Remove mirror:: and ArtMethod deps in utils.{h,cc}
The latest chapter in the ongoing saga of attempting to dump a DEX
file without having to start a whole runtime instance. This episode
finds us removing references to ArtMethod/ArtField/mirror.
One aspect of this change that I would like to call out specfically
is that the utils versions of the "Pretty*" functions all were written
to accept nullptr as an argument. I have split these functions up as
1) an instance method, such as PrettyClass that obviously requires
this != nullptr.
2) a static method, that behaves the same way as the util method, but
calls the instance method if p != nullptr.
This requires using a full class qualifier for the static methods,
which isn't exactly beautiful. I have tried to remove as many cases
as possible where it was clear p != nullptr.
Bug: 22322814
Test: test-art-host
Change-Id: I21adee3614aa697aa580cd1b86b72d9206e1cb24
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/ b/runtime/mirror/
index f93f72f..6a357b3 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/
+++ b/runtime/mirror/
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
inline void Class::SetVerifyError(ObjPtr<Object> error) {
- CHECK(error != nullptr) << PrettyClass(this);
+ CHECK(error != nullptr) << PrettyClass();
if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) {
SetFieldObject<true>(OFFSET_OF_OBJECT_MEMBER(Class, verify_error_), error);
} else {
@@ -74,22 +74,22 @@
if (LIKELY(class_linker_initialized)) {
if (UNLIKELY(new_status <= old_status && new_status != kStatusError &&
new_status != kStatusRetired)) {
- LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected change back of class status for " << PrettyClass(h_this.Get())
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected change back of class status for " << h_this->PrettyClass()
<< " " << old_status << " -> " << new_status;
if (new_status >= kStatusResolved || old_status >= kStatusResolved) {
// When classes are being resolved the resolution code should hold the lock.
CHECK_EQ(h_this->GetLockOwnerThreadId(), self->GetThreadId())
<< "Attempt to change status of class while not holding its lock: "
- << PrettyClass(h_this.Get()) << " " << old_status << " -> " << new_status;
+ << h_this->PrettyClass() << " " << old_status << " -> " << new_status;
if (UNLIKELY(new_status == kStatusError)) {
CHECK_NE(h_this->GetStatus(), kStatusError)
<< "Attempt to set as erroneous an already erroneous class "
- << PrettyClass(h_this.Get());
+ << h_this->PrettyClass();
if (VLOG_IS_ON(class_linker)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Setting " << PrettyDescriptor(h_this.Get()) << " to erroneous.";
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Setting " << h_this->PrettyDescriptor() << " to erroneous.";
if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Exception: " << self->GetException()->Dump();
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
if (h_this->IsTemp()) {
// Class is a temporary one, ensure that waiters for resolution get notified of retirement
// so that they can grab the new version of the class from the class linker's table.
- CHECK_LT(new_status, kStatusResolved) << PrettyDescriptor(h_this.Get());
+ CHECK_LT(new_status, kStatusResolved) << h_this->PrettyDescriptor();
if (new_status == kStatusRetired || new_status == kStatusError) {
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
if (kIsDebugBuild && new_class_size < GetClassSize()) {
DumpClass(LOG_STREAM(FATAL_WITHOUT_ABORT), kDumpClassFullDetail);
LOG(FATAL_WITHOUT_ABORT) << new_class_size << " vs " << GetClassSize();
- LOG(FATAL) << "class=" << PrettyTypeOf(this);
+ LOG(FATAL) << "class=" << PrettyTypeOf();
// Not called within a transaction.
