Some common frontend tidying.

Change-Id: I1fa955cf8c4be45887e63085cbc2637569b7e545
diff --git a/src/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h b/src/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h
index 2f91787..8329010 100644
--- a/src/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h
+++ b/src/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h
@@ -117,313 +117,282 @@
 extern const int oat_data_flow_attributes[kMirOpLast];
 class MIRGraph {
-  public:
-    MIRGraph(CompilationUnit* cu);
-    ~MIRGraph() {}
+ public:
+  MIRGraph(CompilationUnit* cu);
+  ~MIRGraph() {}
-    /*
-     * Parse dex method and add MIR at current insert point.  Returns id (which is
-     * actually the index of the method in the m_units_ array).
-     */
-    void InlineMethod(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, uint32_t access_flags,
-                      InvokeType invoke_type, uint32_t class_def_idx,
-                      uint32_t method_idx, jobject class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file);
+  /*
+   * Parse dex method and add MIR at current insert point.  Returns id (which is
+   * actually the index of the method in the m_units_ array).
+   */
+  void InlineMethod(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, uint32_t access_flags,
+                    InvokeType invoke_type, uint32_t class_def_idx,
+                    uint32_t method_idx, jobject class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file);
-    /* Find existing block */
-    BasicBlock* FindBlock(unsigned int code_offset)
-    {
-      return FindBlock(code_offset, false, false, NULL);
-    }
+  /* Find existing block */
+  BasicBlock* FindBlock(unsigned int code_offset) {
+    return FindBlock(code_offset, false, false, NULL);
+  }
-    const uint16_t* GetCurrentInsns()
-    {
-      return current_code_item_->insns_;
-    }
+  const uint16_t* GetCurrentInsns() const {
+    return current_code_item_->insns_;
+  }
-    const uint16_t* GetInsns(int m_unit_index)
-    {
-      return m_units_[m_unit_index]->GetCodeItem()->insns_;
-    }
+  const uint16_t* GetInsns(int m_unit_index) const {
+    return m_units_[m_unit_index]->GetCodeItem()->insns_;
+  }
-    int GetNumBlocks()
-    {
-      return num_blocks_;
-    }
+  int GetNumBlocks() const {
+    return num_blocks_;
+  }
-    ArenaBitVector* GetTryBlockAddr()
-    {
-      return try_block_addr_;
-    }
+  ArenaBitVector* GetTryBlockAddr() const {
+    return try_block_addr_;
+  }
-    BasicBlock* GetEntryBlock()
-    {
-      return entry_block_;
-    }
+  BasicBlock* GetEntryBlock() const {
+    return entry_block_;
+  }
-    BasicBlock* GetExitBlock()
-    {
-      return exit_block_;
-    }
+  BasicBlock* GetExitBlock() const {
+    return exit_block_;
+  }
-    GrowableListIterator GetBasicBlockIterator()
-    {
-      GrowableListIterator iterator;
-      GrowableListIteratorInit(&block_list_, &iterator);
-      return iterator;
-    }
+  GrowableListIterator GetBasicBlockIterator() {
+    GrowableListIterator iterator;
+    GrowableListIteratorInit(&block_list_, &iterator);
+    return iterator;
+  }
-    BasicBlock* GetBasicBlock(int block_id)
-    {
-      return reinterpret_cast<BasicBlock*>(GrowableListGetElement(&block_list_, block_id));
-    }
+  BasicBlock* GetBasicBlock(int block_id) const {
+    return reinterpret_cast<BasicBlock*>(GrowableListGetElement(&block_list_, block_id));
+  }
-    size_t GetBasicBlockListCount()
-    {
-      return block_list_.num_used;
-    }
+  size_t GetBasicBlockListCount() const {
+    return block_list_.num_used;
+  }
-    GrowableList* GetBlockList()
-    {
-      return &block_list_;
-    }
+  GrowableList* GetBlockList() {
+    return &block_list_;
+  }
-    GrowableList* GetDfsOrder()
-    {
-      return &dfs_order_;
-    }
+  GrowableList* GetDfsOrder() {
+    return &dfs_order_;
+  }
-    GrowableList* GetDfsPostOrder()
-    {
-      return &dfs_post_order_;
-    }
+  GrowableList* GetDfsPostOrder() {
+    return &dfs_post_order_;
+  }
-    GrowableList* GetDomPostOrder()
-    {
-      return &dom_post_order_traversal_;
-    }
+  GrowableList* GetDomPostOrder() {
+    return &dom_post_order_traversal_;
+  }
-    GrowableList* GetSSASubscripts()
-    {
-      return ssa_subscripts_;
-    }
+  GrowableList* GetSSASubscripts() {
+    return ssa_subscripts_;
