Merge "Recover vdex regression on multidex."
am: d0176f5ddd

Change-Id: Idb8510c80d4e64082d6eb92d706fac58e3accd8c
diff --git a/dex2oat/ b/dex2oat/
index e9ec5fa..e3e0180 100644
--- a/dex2oat/
+++ b/dex2oat/
@@ -1777,11 +1777,15 @@
   bool ShouldCompileDexFilesIndividually() const {
-    // Compile individually if we are not building an image, not using any compilation, and are
-    // using multidex.
-    // This means extract, verify, and quicken, will use the individual compilation mode (to reduce
-    // RAM used by the compiler).
+    // Compile individually if we are:
+    // 1. not building an image,
+    // 2. not verifying a vdex file,
+    // 3. using multidex,
+    // 4. not doing any AOT compilation.
+    // This means extract, no-vdex verify, and quicken, will use the individual compilation
+    // mode (to reduce RAM used by the compiler).
     return !IsImage() &&
+        !update_input_vdex_ &&
         dex_files_.size() > 1 &&