self
+ call artGet64StaticFromCode
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A]<- low part
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %edx rINST # fp[A+1]<- high part
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sget_object: /* 0x62 */
+/* File: x86/op_sget_object.S */
+/* File: x86/op_sget.S */
+ * General SGET handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sget, sget-object, sget-boolean, sget-byte, sget-char, sget-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGetObjStaticFromCode
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # self
+ call artGetObjStaticFromCode
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException
+ .if 1
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sget_boolean: /* 0x63 */
+/* File: x86/op_sget_boolean.S */
+/* File: x86/op_sget.S */
+ * General SGET handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sget, sget-object, sget-boolean, sget-byte, sget-char, sget-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGetBooleanStaticFromCode
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # self
+ call artGetBooleanStaticFromCode
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sget_byte: /* 0x64 */
+/* File: x86/op_sget_byte.S */
+/* File: x86/op_sget.S */
+ * General SGET handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sget, sget-object, sget-boolean, sget-byte, sget-char, sget-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGetByteStaticFromCode
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # self
+ call artGetByteStaticFromCode
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sget_char: /* 0x65 */
+/* File: x86/op_sget_char.S */
+/* File: x86/op_sget.S */
+ * General SGET handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sget, sget-object, sget-boolean, sget-byte, sget-char, sget-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGetCharStaticFromCode
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # self
+ call artGetCharStaticFromCode
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sget_short: /* 0x66 */
+/* File: x86/op_sget_short.S */
+/* File: x86/op_sget.S */
+ * General SGET handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sget, sget-object, sget-boolean, sget-byte, sget-char, sget-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGetShortStaticFromCode
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # self
+ call artGetShortStaticFromCode
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sput: /* 0x67 */
+/* File: x86/op_sput.S */
+ * General SPUT handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sput, sput-boolean, sput-byte, sput-char, sput-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artSet32StaticFromCode
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref BBBB
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # fp[AA]
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artSet32StaticFromCode
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sput_wide: /* 0x68 */
+/* File: x86/op_sput_wide.S */
+ * SPUT_WIDE handler wrapper.
+ *
+ */
+ /* sput-wide vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artSet64IndirectStaticFromMterp
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref BBBB
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # referrer
+ leal VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # &fp[AA]
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artSet64IndirectStaticFromMterp
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sput_object: /* 0x69 */
+/* File: x86/op_sput_object.S */
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpSputObject
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sput_boolean: /* 0x6a */
+/* File: x86/op_sput_boolean.S */
+/* File: x86/op_sput.S */
+ * General SPUT handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sput, sput-boolean, sput-byte, sput-char, sput-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artSet8StaticFromCode
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref BBBB
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # fp[AA]
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artSet8StaticFromCode
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sput_byte: /* 0x6b */
+/* File: x86/op_sput_byte.S */
+/* File: x86/op_sput.S */
+ * General SPUT handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sput, sput-boolean, sput-byte, sput-char, sput-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artSet8StaticFromCode
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref BBBB
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # fp[AA]
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artSet8StaticFromCode
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sput_char: /* 0x6c */
+/* File: x86/op_sput_char.S */
+/* File: x86/op_sput.S */
+ * General SPUT handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sput, sput-boolean, sput-byte, sput-char, sput-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artSet16StaticFromCode
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref BBBB
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # fp[AA]
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artSet16StaticFromCode
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sput_short: /* 0x6d */
+/* File: x86/op_sput_short.S */
+/* File: x86/op_sput.S */
+ * General SPUT handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sput, sput-boolean, sput-byte, sput-char, sput-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artSet16StaticFromCode
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref BBBB
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # fp[AA]
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artSet16StaticFromCode
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_virtual: /* 0x6e */
+/* File: x86/op_invoke_virtual.S */
+/* File: x86/invoke.S */
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeVirtual
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpInvokeVirtual
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+ * Handle a virtual method call.
+ *
+ * for: invoke-virtual, invoke-virtual/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op vAA, {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_super: /* 0x6f */
+/* File: x86/op_invoke_super.S */
+/* File: x86/invoke.S */
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeSuper
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpInvokeSuper
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+ * Handle a "super" method call.
+ *
+ * for: invoke-super, invoke-super/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op vAA, {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_direct: /* 0x70 */
+/* File: x86/op_invoke_direct.S */
+/* File: x86/invoke.S */
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeDirect
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpInvokeDirect
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_static: /* 0x71 */
+/* File: x86/op_invoke_static.S */
+/* File: x86/invoke.S */
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeStatic
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpInvokeStatic
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_interface: /* 0x72 */
+/* File: x86/op_invoke_interface.S */
+/* File: x86/invoke.S */
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeInterface
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpInvokeInterface
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+ * Handle an interface method call.
+ *
+ * for: invoke-interface, invoke-interface/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_return_void_no_barrier: /* 0x73 */
+/* File: x86/op_return_void_no_barrier.S */
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ xorl %ecx, %ecx
+ jmp MterpReturn
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_virtual_range: /* 0x74 */
+/* File: x86/op_invoke_virtual_range.S */
+/* File: x86/invoke.S */
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeVirtualRange
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpInvokeVirtualRange
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_super_range: /* 0x75 */
+/* File: x86/op_invoke_super_range.S */
+/* File: x86/invoke.S */
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeSuperRange
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpInvokeSuperRange
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_direct_range: /* 0x76 */
+/* File: x86/op_invoke_direct_range.S */
+/* File: x86/invoke.S */
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeDirectRange
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpInvokeDirectRange
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_static_range: /* 0x77 */
+/* File: x86/op_invoke_static_range.S */
+/* File: x86/invoke.S */
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeStaticRange
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpInvokeStaticRange
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_interface_range: /* 0x78 */
+/* File: x86/op_invoke_interface_range.S */
+/* File: x86/invoke.S */
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeInterfaceRange
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpInvokeInterfaceRange
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_79: /* 0x79 */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_79.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_7a: /* 0x7a */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_7a.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_neg_int: /* 0x7b */
+/* File: x86/op_neg_int.S */
+/* File: x86/unop.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op eax".
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl,%ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4,rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vB
+ andb $0xf,%cl # ecx <- A
+ negl %eax
+ SET_VREG %eax %ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_not_int: /* 0x7c */
+/* File: x86/op_not_int.S */
+/* File: x86/unop.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op eax".
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl,%ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4,rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vB
+ andb $0xf,%cl # ecx <- A
+ notl %eax
+ SET_VREG %eax %ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_neg_long: /* 0x7d */
+/* File: x86/op_neg_long.S */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax <- v[B+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %ecx # ecx <- v[B+1]
+ negl %eax
+ adcl $0, %ecx
+ negl %ecx
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[A+0] <- eax
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %ecx rINST # v[A+1] <- ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_not_long: /* 0x7e */
+/* File: x86/op_not_long.S */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax <- v[B+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %ecx # ecx <- v[B+1]
+ notl %eax
+ notl %ecx
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[A+0] <- eax
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %ecx rINST # v[A+1] <- ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_neg_float: /* 0x7f */
+/* File: x86/op_neg_float.S */
+/* File: x86/fpcvt.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit FP conversion operation.
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ fchs
+ fstps VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vA <- %st0
+ .if 0
+ .else
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_neg_double: /* 0x80 */
+/* File: x86/op_neg_double.S */
+/* File: x86/fpcvt.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit FP conversion operation.
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ fchs
+ fstpl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vA <- %st0
+ .if 1
+ .else
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_int_to_long: /* 0x81 */
+/* File: x86/op_int_to_long.S */
+ /* int to long vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- +A
+ sarl $4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vB
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ movl rIBASE, %ecx # cltd trashes rIBASE/edx
+ cltd # rINST:eax<- sssssssBBBBBBBB
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[A+0] <- %eax
+ movl %ecx, rIBASE
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_int_to_float: /* 0x82 */
+/* File: x86/op_int_to_float.S */
+/* File: x86/fpcvt.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit FP conversion operation.
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ fildl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ fstps VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vA <- %st0
+ .if 0
+ .else
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_int_to_double: /* 0x83 */
+/* File: x86/op_int_to_double.S */
+/* File: x86/fpcvt.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit FP conversion operation.
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ fildl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ fstpl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vA <- %st0
+ .if 1
+ .else
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_long_to_int: /* 0x84 */
+/* File: x86/op_long_to_int.S */
+/* we ignore the high word, making this equivalent to a 32-bit reg move */
+/* File: x86/op_move.S */
+ /* for move, move-object, long-to-int */
+ /* op vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- BA
+ andb $0xf, %al # eax <- A
+ shrl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .else
+ SET_VREG rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_long_to_float: /* 0x85 */
+/* File: x86/op_long_to_float.S */
+/* File: x86/fpcvt.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit FP conversion operation.
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ fildll VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ fstps VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vA <- %st0
+ .if 0
+ .else
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_long_to_double: /* 0x86 */
+/* File: x86/op_long_to_double.S */
+/* File: x86/fpcvt.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit FP conversion operation.
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ fildll VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ fstpl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vA <- %st0
+ .if 1
+ .else
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_float_to_int: /* 0x87 */
+/* File: x86/op_float_to_int.S */
+/* File: x86/cvtfp_int.S */
+/* On fp to int conversions, Java requires that
+ * if the result > maxint, it should be clamped to maxint. If it is less
+ * than minint, it should be clamped to minint. If it is a nan, the result
+ * should be zero. Further, the rounding mode is to truncate. This model
+ * differs from what is delivered normally via the x86 fpu, so we have
+ * to play some games.
+ */
+ /* float/double to int/long vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ .if 0
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ .else
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ .endif
+ ftst
+ fnstcw LOCAL0(%esp) # remember original rounding mode
+ movzwl LOCAL0(%esp), %eax
+ movb $0xc, %ah
+ movw %ax, LOCAL0+2(%esp)
+ fldcw LOCAL0+2(%esp) # set "to zero" rounding mode
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ .if 0
+ fistpll VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # convert and store
+ .else
+ fistpl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # convert and store
+ .endif
+ fldcw LOCAL0(%esp) # restore previous rounding mode
+ .if 0
+ movl $0x80000000, %eax
+ xorl VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx), %eax
+ orl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %eax
+ .else
+ cmpl $0x80000000, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ je .Lop_float_to_int_special_case # fix up result
+ xor %eax, %eax
+ mov %eax, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if 0
+ mov %eax, VREG_REF_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ fnstsw %ax
+ sahf
+ jp .Lop_float_to_int_isNaN
+ adcl $-1, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if 0
+ adcl $-1, VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ jmp .Lop_float_to_int_finish
+ movl $0, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if 0
+ movl $0, VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ jmp .Lop_float_to_int_finish
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_float_to_long: /* 0x88 */
+/* File: x86/op_float_to_long.S */
+/* File: x86/cvtfp_int.S */
+/* On fp to int conversions, Java requires that
+ * if the result > maxint, it should be clamped to maxint. If it is less
+ * than minint, it should be clamped to minint. If it is a nan, the result
+ * should be zero. Further, the rounding mode is to truncate. This model
+ * differs from what is delivered normally via the x86 fpu, so we have
+ * to play some games.
+ */
+ /* float/double to int/long vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ .if 0
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ .else
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ .endif
+ ftst
+ fnstcw LOCAL0(%esp) # remember original rounding mode
+ movzwl LOCAL0(%esp), %eax
+ movb $0xc, %ah
+ movw %ax, LOCAL0+2(%esp)
+ fldcw LOCAL0+2(%esp) # set "to zero" rounding mode
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ .if 1
+ fistpll VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # convert and store
+ .else
+ fistpl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # convert and store
+ .endif
+ fldcw LOCAL0(%esp) # restore previous rounding mode
+ .if 1
+ movl $0x80000000, %eax
+ xorl VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx), %eax
+ orl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %eax
+ .else
+ cmpl $0x80000000, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ je .Lop_float_to_long_special_case # fix up result
+ xor %eax, %eax
+ mov %eax, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if 1
+ mov %eax, VREG_REF_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ fnstsw %ax
+ sahf
+ jp .Lop_float_to_long_isNaN
+ adcl $-1, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if 1
+ adcl $-1, VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ jmp .Lop_float_to_long_finish
+ movl $0, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if 1
+ movl $0, VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ jmp .Lop_float_to_long_finish
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_float_to_double: /* 0x89 */
+/* File: x86/op_float_to_double.S */
+/* File: x86/fpcvt.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit FP conversion operation.
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ fstpl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vA <- %st0
+ .if 1
+ .else
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_double_to_int: /* 0x8a */
+/* File: x86/op_double_to_int.S */
+/* File: x86/cvtfp_int.S */
+/* On fp to int conversions, Java requires that
+ * if the result > maxint, it should be clamped to maxint. If it is less
+ * than minint, it should be clamped to minint. If it is a nan, the result
+ * should be zero. Further, the rounding mode is to truncate. This model
+ * differs from what is delivered normally via the x86 fpu, so we have
+ * to play some games.
+ */
+ /* float/double to int/long vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ .if 1
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ .else
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ .endif
+ ftst
+ fnstcw LOCAL0(%esp) # remember original rounding mode
+ movzwl LOCAL0(%esp), %eax
+ movb $0xc, %ah
+ movw %ax, LOCAL0+2(%esp)
+ fldcw LOCAL0+2(%esp) # set "to zero" rounding mode
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ .if 0
+ fistpll VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # convert and store
+ .else
+ fistpl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # convert and store
+ .endif
+ fldcw LOCAL0(%esp) # restore previous rounding mode
+ .if 0
+ movl $0x80000000, %eax
+ xorl VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx), %eax
+ orl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %eax
+ .else
+ cmpl $0x80000000, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ je .Lop_double_to_int_special_case # fix up result
+ xor %eax, %eax
+ mov %eax, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if 0
+ mov %eax, VREG_REF_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ fnstsw %ax
+ sahf
+ jp .Lop_double_to_int_isNaN
+ adcl $-1, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if 0
+ adcl $-1, VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ jmp .Lop_double_to_int_finish
+ movl $0, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if 0
+ movl $0, VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ jmp .Lop_double_to_int_finish
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_double_to_long: /* 0x8b */
+/* File: x86/op_double_to_long.S */
+/* File: x86/cvtfp_int.S */
+/* On fp to int conversions, Java requires that
+ * if the result > maxint, it should be clamped to maxint. If it is less
+ * than minint, it should be clamped to minint. If it is a nan, the result
+ * should be zero. Further, the rounding mode is to truncate. This model
+ * differs from what is delivered normally via the x86 fpu, so we have
+ * to play some games.
+ */
+ /* float/double to int/long vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ .if 1
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ .else
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ .endif
+ ftst
+ fnstcw LOCAL0(%esp) # remember original rounding mode
+ movzwl LOCAL0(%esp), %eax
+ movb $0xc, %ah
+ movw %ax, LOCAL0+2(%esp)
+ fldcw LOCAL0+2(%esp) # set "to zero" rounding mode
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ .if 1
+ fistpll VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # convert and store
+ .else
+ fistpl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # convert and store
+ .endif
+ fldcw LOCAL0(%esp) # restore previous rounding mode
+ .if 1
+ movl $0x80000000, %eax
+ xorl VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx), %eax
+ orl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %eax
+ .else
+ cmpl $0x80000000, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ je .Lop_double_to_long_special_case # fix up result
+ xor %eax, %eax
+ mov %eax, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if 1
+ mov %eax, VREG_REF_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ fnstsw %ax
+ sahf
+ jp .Lop_double_to_long_isNaN
+ adcl $-1, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if 1
+ adcl $-1, VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ jmp .Lop_double_to_long_finish
+ movl $0, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if 1
+ movl $0, VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ jmp .Lop_double_to_long_finish
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_double_to_float: /* 0x8c */
+/* File: x86/op_double_to_float.S */
+/* File: x86/fpcvt.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit FP conversion operation.
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ fstps VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vA <- %st0
+ .if 0
+ .else
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+ .endif
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_int_to_byte: /* 0x8d */
+/* File: x86/op_int_to_byte.S */
+/* File: x86/unop.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op eax".
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl,%ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4,rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vB
+ andb $0xf,%cl # ecx <- A
+ movsbl %al, %eax
+ SET_VREG %eax %ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_int_to_char: /* 0x8e */
+/* File: x86/op_int_to_char.S */
+/* File: x86/unop.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op eax".
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl,%ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4,rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vB
+ andb $0xf,%cl # ecx <- A
+ movzwl %ax,%eax
+ SET_VREG %eax %ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_int_to_short: /* 0x8f */
+/* File: x86/op_int_to_short.S */
+/* File: x86/unop.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op eax".
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl,%ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4,rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vB
+ andb $0xf,%cl # ecx <- A
+ movswl %ax, %eax
+ SET_VREG %eax %ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_int: /* 0x90 */
+/* File: x86/op_add_int.S */
+/* File: x86/binop.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op (rFP,%ecx,4)".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than eax, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ addl (rFP,%ecx,4), %eax # ex: addl (rFP,%ecx,4),%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_int: /* 0x91 */
+/* File: x86/op_sub_int.S */
+/* File: x86/binop.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op (rFP,%ecx,4)".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than eax, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ subl (rFP,%ecx,4), %eax # ex: addl (rFP,%ecx,4),%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_int: /* 0x92 */
+/* File: x86/op_mul_int.S */
+ /*
+ * 32-bit binary multiplication.
+ */
+ /* mul vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ imull (rFP,%ecx,4), %eax # trashes rIBASE/edx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_int: /* 0x93 */
+/* File: x86/op_div_int.S */
+/* File: x86/bindiv.S */
+ * 32-bit binary div/rem operation. Handles special case of op0=minint and
+ * op1=-1.
