ART: Implement scalar loop peeling.

Implement scalar loop peeling for invariant exits elimination
(on arm64). If the loop exit condition is loop invariant then
loop peeling + GVN + DCE can eliminate this exit in the loop
body. Note: GVN and DCE aren't applied during loop optimizations.

Note: this functionality is turned off by default now.

Test: test-art-host, test-art-target, boot-to-gui.

Change-Id: I98d20054a431838b452dc06bd25c075eb445960c
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/loop_analysis.h b/compiler/optimizing/loop_analysis.h
index bad406f..ece9858 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/loop_analysis.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/loop_analysis.h
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
       : bb_num_(0),
+        has_instructions_preventing_scalar_peeling_(false),
         loop_info_(loop_info) {}
@@ -40,6 +41,10 @@
   size_t GetNumberOfInstructions() const { return instr_num_; }
   size_t GetNumberOfExits() const { return exits_num_; }
+  bool HasInstructionsPreventingScalarPeeling() const {
+    return has_instructions_preventing_scalar_peeling_;
+  }
   bool HasInstructionsPreventingScalarUnrolling() const {
     return has_instructions_preventing_scalar_unrolling_;
@@ -53,6 +58,8 @@
   size_t instr_num_;
   // Number of loop's exits.
   size_t exits_num_;
+  // Whether the loop has instructions which make scalar loop peeling non-beneficial.
+  bool has_instructions_preventing_scalar_peeling_;
   // Whether the loop has instructions which make scalar loop unrolling non-beneficial.
   bool has_instructions_preventing_scalar_unrolling_;
@@ -71,22 +78,35 @@
   static void CalculateLoopBasicProperties(HLoopInformation* loop_info,
                                            LoopAnalysisInfo* analysis_results);
+  // Returns whether the loop has at least one loop invariant exit.
+  static bool HasLoopAtLeastOneInvariantExit(HLoopInformation* loop_info);
+  // Returns whether HIf's true or false successor is outside the specified loop.
+  //
+  // Prerequisite: HIf must be in the specified loop.
+  static bool IsLoopExit(HLoopInformation* loop_info, const HIf* hif) {
+    DCHECK(loop_info->Contains(*hif->GetBlock()));
+    HBasicBlock* true_succ = hif->IfTrueSuccessor();
+    HBasicBlock* false_succ = hif->IfFalseSuccessor();
+    return (!loop_info->Contains(*true_succ) || !loop_info->Contains(*false_succ));
+  }
-  // Returns whether an instruction makes scalar loop unrolling non-beneficial.
+  // Returns whether an instruction makes scalar loop peeling/unrolling non-beneficial.
   // If in the loop body we have a dex/runtime call then its contribution to the whole
-  // loop performance will probably prevail. So unrolling optimization will not bring
-  // any noticeable performance improvement however will increase the code size.
-  static bool MakesScalarUnrollingNonBeneficial(HInstruction* instruction) {
+  // loop performance will probably prevail. So peeling/unrolling optimization will not bring
+  // any noticeable performance improvement. It will increase the code size.
+  static bool MakesScalarPeelingUnrollingNonBeneficial(HInstruction* instruction) {
     return (instruction->IsNewArray() ||
         instruction->IsNewInstance() ||
         instruction->IsUnresolvedInstanceFieldGet() ||
         instruction->IsUnresolvedInstanceFieldSet() ||
         instruction->IsUnresolvedStaticFieldGet() ||
         instruction->IsUnresolvedStaticFieldSet() ||
-        // TODO: Unroll loops with intrinsified invokes.
+        // TODO: Support loops with intrinsified invokes.
         instruction->IsInvoke() ||
-        // TODO: Unroll loops with ClinitChecks.
+        // TODO: Support loops with ClinitChecks.
@@ -105,14 +125,14 @@
   // doesn't support loop peeling and unrolling.
   static ArchDefaultLoopHelper* Create(InstructionSet isa, ArenaAllocator* allocator);
-  // Returns whether the loop is too big for loop unrolling by checking its total number of
+  // Returns whether the loop is too big for loop peeling/unrolling by checking its total number of
   // basic blocks and instructions.
-  // If the loop body has too many instructions then unrolling optimization will not bring
+  // If the loop body has too many instructions then peeling/unrolling optimization will not bring
   // any noticeable performance improvement however will increase the code size.
   // Returns 'true' by default, should be overridden by particular target loop helper.
-  virtual bool IsLoopTooBigForScalarUnrolling(
+  virtual bool IsLoopTooBigForScalarPeelingUnrolling(
       LoopAnalysisInfo* loop_analysis_info ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const { return true; }
   // Returns optimal scalar unrolling factor for the loop.
@@ -123,6 +143,11 @@
     return kNoUnrollingFactor;
+  // Returns whether scalar loop peeling is enabled,
+  //
+  // Returns 'false' by default, should be overridden by particular target loop helper.
+  virtual bool IsLoopPeelingEnabled() const { return false; }
   // Returns optimal SIMD unrolling factor for the loop.
   // Returns kNoUnrollingFactor by default, should be overridden by particular target loop helper.