+  }
-    int GetDefCount()
-    {
-      return def_count_;
-    }
+  int GetDefCount() const {
+    return def_count_;
+  }
-    void EnableOpcodeCounting()
-    {
-      opcode_count_ = static_cast<int*>(NewMem(cu_, kNumPackedOpcodes * sizeof(int), true,
-                                        kAllocMisc));
-    }
+  void EnableOpcodeCounting() {
+    opcode_count_ = static_cast<int*>(NewMem(cu_, kNumPackedOpcodes * sizeof(int), true,
+                                             kAllocMisc));
+  }
-    void ShowOpcodeStats();
+  void ShowOpcodeStats();
-    DexCompilationUnit* GetCurrentDexCompilationUnit()
-    {
-      return m_units_[current_method_];
-    }
+  DexCompilationUnit* GetCurrentDexCompilationUnit() const {
+    return m_units_[current_method_];
+  }
-    void DumpCFG(const char* dir_prefix, bool all_blocks);
+  void DumpCFG(const char* dir_prefix, bool all_blocks);
-    void BuildRegLocations();
+  void BuildRegLocations();
-    void DumpRegLocTable(RegLocation* table, int count);
+  void DumpRegLocTable(RegLocation* table, int count);
-    int ComputeFrameSize();
+  int ComputeFrameSize();
-    void BasicBlockOptimization();
+  void BasicBlockOptimization();
-    bool IsConst(int32_t s_reg)
-    {
-      return (IsBitSet(is_constant_v_, s_reg));
-    }
+  bool IsConst(int32_t s_reg) const {
+    return (IsBitSet(is_constant_v_, s_reg));
+  }
-    bool IsConst(RegLocation loc)
-    {
-      return (IsConst(loc.orig_sreg));
-    }
+  bool IsConst(RegLocation loc) const {
+    return (IsConst(loc.orig_sreg));
+  }
-    int32_t ConstantValue(RegLocation loc)
-    {
-      DCHECK(IsConst(loc));
-      return constant_values_[loc.orig_sreg];
-    }
+  int32_t ConstantValue(RegLocation loc) const {
+    DCHECK(IsConst(loc));
+    return constant_values_[loc.orig_sreg];
+  }
-    int32_t ConstantValue(int32_t s_reg)
-    {
-      DCHECK(IsConst(s_reg));
-      return constant_values_[s_reg];
-    }
+  int32_t ConstantValue(int32_t s_reg) const {
+    DCHECK(IsConst(s_reg));
+    return constant_values_[s_reg];
+  }
-    int64_t ConstantValueWide(RegLocation loc)
-    {
-      DCHECK(IsConst(loc));
-      return (static_cast<int64_t>(constant_values_[loc.orig_sreg + 1]) << 32) |
-          Low32Bits(static_cast<int64_t>(constant_values_[loc.orig_sreg]));
-    }
+  int64_t ConstantValueWide(RegLocation loc) const {
+    DCHECK(IsConst(loc));
+    return (static_cast<int64_t>(constant_values_[loc.orig_sreg + 1]) << 32) |
+        Low32Bits(static_cast<int64_t>(constant_values_[loc.orig_sreg]));
+  }
-    bool IsConstantNullRef(RegLocation loc)
-    {
-      return loc.ref && loc.is_const && (ConstantValue(loc) == 0);
-    }
+  bool IsConstantNullRef(RegLocation loc) const {
+    return loc.ref && loc.is_const && (ConstantValue(loc) == 0);
+  }
-    int GetNumSSARegs()
-    {
-      return num_ssa_regs_;
-    }
+  int GetNumSSARegs() const {
+    return num_ssa_regs_;
+  }
-    void SetNumSSARegs(int new_num)
-    {
-      num_ssa_regs_ = new_num;
-    }
+  void SetNumSSARegs(int new_num) {
+    num_ssa_regs_ = new_num;
+  }
-    int GetNumReachableBlocks()
-    {
-      return num_reachable_blocks_;
-    }
+  int GetNumReachableBlocks() const {
+    return num_reachable_blocks_;
+  }
-    int GetUseCount(int vreg)
-    {
-      return GrowableListGetElement(&use_counts_, vreg);
-    }
+  int GetUseCount(int vreg) const {
+    return GrowableListGetElement(&use_counts_, vreg);
+  }
-    int GetRawUseCount(int vreg)
-    {
-      return GrowableListGetElement(&raw_use_counts_, vreg);
-    }
+  int GetRawUseCount(int vreg) const {
+    return GrowableListGetElement(&raw_use_counts_, vreg);
+  }
-    int GetSSASubscript(int ssa_reg)
-    {
-      return GrowableListGetElement(ssa_subscripts_, ssa_reg);
-    }
+  int GetSSASubscript(int ssa_reg) const {
+    return GrowableListGetElement(ssa_subscripts_, ssa_reg);
+  }
-    const char* GetSSAString(int ssa_reg)
-    {
-      return GET_ELEM_N(ssa_strings_, char*, ssa_reg);
-    }
+  const char* GetSSAString(int ssa_reg) const {
+    return GET_ELEM_N(ssa_strings_, char*, ssa_reg);
+  }
-    void BasicBlockCombine();
-    void CodeLayout();
-    void DumpCheckStats();
-    void PropagateConstants();
-    MIR* FindMoveResult(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir);
-    int SRegToVReg(int ssa_reg);
-    void VerifyDataflow();