+ */
+ /* div/rem vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ testl %ecx, %ecx
+ je common_errDivideByZero
+ movl %eax, %edx
+ orl %ecx, %edx
+ test $0xFFFFFF00, %edx # If both arguments are less
+ # than 8-bit and +ve
+ jz .Lop_div_int_8 # Do 8-bit divide
+ test $0xFFFF0000, %edx # If both arguments are less
+ # than 16-bit and +ve
+ jz .Lop_div_int_16 # Do 16-bit divide
+ cmpl $-1, %ecx
+ jne .Lop_div_int_32
+ cmpl $0x80000000, %eax
+ jne .Lop_div_int_32
+ movl $0x80000000, %eax
+ jmp .Lop_div_int_finish
+ cltd
+ idivl %ecx
+ jmp .Lop_div_int_finish
+ div %cl # 8-bit divide otherwise.
+ # Remainder in %ah, quotient in %al
+ .if 0
+ movl %eax, %edx
+ shr $8, %edx
+ .else
+ andl $0x000000FF, %eax
+ .endif
+ jmp .Lop_div_int_finish
+ xorl %edx, %edx # Clear %edx before divide
+ div %cx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_int: /* 0x94 */
+/* File: x86/op_rem_int.S */
+/* File: x86/bindiv.S */
+ * 32-bit binary div/rem operation. Handles special case of op0=minint and
+ * op1=-1.
+ */
+ /* div/rem vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ testl %ecx, %ecx
+ je common_errDivideByZero
+ movl %eax, %edx
+ orl %ecx, %edx
+ test $0xFFFFFF00, %edx # If both arguments are less
+ # than 8-bit and +ve
+ jz .Lop_rem_int_8 # Do 8-bit divide
+ test $0xFFFF0000, %edx # If both arguments are less
+ # than 16-bit and +ve
+ jz .Lop_rem_int_16 # Do 16-bit divide
+ cmpl $-1, %ecx
+ jne .Lop_rem_int_32
+ cmpl $0x80000000, %eax
+ jne .Lop_rem_int_32
+ movl $0, rIBASE
+ jmp .Lop_rem_int_finish
+ cltd
+ idivl %ecx
+ jmp .Lop_rem_int_finish
+ div %cl # 8-bit divide otherwise.
+ # Remainder in %ah, quotient in %al
+ .if 1
+ movl %eax, %edx
+ shr $8, %edx
+ .else
+ andl $0x000000FF, %eax
+ .endif
+ jmp .Lop_rem_int_finish
+ xorl %edx, %edx # Clear %edx before divide
+ div %cx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_and_int: /* 0x95 */
+/* File: x86/op_and_int.S */
+/* File: x86/binop.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op (rFP,%ecx,4)".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than eax, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ andl (rFP,%ecx,4), %eax # ex: addl (rFP,%ecx,4),%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_or_int: /* 0x96 */
+/* File: x86/op_or_int.S */
+/* File: x86/binop.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op (rFP,%ecx,4)".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than eax, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ orl (rFP,%ecx,4), %eax # ex: addl (rFP,%ecx,4),%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_xor_int: /* 0x97 */
+/* File: x86/op_xor_int.S */
+/* File: x86/binop.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op (rFP,%ecx,4)".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than eax, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ xorl (rFP,%ecx,4), %eax # ex: addl (rFP,%ecx,4),%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shl_int: /* 0x98 */
+/* File: x86/op_shl_int.S */
+/* File: x86/binop1.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation in which both operands loaded to
+ * registers (op0 in eax, op1 in ecx).
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC),%eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC),%ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # eax <- vBB
+ sall %cl, %eax # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shr_int: /* 0x99 */
+/* File: x86/op_shr_int.S */
+/* File: x86/binop1.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation in which both operands loaded to
+ * registers (op0 in eax, op1 in ecx).
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC),%eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC),%ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # eax <- vBB
+ sarl %cl, %eax # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_ushr_int: /* 0x9a */
+/* File: x86/op_ushr_int.S */
+/* File: x86/binop1.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation in which both operands loaded to
+ * registers (op0 in eax, op1 in ecx).
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC),%eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC),%ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # eax <- vBB
+ shrl %cl, %eax # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_long: /* 0x9b */
+/* File: x86/op_add_long.S */
+/* File: x86/binopWide.S */
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC),%eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC),%ecx # ecx <- CC
+ movl rIBASE,LOCAL0(%esp) # save rIBASE
+ GET_VREG rIBASE %eax # rIBASE <- v[BB+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB+1]
+ addl (rFP,%ecx,4), rIBASE # ex: addl (rFP,%ecx,4),rIBASE
+ adcl 4(rFP,%ecx,4), %eax # ex: adcl 4(rFP,%ecx,4),%eax
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp),rIBASE # restore rIBASE
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %eax rINST # v[AA+1] <- eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_long: /* 0x9c */
+/* File: x86/op_sub_long.S */
+/* File: x86/binopWide.S */
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC),%eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC),%ecx # ecx <- CC
+ movl rIBASE,LOCAL0(%esp) # save rIBASE
+ GET_VREG rIBASE %eax # rIBASE <- v[BB+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB+1]
+ subl (rFP,%ecx,4), rIBASE # ex: addl (rFP,%ecx,4),rIBASE
+ sbbl 4(rFP,%ecx,4), %eax # ex: adcl 4(rFP,%ecx,4),%eax
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp),rIBASE # restore rIBASE
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %eax rINST # v[AA+1] <- eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_long: /* 0x9d */
+/* File: x86/op_mul_long.S */
+ * Signed 64-bit integer multiply.
+ *
+ * We could definately use more free registers for
+ * this code. We spill rINSTw (ebx),
+ * giving us eax, ebc, ecx and edx as computational
+ * temps. On top of that, we'll spill edi (rFP)
+ * for use as the vB pointer and esi (rPC) for use
+ * as the vC pointer. Yuck.
+ *
+ */
+ /* mul-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- B
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- C
+ mov rPC, LOCAL0(%esp) # save Interpreter PC
+ mov rFP, LOCAL1(%esp) # save FP
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL2(%esp) # save rIBASE
+ leal (rFP,%eax,4), %esi # esi <- &v[B]
+ leal (rFP,%ecx,4), rFP # rFP <- &v[C]
+ movl 4(%esi), %ecx # ecx <- Bmsw
+ imull (rFP), %ecx # ecx <- (Bmsw*Clsw)
+ movl 4(rFP), %eax # eax <- Cmsw
+ imull (%esi), %eax # eax <- (Cmsw*Blsw)
+ addl %eax, %ecx # ecx <- (Bmsw*Clsw)+(Cmsw*Blsw)
+ movl (rFP), %eax # eax <- Clsw
+ mull (%esi) # eax <- (Clsw*Alsw)
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rPC # restore Interpreter PC
+ mov LOCAL1(%esp), rFP # restore FP
+ leal (%ecx,rIBASE), rIBASE # full result now in rIBASE:%eax
+ mov LOCAL2(%esp), rIBASE # restore IBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[B] <- eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_long: /* 0x9e */
+/* File: x86/op_div_long.S */
+/* art_quick_* methods has quick abi,
+ * so use eax, ecx, edx, ebx for args
+ */
+ /* div vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ .extern art_quick_ldiv
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp) # save rIBASE/%edx
+ mov rINST, LOCAL1(%esp) # save rINST/%ebx
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ GET_VREG %ecx %eax
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ebx %eax
+ movl %ecx, %edx
+ orl %ebx, %ecx
+ jz common_errDivideByZero
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %eax
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax
+ call art_quick_ldiv
+ mov LOCAL1(%esp), rINST # restore rINST/%ebx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE # restore rIBASE/%edx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_long: /* 0x9f */
+/* File: x86/op_rem_long.S */
+/* File: x86/op_div_long.S */
+/* art_quick_* methods has quick abi,
+ * so use eax, ecx, edx, ebx for args
+ */
+ /* div vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ .extern art_quick_lmod
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp) # save rIBASE/%edx
+ mov rINST, LOCAL1(%esp) # save rINST/%ebx
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ GET_VREG %ecx %eax
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ebx %eax
+ movl %ecx, %edx
+ orl %ebx, %ecx
+ jz common_errDivideByZero
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %eax
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax
+ call art_quick_lmod
+ mov LOCAL1(%esp), rINST # restore rINST/%ebx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE # restore rIBASE/%edx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_and_long: /* 0xa0 */
+/* File: x86/op_and_long.S */
+/* File: x86/binopWide.S */
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC),%eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC),%ecx # ecx <- CC
+ movl rIBASE,LOCAL0(%esp) # save rIBASE
+ GET_VREG rIBASE %eax # rIBASE <- v[BB+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB+1]
+ andl (rFP,%ecx,4), rIBASE # ex: addl (rFP,%ecx,4),rIBASE
+ andl 4(rFP,%ecx,4), %eax # ex: adcl 4(rFP,%ecx,4),%eax
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp),rIBASE # restore rIBASE
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %eax rINST # v[AA+1] <- eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_or_long: /* 0xa1 */
+/* File: x86/op_or_long.S */
+/* File: x86/binopWide.S */
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC),%eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC),%ecx # ecx <- CC
+ movl rIBASE,LOCAL0(%esp) # save rIBASE
+ GET_VREG rIBASE %eax # rIBASE <- v[BB+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB+1]
+ orl (rFP,%ecx,4), rIBASE # ex: addl (rFP,%ecx,4),rIBASE
+ orl 4(rFP,%ecx,4), %eax # ex: adcl 4(rFP,%ecx,4),%eax
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp),rIBASE # restore rIBASE
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %eax rINST # v[AA+1] <- eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_xor_long: /* 0xa2 */
+/* File: x86/op_xor_long.S */
+/* File: x86/binopWide.S */
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC),%eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC),%ecx # ecx <- CC
+ movl rIBASE,LOCAL0(%esp) # save rIBASE
+ GET_VREG rIBASE %eax # rIBASE <- v[BB+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB+1]
+ xorl (rFP,%ecx,4), rIBASE # ex: addl (rFP,%ecx,4),rIBASE
+ xorl 4(rFP,%ecx,4), %eax # ex: adcl 4(rFP,%ecx,4),%eax
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp),rIBASE # restore rIBASE
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %eax rINST # v[AA+1] <- eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shl_long: /* 0xa3 */
+/* File: x86/op_shl_long.S */
+ * Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
+ * binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
+ * distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to mask off the low
+ * 6 bits of the shift distance. x86 shifts automatically mask off
+ * the low 5 bits of %cl, so have to handle the 64 > shiftcount > 31
+ * case specially.
+ */
+ /* shl-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ /* ecx gets shift count */
+ /* Need to spill rINST */
+ /* rINSTw gets AA */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ movl rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ GET_VREG_HIGH rIBASE %eax # ecx <- v[BB+1]
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB+0]
+ shldl %eax,rIBASE
+ sall %cl, %eax
+ testb $32, %cl
+ je 2f
+ movl %eax, rIBASE
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[AA+0] <- %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shr_long: /* 0xa4 */
+/* File: x86/op_shr_long.S */
+ * Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
+ * binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
+ * distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to mask off the low
+ * 6 bits of the shift distance. x86 shifts automatically mask off
+ * the low 5 bits of %cl, so have to handle the 64 > shiftcount > 31
+ * case specially.
+ */
+ /* shr-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ /* ecx gets shift count */
+ /* Need to spill rIBASE */
+ /* rINSTw gets AA */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ movl rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ GET_VREG_HIGH rIBASE %eax # rIBASE<- v[BB+1]
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB+0]
+ shrdl rIBASE, %eax
+ sarl %cl, rIBASE
+ testb $32, %cl
+ je 2f
+ movl rIBASE, %eax
+ sarl $31, rIBASE
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[AA+0] <- eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_ushr_long: /* 0xa5 */
+/* File: x86/op_ushr_long.S */
+ * Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
+ * binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
+ * distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to mask off the low
+ * 6 bits of the shift distance. x86 shifts automatically mask off
+ * the low 5 bits of %cl, so have to handle the 64 > shiftcount > 31
+ * case specially.
+ */
+ /* shr-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ /* ecx gets shift count */
+ /* Need to spill rIBASE */
+ /* rINSTw gets AA */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ movl rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ GET_VREG_HIGH rIBASE %eax # rIBASE <- v[BB+1]
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB+0]
+ shrdl rIBASE, %eax
+ shrl %cl, rIBASE
+ testb $32, %cl
+ je 2f
+ movl rIBASE, %eax
+ xorl rIBASE, rIBASE
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[BB+0] <- eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_float: /* 0xa6 */
+/* File: x86/op_add_float.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop.S */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ movss VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ addss VREG_ADDRESS(%eax), %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # vAA <- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_float: /* 0xa7 */
+/* File: x86/op_sub_float.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop.S */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ movss VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ subss VREG_ADDRESS(%eax), %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # vAA <- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_float: /* 0xa8 */
+/* File: x86/op_mul_float.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop.S */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ movss VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ mulss VREG_ADDRESS(%eax), %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # vAA <- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_float: /* 0xa9 */
+/* File: x86/op_div_float.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop.S */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ movss VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ divss VREG_ADDRESS(%eax), %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # vAA <- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_float: /* 0xaa */
+/* File: x86/op_rem_float.S */
+ /* rem_float vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BB
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vBB to fp stack
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(%eax) # vCC to fp stack
+ fprem
+ fstsw %ax
+ sahf
+ jp 1b
+ fstp %st(1)
+ fstps VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st to vAA
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_double: /* 0xab */
+/* File: x86/op_add_double.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop.S */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ movsd VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ addsd VREG_ADDRESS(%eax), %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # vAA <- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_double: /* 0xac */
+/* File: x86/op_sub_double.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop.S */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ movsd VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ subsd VREG_ADDRESS(%eax), %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # vAA <- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_double: /* 0xad */
+/* File: x86/op_mul_double.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop.S */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ movsd VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ mulsd VREG_ADDRESS(%eax), %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # vAA <- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_double: /* 0xae */
+/* File: x86/op_div_double.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop.S */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ movsd VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ divsd VREG_ADDRESS(%eax), %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # vAA <- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_double: /* 0xaf */
+/* File: x86/op_rem_double.S */
+ /* rem_double vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BB
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # %st1 <- fp[vBB]
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(%eax) # %st0 <- fp[vCC]
+ fprem
+ fstsw %ax
+ sahf
+ jp 1b
+ fstp %st(1)
+ fstpl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # fp[vAA] <- %st
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_int_2addr: /* 0xb0 */
+/* File: x86/op_add_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/binop2addr.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vB
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ addl %eax, (rFP,%ecx,4) # for ex: addl %eax,(rFP,%ecx,4)
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_int_2addr: /* 0xb1 */
+/* File: x86/op_sub_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/binop2addr.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vB
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ subl %eax, (rFP,%ecx,4) # for ex: addl %eax,(rFP,%ecx,4)
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_int_2addr: /* 0xb2 */
+/* File: x86/op_mul_int_2addr.S */
+ /* mul vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vB
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ imull (rFP,%ecx,4), %eax # trashes rIBASE/edx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax %ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_int_2addr: /* 0xb3 */
+/* File: x86/op_div_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/bindiv2addr.S */
+ * 32-bit binary div/rem operation. Handles special case of op0=minint and
+ * op1=-1.
+ */
+ /* div/rem/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # eax <- BA
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # eax <- vBB
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vBB
+ testl %ecx, %ecx
+ je common_errDivideByZero
+ cmpl $-1, %ecx
+ jne .Lop_div_int_2addr_continue_div2addr
+ cmpl $0x80000000, %eax
+ jne .Lop_div_int_2addr_continue_div2addr
+ movl $0x80000000, %eax
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ cltd
+ idivl %ecx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_int_2addr: /* 0xb4 */
+/* File: x86/op_rem_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/bindiv2addr.S */
+ * 32-bit binary div/rem operation. Handles special case of op0=minint and
+ * op1=-1.
+ */
+ /* div/rem/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # eax <- BA
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # eax <- vBB
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vBB
+ testl %ecx, %ecx
+ je common_errDivideByZero
+ cmpl $-1, %ecx
+ jne .Lop_rem_int_2addr_continue_div2addr
+ cmpl $0x80000000, %eax
+ jne .Lop_rem_int_2addr_continue_div2addr
+ movl $0, rIBASE
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ cltd
+ idivl %ecx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_and_int_2addr: /* 0xb5 */
+/* File: x86/op_and_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/binop2addr.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vB
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ andl %eax, (rFP,%ecx,4) # for ex: addl %eax,(rFP,%ecx,4)
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_or_int_2addr: /* 0xb6 */
+/* File: x86/op_or_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/binop2addr.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vB
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ orl %eax, (rFP,%ecx,4) # for ex: addl %eax,(rFP,%ecx,4)
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_xor_int_2addr: /* 0xb7 */
+/* File: x86/op_xor_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/binop2addr.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vB
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ xorl %eax, (rFP,%ecx,4) # for ex: addl %eax,(rFP,%ecx,4)
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shl_int_2addr: /* 0xb8 */
+/* File: x86/op_shl_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/shop2addr.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "shift/2addr" operation.
+ */
+ /* shift/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # eax <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # eax <- vBB
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vAA
+ sall %cl, %eax # ex: sarl %cl, %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shr_int_2addr: /* 0xb9 */
+/* File: x86/op_shr_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/shop2addr.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "shift/2addr" operation.
+ */
+ /* shift/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # eax <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # eax <- vBB
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vAA
+ sarl %cl, %eax # ex: sarl %cl, %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_ushr_int_2addr: /* 0xba */
+/* File: x86/op_ushr_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/shop2addr.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "shift/2addr" operation.
+ */
+ /* shift/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # eax <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # eax <- vBB
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vAA
+ shrl %cl, %eax # ex: sarl %cl, %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_long_2addr: /* 0xbb */
+/* File: x86/op_add_long_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/binopWide2addr.S */
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation.
