Make data dependency around HDeoptimize correct.

We use HDeoptimize in a few places, but when it comes to data
dependency we either:
- don't have any (BCE, CHA), in which case we should make sure no
  code that the deoptimzation guards moves before the HDeoptimize
- have one on the receiver (inline cache), in which case we can
  update the dominated users with the HDeoptimize to get the data
  dependency correct.

test: 644-checker-deopt
Change-Id: I4820c6710b06939e7f5a59606971693e995fb958
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
index 542b218..c0a47c4 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
@@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@
   void SetLocations(LocationSummary* locations) { locations_ = locations; }
   void ReplaceWith(HInstruction* instruction);
+  void ReplaceUsesDominatedBy(HInstruction* dominator, HInstruction* replacement);
   void ReplaceInput(HInstruction* replacement, size_t index);
   // This is almost the same as doing `ReplaceWith()`. But in this helper, the
@@ -2934,28 +2935,97 @@
 // Deoptimize to interpreter, upon checking a condition.
-class HDeoptimize FINAL : public HTemplateInstruction<1> {
+class HDeoptimize FINAL : public HVariableInputSizeInstruction {
-  // We set CanTriggerGC to prevent any intermediate address to be live
-  // at the point of the `HDeoptimize`.
-  HDeoptimize(HInstruction* cond, uint32_t dex_pc)
-      : HTemplateInstruction(SideEffects::CanTriggerGC(), dex_pc) {
+  enum class Kind {
+    kBCE,
+    kInline,
+    kLast = kInline
+  };
+  // Use this constructor when the `HDeoptimize` acts as a barrier, where no code can move
+  // across.
+  HDeoptimize(ArenaAllocator* arena, HInstruction* cond, Kind kind, uint32_t dex_pc)
+      : HVariableInputSizeInstruction(
+            SideEffects::All(),
+            dex_pc,
+            arena,
+            /* number_of_inputs */ 1,
+            kArenaAllocMisc) {
+    SetPackedFlag<kFieldCanBeMoved>(false);
+    SetPackedField<DeoptimizeKindField>(kind);
     SetRawInputAt(0, cond);
-  bool CanBeMoved() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
-  bool InstructionDataEquals(const HInstruction* other ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const OVERRIDE {
-    return true;
+  // Use this constructor when the `HDeoptimize` guards an instruction, and any user
+  // that relies on the deoptimization to pass should have its input be the `HDeoptimize`
+  // instead of `guard`.
+  // We set CanTriggerGC to prevent any intermediate address to be live
+  // at the point of the `HDeoptimize`.
+  HDeoptimize(ArenaAllocator* arena,
+              HInstruction* cond,
+              HInstruction* guard,
+              Kind kind,
+              uint32_t dex_pc)
+      : HVariableInputSizeInstruction(
+            SideEffects::CanTriggerGC(),
+            dex_pc,
+            arena,
+            /* number_of_inputs */ 2,
+            kArenaAllocMisc) {
+    SetPackedFlag<kFieldCanBeMoved>(true);
+    SetPackedField<DeoptimizeKindField>(kind);
+    SetRawInputAt(0, cond);
+    SetRawInputAt(1, guard);
+  bool CanBeMoved() const OVERRIDE { return GetPackedFlag<kFieldCanBeMoved>(); }
+  bool InstructionDataEquals(const HInstruction* other) const OVERRIDE {
+    return (other->CanBeMoved() == CanBeMoved()) && (other->AsDeoptimize()->GetKind() == GetKind());
+  }
   bool NeedsEnvironment() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
   bool CanThrow() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
+  Kind GetKind() const { return GetPackedField<DeoptimizeKindField>(); }
+  Primitive::Type GetType() const OVERRIDE {
+    return GuardsAnInput() ? GuardedInput()->GetType() : Primitive::kPrimVoid;
+  }
+  bool GuardsAnInput() const {
+    return InputCount() == 2;
+  }
+  HInstruction* GuardedInput() const {
+    DCHECK(GuardsAnInput());
+    return InputAt(1);
+  }
+  void RemoveGuard() {
+    RemoveInputAt(1);
+  }
+  static constexpr size_t kFieldCanBeMoved = kNumberOfGenericPackedBits;
+  static constexpr size_t kFieldDeoptimizeKind = kNumberOfGenericPackedBits + 1;
+  static constexpr size_t kFieldDeoptimizeKindSize =
+      MinimumBitsToStore(static_cast<size_t>(Kind::kLast));
+  static constexpr size_t kNumberOfDeoptimizePackedBits =
+      kFieldDeoptimizeKind + kFieldDeoptimizeKindSize;
+  static_assert(kNumberOfDeoptimizePackedBits <= kMaxNumberOfPackedBits,
+                "Too many packed fields.");
+  using DeoptimizeKindField = BitField<Kind, kFieldDeoptimizeKind, kFieldDeoptimizeKindSize>;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const HDeoptimize::Kind& rhs);
 // Represents a should_deoptimize flag. Currently used for CHA-based devirtualization.
 // The compiled code checks this flag value in a guard before devirtualized call and
 // if it's true, starts to do deoptimization.