SetField32<false>(OFFSET_OF_OBJECT_MEMBER(Class, class_size_), new_class_size);
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
void Class::DumpClass(std::ostream& os, int flags) {
if ((flags & kDumpClassFullDetail) == 0) {
- os << PrettyClass(this);
+ os << PrettyClass();
if ((flags & kDumpClassClassLoader) != 0) {
os << ' ' << GetClassLoader();
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
os << StringPrintf(" access=0x%04x.%04x\n",
GetAccessFlags() >> 16, GetAccessFlags() & kAccJavaFlagsMask);
if (h_super.Get() != nullptr) {
- os << " super='" << PrettyClass(h_super.Get()) << "' (cl=" << h_super->GetClassLoader()
+ os << " super='" << h_super->PrettyClass() << "' (cl=" << h_super->GetClassLoader()
<< ")\n";
if (IsArrayClass()) {
@@ -247,19 +247,20 @@
os << " vtable (" << h_this->NumVirtualMethods() << " entries, "
<< (h_super.Get() != nullptr ? h_super->NumVirtualMethods() : 0) << " in super):\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumVirtualMethods(); ++i) {
- os << StringPrintf(" %2zd: %s\n", i, PrettyMethod(
+ os << StringPrintf(" %2zd: %s\n", i, ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(
h_this->GetVirtualMethodDuringLinking(i, image_pointer_size)).c_str());
os << " direct methods (" << h_this->NumDirectMethods() << " entries):\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < h_this->NumDirectMethods(); ++i) {
- os << StringPrintf(" %2zd: %s\n", i, PrettyMethod(
+ os << StringPrintf(" %2zd: %s\n", i, ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(
h_this->GetDirectMethod(i, image_pointer_size)).c_str());
if (h_this->NumStaticFields() > 0) {
os << " static fields (" << h_this->NumStaticFields() << " entries):\n";
if (h_this->IsResolved() || h_this->IsErroneous()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < h_this->NumStaticFields(); ++i) {
- os << StringPrintf(" %2zd: %s\n", i, PrettyField(h_this->GetStaticField(i)).c_str());
+ os << StringPrintf(" %2zd: %s\n", i,
+ ArtField::PrettyField(h_this->GetStaticField(i)).c_str());
} else {
os << " <not yet available>";
@@ -269,7 +270,8 @@
os << " instance fields (" << h_this->NumInstanceFields() << " entries):\n";
if (h_this->IsResolved() || h_this->IsErroneous()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < h_this->NumInstanceFields(); ++i) {
- os << StringPrintf(" %2zd: %s\n", i, PrettyField(h_this->GetInstanceField(i)).c_str());
+ os << StringPrintf(" %2zd: %s\n", i,
+ ArtField::PrettyField(h_this->GetInstanceField(i)).c_str());
} else {
os << " <not yet available>";
@@ -690,7 +692,7 @@
- CHECK_EQ(found, ret) << "Found " << PrettyField(found) << " vs " << PrettyField(ret);
+ CHECK_EQ(found, ret) << "Found " << found->PrettyField() << " vs " << ret->PrettyField();
return ret;
@@ -919,7 +921,7 @@
while (!common_super_class->IsAssignableFrom(klass.Get())) {
ObjPtr<Class> old_common = common_super_class;
common_super_class = old_common->GetSuperClass();
- DCHECK(common_super_class != nullptr) << PrettyClass(old_common);
+ DCHECK(common_super_class != nullptr) << old_common->PrettyClass();
return common_super_class;
@@ -953,7 +955,7 @@
void Class::PopulateEmbeddedVTable(PointerSize pointer_size) {
PointerArray* table = GetVTableDuringLinking();
- CHECK(table != nullptr) << PrettyClass(this);
+ CHECK(table != nullptr) << PrettyClass();
const size_t table_length = table->GetLength();
for (size_t i = 0; i < table_length; i++) {
@@ -1239,5 +1241,50 @@
+std::string Class::PrettyDescriptor(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass) {
+ if (klass == nullptr) {
+ return "null";
+ }
+ return klass->PrettyDescriptor();
+std::string Class::PrettyDescriptor() {
+ std::string temp;
+ return art::PrettyDescriptor(GetDescriptor(&temp));
+std::string Class::PrettyClass(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> c) {
+ if (c == nullptr) {
+ return "null";
+ }
+ return c->PrettyClass();
+std::string Class::PrettyClass() {
+ std::string result;
+ result += "java.lang.Class<";
+ result += PrettyDescriptor();
+ result += ">";
+ return result;
+std::string Class::PrettyClassAndClassLoader(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> c) {
+ if (c == nullptr) {
+ return "null";
+ }
+ return c->PrettyClassAndClassLoader();
+std::string Class::PrettyClassAndClassLoader() {
+ std::string result;
+ result += "java.lang.Class<";
+ result += PrettyDescriptor();
+ result += ",";
+ result += mirror::Object::PrettyTypeOf(GetClassLoader());
+ // TODO: add an identifying hash value for the loader
+ result += ">";
+ return result;
} // namespace mirror
} // namespace art