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl,%ecx # ecx<- BA
+ sarl $4,%ecx # ecx<- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax<- v[B+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %ecx # eax<- v[B+1]
+ andb $0xF,rINSTbl # rINST<- A
+ addl %eax, (rFP,rINST,4) # ex: addl %eax,(rFP,rINST,4)
+ adcl %ecx, 4(rFP,rINST,4) # ex: adcl %ecx,4(rFP,rINST,4)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_long_2addr: /* 0xbc */
+/* File: x86/op_sub_long_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/binopWide2addr.S */
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation.
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl,%ecx # ecx<- BA
+ sarl $4,%ecx # ecx<- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax<- v[B+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %ecx # eax<- v[B+1]
+ andb $0xF,rINSTbl # rINST<- A
+ subl %eax, (rFP,rINST,4) # ex: addl %eax,(rFP,rINST,4)
+ sbbl %ecx, 4(rFP,rINST,4) # ex: adcl %ecx,4(rFP,rINST,4)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_long_2addr: /* 0xbd */
+/* File: x86/op_mul_long_2addr.S */
+ * Signed 64-bit integer multiply, 2-addr version
+ *
+ * We could definately use more free registers for
+ * this code. We must spill %edx (rIBASE) because it
+ * is used by imul. We'll also spill rINST (ebx),
+ * giving us eax, ebc, ecx and rIBASE as computational
+ * temps. On top of that, we'll spill %esi (edi)
+ * for use as the vA pointer and rFP (esi) for use
+ * as the vB pointer. Yuck.
+ */
+ /* mul-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- BA
+ andb $0xf, %al # eax <- A
+ CLEAR_WIDE_REF %eax # clear refs in advance
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ mov rPC, LOCAL0(%esp) # save Interpreter PC
+ mov rFP, LOCAL1(%esp) # save FP
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL2(%esp) # save rIBASE
+ leal (rFP,%eax,4), %esi # esi <- &v[A]
+ leal (rFP,rINST,4), rFP # rFP <- &v[B]
+ movl 4(%esi), %ecx # ecx <- Amsw
+ imull (rFP), %ecx # ecx <- (Amsw*Blsw)
+ movl 4(rFP), %eax # eax <- Bmsw
+ imull (%esi), %eax # eax <- (Bmsw*Alsw)
+ addl %eax, %ecx # ecx <- (Amsw*Blsw)+(Bmsw*Alsw)
+ movl (rFP), %eax # eax <- Blsw
+ mull (%esi) # eax <- (Blsw*Alsw)
+ leal (%ecx,rIBASE), rIBASE # full result now in %edx:%eax
+ movl rIBASE, 4(%esi) # v[A+1] <- rIBASE
+ movl %eax, (%esi) # v[A] <- %eax
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rPC # restore Interpreter PC
+ mov LOCAL2(%esp), rIBASE # restore IBASE
+ mov LOCAL1(%esp), rFP # restore FP
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_long_2addr: /* 0xbe */
+/* File: x86/op_div_long_2addr.S */
+/* art_quick_* methods has quick abi,
+ * so use eax, ecx, edx, ebx for args
+ */
+ /* div/2addr vA, vB */
+ .extern art_quick_ldiv
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp) # save rIBASE/%edx
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax
+ shrl $4, %eax # eax <- B
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ mov rINST, LOCAL1(%esp) # save rINST/%ebx
+ movl %ebx, %ecx
+ GET_VREG %edx %eax
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ebx %eax
+ movl %edx, %eax
+ orl %ebx, %eax
+ jz common_errDivideByZero
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %ecx
+ call art_quick_ldiv
+ mov LOCAL1(%esp), rINST # restore rINST/%ebx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE # restore rIBASE/%edx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_long_2addr: /* 0xbf */
+/* File: x86/op_rem_long_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/op_div_long_2addr.S */
+/* art_quick_* methods has quick abi,
+ * so use eax, ecx, edx, ebx for args
+ */
+ /* div/2addr vA, vB */
+ .extern art_quick_lmod
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp) # save rIBASE/%edx
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax
+ shrl $4, %eax # eax <- B
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ mov rINST, LOCAL1(%esp) # save rINST/%ebx
+ movl %ebx, %ecx
+ GET_VREG %edx %eax
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ebx %eax
+ movl %edx, %eax
+ orl %ebx, %eax
+ jz common_errDivideByZero
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %ecx
+ call art_quick_lmod
+ mov LOCAL1(%esp), rINST # restore rINST/%ebx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE # restore rIBASE/%edx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_and_long_2addr: /* 0xc0 */
+/* File: x86/op_and_long_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/binopWide2addr.S */
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation.
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl,%ecx # ecx<- BA
+ sarl $4,%ecx # ecx<- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax<- v[B+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %ecx # eax<- v[B+1]
+ andb $0xF,rINSTbl # rINST<- A
+ andl %eax, (rFP,rINST,4) # ex: addl %eax,(rFP,rINST,4)
+ andl %ecx, 4(rFP,rINST,4) # ex: adcl %ecx,4(rFP,rINST,4)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_or_long_2addr: /* 0xc1 */
+/* File: x86/op_or_long_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/binopWide2addr.S */
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation.
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl,%ecx # ecx<- BA
+ sarl $4,%ecx # ecx<- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax<- v[B+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %ecx # eax<- v[B+1]
+ andb $0xF,rINSTbl # rINST<- A
+ orl %eax, (rFP,rINST,4) # ex: addl %eax,(rFP,rINST,4)
+ orl %ecx, 4(rFP,rINST,4) # ex: adcl %ecx,4(rFP,rINST,4)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_xor_long_2addr: /* 0xc2 */
+/* File: x86/op_xor_long_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/binopWide2addr.S */
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation.
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl,%ecx # ecx<- BA
+ sarl $4,%ecx # ecx<- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax<- v[B+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %ecx # eax<- v[B+1]
+ andb $0xF,rINSTbl # rINST<- A
+ xorl %eax, (rFP,rINST,4) # ex: addl %eax,(rFP,rINST,4)
+ xorl %ecx, 4(rFP,rINST,4) # ex: adcl %ecx,4(rFP,rINST,4)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shl_long_2addr: /* 0xc3 */
+/* File: x86/op_shl_long_2addr.S */
+ * Long integer shift, 2addr version. vA is 64-bit value/result, vB is
+ * 32-bit shift distance.
+ */
+ /* shl-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ /* ecx gets shift count */
+ /* Need to spill rIBASE */
+ /* rINSTw gets AA */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- v[AA+0]
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ movl rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vBB
+ shldl %eax, rIBASE
+ sall %cl, %eax
+ testb $32, %cl
+ je 2f
+ movl %eax, rIBASE
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[AA+0] <- eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shr_long_2addr: /* 0xc4 */
+/* File: x86/op_shr_long_2addr.S */
+ * Long integer shift, 2addr version. vA is 64-bit value/result, vB is
+ * 32-bit shift distance.
+ */
+ /* shl-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ /* ecx gets shift count */
+ /* Need to spill rIBASE */
+ /* rINSTw gets AA */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- v[AA+0]
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ movl rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vBB
+ shrdl rIBASE, %eax
+ sarl %cl, rIBASE
+ testb $32, %cl
+ je 2f
+ movl rIBASE, %eax
+ sarl $31, rIBASE
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[AA+0] <- eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_ushr_long_2addr: /* 0xc5 */
+/* File: x86/op_ushr_long_2addr.S */
+ * Long integer shift, 2addr version. vA is 64-bit value/result, vB is
+ * 32-bit shift distance.
+ */
+ /* shl-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ /* ecx gets shift count */
+ /* Need to spill rIBASE */
+ /* rINSTw gets AA */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- v[AA+0]
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ movl rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vBB
+ shrdl rIBASE, %eax
+ shrl %cl, rIBASE
+ testb $32, %cl
+ je 2f
+ movl rIBASE, %eax
+ xorl rIBASE, rIBASE
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[AA+0] <- eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_float_2addr: /* 0xc6 */
+/* File: x86/op_add_float_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop2Addr.S */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andl $0xf, %ecx # ecx <- A
+ movss VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST<- B
+ addss VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vAA<- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_float_2addr: /* 0xc7 */
+/* File: x86/op_sub_float_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop2Addr.S */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andl $0xf, %ecx # ecx <- A
+ movss VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST<- B
+ subss VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vAA<- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_float_2addr: /* 0xc8 */
+/* File: x86/op_mul_float_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop2Addr.S */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andl $0xf, %ecx # ecx <- A
+ movss VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST<- B
+ mulss VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vAA<- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_float_2addr: /* 0xc9 */
+/* File: x86/op_div_float_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop2Addr.S */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andl $0xf, %ecx # ecx <- A
+ movss VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST<- B
+ divss VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vAA<- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movss %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_float_2addr: /* 0xca */
+/* File: x86/op_rem_float_2addr.S */
+ /* rem_float/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # vB to fp stack
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vA to fp stack
+ fprem
+ fstsw %ax
+ sahf
+ jp 1b
+ fstp %st(1)
+ fstps VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # %st to vA
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_double_2addr: /* 0xcb */
+/* File: x86/op_add_double_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop2Addr.S */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andl $0xf, %ecx # ecx <- A
+ movsd VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST<- B
+ addsd VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vAA<- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_double_2addr: /* 0xcc */
+/* File: x86/op_sub_double_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop2Addr.S */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andl $0xf, %ecx # ecx <- A
+ movsd VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST<- B
+ subsd VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vAA<- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_double_2addr: /* 0xcd */
+/* File: x86/op_mul_double_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop2Addr.S */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andl $0xf, %ecx # ecx <- A
+ movsd VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST<- B
+ mulsd VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vAA<- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_double_2addr: /* 0xce */
+/* File: x86/op_div_double_2addr.S */
+/* File: x86/sseBinop2Addr.S */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andl $0xf, %ecx # ecx <- A
+ movsd VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST<- B
+ divsd VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vAA<- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movsd %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_double_2addr: /* 0xcf */
+/* File: x86/op_rem_double_2addr.S */
+ /* rem_double/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # vB to fp stack
+ andb $0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vA to fp stack
+ fprem
+ fstsw %ax
+ sahf
+ jp 1b
+ fstp %st(1)
+ fstpl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # %st to vA
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_int_lit16: /* 0xd0 */
+/* File: x86/op_add_int_lit16.S */
+/* File: x86/binopLit16.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit16" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than eax, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit16, rsub-int,
+ * and-int/lit16, or-int/lit16, xor-int/lit16
+ */
+ /* binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- 000000BA
+ sarl $4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vB
+ movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssCCCC
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ addl %ecx, %eax # for example: addl %ecx, %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rsub_int: /* 0xd1 */
+/* File: x86/op_rsub_int.S */
+/* this op is "rsub-int", but can be thought of as "rsub-int/lit16" */
+/* File: x86/binopLit16.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit16" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than eax, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit16, rsub-int,
+ * and-int/lit16, or-int/lit16, xor-int/lit16
+ */
+ /* binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- 000000BA
+ sarl $4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vB
+ movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssCCCC
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ subl %eax, %ecx # for example: addl %ecx, %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_int_lit16: /* 0xd2 */
+/* File: x86/op_mul_int_lit16.S */
+ /* mul/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ /* Need A in rINST, ssssCCCC in ecx, vB in eax */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- 000000BA
+ sarl $4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vB
+ movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssCCCC
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ imull %ecx, %eax # trashes rIBASE/edx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_int_lit16: /* 0xd3 */
+/* File: x86/op_div_int_lit16.S */
+/* File: x86/bindivLit16.S */
+ * 32-bit binary div/rem operation. Handles special case of op0=minint and
+ * op1=-1.
+ */
+ /* div/rem/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ /* Need A in rINST, ssssCCCC in ecx, vB in eax */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- 000000BA
+ sarl $4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vB
+ movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssCCCC
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ testl %ecx, %ecx
+ je common_errDivideByZero
+ cmpl $-1, %ecx
+ jne .Lop_div_int_lit16_continue_div
+ cmpl $0x80000000, %eax
+ jne .Lop_div_int_lit16_continue_div
+ movl $0x80000000, %eax
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ cltd
+ idivl %ecx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_int_lit16: /* 0xd4 */
+/* File: x86/op_rem_int_lit16.S */
+/* File: x86/bindivLit16.S */
+ * 32-bit binary div/rem operation. Handles special case of op0=minint and
+ * op1=-1.
+ */
+ /* div/rem/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ /* Need A in rINST, ssssCCCC in ecx, vB in eax */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- 000000BA
+ sarl $4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vB
+ movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssCCCC
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ testl %ecx, %ecx
+ je common_errDivideByZero
+ cmpl $-1, %ecx
+ jne .Lop_rem_int_lit16_continue_div
+ cmpl $0x80000000, %eax
+ jne .Lop_rem_int_lit16_continue_div
+ movl $0, %eax
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ cltd
+ idivl %ecx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_and_int_lit16: /* 0xd5 */
+/* File: x86/op_and_int_lit16.S */
+/* File: x86/binopLit16.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit16" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than eax, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit16, rsub-int,
+ * and-int/lit16, or-int/lit16, xor-int/lit16
+ */
+ /* binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- 000000BA
+ sarl $4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vB
+ movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssCCCC
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ andl %ecx, %eax # for example: addl %ecx, %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_or_int_lit16: /* 0xd6 */
+/* File: x86/op_or_int_lit16.S */
+/* File: x86/binopLit16.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit16" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than eax, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit16, rsub-int,
+ * and-int/lit16, or-int/lit16, xor-int/lit16
+ */
+ /* binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- 000000BA
+ sarl $4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vB
+ movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssCCCC
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ orl %ecx, %eax # for example: addl %ecx, %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_xor_int_lit16: /* 0xd7 */
+/* File: x86/op_xor_int_lit16.S */
+/* File: x86/binopLit16.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit16" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than eax, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit16, rsub-int,
+ * and-int/lit16, or-int/lit16, xor-int/lit16
+ */
+ /* binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- 000000BA
+ sarl $4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vB
+ movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssCCCC
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ xorl %ecx, %eax # for example: addl %ecx, %eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_int_lit8: /* 0xd8 */
+/* File: x86/op_add_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: x86/binopLit8.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8
+ * and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- rBB
+ addl %ecx, %eax # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rsub_int_lit8: /* 0xd9 */
+/* File: x86/op_rsub_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: x86/binopLit8.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8
+ * and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- rBB
+ subl %eax, %ecx # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_int_lit8: /* 0xda */
+/* File: x86/op_mul_int_lit8.S */
+ /* mul/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- rBB
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ imull %ecx, %eax # trashes rIBASE/edx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_int_lit8: /* 0xdb */
+/* File: x86/op_div_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: x86/bindivLit8.S */
+ * 32-bit div/rem "lit8" binary operation. Handles special case of
+ * op0=minint & op1=-1
+ */
+ /* div/rem/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- rBB
+ testl %ecx, %ecx
+ je common_errDivideByZero
+ cmpl $0x80000000, %eax
+ jne .Lop_div_int_lit8_continue_div
+ cmpl $-1, %ecx
+ jne .Lop_div_int_lit8_continue_div
+ movl $0x80000000, %eax
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ cltd
+ idivl %ecx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_int_lit8: /* 0xdc */
+/* File: x86/op_rem_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: x86/bindivLit8.S */
+ * 32-bit div/rem "lit8" binary operation. Handles special case of
+ * op0=minint & op1=-1
+ */
+ /* div/rem/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- rBB
+ testl %ecx, %ecx
+ je common_errDivideByZero
+ cmpl $0x80000000, %eax
+ jne .Lop_rem_int_lit8_continue_div
+ cmpl $-1, %ecx
+ jne .Lop_rem_int_lit8_continue_div
+ movl $0, %eax
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ cltd
+ idivl %ecx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_and_int_lit8: /* 0xdd */
+/* File: x86/op_and_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: x86/binopLit8.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8
+ * and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- rBB
+ andl %ecx, %eax # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_or_int_lit8: /* 0xde */
+/* File: x86/op_or_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: x86/binopLit8.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8
+ * and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- rBB
+ orl %ecx, %eax # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_xor_int_lit8: /* 0xdf */
+/* File: x86/op_xor_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: x86/binopLit8.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8
+ * and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- rBB
+ xorl %ecx, %eax # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shl_int_lit8: /* 0xe0 */
+/* File: x86/op_shl_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: x86/binopLit8.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8
+ * and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- rBB
+ sall %cl, %eax # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shr_int_lit8: /* 0xe1 */
+/* File: x86/op_shr_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: x86/binopLit8.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8
+ * and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- rBB
+ sarl %cl, %eax # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_ushr_int_lit8: /* 0xe2 */
+/* File: x86/op_ushr_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: x86/binopLit8.S */
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8
+ * and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- rBB
+ shrl %cl, %eax # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_quick: /* 0xe3 */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_quick.S */
+ /* For: iget-quick, iget-boolean-quick, iget-byte-quick, iget-char-quick, iget-short-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ movl (%ecx,%eax,1), %eax
+ andb $0xf,rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_wide_quick: /* 0xe4 */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_wide_quick.S */
+ /* iget-wide-quick vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ movq (%ecx,%eax,1), %xmm0
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_object_quick: /* 0xe5 */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_object_quick.S */
+ /* For: iget-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call artIGetObjectFromMterp # (obj, offset)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException # bail out
+ andb $0xf,rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_quick: /* 0xe6 */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_quick.S */
+ /* For: iput-quick, iput-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ movl rINST, (%ecx,%eax,1)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_wide_quick: /* 0xe7 */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_wide_quick.S */
+ /* iput-wide-quick vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx<- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx<- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- field byte offset
+ leal (%ecx,%eax,1), %ecx # ecx<- Address of 64-bit target
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST<- A
+ GET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 rINST # xmm0<- fp[A]/fp[A+1]
+ movq %xmm0, (%ecx) # obj.field<- r0/r1
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_object_quick: /* 0xe8 */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_object_quick.S */
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ call MterpIputObjectQuick
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_virtual_quick: /* 0xe9 */
+/* File: x86/op_invoke_virtual_quick.S */
+/* File: x86/invoke.S */
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeVirtualQuick
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpInvokeVirtualQuick
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_virtual_range_quick: /* 0xea */
+/* File: x86/op_invoke_virtual_range_quick.S */
+/* File: x86/invoke.S */
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeVirtualQuickRange
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpInvokeVirtualQuickRange
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_boolean_quick: /* 0xeb */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_boolean_quick.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_quick.S */
+ /* For: iput-quick, iput-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ movb rINSTbl, (%ecx,%eax,1)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_byte_quick: /* 0xec */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_byte_quick.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_quick.S */
+ /* For: iput-quick, iput-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ movb rINSTbl, (%ecx,%eax,1)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_char_quick: /* 0xed */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_char_quick.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_quick.S */
+ /* For: iput-quick, iput-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ movw rINSTw, (%ecx,%eax,1)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_short_quick: /* 0xee */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_short_quick.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iput_quick.S */
+ /* For: iput-quick, iput-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ andb $0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ movw rINSTw, (%ecx,%eax,1)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_boolean_quick: /* 0xef */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_boolean_quick.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_quick.S */
+ /* For: iget-quick, iget-boolean-quick, iget-byte-quick, iget-char-quick, iget-short-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ movsbl (%ecx,%eax,1), %eax
+ andb $0xf,rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_byte_quick: /* 0xf0 */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_byte_quick.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_quick.S */
+ /* For: iget-quick, iget-boolean-quick, iget-byte-quick, iget-char-quick, iget-short-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ movsbl (%ecx,%eax,1), %eax
+ andb $0xf,rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_char_quick: /* 0xf1 */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_char_quick.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_quick.S */
+ /* For: iget-quick, iget-boolean-quick, iget-byte-quick, iget-char-quick, iget-short-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ movzwl (%ecx,%eax,1), %eax
+ andb $0xf,rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_short_quick: /* 0xf2 */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_short_quick.S */
+/* File: x86/op_iget_quick.S */
+ /* For: iget-quick, iget-boolean-quick, iget-byte-quick, iget-char-quick, iget-short-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ movswl (%ecx,%eax,1), %eax
+ andb $0xf,rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_lambda: /* 0xf3 */
+/* Transfer stub to alternate interpreter */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_f4: /* 0xf4 */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_f4.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_capture_variable: /* 0xf5 */
+/* Transfer stub to alternate interpreter */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_create_lambda: /* 0xf6 */
+/* Transfer stub to alternate interpreter */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_liberate_variable: /* 0xf7 */
+/* Transfer stub to alternate interpreter */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_box_lambda: /* 0xf8 */
+/* Transfer stub to alternate interpreter */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unbox_lambda: /* 0xf9 */
+/* Transfer stub to alternate interpreter */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_fa: /* 0xfa */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_fa.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_fb: /* 0xfb */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_fb.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_fc: /* 0xfc */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_fc.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_fd: /* 0xfd */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_fd.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_fe: /* 0xfe */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_fe.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_ff: /* 0xff */
+/* File: x86/op_unused_ff.S */
+/* File: x86/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
+ .balign 128
+ .size artMterpAsmInstructionStart, .-artMterpAsmInstructionStart
+ .global artMterpAsmInstructionEnd
+ * ===========================================================================
+ * Sister implementations
+ * ===========================================================================
+ */
+ .global artMterpAsmSisterStart
+ .type artMterpAsmSisterStart, %function
+ .text
+ .balign 4
+ .size artMterpAsmSisterStart, .-artMterpAsmSisterStart
+ .global artMterpAsmSisterEnd
+ .global artMterpAsmAltInstructionStart
+ .type artMterpAsmAltInstructionStart, %function
+ .text
+artMterpAsmAltInstructionStart = .L_ALT_op_nop
