Support directly invoking interface default methods
With the Java 8 Language one is allowed to directly call default
interface methods of interfaces one (directly) implements through the
use of the super keyword. We support this behavior through the
invoke-super opcode with the target being an interface.
We add 3 tests for this behavior.
Currently only supports slow-path interpreter.
Invoke-super is currently extremely slow.
Bug: 24618811
Change-Id: I7e06e17326f7dbae0116bd7dfefca151f0092bd2
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index d68b463..46d67bd 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -84,6 +84,14 @@
+void ThrowAbstractMethodError(uint32_t method_idx, const DexFile& dex_file) {
+ ThrowException("Ljava/lang/AbstractMethodError;", /* referrer */ nullptr,
+ StringPrintf("abstract method \"%s\"",
+ PrettyMethod(method_idx,
+ dex_file,
+ /* with_signature */ true).c_str()).c_str());
// ArithmeticException
void ThrowArithmeticExceptionDivideByZero() {
@@ -209,6 +217,22 @@
+void ThrowIncompatibleClassChangeErrorClassForInterfaceSuper(ArtMethod* method,
+ mirror::Class* target_class,
+ mirror::Object* this_object,
+ ArtMethod* referrer) {
+ // Referrer is calling interface_method on this_object, however, the interface_method isn't
+ // implemented by this_object.
+ CHECK(this_object != nullptr);
+ std::ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "Class '" << PrettyDescriptor(this_object->GetClass())
+ << "' does not implement interface '" << PrettyDescriptor(target_class) << "' in call to '"
+ << PrettyMethod(method) << "'";
+ ThrowException("Ljava/lang/IncompatibleClassChangeError;",
+ referrer != nullptr ? referrer->GetDeclaringClass() : nullptr,
+ msg.str().c_str());
void ThrowIncompatibleClassChangeErrorClassForInterfaceDispatch(ArtMethod* interface_method,
mirror::Object* this_object,
ArtMethod* referrer) {