-    void MethodUseCount();
-    void SSATransformation();
-    void CheckForDominanceFrontier(BasicBlock* dom_bb, const BasicBlock* succ_bb);
-    void NullCheckElimination();
+  void BasicBlockCombine();
+  void CodeLayout();
+  void DumpCheckStats();
+  void PropagateConstants();
+  MIR* FindMoveResult(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir);
+  int SRegToVReg(int ssa_reg) const;
+  void VerifyDataflow();
+  void MethodUseCount();
+  void SSATransformation();
+  void CheckForDominanceFrontier(BasicBlock* dom_bb, const BasicBlock* succ_bb);
+  void NullCheckElimination();
-    /*
-     * IsDebugBuild sanity check: keep track of the Dex PCs for catch entries so that later on
-     * we can verify that all catch entries have native PC entries.
-     */
-    std::set<uint32_t> catches_;
+  /*
+   * IsDebugBuild sanity check: keep track of the Dex PCs for catch entries so that later on
+   * we can verify that all catch entries have native PC entries.
+   */
+   std::set<uint32_t> catches_;
-  private:
+ private:
-    int FindCommonParent(int block1, int block2);
-    void ComputeSuccLineIn(ArenaBitVector* dest, const ArenaBitVector* src1,
-                           const ArenaBitVector* src2);
-    void HandleLiveInUse(ArenaBitVector* use_v, ArenaBitVector* def_v,
-                                ArenaBitVector* live_in_v, int dalvik_reg_id);
-    void HandleDef(ArenaBitVector* def_v, int dalvik_reg_id);
-    void CompilerInitializeSSAConversion();
-    bool DoSSAConversion(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool InvokeUsesMethodStar(MIR* mir);
-    int ParseInsn(const uint16_t* code_ptr, DecodedInstruction* decoded_instruction);
-    bool ContentIsInsn(const uint16_t* code_ptr);
-    BasicBlock* SplitBlock(unsigned int code_offset, BasicBlock* orig_block,
-                           BasicBlock** immed_pred_block_p);
-    BasicBlock* FindBlock(unsigned int code_offset, bool split, bool create,
+   int FindCommonParent(int block1, int block2);
+   void ComputeSuccLineIn(ArenaBitVector* dest, const ArenaBitVector* src1,
+                          const ArenaBitVector* src2);
+   void HandleLiveInUse(ArenaBitVector* use_v, ArenaBitVector* def_v,
+                        ArenaBitVector* live_in_v, int dalvik_reg_id);
+   void HandleDef(ArenaBitVector* def_v, int dalvik_reg_id);
+   void CompilerInitializeSSAConversion();
+   bool DoSSAConversion(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool InvokeUsesMethodStar(MIR* mir);
+   int ParseInsn(const uint16_t* code_ptr, DecodedInstruction* decoded_instruction);
+   bool ContentIsInsn(const uint16_t* code_ptr);
+   BasicBlock* SplitBlock(unsigned int code_offset, BasicBlock* orig_block,
                           BasicBlock** immed_pred_block_p);
-    void ProcessTryCatchBlocks();
-    BasicBlock* ProcessCanBranch(BasicBlock* cur_block, MIR* insn, int cur_offset, int width,
-                                 int flags, const uint16_t* code_ptr, const uint16_t* code_end);
-    void ProcessCanSwitch(BasicBlock* cur_block, MIR* insn, int cur_offset, int width, int flags);
-    BasicBlock* ProcessCanThrow(BasicBlock* cur_block, MIR* insn, int cur_offset, int width,
-                                int flags, ArenaBitVector* try_block_addr, const uint16_t* code_ptr,
-                                const uint16_t* code_end);
-    int AddNewSReg(int v_reg);
-    void HandleSSAUse(int* uses, int dalvik_reg, int reg_index);
-    void HandleSSADef(int* defs, int dalvik_reg, int reg_index);
-    void DataFlowSSAFormat35C(MIR* mir);
-    void DataFlowSSAFormat3RC(MIR* mir);
-    bool FindLocalLiveIn(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool ClearVisitedFlag(struct BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool CountUses(struct BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool InferTypeAndSize(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool VerifyPredInfo(BasicBlock* bb);
-    BasicBlock* NeedsVisit(BasicBlock* bb);
-    BasicBlock* NextUnvisitedSuccessor(BasicBlock* bb);
-    void MarkPreOrder(BasicBlock* bb);
-    void RecordDFSOrders(BasicBlock* bb);
-    void ComputeDFSOrders();
-    void ComputeDefBlockMatrix();
-    void ComputeDomPostOrderTraversal(BasicBlock* bb);
-    void ComputeDominators();
-    void InsertPhiNodes();
-    void DoDFSPreOrderSSARename(BasicBlock* block);