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_nop: /* 0x00 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(0*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move: /* 0x01 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(1*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_from16: /* 0x02 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(2*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_16: /* 0x03 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(3*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_wide: /* 0x04 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(4*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_wide_from16: /* 0x05 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(5*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_wide_16: /* 0x06 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(6*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_object: /* 0x07 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(7*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_object_from16: /* 0x08 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(8*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_object_16: /* 0x09 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(9*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_result: /* 0x0a */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(10*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_result_wide: /* 0x0b */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(11*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_result_object: /* 0x0c */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(12*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_exception: /* 0x0d */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(13*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_return_void: /* 0x0e */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(14*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_return: /* 0x0f */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(15*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_return_wide: /* 0x10 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(16*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_return_object: /* 0x11 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(17*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_4: /* 0x12 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(18*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_16: /* 0x13 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(19*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const: /* 0x14 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(20*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_high16: /* 0x15 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(21*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_wide_16: /* 0x16 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(22*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_wide_32: /* 0x17 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(23*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_wide: /* 0x18 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(24*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_wide_high16: /* 0x19 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(25*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_string: /* 0x1a */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(26*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_string_jumbo: /* 0x1b */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(27*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_class: /* 0x1c */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(28*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_monitor_enter: /* 0x1d */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(29*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_monitor_exit: /* 0x1e */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(30*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_check_cast: /* 0x1f */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(31*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_instance_of: /* 0x20 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(32*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_array_length: /* 0x21 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(33*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_new_instance: /* 0x22 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(34*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_new_array: /* 0x23 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(35*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_filled_new_array: /* 0x24 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(36*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_filled_new_array_range: /* 0x25 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(37*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_fill_array_data: /* 0x26 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(38*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_throw: /* 0x27 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(39*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_goto: /* 0x28 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(40*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_goto_16: /* 0x29 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(41*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_goto_32: /* 0x2a */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(42*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_packed_switch: /* 0x2b */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(43*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sparse_switch: /* 0x2c */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(44*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_cmpl_float: /* 0x2d */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(45*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_cmpg_float: /* 0x2e */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(46*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_cmpl_double: /* 0x2f */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(47*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_cmpg_double: /* 0x30 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(48*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_cmp_long: /* 0x31 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(49*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_eq: /* 0x32 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(50*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_ne: /* 0x33 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(51*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_lt: /* 0x34 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(52*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_ge: /* 0x35 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(53*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_gt: /* 0x36 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(54*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_le: /* 0x37 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(55*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_eqz: /* 0x38 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(56*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_nez: /* 0x39 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(57*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_ltz: /* 0x3a */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(58*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_gez: /* 0x3b */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(59*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_gtz: /* 0x3c */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(60*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_lez: /* 0x3d */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(61*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_3e: /* 0x3e */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(62*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_3f: /* 0x3f */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(63*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_40: /* 0x40 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(64*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_41: /* 0x41 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(65*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_42: /* 0x42 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(66*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_43: /* 0x43 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(67*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aget: /* 0x44 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(68*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aget_wide: /* 0x45 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(69*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aget_object: /* 0x46 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(70*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aget_boolean: /* 0x47 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(71*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aget_byte: /* 0x48 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(72*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aget_char: /* 0x49 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(73*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aget_short: /* 0x4a */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(74*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aput: /* 0x4b */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(75*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aput_wide: /* 0x4c */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(76*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aput_object: /* 0x4d */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(77*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aput_boolean: /* 0x4e */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(78*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aput_byte: /* 0x4f */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(79*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aput_char: /* 0x50 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(80*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aput_short: /* 0x51 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(81*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget: /* 0x52 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(82*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_wide: /* 0x53 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(83*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_object: /* 0x54 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(84*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_boolean: /* 0x55 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(85*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_byte: /* 0x56 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(86*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_char: /* 0x57 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(87*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_short: /* 0x58 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(88*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput: /* 0x59 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(89*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_wide: /* 0x5a */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(90*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_object: /* 0x5b */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(91*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_boolean: /* 0x5c */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(92*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_byte: /* 0x5d */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(93*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_char: /* 0x5e */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(94*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_short: /* 0x5f */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(95*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sget: /* 0x60 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(96*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sget_wide: /* 0x61 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(97*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sget_object: /* 0x62 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(98*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sget_boolean: /* 0x63 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(99*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sget_byte: /* 0x64 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(100*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sget_char: /* 0x65 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(101*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sget_short: /* 0x66 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(102*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sput: /* 0x67 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(103*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sput_wide: /* 0x68 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(104*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sput_object: /* 0x69 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(105*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sput_boolean: /* 0x6a */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(106*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sput_byte: /* 0x6b */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(107*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sput_char: /* 0x6c */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(108*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sput_short: /* 0x6d */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(109*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_virtual: /* 0x6e */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(110*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_super: /* 0x6f */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(111*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_direct: /* 0x70 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(112*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_static: /* 0x71 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(113*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_interface: /* 0x72 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(114*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_return_void_no_barrier: /* 0x73 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(115*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_virtual_range: /* 0x74 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(116*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_super_range: /* 0x75 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(117*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_direct_range: /* 0x76 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(118*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_static_range: /* 0x77 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(119*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_interface_range: /* 0x78 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(120*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_79: /* 0x79 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(121*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_7a: /* 0x7a */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(122*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_neg_int: /* 0x7b */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(123*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_not_int: /* 0x7c */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(124*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_neg_long: /* 0x7d */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(125*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_not_long: /* 0x7e */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(126*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_neg_float: /* 0x7f */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(127*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_neg_double: /* 0x80 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(128*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_int_to_long: /* 0x81 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(129*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_int_to_float: /* 0x82 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(130*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_int_to_double: /* 0x83 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(131*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_long_to_int: /* 0x84 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(132*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_long_to_float: /* 0x85 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(133*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_long_to_double: /* 0x86 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(134*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_float_to_int: /* 0x87 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(135*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_float_to_long: /* 0x88 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(136*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_float_to_double: /* 0x89 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(137*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_double_to_int: /* 0x8a */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(138*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_double_to_long: /* 0x8b */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(139*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_double_to_float: /* 0x8c */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(140*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_int_to_byte: /* 0x8d */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(141*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_int_to_char: /* 0x8e */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(142*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_int_to_short: /* 0x8f */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(143*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_int: /* 0x90 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(144*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_int: /* 0x91 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(145*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_int: /* 0x92 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(146*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_int: /* 0x93 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(147*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_int: /* 0x94 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(148*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_and_int: /* 0x95 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(149*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_or_int: /* 0x96 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(150*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_xor_int: /* 0x97 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(151*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shl_int: /* 0x98 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(152*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shr_int: /* 0x99 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(153*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_ushr_int: /* 0x9a */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(154*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_long: /* 0x9b */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(155*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_long: /* 0x9c */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(156*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_long: /* 0x9d */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(157*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_long: /* 0x9e */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(158*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_long: /* 0x9f */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(159*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_and_long: /* 0xa0 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(160*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_or_long: /* 0xa1 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(161*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_xor_long: /* 0xa2 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(162*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shl_long: /* 0xa3 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(163*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shr_long: /* 0xa4 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(164*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_ushr_long: /* 0xa5 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(165*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_float: /* 0xa6 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(166*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_float: /* 0xa7 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(167*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_float: /* 0xa8 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(168*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_float: /* 0xa9 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(169*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_float: /* 0xaa */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(170*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_double: /* 0xab */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(171*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_double: /* 0xac */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(172*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_double: /* 0xad */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(173*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_double: /* 0xae */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(174*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_double: /* 0xaf */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(175*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_int_2addr: /* 0xb0 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(176*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_int_2addr: /* 0xb1 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(177*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_int_2addr: /* 0xb2 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(178*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_int_2addr: /* 0xb3 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(179*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_int_2addr: /* 0xb4 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(180*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_and_int_2addr: /* 0xb5 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(181*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_or_int_2addr: /* 0xb6 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(182*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_xor_int_2addr: /* 0xb7 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(183*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shl_int_2addr: /* 0xb8 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(184*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shr_int_2addr: /* 0xb9 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(185*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_ushr_int_2addr: /* 0xba */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(186*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_long_2addr: /* 0xbb */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(187*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_long_2addr: /* 0xbc */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(188*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_long_2addr: /* 0xbd */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(189*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_long_2addr: /* 0xbe */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(190*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_long_2addr: /* 0xbf */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(191*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_and_long_2addr: /* 0xc0 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(192*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_or_long_2addr: /* 0xc1 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(193*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_xor_long_2addr: /* 0xc2 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(194*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shl_long_2addr: /* 0xc3 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(195*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shr_long_2addr: /* 0xc4 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(196*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_ushr_long_2addr: /* 0xc5 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(197*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_float_2addr: /* 0xc6 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(198*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_float_2addr: /* 0xc7 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(199*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_float_2addr: /* 0xc8 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(200*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_float_2addr: /* 0xc9 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(201*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_float_2addr: /* 0xca */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(202*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_double_2addr: /* 0xcb */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(203*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_double_2addr: /* 0xcc */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(204*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_double_2addr: /* 0xcd */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(205*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_double_2addr: /* 0xce */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(206*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_double_2addr: /* 0xcf */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(207*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_int_lit16: /* 0xd0 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(208*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rsub_int: /* 0xd1 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(209*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_int_lit16: /* 0xd2 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(210*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_int_lit16: /* 0xd3 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(211*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_int_lit16: /* 0xd4 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(212*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_and_int_lit16: /* 0xd5 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(213*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_or_int_lit16: /* 0xd6 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(214*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_xor_int_lit16: /* 0xd7 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(215*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_int_lit8: /* 0xd8 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(216*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rsub_int_lit8: /* 0xd9 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(217*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_int_lit8: /* 0xda */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(218*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_int_lit8: /* 0xdb */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(219*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_int_lit8: /* 0xdc */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(220*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_and_int_lit8: /* 0xdd */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(221*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_or_int_lit8: /* 0xde */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(222*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_xor_int_lit8: /* 0xdf */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(223*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shl_int_lit8: /* 0xe0 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(224*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shr_int_lit8: /* 0xe1 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(225*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_ushr_int_lit8: /* 0xe2 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(226*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_quick: /* 0xe3 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(227*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_wide_quick: /* 0xe4 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(228*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_object_quick: /* 0xe5 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(229*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_quick: /* 0xe6 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(230*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_wide_quick: /* 0xe7 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(231*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_object_quick: /* 0xe8 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(232*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_virtual_quick: /* 0xe9 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(233*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_virtual_range_quick: /* 0xea */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(234*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_boolean_quick: /* 0xeb */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(235*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_byte_quick: /* 0xec */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(236*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_char_quick: /* 0xed */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(237*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_short_quick: /* 0xee */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(238*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_boolean_quick: /* 0xef */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(239*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_byte_quick: /* 0xf0 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(240*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_char_quick: /* 0xf1 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(241*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_short_quick: /* 0xf2 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(242*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_lambda: /* 0xf3 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(243*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_f4: /* 0xf4 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(244*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_capture_variable: /* 0xf5 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(245*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_create_lambda: /* 0xf6 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(246*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_liberate_variable: /* 0xf7 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(247*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_box_lambda: /* 0xf8 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(248*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unbox_lambda: /* 0xf9 */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(249*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_fa: /* 0xfa */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(250*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_fb: /* 0xfb */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(251*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_fc: /* 0xfc */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(252*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_fd: /* 0xfd */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(253*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_fe: /* 0xfe */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(254*128)
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_ff: /* 0xff */
+/* File: x86/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(255*128)
+ .balign 128
+ .size artMterpAsmAltInstructionStart, .-artMterpAsmAltInstructionStart
+ .global artMterpAsmAltInstructionEnd
+/* File: x86/footer.S */
+ * ===========================================================================
+ * Common subroutines and data
+ * ===========================================================================
+ */
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ * We've detected a condition that will result in an exception, but the exception
+ * has not yet been thrown. Just bail out to the reference interpreter to deal with it.
+ * TUNING: for consistency, we may want to just go ahead and handle these here.
+ */
+#define MTERP_LOGGING 0
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpLogDivideByZeroException
+ jmp MterpCommonFallback
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpLogArrayIndexException
+ jmp MterpCommonFallback
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpLogNegativeArraySizeException
+ jmp MterpCommonFallback
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpLogNoSuchMethodException
+ jmp MterpCommonFallback
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpLogNullObjectException
+ jmp MterpCommonFallback
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ call MterpLogExceptionThrownException
+ jmp MterpCommonFallback
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl THREAD_FLAGS_OFFSET(%eax), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ call MterpLogSuspendFallback
+ jmp MterpCommonFallback
+ * If we're here, something is out of the ordinary. If there is a pending
+ * exception, handle it. Otherwise, roll back and retry with the reference
+ * interpreter.
+ */
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ testl $-1, THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET(%eax)
+ jz MterpFallback
+ /* intentional fallthrough - handle pending exception. */
+ * On return from a runtime helper routine, we've found a pending exception.
+ * Can we handle it here - or need to bail out to caller?
+ *
+ */
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpHandleException
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpExceptionReturn
+ movl OFF_FP_CODE_ITEM(rFP), %eax
+ movl OFF_FP_DEX_PC(rFP), %ecx
+ lea (rPC, %ecx, 2), rPC
+ movl rPC, OFF_FP_DEX_PC_PTR(rFP)
+ /* resume execution at catch block */
+ /* NOTE: no fallthrough */
+ * Check for suspend check request. Assumes rINST already loaded, rPC advanced and
+ * still needs to get the opcode and branch to it, and flags are in lr.
+ */
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ jz 1f
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ call MterpSuspendCheck
+ * Bail out to reference interpreter.
