Optimizations around escape analysis. With tests.

(1) added new intrinsics
(2) implemented optimizations
      more !can be null information
      more null check removals
      replace return-this uses with incoming parameter
      remove dead StringBuffer/Builder calls (with escape analysis)
(3) Fixed exposed bug in CanBeMoved()

Performance gain:
This improves CafeineString by about 360%
(removes null check from first loop, eliminates second loop completely)

Test: test-art-host

Change-Id: Iaf16a1b9cab6a7386f43d71c6b51dd59600e81c1
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/load_store_elimination.cc b/compiler/optimizing/load_store_elimination.cc
index edecf17..2856c3e 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/load_store_elimination.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/load_store_elimination.cc
@@ -37,8 +37,13 @@
       : reference_(reference),
-        is_singleton_and_non_escaping_(true) {
-    CalculateEscape(reference_, nullptr, &is_singleton_, &is_singleton_and_non_escaping_);
+        is_singleton_and_not_returned_(true),
+        is_singleton_and_not_deopt_visible_(true) {
+    CalculateEscape(reference_,
+                    nullptr,
+                    &is_singleton_,
+                    &is_singleton_and_not_returned_,
+                    &is_singleton_and_not_deopt_visible_);
   HInstruction* GetReference() const {
@@ -59,19 +64,17 @@
   // Returns true if reference_ is a singleton and not returned to the caller or
   // used as an environment local of an HDeoptimize instruction.
   // The allocation and stores into reference_ may be eliminated for such cases.
-  bool IsSingletonAndNonEscaping() const {
-    return is_singleton_and_non_escaping_;
+  bool IsSingletonAndRemovable() const {
+    return is_singleton_and_not_returned_ && is_singleton_and_not_deopt_visible_;
   HInstruction* const reference_;
-  const size_t position_;     // position in HeapLocationCollector's ref_info_array_.
-  bool is_singleton_;         // can only be referred to by a single name in the method.
+  const size_t position_;  // position in HeapLocationCollector's ref_info_array_.
-  // reference_ is singleton and does not escape in the end either by
-  // returning to the caller, or being used as an environment local of an
-  // HDeoptimize instruction.
-  bool is_singleton_and_non_escaping_;
+  bool is_singleton_;                        // can only be referred to by a single name in the method,
+  bool is_singleton_and_not_returned_;       // and not returned to caller,
+  bool is_singleton_and_not_deopt_visible_;  // and not used as an environment local of HDeoptimize.
@@ -623,7 +626,7 @@
       bool from_all_predecessors = true;
       ReferenceInfo* ref_info = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetReferenceInfo();
       HInstruction* singleton_ref = nullptr;
-      if (ref_info->IsSingletonAndNonEscaping()) {
+      if (ref_info->IsSingletonAndRemovable()) {
         // We do more analysis of liveness when merging heap values for such
         // cases since stores into such references may potentially be eliminated.
         singleton_ref = ref_info->GetReference();
@@ -796,7 +799,7 @@
     } else if (index != nullptr) {
       // For array element, don't eliminate stores since it can be easily aliased
       // with non-constant index.
-    } else if (ref_info->IsSingletonAndNonEscaping()) {
+    } else if (ref_info->IsSingletonAndRemovable()) {
       // Store into a field of a singleton that's not returned. The value cannot be
       // killed due to aliasing/invocation. It can be redundant since future loads can
       // directly get the value set by this instruction. The value can still be killed due to
@@ -970,7 +973,7 @@
       // new_instance isn't used for field accesses. No need to process it.
-    if (ref_info->IsSingletonAndNonEscaping() &&
+    if (ref_info->IsSingletonAndRemovable() &&
         !new_instance->IsFinalizable() &&
         !new_instance->NeedsAccessCheck()) {