-    void SetConstant(int32_t ssa_reg, int value);
-    void SetConstantWide(int ssa_reg, int64_t value);
-    int GetSSAUseCount(int s_reg);
-    bool BasicBlockOpt(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool EliminateNullChecks(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool NullCheckEliminationInit(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool BuildExtendedBBList(struct BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool FillDefBlockMatrix(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool InitializeDominationInfo(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool ComputeblockIDom(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool ComputeBlockDominators(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool SetDominators(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool ComputeBlockLiveIns(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool InsertPhiNodeOperands(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool ComputeDominanceFrontier(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool DoConstantPropogation(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool CountChecks(BasicBlock* bb);
-    bool CombineBlocks(BasicBlock* bb);
+   BasicBlock* FindBlock(unsigned int code_offset, bool split, bool create,
+                         BasicBlock** immed_pred_block_p);
+   void ProcessTryCatchBlocks();
+   BasicBlock* ProcessCanBranch(BasicBlock* cur_block, MIR* insn, int cur_offset, int width,
+                                int flags, const uint16_t* code_ptr, const uint16_t* code_end);
+   void ProcessCanSwitch(BasicBlock* cur_block, MIR* insn, int cur_offset, int width, int flags);
+   BasicBlock* ProcessCanThrow(BasicBlock* cur_block, MIR* insn, int cur_offset, int width,
+                               int flags, ArenaBitVector* try_block_addr, const uint16_t* code_ptr,
+                               const uint16_t* code_end);
+   int AddNewSReg(int v_reg);
+   void HandleSSAUse(int* uses, int dalvik_reg, int reg_index);
+   void HandleSSADef(int* defs, int dalvik_reg, int reg_index);
+   void DataFlowSSAFormat35C(MIR* mir);
+   void DataFlowSSAFormat3RC(MIR* mir);
+   bool FindLocalLiveIn(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool ClearVisitedFlag(struct BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool CountUses(struct BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool InferTypeAndSize(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool VerifyPredInfo(BasicBlock* bb);
+   BasicBlock* NeedsVisit(BasicBlock* bb);
+   BasicBlock* NextUnvisitedSuccessor(BasicBlock* bb);
+   void MarkPreOrder(BasicBlock* bb);
+   void RecordDFSOrders(BasicBlock* bb);
+   void ComputeDFSOrders();
+   void ComputeDefBlockMatrix();
+   void ComputeDomPostOrderTraversal(BasicBlock* bb);
+   void ComputeDominators();
+   void InsertPhiNodes();
+   void DoDFSPreOrderSSARename(BasicBlock* block);
+   void SetConstant(int32_t ssa_reg, int value);
+   void SetConstantWide(int ssa_reg, int64_t value);
+   int GetSSAUseCount(int s_reg);
+   bool BasicBlockOpt(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool EliminateNullChecks(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool NullCheckEliminationInit(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool BuildExtendedBBList(struct BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool FillDefBlockMatrix(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool InitializeDominationInfo(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool ComputeblockIDom(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool ComputeBlockDominators(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool SetDominators(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool ComputeBlockLiveIns(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool InsertPhiNodeOperands(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool ComputeDominanceFrontier(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool DoConstantPropogation(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool CountChecks(BasicBlock* bb);
+   bool CombineBlocks(BasicBlock* bb);
-    CompilationUnit* cu_;
-    GrowableList* ssa_base_vregs_;
-    GrowableList* ssa_subscripts_;
-    GrowableList* ssa_strings_;
-    // Map original Dalvik virtual reg i to the current SSA name.
-    int* vreg_to_ssa_map_;            // length == method->registers_size
-    int* ssa_last_defs_;              // length == method->registers_size
-    ArenaBitVector* is_constant_v_;   // length == num_ssa_reg
-    int* constant_values_;            // length == num_ssa_reg
-    // Use counts of ssa names.
-    GrowableList use_counts_;         // Weighted by nesting depth
-    GrowableList raw_use_counts_;     // Not weighted
-    int num_reachable_blocks_;
-    GrowableList dfs_order_;
-    GrowableList dfs_post_order_;
-    GrowableList dom_post_order_traversal_;
-    int* i_dom_list_;
-    ArenaBitVector** def_block_matrix_;    // num_dalvik_register x num_blocks.
-    ArenaBitVector* temp_block_v_;
-    ArenaBitVector* temp_dalvik_register_v_;
-    ArenaBitVector* temp_ssa_register_v_;  // num_ssa_regs.
-    static const int kInvalidEntry = -1;
-    GrowableList block_list_;
-    ArenaBitVector* try_block_addr_;
-    BasicBlock* entry_block_;
-    BasicBlock* exit_block_;
-    BasicBlock* cur_block_;
-    int num_blocks_;
-    const DexFile::CodeItem* current_code_item_;
-    SafeMap<unsigned int, BasicBlock*> block_map_; // FindBlock lookup cache.
-    std::vector<DexCompilationUnit*> m_units_;     // List of methods included in this graph
-    typedef std::pair<int, int> MIRLocation;       // Insert point, (m_unit_ index, offset)
-    std::vector<MIRLocation> method_stack_;        // Include stack
-    int current_method_;
-    int current_offset_;
-    int def_count_;                                // Used to estimate size of ssa name storage.
-    int* opcode_count_;                            // Dex opcode coverage stats.
-    int num_ssa_regs_;                             // Number of names following SSA transformation.
-    std::vector<BasicBlock*> extended_basic_blocks_; // Heads of block "traces".
+   CompilationUnit* const cu_;
+   GrowableList* ssa_base_vregs_;
+   GrowableList* ssa_subscripts_;
+   GrowableList* ssa_strings_;
+   // Map original Dalvik virtual reg i to the current SSA name.
+   int* vreg_to_ssa_map_;            // length == method->registers_size
+   int* ssa_last_defs_;              // length == method->registers_size
+   ArenaBitVector* is_constant_v_;   // length == num_ssa_reg
+   int* constant_values_;            // length == num_ssa_reg
+   // Use counts of ssa names.
+   GrowableList use_counts_;         // Weighted by nesting depth
+   GrowableList raw_use_counts_;     // Not weighted
+   int num_reachable_blocks_;
+   GrowableList dfs_order_;
+   GrowableList dfs_post_order_;
+   GrowableList dom_post_order_traversal_;
+   int* i_dom_list_;
+   ArenaBitVector** def_block_matrix_;    // num_dalvik_register x num_blocks.
+   ArenaBitVector* temp_block_v_;
+   ArenaBitVector* temp_dalvik_register_v_;
+   ArenaBitVector* temp_ssa_register_v_;  // num_ssa_regs.
+   static const int kInvalidEntry = -1;
+   GrowableList block_list_;
+   ArenaBitVector* try_block_addr_;
+   BasicBlock* entry_block_;
+   BasicBlock* exit_block_;
+   BasicBlock* cur_block_;
+   int num_blocks_;
+   const DexFile::CodeItem* current_code_item_;
+   SafeMap<unsigned int, BasicBlock*> block_map_; // FindBlock lookup cache.
+   std::vector<DexCompilationUnit*> m_units_;     // List of methods included in this graph
+   typedef std::pair<int, int> MIRLocation;       // Insert point, (m_unit_ index, offset)
+   std::vector<MIRLocation> method_stack_;        // Include stack
+   int current_method_;
+   int current_offset_;
+   int def_count_;                                // Used to estimate size of ssa name storage.
+   int* opcode_count_;                            // Dex opcode coverage stats.
+   int num_ssa_regs_;                             // Number of names following SSA transformation.
+   std::vector<BasicBlock*> extended_basic_blocks_; // Heads of block "traces".
 }  // namespace art