+ */
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpLogFallback
+ xor %eax, %eax
+ jmp MterpDone
+ * On entry:
+ * uint32_t* rFP (should still be live, pointer to base of vregs)
+ */
+ movl $1, %eax
+ jmp MterpDone
+ movl %eax, (%edx)
+ movl %ecx, 4(%edx)
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ jz 1f
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ call MterpSuspendCheck
+ mov $1, %eax
+ /* Restore callee save register */
+ movl EBP_SPILL(%esp), %ebp
+ movl EDI_SPILL(%esp), %edi
+ movl ESI_SPILL(%esp), %esi
+ movl EBX_SPILL(%esp), %ebx
+ /* pop up frame */
+ addl $FRAME_SIZE, %esp
+ .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -FRAME_SIZE
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ExecuteMterpImpl, .-ExecuteMterpImpl
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/
index a325fff..8b26976 100755
--- a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@
set -e
# for arch in arm x86 mips arm64 x86_64 mips64; do TARGET_ARCH_EXT=$arch make -f Makefile_mterp; done
-for arch in arm; do TARGET_ARCH_EXT=$arch make -f Makefile_mterp; done
+for arch in arm x86; do TARGET_ARCH_EXT=$arch make -f Makefile_mterp; done
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/alt_stub.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/alt_stub.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6462fc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/alt_stub.S
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
+ * because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
+ *
+ * Note that unlike in the Arm implementation, we should never arrive
+ * here with a zero breakFlag because we always refresh rIBASE on
+ * return.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckBefore # (self, shadow_frame)
+ jmp .L_op_nop+(${opnum}*${handler_size_bytes})
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bincmp.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bincmp.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9a8c3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bincmp.S
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Generic two-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * For: if-eq, if-ne, if-lt, if-ge, if-gt, if-le
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vA, vB, +CCCC */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andb $$0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax <- vA
+ sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ cmpl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %eax # compare (vA, vB)
+ movl $$2, %eax # assume not taken
+ j${revcmp} 1f
+ movswl 2(rPC),%eax # Get signed branch offset
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 2f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bindiv.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bindiv.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..742f758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bindiv.S
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+%default {"result":"","special":"","rem":""}
+ * 32-bit binary div/rem operation. Handles special case of op0=minint and
+ * op1=-1.
+ */
+ /* div/rem vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ testl %ecx, %ecx
+ je common_errDivideByZero
+ movl %eax, %edx
+ orl %ecx, %edx
+ test $$0xFFFFFF00, %edx # If both arguments are less
+ # than 8-bit and +ve
+ jz .L${opcode}_8 # Do 8-bit divide
+ test $$0xFFFF0000, %edx # If both arguments are less
+ # than 16-bit and +ve
+ jz .L${opcode}_16 # Do 16-bit divide
+ cmpl $$-1, %ecx
+ jne .L${opcode}_32
+ cmpl $$0x80000000, %eax
+ jne .L${opcode}_32
+ movl $special, $result
+ jmp .L${opcode}_finish
+ cltd
+ idivl %ecx
+ jmp .L${opcode}_finish
+ div %cl # 8-bit divide otherwise.
+ # Remainder in %ah, quotient in %al
+ .if $rem
+ movl %eax, %edx
+ shr $$8, %edx
+ .else
+ andl $$0x000000FF, %eax
+ .endif
+ jmp .L${opcode}_finish
+ xorl %edx, %edx # Clear %edx before divide
+ div %cx
+ SET_VREG $result rINST
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bindiv2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bindiv2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee7c523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bindiv2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+%default {"result":"","special":""}
+ * 32-bit binary div/rem operation. Handles special case of op0=minint and
+ * op1=-1.
+ */
+ /* div/rem/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # eax <- BA
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # eax <- vBB
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vBB
+ testl %ecx, %ecx
+ je common_errDivideByZero
+ cmpl $$-1, %ecx
+ jne .L${opcode}_continue_div2addr
+ cmpl $$0x80000000, %eax
+ jne .L${opcode}_continue_div2addr
+ movl $special, $result
+ SET_VREG $result rINST
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ cltd
+ idivl %ecx
+ SET_VREG $result rINST
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bindivLit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bindivLit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2c4334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bindivLit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+%default {"result":"","special":""}
+ * 32-bit binary div/rem operation. Handles special case of op0=minint and
+ * op1=-1.
+ */
+ /* div/rem/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ /* Need A in rINST, ssssCCCC in ecx, vB in eax */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- 000000BA
+ sarl $$4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vB
+ movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssCCCC
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ testl %ecx, %ecx
+ je common_errDivideByZero
+ cmpl $$-1, %ecx
+ jne .L${opcode}_continue_div
+ cmpl $$0x80000000, %eax
+ jne .L${opcode}_continue_div
+ movl $special, %eax
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ cltd
+ idivl %ecx
+ SET_VREG $result rINST
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bindivLit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bindivLit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61bee06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/bindivLit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+%default {"result":"","special":""}
+ * 32-bit div/rem "lit8" binary operation. Handles special case of
+ * op0=minint & op1=-1
+ */
+ /* div/rem/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- rBB
+ testl %ecx, %ecx
+ je common_errDivideByZero
+ cmpl $$0x80000000, %eax
+ jne .L${opcode}_continue_div
+ cmpl $$-1, %ecx
+ jne .L${opcode}_continue_div
+ movl $special, %eax
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ cltd
+ idivl %ecx
+ SET_VREG $result rINST
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binop.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binop.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5383f25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binop.S
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+%default {"result":"%eax"}
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op (rFP,%ecx,4)".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than eax, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ $instr # ex: addl (rFP,%ecx,4),%eax
+ SET_VREG $result rINST
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binop1.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binop1.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd51d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binop1.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+%default {"result":"%eax","tmp":"%ecx"}
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation in which both operands loaded to
+ * registers (op0 in eax, op1 in ecx).
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC),%eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC),%ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # eax <- vBB
+ $instr # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
+ SET_VREG $result rINST
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binop2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binop2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abee4db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binop2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+%default {"result":"%eax"}
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vB
+ andb $$0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ $instr # for ex: addl %eax,(rFP,%ecx,4)
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binopLit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binopLit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c7fe61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binopLit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+%default {"result":"%eax"}
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit16" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than eax, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit16, rsub-int,
+ * and-int/lit16, or-int/lit16, xor-int/lit16
+ */
+ /* binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- 000000BA
+ sarl $$4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vB
+ movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssCCCC
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ $instr # for example: addl %ecx, %eax
+ SET_VREG $result rINST
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binopLit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binopLit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..924685d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binopLit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+%default {"result":"%eax"}
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
+ * This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8
+ * and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- rBB
+ $instr # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
+ SET_VREG $result rINST
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binopWide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binopWide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f7106e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binopWide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC),%eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC),%ecx # ecx <- CC
+ movl rIBASE,LOCAL0(%esp) # save rIBASE
+ GET_VREG rIBASE %eax # rIBASE <- v[BB+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB+1]
+ $instr1 # ex: addl (rFP,%ecx,4),rIBASE
+ $instr2 # ex: adcl 4(rFP,%ecx,4),%eax
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp),rIBASE # restore rIBASE
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %eax rINST # v[AA+1] <- eax
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binopWide2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binopWide2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7560af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/binopWide2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation.
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl,%ecx # ecx<- BA
+ sarl $$4,%ecx # ecx<- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax<- v[B+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %ecx # eax<- v[B+1]
+ andb $$0xF,rINSTbl # rINST<- A
+ $instr1 # ex: addl %eax,(rFP,rINST,4)
+ $instr2 # ex: adcl %ecx,4(rFP,rINST,4)
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/cvtfp_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/cvtfp_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8bad63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/cvtfp_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+%default {"srcdouble":"1","tgtlong":"1"}
+/* On fp to int conversions, Java requires that
+ * if the result > maxint, it should be clamped to maxint. If it is less
+ * than minint, it should be clamped to minint. If it is a nan, the result
+ * should be zero. Further, the rounding mode is to truncate. This model
+ * differs from what is delivered normally via the x86 fpu, so we have
+ * to play some games.
+ */
+ /* float/double to int/long vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ .if $srcdouble
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ .else
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ .endif
+ ftst
+ fnstcw LOCAL0(%esp) # remember original rounding mode
+ movzwl LOCAL0(%esp), %eax
+ movb $$0xc, %ah
+ movw %ax, LOCAL0+2(%esp)
+ fldcw LOCAL0+2(%esp) # set "to zero" rounding mode
+ andb $$0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ .if $tgtlong
+ fistpll VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # convert and store
+ .else
+ fistpl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # convert and store
+ .endif
+ fldcw LOCAL0(%esp) # restore previous rounding mode
+ .if $tgtlong
+ movl $$0x80000000, %eax
+ xorl VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx), %eax
+ orl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %eax
+ .else
+ cmpl $$0x80000000, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ je .L${opcode}_special_case # fix up result
+ xor %eax, %eax
+ mov %eax, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if $tgtlong
+ mov %eax, VREG_REF_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ fnstsw %ax
+ sahf
+ jp .L${opcode}_isNaN
+ adcl $$-1, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if $tgtlong
+ adcl $$-1, VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ jmp .L${opcode}_finish
+ movl $$0, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .if $tgtlong
+ movl $$0, VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx)
+ .endif
+ jmp .L${opcode}_finish
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/entry.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/entry.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a24ef70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/entry.S
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Interpreter entry point.
+ */
+ .text
+ .global ExecuteMterpImpl
+ .type ExecuteMterpImpl, %function
+ * On entry:
+ * 0 Thread* self
+ * 1 code_item
+ * 2 ShadowFrame
+ * 3 JValue* result_register
+ *
+ */
+ .cfi_startproc
+ /* Allocate frame */
+ subl $$FRAME_SIZE, %esp
+ .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset FRAME_SIZE
+ /* Spill callee save regs */
+ movl %ebp, EBP_SPILL(%esp)
+ movl %edi, EDI_SPILL(%esp)
+ movl %esi, ESI_SPILL(%esp)
+ movl %ebx, EBX_SPILL(%esp)
+ /* Load ShadowFrame pointer */
+ movl IN_ARG2(%esp), %edx
+ /* Remember the return register */
+ movl IN_ARG3(%esp), %eax
+ /* Remember the code_item */
+ movl IN_ARG1(%esp), %ecx
+ /* set up "named" registers */
+ leal (rFP, %eax, 4), rREFS
+ movl SHADOWFRAME_DEX_PC_OFFSET(%edx), %eax
+ lea (rPC, %eax, 2), rPC
+ /* Starting ibase */
+ /* start executing the instruction at rPC */
+ /* NOTE: no fallthrough */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/fallback.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/fallback.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d61166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/fallback.S
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/* Transfer stub to alternate interpreter */
+ jmp MterpFallback
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/footer.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/footer.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f79b37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/footer.S
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ * ===========================================================================
+ * Common subroutines and data
+ * ===========================================================================
+ */
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ * We've detected a condition that will result in an exception, but the exception
+ * has not yet been thrown. Just bail out to the reference interpreter to deal with it.
+ * TUNING: for consistency, we may want to just go ahead and handle these here.
+ */
+#define MTERP_LOGGING 0
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpLogDivideByZeroException
+ jmp MterpCommonFallback
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpLogArrayIndexException
+ jmp MterpCommonFallback
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpLogNegativeArraySizeException
+ jmp MterpCommonFallback
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpLogNoSuchMethodException
+ jmp MterpCommonFallback
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpLogNullObjectException
+ jmp MterpCommonFallback
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ call MterpLogExceptionThrownException
+ jmp MterpCommonFallback
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl THREAD_FLAGS_OFFSET(%eax), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ call MterpLogSuspendFallback
+ jmp MterpCommonFallback
+ * If we're here, something is out of the ordinary. If there is a pending
+ * exception, handle it. Otherwise, roll back and retry with the reference
+ * interpreter.
+ */
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ testl $$-1, THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET(%eax)
+ jz MterpFallback
+ /* intentional fallthrough - handle pending exception. */
+ * On return from a runtime helper routine, we've found a pending exception.
+ * Can we handle it here - or need to bail out to caller?
+ *
+ */
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpHandleException
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpExceptionReturn
+ movl OFF_FP_CODE_ITEM(rFP), %eax
+ movl OFF_FP_DEX_PC(rFP), %ecx
+ lea (rPC, %ecx, 2), rPC
+ movl rPC, OFF_FP_DEX_PC_PTR(rFP)
+ /* resume execution at catch block */
+ /* NOTE: no fallthrough */
+ * Check for suspend check request. Assumes rINST already loaded, rPC advanced and
+ * still needs to get the opcode and branch to it, and flags are in lr.
+ */
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ jz 1f
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ call MterpSuspendCheck
+ * Bail out to reference interpreter.
+ */
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpLogFallback
+ xor %eax, %eax
+ jmp MterpDone
+ * On entry:
+ * uint32_t* rFP (should still be live, pointer to base of vregs)
+ */
+ movl $$1, %eax
+ jmp MterpDone
+ movl %eax, (%edx)
+ movl %ecx, 4(%edx)
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ jz 1f
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ call MterpSuspendCheck
+ mov $$1, %eax
+ /* Restore callee save register */
+ movl EBP_SPILL(%esp), %ebp
+ movl EDI_SPILL(%esp), %edi
+ movl ESI_SPILL(%esp), %esi
+ movl EBX_SPILL(%esp), %ebx
+ /* pop up frame */
+ addl $$FRAME_SIZE, %esp
+ .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -FRAME_SIZE
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ExecuteMterpImpl, .-ExecuteMterpImpl
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/fpcmp.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/fpcmp.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b98667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/fpcmp.S
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+%default {"suff":"d","nanval":"pos"}
+ * Compare two floating-point values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the
+ * destination register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * int compare(x, y) {
+ * if (x == y) {
+ * return 0;
+ * } else if (x < y) {
+ * return -1;
+ * } else if (x > y) {
+ * return 1;
+ * } else {
+ * return nanval ? 1 : -1;
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx<- CC
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- BB
+ movs${suff} VREG_ADDRESS(%eax), %xmm0
+ xor %eax, %eax
+ ucomis${suff} VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0
+ jp .L${opcode}_nan_is_${nanval}
+ je .L${opcode}_finish
+ jb .L${opcode}_less
+ incl %eax
+ jmp .L${opcode}_finish
+ decl %eax
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/fpcvt.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/fpcvt.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7808285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/fpcvt.S
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+%default {"instr":"","load":"","store":"","wide":"0"}
+ * Generic 32-bit FP conversion operation.
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ $load VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st0 <- vB
+ andb $$0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ $instr
+ $store VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vA <- %st0
+ .if $wide
+ .else
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
+ .endif
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/header.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/header.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2481785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/header.S
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ Art assembly interpreter notes:
+ First validate assembly code by implementing ExecuteXXXImpl() style body (doesn't
+ handle invoke, allows higher-level code to create frame & shadow frame.
+ Once that's working, support direct entry code & eliminate shadow frame (and
+ excess locals allocation.
+ Some (hopefully) temporary ugliness. We'll treat rFP as pointing to the
+ base of the vreg array within the shadow frame. Access the other fields,
+ dex_pc_, method_ and number_of_vregs_ via negative offsets. For now, we'll continue
+ the shadow frame mechanism of double-storing object references - via rFP &
+ number_of_vregs_.
+ */
+x86 ABI general notes:
+Caller save set:
+ eax, edx, ecx, st(0)-st(7)
+Callee save set:
+ ebx, esi, edi, ebp
+Return regs:
+ 32-bit in eax
+ 64-bit in edx:eax (low-order 32 in eax)
+ fp on top of fp stack st(0)
+Parameters passed on stack, pushed right-to-left. On entry to target, first
+parm is at 4(%esp). Traditional entry code is:
+ push %ebp # save old frame pointer
+ mov %ebp,%esp # establish new frame pointer
+ sub FrameSize,%esp # Allocate storage for spill, locals & outs
+Once past the prologue, arguments are referenced at ((argno + 2)*4)(%ebp)
+Stack must be 16-byte aligned to support SSE in native code.
+If we're not doing variable stack allocation (alloca), the frame pointer can be
+eliminated and all arg references adjusted to be esp relative.
+Mterp and x86 notes:
+Some key interpreter variables will be assigned to registers.
+ nick reg purpose
+ rPC esi interpreted program counter, used for fetching instructions
+ rFP edi interpreted frame pointer, used for accessing locals and args
+ rINSTw bx first 16-bit code of current instruction
+ rINSTbl bl opcode portion of instruction word
+ rINSTbh bh high byte of inst word, usually contains src/tgt reg names
+ rIBASE edx base of instruction handler table
+ rREFS ebp base of object references in shadow frame.
+ o High order 16 bits of ebx must be zero on entry to handler
+ o rPC, rFP, rINSTw/rINSTbl valid on handler entry and exit
+ o eax and ecx are scratch, rINSTw/ebx sometimes scratch
+Macros are provided for common operations. Each macro MUST emit only
+one instruction to make instruction-counting easier. They MUST NOT alter
+unspecified registers or condition codes.
+ * This is a #include, not a %include, because we want the C pre-processor
+ * to expand the macros into assembler assignment statements.
+ */
+#include "asm_support.h"
+/* Frame size must be 16-byte aligned.
+ * Remember about 4 bytes for return address
+ */
+#define FRAME_SIZE 44
+/* Frame diagram while executing ExecuteMterpImpl, high to low addresses */
+#define IN_ARG3 (FRAME_SIZE + 16)
+#define IN_ARG2 (FRAME_SIZE + 12)
+#define IN_ARG1 (FRAME_SIZE + 8)
+#define IN_ARG0 (FRAME_SIZE + 4)
+#define CALLER_RP (FRAME_SIZE + 0)
+/* Spill offsets relative to %esp */
+#define EBP_SPILL (FRAME_SIZE - 4)
+#define EDI_SPILL (FRAME_SIZE - 8)
+#define ESI_SPILL (FRAME_SIZE - 12)
+#define EBX_SPILL (FRAME_SIZE - 16)
+#define LOCAL0 (FRAME_SIZE - 20)
+#define LOCAL1 (FRAME_SIZE - 24)
+#define LOCAL2 (FRAME_SIZE - 28)
+/* Out Arg offsets, relative to %esp */
+#define OUT_ARG3 ( 12)
+#define OUT_ARG2 ( 8)
+#define OUT_ARG1 ( 4)
+#define OUT_ARG0 ( 0) /* <- ExecuteMterpImpl esp + 0 */
+/* During bringup, we'll use the shadow frame model instead of rFP */
+/* single-purpose registers, given names for clarity */
+#define rSELF IN_ARG0(%esp)
+#define rPC %esi
+#define rFP %edi
+#define rINST %ebx
+#define rINSTw %bx
+#define rINSTbh %bh
+#define rINSTbl %bl
+#define rIBASE %edx
+#define rREFS %ebp
+ * Instead of holding a pointer to the shadow frame, we keep rFP at the base of the vregs. So,
+ * to access other shadow frame fields, we need to use a backwards offset. Define those here.
+ */
+ *
+ * The reference interpreter performs explicit suspect checks, which is somewhat wasteful.
+ * Dalvik's interpreter folded suspend checks into the jump table mechanism, and eventually
+ * mterp should do so as well.
+ */
+#define MTERP_SUSPEND 0
+ * "export" the PC to dex_pc field in the shadow frame, f/b/o future exception objects. Must
+ * be done *before* something throws.
+ *
+ * It's okay to do this more than once.
+ *
+ * NOTE: the fast interpreter keeps track of dex pc as a direct pointer to the mapped
+ * dex byte codes. However, the rest of the runtime expects dex pc to be an instruction
+ * offset into the code_items_[] array. For effiency, we will "export" the
+ * current dex pc as a direct pointer using the EXPORT_PC macro, and rely on GetDexPC
+ * to convert to a dex pc when needed.
+ */
+.macro EXPORT_PC
+ movl rPC, OFF_FP_DEX_PC_PTR(rFP)
+ * Refresh handler table.
+ * IBase handles uses the caller save register so we must restore it after each call.
+ * Also it is used as a result of some 64-bit operations (like imul) and we should
+ * restore it in such cases also.
+ *
+ * TODO: Consider spilling the IBase instead of restoring it from Thread structure.
+ */
+ movl rSELF, rIBASE
+ * If rSELF is already loaded then we can use it from known reg.
+ */
+ * Refresh rINST.
+ * At enter to handler rINST does not contain the opcode number.
+ * However some utilities require the full value, so this macro
+ * restores the opcode number.
+ */
+.macro REFRESH_INST _opnum
+ movb rINSTbl, rINSTbh
+ movb $$\_opnum, rINSTbl
+ * Fetch the next instruction from rPC into rINSTw. Does not advance rPC.
+ */
+.macro FETCH_INST
+ movzwl (rPC), rINST
+ * Remove opcode from rINST, compute the address of handler and jump to it.
+ */
+.macro GOTO_NEXT
+ movzx rINSTbl,%eax
+ movzbl rINSTbh,rINST
+ shll $$${handler_size_bits}, %eax
+ addl rIBASE, %eax
+ jmp *%eax
+ * Advance rPC by instruction count.
+ */
+.macro ADVANCE_PC _count
+ leal 2*\_count(rPC), rPC
+ * Advance rPC by instruction count, fetch instruction and jump to handler.
+ */
+ ADVANCE_PC \_count
+ * Get/set the 32-bit value from a Dalvik register.
+ */
+#define VREG_ADDRESS(_vreg) (rFP,_vreg,4)
+#define VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(_vreg) 4(rFP,_vreg,4)
+#define VREG_REF_ADDRESS(_vreg) (rREFS,_vreg,4)
+#define VREG_REF_HIGH_ADDRESS(_vreg) 4(rREFS,_vreg,4)
+.macro GET_VREG _reg _vreg
+ movl (rFP,\_vreg,4), \_reg
+/* Read wide value to xmm. */
+.macro GET_WIDE_FP_VREG _reg _vreg
+ movq (rFP,\_vreg,4), \_reg
+.macro SET_VREG _reg _vreg
+ movl \_reg, (rFP,\_vreg,4)
+ movl $$0, (rREFS,\_vreg,4)
+/* Write wide value from xmm. xmm is clobbered. */
+.macro SET_WIDE_FP_VREG _reg _vreg
+ movq \_reg, (rFP,\_vreg,4)
+ pxor \_reg, \_reg
+ movq \_reg, (rREFS,\_vreg,4)
+.macro SET_VREG_OBJECT _reg _vreg
+ movl \_reg, (rFP,\_vreg,4)
+ movl \_reg, (rREFS,\_vreg,4)
+.macro GET_VREG_HIGH _reg _vreg
+ movl 4(rFP,\_vreg,4), \_reg
+.macro SET_VREG_HIGH _reg _vreg
+ movl \_reg, 4(rFP,\_vreg,4)
+ movl $$0, 4(rREFS,\_vreg,4)
+.macro CLEAR_REF _vreg
+ movl $$0, (rREFS,\_vreg,4)
+.macro CLEAR_WIDE_REF _vreg
+ movl $$0, (rREFS,\_vreg,4)
+ movl $$0, 4(rREFS,\_vreg,4)
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/invoke.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/invoke.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80f7822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/invoke.S
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+%default { "helper":"UndefinedInvokeHandler" }
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern $helper
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ REFRESH_INST ${opnum}
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call $helper
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de2708f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop.S" {"instr":"adds","suff":"d"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_double_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_double_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..538c9ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_double_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop2Addr.S" {"instr":"adds","suff":"d"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80b1736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop.S" {"instr":"adds","suff":"s"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_float_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_float_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6649253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_float_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop2Addr.S" {"instr":"adds","suff":"s"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f71a56b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binop.S" {"instr":"addl (rFP,%ecx,4), %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d43b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binop2addr.S" {"instr":"addl %eax, (rFP,%ecx,4)"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_int_lit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_int_lit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f34d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_int_lit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopLit16.S" {"instr":"addl %ecx, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f14744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopLit8.S" {"instr":"addl %ecx, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dce0c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopWide.S" {"instr1":"addl (rFP,%ecx,4), rIBASE", "instr2":"adcl 4(rFP,%ecx,4), %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7847640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_add_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopWide2addr.S" {"instr1":"addl %eax, (rFP,rINST,4)","instr2":"adcl %ecx, 4(rFP,rINST,4)"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52b5236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget.S
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+%default { "load":"movl", "shift":"4", "data_offset":"MIRROR_INT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
+ * Array get, 32 bits or less. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * for: aget, aget-boolean, aget-byte, aget-char, aget-short
+ *
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ $load $data_offset(%eax,%ecx,$shift), %eax
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_boolean.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_boolean.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d910c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_boolean.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_aget.S" { "load":"movzbl", "shift":"1", "data_offset":"MIRROR_BOOLEAN_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_byte.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_byte.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aba9ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_byte.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_aget.S" { "load":"movsbl", "shift":"1", "data_offset":"MIRROR_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_char.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_char.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..748e410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_char.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_aget.S" { "load":"movzwl", "shift":"2", "data_offset":"MIRROR_CHAR_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61f3e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * Array object get. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * for: aget-object
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecs <- vCC (requested index)
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call artAGetObjectFromMterp # (array, index)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_short.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_short.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eaf5d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_short.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_aget.S" { "load":"movswl", "shift":"2", "data_offset":"MIRROR_SHORT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..663adc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aget_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Array get, 64 bits. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ */
+ /* aget-wide vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ leal MIRROR_WIDE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax,%ecx,8), %eax
+ movq (%eax), %xmm0 # xmm0 <- vBB[vCC]
+ SET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 rINST # vAA <- xmm0
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6272c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binop.S" {"instr":"andl (rFP,%ecx,4), %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95df873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binop2addr.S" {"instr":"andl %eax, (rFP,%ecx,4)"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_int_lit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_int_lit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b062064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_int_lit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopLit16.S" {"instr":"andl %ecx, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99915df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopLit8.S" {"instr":"andl %ecx, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8514ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopWide.S" {"instr1":"andl (rFP,%ecx,4), rIBASE", "instr2":"andl 4(rFP,%ecx,4), %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37249b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_and_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopWide2addr.S" {"instr1":"andl %eax, (rFP,rINST,4)","instr2":"andl %ecx, 4(rFP,rINST,4)"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ea465d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput.S
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+%default { "reg":"rINST", "store":"movl", "shift":"4", "data_offset":"MIRROR_INT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
+ * Array put, 32 bits or less. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ * for: aput, aput-boolean, aput-byte, aput-char, aput-short
+ *
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ leal $data_offset(%eax,%ecx,$shift), %eax
+ $store $reg, (%eax)
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_boolean.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_boolean.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7fdd53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_boolean.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_aput.S" { "reg":"rINSTbl", "store":"movb", "shift":"1", "data_offset":"MIRROR_BOOLEAN_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_byte.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_byte.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..491d03c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_byte.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_aput.S" { "reg":"rINSTbl", "store":"movb", "shift":"1", "data_offset":"MIRROR_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_char.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_char.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca42cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_char.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_aput.S" { "reg":"rINSTw", "store":"movw", "shift":"2", "data_offset":"MIRROR_CHAR_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2af5acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ * Store an object into an array. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ REFRESH_INST ${opnum}
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ call MterpAputObject # (array, index)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpPossibleException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_short.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_short.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e63482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_short.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_aput.S" { "reg":"rINSTw", "store":"movw", "shift":"2", "data_offset":"MIRROR_SHORT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a33371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_aput_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ * Array put, 64 bits. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ */
+ /* aput-wide vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC (requested index)
+ testl %eax, %eax # null array object?
+ je common_errNullObject # bail if so
+ jae common_errArrayIndex # index >= length, bail.
+ leal MIRROR_WIDE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax,%ecx,8), %eax
+ GET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 rINST # xmm0 <- vAA
+ movq %xmm0, (%eax) # vBB[vCC] <- xmm0
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_array_length.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_array_length.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e42a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_array_length.S
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ * Return the length of an array.
+ */
+ mov rINST, %eax # eax <- BA
+ sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx rINST # ecx <- vB (object ref)
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ andb $$0xf, %al # eax <- A
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_check_cast.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_check_cast.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d85f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_check_cast.S
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ * Check to see if a cast from one class to another is allowed.
+ */
+ /* check-cast vAA, class@BBBB */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BBBB
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP),%eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpCheckCast # (index, obj, method, self)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmp_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmp_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd86738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmp_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Compare two 64-bit values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the destination
+ * register based on the results of the comparison.
+ */
+ /* cmp-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB+1], BB is clobbered
+ cmpl VREG_HIGH_ADDRESS(%ecx), %eax
+ jl .L${opcode}_smaller
+ jg .L${opcode}_bigger
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB, restore BB
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB]
+ sub VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %eax
+ ja .L${opcode}_bigger
+ jb .L${opcode}_smaller
+ movl $$1, %eax
+ jmp .L${opcode}_finish
+ movl $$-1, %eax
+ jmp .L${opcode}_finish
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmpg_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmpg_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a73ba55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmpg_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/fpcmp.S" {"suff":"d","nanval":"pos"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmpg_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmpg_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..648051b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmpg_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/fpcmp.S" {"suff":"s","nanval":"pos"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmpl_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmpl_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..058163e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmpl_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/fpcmp.S" {"suff":"d","nanval":"neg"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmpl_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmpl_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..302f078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_cmpl_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/fpcmp.S" {"suff":"s","nanval":"neg"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc69530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const.S
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ /* const vAA, #+BBBBbbbb */
+ movl 2(rPC), %eax # grab all 32 bits at once
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # vAA<- eax
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5707cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ /* const/16 vAA, #+BBBB */
+ movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssBBBB
+ SET_VREG %ecx rINST # vAA <- ssssBBBB
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_4.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_4.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c336411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_4.S
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ /* const/4 vA, #+B */
+ movsx rINSTbl, %eax # eax <-ssssssBx
+ movl $$0xf, rINST
+ andl %eax, rINST # rINST <- A
+ sarl $$4, %eax
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_class.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_class.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eceb8bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_class.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ /* const/class vAA, Class@BBBB */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- BBBB
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpConstClass # (index, tgt_reg, shadow_frame, self)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_high16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_high16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da78d1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_high16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ /* const/high16 vAA, #+BBBB0000 */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000BBBB
+ sall $$16, %eax # eax <- BBBB0000
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # vAA <- eax
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_string.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_string.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9acd6fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_string.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ /* const/string vAA, String@BBBB */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BBBB
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpConstString # (index, tgt_reg, shadow_frame, self)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_string_jumbo.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_string_jumbo.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c728b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_string_jumbo.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ /* const/string vAA, String@BBBBBBBB */
+ movl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BBBB
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpConstString # (index, tgt_reg, shadow_frame, self)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..745490e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ /* const-wide vAA, #+HHHHhhhhBBBBbbbb */
+ movl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- lsw
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- AA
+ movl 6(rPC), rINST # rINST <- msw
+ SET_VREG %eax %ecx
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_wide_16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_wide_16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8029cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_wide_16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ /* const-wide/16 vAA, #+BBBB */
+ movswl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- ssssBBBB
+ movl rIBASE, %ecx # preserve rIBASE (cltd trashes it)
+ cltd # rIBASE:eax <- ssssssssssssBBBB
+ SET_VREG_HIGH rIBASE rINST # store msw
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # store lsw
+ movl %ecx, rIBASE # restore rIBASE
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_wide_32.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_wide_32.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e23d3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_wide_32.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ /* const-wide/32 vAA, #+BBBBbbbb */
+ movl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BBBBbbbb
+ movl rIBASE, %ecx # preserve rIBASE (cltd trashes it)
+ cltd # rIBASE:eax <- ssssssssssssBBBB
+ SET_VREG_HIGH rIBASE rINST # store msw
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # store lsw
+ movl %ecx, rIBASE # restore rIBASE
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_wide_high16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_wide_high16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2a1119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_const_wide_high16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ /* const-wide/high16 vAA, #+BBBB000000000000 */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000BBBB
+ sall $$16, %eax # eax <- BBBB0000
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %eax rINST # v[AA+1] <- eax
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[AA+0] <- eax
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..575716d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop.S" {"instr":"divs","suff":"d"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_double_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_double_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8229a31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_double_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop2Addr.S" {"instr":"divs","suff":"d"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..250f1dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop.S" {"instr":"divs","suff":"s"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_float_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_float_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c30d148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_float_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop2Addr.S" {"instr":"divs","suff":"s"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fc8fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/bindiv.S" {"result":"%eax","special":"$0x80000000","rem":"0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04cf1ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/bindiv2addr.S" {"result":"%eax","special":"$0x80000000"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_int_lit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_int_lit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd396bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_int_lit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/bindivLit16.S" {"result":"%eax","special":"$0x80000000"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cbd9d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/bindivLit8.S" {"result":"%eax","special":"$0x80000000"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5772826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+%default {"routine":"art_quick_ldiv"}
+/* art_quick_* methods has quick abi,
+ * so use eax, ecx, edx, ebx for args
+ */
+ /* div vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ .extern $routine
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp) # save rIBASE/%edx
+ mov rINST, LOCAL1(%esp) # save rINST/%ebx
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ GET_VREG %ecx %eax
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ebx %eax
+ movl %ecx, %edx
+ orl %ebx, %ecx
+ jz common_errDivideByZero
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %eax
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax
+ call $routine
+ mov LOCAL1(%esp), rINST # restore rINST/%ebx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE # restore rIBASE/%edx
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2696042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_div_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+%default {"routine":"art_quick_ldiv"}
+/* art_quick_* methods has quick abi,
+ * so use eax, ecx, edx, ebx for args
+ */
+ /* div/2addr vA, vB */
+ .extern $routine
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp) # save rIBASE/%edx
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax
+ shrl $$4, %eax # eax <- B
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ mov rINST, LOCAL1(%esp) # save rINST/%ebx
+ movl %ebx, %ecx
+ GET_VREG %edx %eax
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ebx %eax
+ movl %edx, %eax
+ orl %ebx, %eax
+ jz common_errDivideByZero
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %ecx
+ call $routine
+ mov LOCAL1(%esp), rINST # restore rINST/%ebx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE # restore rIBASE/%edx
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_double_to_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_double_to_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5135d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_double_to_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/fpcvt.S" {"load":"fldl","store":"fstps"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_double_to_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_double_to_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c4e11c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_double_to_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/cvtfp_int.S" {"srcdouble":"1","tgtlong":"0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_double_to_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_double_to_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe0eee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_double_to_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/cvtfp_int.S" {"srcdouble":"1","tgtlong":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_fill_array_data.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_fill_array_data.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cb05f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_fill_array_data.S
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ /* fill-array-data vAA, +BBBBBBBB */
+ movl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BBBBbbbb
+ leal (rPC,%ecx,2), %ecx # ecx <- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vAA (array object)
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call MterpFillArrayData # (obj, payload)
+ testl %eax, %eax # 0 means an exception is thrown
+ jz MterpPossibleException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_filled_new_array.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_filled_new_array.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c08b09f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_filled_new_array.S
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+%default { "helper":"MterpFilledNewArray" }
+ * Create a new array with elements filled from registers.
+ *
+ * for: filled-new-array, filled-new-array/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, type@BBBB */
+ .extern $helper
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ call $helper
+ testl %eax, %eax # 0 means an exception is thrown
+ jz MterpPossibleException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_filled_new_array_range.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_filled_new_array_range.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..841059e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_filled_new_array_range.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_filled_new_array.S" { "helper":"MterpFilledNewArrayRange" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_float_to_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_float_to_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12a3e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_float_to_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/fpcvt.S" {"load":"flds","store":"fstpl","wide":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_float_to_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_float_to_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac57388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_float_to_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/cvtfp_int.S" {"srcdouble":"0","tgtlong":"0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_float_to_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_float_to_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be1d982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_float_to_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/cvtfp_int.S" {"srcdouble":"0","tgtlong":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_goto.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_goto.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..411399d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_goto.S
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ * Unconditional branch, 8-bit offset.
+ *
+ * The branch distance is a signed code-unit offset, which we need to
+ * double to get a byte offset.
+ */
+ /* goto +AA */
+ movsbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- ssssssAA
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 1f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_goto_16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_goto_16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f04f9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_goto_16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ * Unconditional branch, 16-bit offset.
+ *
+ * The branch distance is a signed code-unit offset, which we need to
+ * double to get a byte offset.
+ */
+ /* goto/16 +AAAA */
+ movswl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- ssssAAAA
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 1f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_goto_32.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_goto_32.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48f6e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_goto_32.S
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * Unconditional branch, 32-bit offset.
+ *
+ * The branch distance is a signed code-unit offset, which we need to
+ * double to get a byte offset.
+ *
+ * Unlike most opcodes, this one is allowed to branch to itself, so
+ * our "backward branch" test must be "<=0" instead of "<0". Because
+ * we need the V bit set, we'll use an adds to convert from Dalvik
+ * offset to byte offset.
+ */
+ /* goto/32 +AAAAAAAA */
+ movl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- AAAAAAAA
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 1f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_eq.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_eq.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5413d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_eq.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/bincmp.S" { "revcmp":"ne" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_eqz.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_eqz.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53dc99e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_eqz.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/zcmp.S" { "revcmp":"ne" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_ge.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_ge.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2ba3c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_ge.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/bincmp.S" { "revcmp":"l" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_gez.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_gez.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd2c772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_gez.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/zcmp.S" { "revcmp":"l" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_gt.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_gt.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fe84bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_gt.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/bincmp.S" { "revcmp":"le" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_gtz.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_gtz.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b454ffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_gtz.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/zcmp.S" { "revcmp":"le" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_le.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_le.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93571a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_le.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/bincmp.S" { "revcmp":"g" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_lez.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_lez.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..779c77f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_lez.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/zcmp.S" { "revcmp":"g" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_lt.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_lt.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fb1521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_lt.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/bincmp.S" { "revcmp":"ge" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_ltz.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_ltz.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..155c356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_ltz.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/zcmp.S" { "revcmp":"ge" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_ne.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_ne.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e1b065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_ne.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/bincmp.S" { "revcmp":"e" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_nez.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_nez.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8951f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_if_nez.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/zcmp.S" { "revcmp":"e" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..868ffd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget.S
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+%default { "is_object":"0", "helper":"artGet32InstanceFromCode"}
+ * General instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget, iget-object, iget-boolean, iget-byte, iget-char, iget-short
+ */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ mov rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call $helper
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException # bail out
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ .if $is_object
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <-value
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <-value
+ .endif
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_boolean.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_boolean.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ddad04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_boolean.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iget.S" { "helper":"artGetBooleanInstanceFromCode" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_boolean_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_boolean_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02b0c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_boolean_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iget_quick.S" { "load":"movsbl" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_byte.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_byte.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8250788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_byte.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iget.S" { "helper":"artGetByteInstanceFromCode" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_byte_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_byte_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02b0c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_byte_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iget_quick.S" { "load":"movsbl" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_char.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_char.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9d2156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_char.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iget.S" { "helper":"artGetCharInstanceFromCode" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_char_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_char_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5d9712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_char_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iget_quick.S" { "load":"movzwl" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3abeefc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iget.S" { "is_object":"1", "helper":"artGetObjInstanceFromCode" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_object_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_object_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b09772f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_object_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ /* For: iget-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call artIGetObjectFromMterp # (obj, offset)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException # bail out
+ andb $$0xf,rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..372071c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+%default { "load":"movl"}
+ /* For: iget-quick, iget-boolean-quick, iget-byte-quick, iget-char-quick, iget-short-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ ${load} (%ecx,%eax,1), %eax
+ andb $$0xf,rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_short.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_short.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8fad89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_short.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iget.S" { "helper":"artGetShortInstanceFromCode" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_short_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_short_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c3aeb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_short_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iget_quick.S" { "load":"movswl" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58e5a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * 64-bit instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget-wide
+ */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ mov rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artGet64InstanceFromCode
+ mov rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException # bail out
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_wide_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_wide_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8be336b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iget_wide_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ /* iget-wide-quick vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ movq (%ecx,%eax,1), %xmm0
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_instance_of.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_instance_of.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfbd4a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_instance_of.S
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Check to see if an object reference is an instance of a class.
+ *
+ * Most common situation is a non-null object, being compared against
+ * an already-resolved class.
+ */
+ /* instance-of vA, vB, class@CCCC */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BBBB
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rINST, %eax # eax <- BA
+ sarl $$4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %eax # Get object
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP),%eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpInstanceOf # (index, obj, method, self)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINSTbl <- A
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_byte.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_byte.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4e8d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_byte.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unop.S" {"instr":"movsbl %al, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_char.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_char.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4608971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_char.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unop.S" {"instr":"movzwl %ax,%eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e9921e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/fpcvt.S" {"load":"fildl","store":"fstpl","wide":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..849540d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/fpcvt.S" {"load":"fildl","store":"fstps"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..736ea69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ /* int to long vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- +A
+ sarl $$4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vB
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ movl rIBASE, %ecx # cltd trashes rIBASE/edx
+ cltd # rINST:eax<- sssssssBBBBBBBB
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[A+0] <- %eax
+ movl %ecx, rIBASE
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_short.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_short.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90d0ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_int_to_short.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unop.S" {"instr":"movswl %ax, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_direct.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_direct.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76fb9a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_direct.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeDirect" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_direct_range.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_direct_range.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6ab604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_direct_range.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeDirectRange" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_interface.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_interface.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91c24f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_interface.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+%include "x86/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeInterface" }
+ * Handle an interface method call.
+ *
+ * for: invoke-interface, invoke-interface/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_interface_range.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_interface_range.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e478beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_interface_range.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeInterfaceRange" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_static.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_static.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4c1236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_static.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+%include "x86/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeStatic" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_static_range.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_static_range.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dc8a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_static_range.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeStaticRange" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_super.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_super.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be20edd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_super.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+%include "x86/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeSuper" }
+ * Handle a "super" method call.
+ *
+ * for: invoke-super, invoke-super/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op vAA, {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_super_range.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_super_range.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f36bf72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_super_range.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeSuperRange" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_virtual.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_virtual.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e9c456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_virtual.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+%include "x86/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeVirtual" }
+ * Handle a virtual method call.
+ *
+ * for: invoke-virtual, invoke-virtual/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op vAA, {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_virtual_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_virtual_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dc9ab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_virtual_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeVirtualQuick" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_virtual_range.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_virtual_range.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1d20d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_virtual_range.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeVirtualRange" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_virtual_range_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_virtual_range_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21bfc55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_invoke_virtual_range_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeVirtualQuickRange" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8a6549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput.S
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+%default { "handler":"artSet32InstanceFromMterp" }
+ * General 32-bit instance field put.
+ *
+ * for: iput, iput-object, iput-boolean, iput-byte, iput-char, iput-short
+ */
+ /* op vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern $handler
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx<- BA
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx<- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST<- A
+ GET_VREG %eax, rINST
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # fp[A]
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # referrer
+ call $handler
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_boolean.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_boolean.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11cab88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_boolean.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iput.S" { "handler":"artSet8InstanceFromMterp" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_boolean_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_boolean_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93865de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_boolean_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iput_quick.S" { "reg":"rINSTbl", "store":"movb" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_byte.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_byte.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11cab88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_byte.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iput.S" { "handler":"artSet8InstanceFromMterp" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_byte_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_byte_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93865de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_byte_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iput_quick.S" { "reg":"rINSTbl", "store":"movb" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_char.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_char.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abbf2bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_char.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iput.S" { "handler":"artSet16InstanceFromMterp" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_char_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_char_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ec8029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_char_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iput_quick.S" { "reg":"rINSTw", "store":"movw" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20d57aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ REFRESH_INST ${opnum}
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpIputObject
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_object_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_object_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c7f4bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_object_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ REFRESH_INST ${opnum}
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ call MterpIputObjectQuick
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2f7caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+%default { "reg":"rINST", "store":"movl" }
+ /* For: iput-quick, iput-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- field byte offset
+ ${store} ${reg}, (%ecx,%eax,1)
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_short.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_short.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abbf2bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_short.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iput.S" { "handler":"artSet16InstanceFromMterp" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_short_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_short_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ec8029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_short_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_iput_quick.S" { "reg":"rINSTw", "store":"movw" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92cb770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ /* iput-wide vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern artSet64InstanceFromMterp
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- 0000CCCC
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movzbl rINSTbl,%ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $$4,%ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # the object pointer
+ andb $$0xf,rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ leal VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # &fp[A]
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # referrer
+ call artSet64InstanceFromMterp
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpPossibleException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_wide_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_wide_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72285c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_iput_wide_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ /* iput-wide-quick vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx<- BA
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx<- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # vB (object we're operating on)
+ testl %ecx, %ecx # is object null?
+ je common_errNullObject
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- field byte offset
+ leal (%ecx,%eax,1), %ecx # ecx<- Address of 64-bit target
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST<- A
+ GET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 rINST # xmm0<- fp[A]/fp[A+1]
+ movq %xmm0, (%ecx) # obj.field<- r0/r1
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_long_to_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_long_to_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c7f905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_long_to_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/fpcvt.S" {"load":"fildll","store":"fstpl","wide":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_long_to_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_long_to_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e500e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_long_to_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/fpcvt.S" {"load":"fildll","store":"fstps"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_long_to_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_long_to_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c39b96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_long_to_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* we ignore the high word, making this equivalent to a 32-bit reg move */
+%include "x86/op_move.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_monitor_enter.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_monitor_enter.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8236fb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_monitor_enter.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ * Synchronize on an object.
+ */
+ /* monitor-enter vAA */
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call artLockObjectFromCode # (object, self)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_monitor_exit.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_monitor_exit.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56d4eb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_monitor_exit.S
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ * Unlock an object.
+ *
+ * Exceptions that occur when unlocking a monitor need to appear as
+ * if they happened at the following instruction. See the Dalvik
+ * instruction spec.
+ */
+ /* monitor-exit vAA */
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ call artUnlockObjectFromCode # (object, self)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a531be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+%default { "is_object":"0" }
+ /* for move, move-object, long-to-int */
+ /* op vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- BA
+ andb $$0xf, %al # eax <- A
+ shrl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ .if $is_object
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .else
+ SET_VREG rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .endif
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0773f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+%default { "is_object":"0" }
+ /* for: move/16, move-object/16 */
+ /* op vAAAA, vBBBB */
+ movzwl 4(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BBBB
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- AAAA
+ .if $is_object
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .else
+ SET_VREG rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .endif
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_exception.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_exception.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e37cdfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_exception.S
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ /* move-exception vAA */
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET(%ecx), %eax
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[AA] <- exception object
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_from16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_from16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..623a4d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_from16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+%default { "is_object":"0" }
+ /* for: move/from16, move-object/from16 */
+ /* op vAA, vBBBB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- AA
+ movw 2(rPC), rINSTw # rINSTw <- BBBB
+ .if $is_object
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .else
+ SET_VREG rINST %eax # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .endif
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6a7c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_move.S" {"is_object":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_object_16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_object_16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0c8527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_object_16.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_move_16.S" {"is_object":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_object_from16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_object_from16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e623820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_object_from16.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_move_from16.S" {"is_object":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_result.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_result.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..414f2cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_result.S
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+%default { "is_object":"0" }
+ /* for: move-result, move-result-object */
+ /* op vAA */
+ movl OFF_FP_RESULT_REGISTER(rFP), %eax # get pointer to result JType.
+ movl (%eax), %eax # r0 <- result.i.
+ .if $is_object
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- fp[B]
+ .endif
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_result_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_result_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbf5e1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_result_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_move_result.S" {"is_object":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_result_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_result_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c1683b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_result_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ /* move-result-wide vAA */
+ movl OFF_FP_RESULT_REGISTER(rFP), %eax # get pointer to result JType.
+ movl 4(%eax), %ecx # Get high
+ movl (%eax), %eax # Get low
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[AA+0] <- eax
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %ecx rINST # v[AA+1] <- ecx
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c0e985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ /* move-wide vA, vB */
+ /* NOTE: regs can overlap, e.g. "move v6,v7" or "move v7,v6" */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ andb $$0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ GET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 rINST # xmm0 <- v[B]
+ SET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 %ecx # v[A] <- xmm0
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_wide_16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_wide_16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7522c27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_wide_16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ /* move-wide/16 vAAAA, vBBBB */
+ /* NOTE: regs can overlap, e.g. "move v6,v7" or "move v7,v6" */
+ movzwl 4(rPC), %ecx # ecx<- BBBB
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax # eax<- AAAA
+ GET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 %ecx # xmm0 <- v[B]
+ SET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 %eax # v[A] <- xmm0
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_wide_from16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_wide_from16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ad2cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_move_wide_from16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ /* move-wide/from16 vAA, vBBBB */
+ /* NOTE: regs can overlap, e.g. "move v6,v7" or "move v7,v6" */
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BBBB
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- AAAA
+ GET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 %ecx # xmm0 <- v[B]
+ SET_WIDE_FP_VREG %xmm0 %eax # v[A] <- xmm0
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cef4c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop.S" {"instr":"muls","suff":"d"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_double_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_double_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb722b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_double_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop2Addr.S" {"instr":"muls","suff":"d"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1156230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop.S" {"instr":"muls","suff":"s"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_float_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_float_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9316df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_float_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop2Addr.S" {"instr":"muls","suff":"s"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a367ab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ /*
+ * 32-bit binary multiplication.
+ */
+ /* mul vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vBB
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ imull (rFP,%ecx,4), %eax # trashes rIBASE/edx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6005075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ /* mul vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vB
+ andb $$0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ imull (rFP,%ecx,4), %eax # trashes rIBASE/edx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax %ecx
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_int_lit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_int_lit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c0fde3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_int_lit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ /* mul/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ /* Need A in rINST, ssssCCCC in ecx, vB in eax */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- 000000BA
+ sarl $$4, %eax # eax <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- vB
+ movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssCCCC
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ imull %ecx, %eax # trashes rIBASE/edx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d7a22d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ /* mul/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- rBB
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ imull %ecx, %eax # trashes rIBASE/edx
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3746e41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * Signed 64-bit integer multiply.
+ *
+ * We could definately use more free registers for
+ * this code. We spill rINSTw (ebx),
+ * giving us eax, ebc, ecx and edx as computational
+ * temps. On top of that, we'll spill edi (rFP)
+ * for use as the vB pointer and esi (rPC) for use
+ * as the vC pointer. Yuck.
+ *
+ */
+ /* mul-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- B
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- C
+ mov rPC, LOCAL0(%esp) # save Interpreter PC
+ mov rFP, LOCAL1(%esp) # save FP
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL2(%esp) # save rIBASE
+ leal (rFP,%eax,4), %esi # esi <- &v[B]
+ leal (rFP,%ecx,4), rFP # rFP <- &v[C]
+ movl 4(%esi), %ecx # ecx <- Bmsw
+ imull (rFP), %ecx # ecx <- (Bmsw*Clsw)
+ movl 4(rFP), %eax # eax <- Cmsw
+ imull (%esi), %eax # eax <- (Cmsw*Blsw)
+ addl %eax, %ecx # ecx <- (Bmsw*Clsw)+(Cmsw*Blsw)
+ movl (rFP), %eax # eax <- Clsw
+ mull (%esi) # eax <- (Clsw*Alsw)
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rPC # restore Interpreter PC
+ mov LOCAL1(%esp), rFP # restore FP
+ leal (%ecx,rIBASE), rIBASE # full result now in rIBASE:%eax
+ mov LOCAL2(%esp), rIBASE # restore IBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[B] <- eax
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..565a57c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_mul_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Signed 64-bit integer multiply, 2-addr version
+ *
+ * We could definately use more free registers for
+ * this code. We must spill %edx (rIBASE) because it
+ * is used by imul. We'll also spill rINST (ebx),
+ * giving us eax, ebc, ecx and rIBASE as computational
+ * temps. On top of that, we'll spill %esi (edi)
+ * for use as the vA pointer and rFP (esi) for use
+ * as the vB pointer. Yuck.
+ */
+ /* mul-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %eax # eax <- BA
+ andb $$0xf, %al # eax <- A
+ CLEAR_WIDE_REF %eax # clear refs in advance
+ sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ mov rPC, LOCAL0(%esp) # save Interpreter PC
+ mov rFP, LOCAL1(%esp) # save FP
+ mov rIBASE, LOCAL2(%esp) # save rIBASE
+ leal (rFP,%eax,4), %esi # esi <- &v[A]
+ leal (rFP,rINST,4), rFP # rFP <- &v[B]
+ movl 4(%esi), %ecx # ecx <- Amsw
+ imull (rFP), %ecx # ecx <- (Amsw*Blsw)
+ movl 4(rFP), %eax # eax <- Bmsw
+ imull (%esi), %eax # eax <- (Bmsw*Alsw)
+ addl %eax, %ecx # ecx <- (Amsw*Blsw)+(Bmsw*Alsw)
+ movl (rFP), %eax # eax <- Blsw
+ mull (%esi) # eax <- (Blsw*Alsw)
+ leal (%ecx,rIBASE), rIBASE # full result now in %edx:%eax
+ movl rIBASE, 4(%esi) # v[A+1] <- rIBASE
+ movl %eax, (%esi) # v[A] <- %eax
+ mov LOCAL0(%esp), rPC # restore Interpreter PC
+ mov LOCAL2(%esp), rIBASE # restore IBASE
+ mov LOCAL1(%esp), rFP # restore FP
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_neg_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_neg_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fac4322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_neg_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/fpcvt.S" {"instr":"fchs","load":"fldl","store":"fstpl","wide":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_neg_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_neg_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30f071b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_neg_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/fpcvt.S" {"instr":"fchs","load":"flds","store":"fstps"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_neg_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_neg_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67d4d18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_neg_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unop.S" {"instr":"negl %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_neg_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_neg_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cc17f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_neg_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax <- v[B+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %ecx # ecx <- v[B+1]
+ negl %eax
+ adcl $$0, %ecx
+ negl %ecx
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[A+0] <- eax
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %ecx rINST # v[A+1] <- ecx
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_new_array.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_new_array.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6852183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_new_array.S
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * Allocate an array of objects, specified with the array class
+ * and a count.
+ *
+ * The verifier guarantees that this is an array class, so we don't
+ * check for it here.
+ */
+ /* new-array vA, vB, class@CCCC */
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ REFRESH_INST ${opnum}
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpNewArray
+ testl %eax, %eax # 0 means an exception is thrown
+ jz MterpPossibleException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_new_instance.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_new_instance.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3632e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_new_instance.S
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Create a new instance of a class.
+ */
+ /* new-instance vAA, class@BBBB */
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ REFRESH_INST ${opnum}
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ call MterpNewInstance
+ testl %eax, %eax # 0 means an exception is thrown
+ jz MterpPossibleException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_nop.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_nop.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cb68e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_nop.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_not_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_not_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..335ab09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_not_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unop.S" {"instr":"notl %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_not_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_not_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55666a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_not_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax %ecx # eax <- v[B+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx %ecx # ecx <- v[B+1]
+ notl %eax
+ notl %ecx
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[A+0] <- eax
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %ecx rINST # v[A+1] <- ecx
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebe2ec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binop.S" {"instr":"orl (rFP,%ecx,4), %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36c17db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binop2addr.S" {"instr":"orl %eax, (rFP,%ecx,4)"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_int_lit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_int_lit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a88ff59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_int_lit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopLit16.S" {"instr":"orl %ecx, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0670b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopLit8.S" {"instr":"orl %ecx, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09ca539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopWide.S" {"instr1":"orl (rFP,%ecx,4), rIBASE", "instr2":"orl 4(rFP,%ecx,4), %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2062e81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_or_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopWide2addr.S" {"instr1":"orl %eax, (rFP,rINST,4)","instr2":"orl %ecx, 4(rFP,rINST,4)"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_packed_switch.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_packed_switch.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e39a48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_packed_switch.S
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+%default { "func":"MterpDoPackedSwitch" }
+ * Handle a packed-switch or sparse-switch instruction. In both cases
+ * we decode it and hand it off to a helper function.
+ *
+ * We don't really expect backward branches in a switch statement, but
+ * they're perfectly legal, so we check for them here.
+ *
+ * for: packed-switch, sparse-switch
+ */
+ /* op vAA, +BBBB */
+ movl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BBBBbbbb
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vAA
+ leal (rPC,%ecx,2), %ecx # ecx <- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # ARG1 <- vAA
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # ARG0 <- switchData
+ call $func
+ addl %eax, %eax
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 1f
+ # REFRESH_IBASE - we did it above.
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b52a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ /* rem_double vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BB
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # %st1 <- fp[vBB]
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(%eax) # %st0 <- fp[vCC]
+ fprem
+ fstsw %ax
+ sahf
+ jp 1b
+ fstp %st(1)
+ fstpl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # fp[vAA] <- %st
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_double_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_double_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a0e669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_double_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ /* rem_double/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # vB to fp stack
+ andb $$0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ fldl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vA to fp stack
+ fprem
+ fstsw %ax
+ sahf
+ jp 1b
+ fstp %st(1)
+ fstpl VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # %st to vA
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05e0bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ /* rem_float vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BB
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vBB to fp stack
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(%eax) # vCC to fp stack
+ fprem
+ fstsw %ax
+ sahf
+ jp 1b
+ fstp %st(1)
+ fstps VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # %st to vAA
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_float_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_float_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29f84e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_float_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ /* rem_float/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # vB to fp stack
+ andb $$0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
+ flds VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vA to fp stack
+ fprem
+ fstsw %ax
+ sahf
+ jp 1b
+ fstp %st(1)
+ fstps VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # %st to vA
+ CLEAR_REF %ecx
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d25b93c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/bindiv.S" {"result":"rIBASE","special":"$0","rem":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c788e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/bindiv2addr.S" {"result":"rIBASE","special":"$0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_int_lit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_int_lit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3df9d39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_int_lit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/bindivLit16.S" {"result":"rIBASE","special":"$0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56e19c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/bindivLit8.S" {"result":"rIBASE","special":"$0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ffe1f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_div_long.S" {"routine":"art_quick_lmod"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b97735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rem_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_div_long_2addr.S" {"routine":"art_quick_lmod"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1658322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return.S
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ * Return a 32-bit value.
+ *
+ * for: return, return-object
+ */
+ /* op vAA */
+ .extern MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ call MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vAA
+ xorl %ecx, %ecx
+ jmp MterpReturn
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12c84b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_return.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return_void.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return_void.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b74446e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return_void.S
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ .extern MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ call MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ xorl %ecx, %ecx
+ jmp MterpReturn
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return_void_no_barrier.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return_void_no_barrier.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abc7c4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return_void_no_barrier.S
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ xorl %ecx, %ecx
+ jmp MterpReturn
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00effd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_return_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ * Return a 64-bit value.
+ */
+ /* return-wide vAA */
+ .extern MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ call MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- v[AA+0]
+ GET_VREG_HIGH %ecx rINST # ecx <- v[AA+1]
+ jmp MterpReturn
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rsub_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rsub_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6449c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rsub_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* this op is "rsub-int", but can be thought of as "rsub-int/lit16" */
+%include "x86/binopLit16.S" {"instr":"subl %eax, %ecx","result":"%ecx"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rsub_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rsub_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15d0e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_rsub_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopLit8.S" {"instr":"subl %eax, %ecx" , "result":"%ecx"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed5aedf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget.S
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+%default { "is_object":"0", "helper":"artGet32StaticFromCode" }
+ * General SGET handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sget, sget-object, sget-boolean, sget-byte, sget-char, sget-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern $helper
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # self
+ call $helper
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException
+ .if $is_object
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+ .else
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A] <- value
+ .endif
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_boolean.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_boolean.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f058dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_boolean.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_sget.S" {"helper":"artGetBooleanStaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_byte.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_byte.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c952f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_byte.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_sget.S" {"helper":"artGetByteStaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_char.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_char.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7bd410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_char.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_sget.S" {"helper":"artGetCharStaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c95f9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_sget.S" {"is_object":"1", "helper":"artGetObjStaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_short.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_short.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6475306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_short.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_sget.S" {"helper":"artGetShortStaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76b993b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sget_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * SGET_WIDE handler wrapper.
+ *
+ */
+ /* sget-wide vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGet64StaticFromCode
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref CCCC
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # self
+ call artGet64StaticFromCode
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ jnz MterpException
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # fp[A]<- low part
+ SET_VREG_HIGH %edx rINST # fp[A+1]<- high part
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a41d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binop1.S" {"instr":"sall %cl, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72abb8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/shop2addr.S" {"instr":"sall %cl, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8d6069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopLit8.S" {"instr":"sall %cl, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56d13e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
+ * binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
+ * distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to mask off the low
+ * 6 bits of the shift distance. x86 shifts automatically mask off
+ * the low 5 bits of %cl, so have to handle the 64 > shiftcount > 31
+ * case specially.
+ */
+ /* shl-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ /* ecx gets shift count */
+ /* Need to spill rINST */
+ /* rINSTw gets AA */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ movl rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ GET_VREG_HIGH rIBASE %eax # ecx <- v[BB+1]
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB+0]
+ shldl %eax,rIBASE
+ sall %cl, %eax
+ testb $$32, %cl
+ je 2f
+ movl %eax, rIBASE
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[AA+0] <- %eax
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5da873f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shl_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Long integer shift, 2addr version. vA is 64-bit value/result, vB is
+ * 32-bit shift distance.
+ */
+ /* shl-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ /* ecx gets shift count */
+ /* Need to spill rIBASE */
+ /* rINSTw gets AA */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- v[AA+0]
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ movl rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vBB
+ shldl %eax, rIBASE
+ sall %cl, %eax
+ testb $$32, %cl
+ je 2f
+ movl %eax, rIBASE
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[AA+0] <- eax
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..687b2c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binop1.S" {"instr":"sarl %cl, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..533b0e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/shop2addr.S" {"instr":"sarl %cl, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebd1bea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopLit8.S" {"instr":"sarl %cl, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4490a9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
+ * binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
+ * distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to mask off the low
+ * 6 bits of the shift distance. x86 shifts automatically mask off
+ * the low 5 bits of %cl, so have to handle the 64 > shiftcount > 31
+ * case specially.
+ */
+ /* shr-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ /* ecx gets shift count */
+ /* Need to spill rIBASE */
+ /* rINSTw gets AA */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ movl rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ GET_VREG_HIGH rIBASE %eax # rIBASE<- v[BB+1]
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB+0]
+ shrdl rIBASE, %eax
+ sarl %cl, rIBASE
+ testb $$32, %cl
+ je 2f
+ movl rIBASE, %eax
+ sarl $$31, rIBASE
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[AA+0] <- eax
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57494f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Long integer shift, 2addr version. vA is 64-bit value/result, vB is
+ * 32-bit shift distance.
+ */
+ /* shl-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ /* ecx gets shift count */
+ /* Need to spill rIBASE */
+ /* rINSTw gets AA */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- v[AA+0]
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ movl rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vBB
+ shrdl rIBASE, %eax
+ sarl %cl, rIBASE
+ testb $$32, %cl
+ je 2f
+ movl rIBASE, %eax
+ sarl $$31, rIBASE
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[AA+0] <- eax
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sparse_switch.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sparse_switch.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdaec47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sparse_switch.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_packed_switch.S" { "func":"MterpDoSparseSwitch" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04a8f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput.S
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+%default { "helper":"artSet32StaticFromCode"}
+ * General SPUT handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sput, sput-boolean, sput-byte, sput-char, sput-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern $helper
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref BBBB
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # fp[AA]
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # referrer
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call $helper
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_boolean.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_boolean.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63601bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_boolean.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_sput.S" {"helper":"artSet8StaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_byte.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_byte.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63601bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_byte.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_sput.S" {"helper":"artSet8StaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_char.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_char.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1749f7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_char.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_sput.S" {"helper":"artSet16StaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0480e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ leal OFF_FP_SHADOWFRAME(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
+ movl rPC, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
+ REFRESH_INST ${opnum}
+ movl rINST, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp)
+ call MterpSputObject
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz MterpException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_short.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_short.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1749f7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_short.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/op_sput.S" {"helper":"artSet16StaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d58d5af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sput_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * SPUT_WIDE handler wrapper.
+ *
+ */
+ /* sput-wide vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artSet64IndirectStaticFromMterp
+ movzwl 2(rPC), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # field ref BBBB
+ movl OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # referrer
+ leal VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %eax
+ movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # &fp[AA]
+ movl rSELF, %ecx
+ movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # self
+ call artSet64IndirectStaticFromMterp
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jnz MterpException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e83afeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop.S" {"instr":"subs","suff":"d"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_double_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_double_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af9a2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_double_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop2Addr.S" {"instr":"subs","suff":"d"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..423d834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop.S" {"instr":"subs","suff":"s"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_float_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_float_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18de000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_float_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/sseBinop2Addr.S" {"instr":"subs","suff":"s"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fe03fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binop.S" {"instr":"subl (rFP,%ecx,4), %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc9bf60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binop2addr.S" {"instr":"subl %eax, (rFP,%ecx,4)"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014591e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopWide.S" {"instr1":"subl (rFP,%ecx,4), rIBASE", "instr2":"sbbl 4(rFP,%ecx,4), %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7498029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_sub_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopWide2addr.S" {"instr1":"subl %eax, (rFP,rINST,4)","instr2":"sbbl %ecx, 4(rFP,rINST,4)"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_throw.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_throw.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15b20b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_throw.S
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ * Throw an exception object in the current thread.
+ */
+ /* throw vAA */
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax<- vAA (exception object)
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz common_errNullObject
+ movl rSELF,%ecx
+ movl %eax, THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET(%ecx)
+ jmp MterpException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_3e.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_3e.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_3e.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_3f.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_3f.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_3f.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_40.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_40.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_40.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_41.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_41.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_41.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_42.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_42.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_42.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_43.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_43.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_43.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_79.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_79.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_79.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_7a.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_7a.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_7a.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_f4.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_f4.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_f4.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fa.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fa.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fa.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fb.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fb.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fb.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fc.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fc.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fc.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fd.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fd.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fd.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fe.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fe.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_fe.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_ff.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_ff.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d98c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_unused_ff.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfe25ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binop1.S" {"instr":"shrl %cl, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c14bc98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/shop2addr.S" {"instr":"shrl %cl, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e129f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopLit8.S" {"instr":"shrl %cl, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..287946e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
+ * binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
+ * distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to mask off the low
+ * 6 bits of the shift distance. x86 shifts automatically mask off
+ * the low 5 bits of %cl, so have to handle the 64 > shiftcount > 31
+ * case specially.
+ */
+ /* shr-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ /* ecx gets shift count */
+ /* Need to spill rIBASE */
+ /* rINSTw gets AA */
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %eax # eax <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- CC
+ movl rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ GET_VREG_HIGH rIBASE %eax # rIBASE <- v[BB+1]
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vCC
+ GET_VREG %eax %eax # eax <- v[BB+0]
+ shrdl rIBASE, %eax
+ shrl %cl, rIBASE
+ testb $$32, %cl
+ je 2f
+ movl rIBASE, %eax
+ xorl rIBASE, rIBASE
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[BB+0] <- eax
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39c2724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_ushr_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Long integer shift, 2addr version. vA is 64-bit value/result, vB is
+ * 32-bit shift distance.
+ */
+ /* shl-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ /* ecx gets shift count */
+ /* Need to spill rIBASE */
+ /* rINSTw gets AA */
+ movzbl rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- BA
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- v[AA+0]
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ movl rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # ecx <- vBB
+ shrdl rIBASE, %eax
+ shrl %cl, rIBASE
+ testb $$32, %cl
+ je 2f
+ movl rIBASE, %eax
+ xorl rIBASE, rIBASE
+ movl LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
+ SET_VREG %eax rINST # v[AA+0] <- eax
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35aca6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binop.S" {"instr":"xorl (rFP,%ecx,4), %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7b70e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binop2addr.S" {"instr":"xorl %eax, (rFP,%ecx,4)"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_int_lit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_int_lit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..115f0a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_int_lit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopLit16.S" {"instr":"xorl %ecx, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..243971c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopLit8.S" {"instr":"xorl %ecx, %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d3c0f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopWide.S" {"instr1":"xorl (rFP,%ecx,4), rIBASE", "instr2":"xorl 4(rFP,%ecx,4), %eax"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5000e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_xor_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "x86/binopWide2addr.S" {"instr1":"xorl %eax, (rFP,rINST,4)","instr2":"xorl %ecx, 4(rFP,rINST,4)"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/shop2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/shop2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94d3545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/shop2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+%default {"result":"%eax"}
+ * Generic 32-bit "shift/2addr" operation.
+ */
+ /* shift/2addr vA, vB */
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # eax <- BA
+ sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx <- B
+ GET_VREG %ecx %ecx # eax <- vBB
+ andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vAA
+ $instr # ex: sarl %cl, %eax
+ SET_VREG $result rINST
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/sseBinop.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/sseBinop.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63a1e21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/sseBinop.S
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+%default {"instr":"","suff":""}
+ movzbl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- BB
+ movzbl 3(rPC), %eax # eax <- CC
+ movs${suff} VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ ${instr}${suff} VREG_ADDRESS(%eax), %xmm0
+ movs${suff} %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # vAA <- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movs${suff} %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/sseBinop2Addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/sseBinop2Addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d157e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/sseBinop2Addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+%default {"instr":"","suff":""}
+ movzx rINSTbl, %ecx # ecx <- A+
+ andl $$0xf, %ecx # ecx <- A
+ movs${suff} VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx), %xmm0 # %xmm0 <- 1st src
+ sarl $$4, rINST # rINST<- B
+ ${instr}${suff} VREG_ADDRESS(rINST), %xmm0
+ movs${suff} %xmm0, VREG_ADDRESS(%ecx) # vAA<- %xmm0
+ pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
+ movs${suff} %xmm0, VREG_REF_ADDRESS(rINST) # clear ref
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/unop.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/unop.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00d3e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/unop.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+%default {"instr":""}
+ * Generic 32-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op eax".
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ movzbl rINSTbl,%ecx # ecx <- A+
+ sarl $$4,rINST # rINST <- B
+ GET_VREG %eax rINST # eax <- vB
+ andb $$0xf,%cl # ecx <- A
+ $instr
+ SET_VREG %eax %ecx
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/unused.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/unused.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c95ef94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/unused.S
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ jmp MterpFallback
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/zcmp.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/zcmp.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ce4f0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/zcmp.S
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * Generic one-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * for: if-eqz, if-nez, if-ltz, if-gez, if-gtz, if-lez
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vAA, +BBBB */
+ cmpl $$0, VREG_ADDRESS(rINST) # compare (vA, 0)
+ movl $$2, %eax # assume branch not taken
+ j${revcmp} 1f
+ movswl 2(rPC),%eax # fetch signed displacement
+ addl %eax, %eax # eax <- AA * 2
+ leal (rPC, %eax), rPC
+ jg 2f # AA * 2 > 0 => no suspend check
+ jmp MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue