Fix cpplint whitespace/indent issues
Change-Id: I7c1647f0c39e1e065ca5820f9b79998691ba40b1
diff --git a/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h b/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h
index f6011e0..9c63d9c 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h
@@ -542,120 +542,120 @@
* IsDebugBuild sanity check: keep track of the Dex PCs for catch entries so that later on
* we can verify that all catch entries have native PC entries.
- std::set<uint32_t> catches_;
+ std::set<uint32_t> catches_;
- // TODO: make these private.
- RegLocation* reg_location_; // Map SSA names to location.
- GrowableArray<CompilerTemp*> compiler_temps_;
- SafeMap<unsigned int, unsigned int> block_id_map_; // Block collapse lookup cache.
+ // TODO: make these private.
+ RegLocation* reg_location_; // Map SSA names to location.
+ GrowableArray<CompilerTemp*> compiler_temps_;
+ SafeMap<unsigned int, unsigned int> block_id_map_; // Block collapse lookup cache.
- static const int oat_data_flow_attributes_[kMirOpLast];
- static const char* extended_mir_op_names_[kMirOpLast - kMirOpFirst];
+ static const int oat_data_flow_attributes_[kMirOpLast];
+ static const char* extended_mir_op_names_[kMirOpLast - kMirOpFirst];
- int FindCommonParent(int block1, int block2);
- void ComputeSuccLineIn(ArenaBitVector* dest, const ArenaBitVector* src1,
- const ArenaBitVector* src2);
- void HandleLiveInUse(ArenaBitVector* use_v, ArenaBitVector* def_v,
- ArenaBitVector* live_in_v, int dalvik_reg_id);
- void HandleDef(ArenaBitVector* def_v, int dalvik_reg_id);
- void CompilerInitializeSSAConversion();
- bool DoSSAConversion(BasicBlock* bb);
- bool InvokeUsesMethodStar(MIR* mir);
- int ParseInsn(const uint16_t* code_ptr, DecodedInstruction* decoded_instruction);
- bool ContentIsInsn(const uint16_t* code_ptr);
- BasicBlock* SplitBlock(unsigned int code_offset, BasicBlock* orig_block,
- BasicBlock** immed_pred_block_p);
- BasicBlock* FindBlock(unsigned int code_offset, bool split, bool create,
+ int FindCommonParent(int block1, int block2);
+ void ComputeSuccLineIn(ArenaBitVector* dest, const ArenaBitVector* src1,
+ const ArenaBitVector* src2);
+ void HandleLiveInUse(ArenaBitVector* use_v, ArenaBitVector* def_v,
+ ArenaBitVector* live_in_v, int dalvik_reg_id);
+ void HandleDef(ArenaBitVector* def_v, int dalvik_reg_id);
+ void CompilerInitializeSSAConversion();
+ bool DoSSAConversion(BasicBlock* bb);
+ bool InvokeUsesMethodStar(MIR* mir);
+ int ParseInsn(const uint16_t* code_ptr, DecodedInstruction* decoded_instruction);
+ bool ContentIsInsn(const uint16_t* code_ptr);
+ BasicBlock* SplitBlock(unsigned int code_offset, BasicBlock* orig_block,
BasicBlock** immed_pred_block_p);
- void ProcessTryCatchBlocks();
- BasicBlock* ProcessCanBranch(BasicBlock* cur_block, MIR* insn, int cur_offset, int width,
- int flags, const uint16_t* code_ptr, const uint16_t* code_end);
- void ProcessCanSwitch(BasicBlock* cur_block, MIR* insn, int cur_offset, int width, int flags);
- BasicBlock* ProcessCanThrow(BasicBlock* cur_block, MIR* insn, int cur_offset, int width,
- int flags, ArenaBitVector* try_block_addr, const uint16_t* code_ptr,
- const uint16_t* code_end);
- int AddNewSReg(int v_reg);
- void HandleSSAUse(int* uses, int dalvik_reg, int reg_index);
- void HandleSSADef(int* defs, int dalvik_reg, int reg_index);
- void DataFlowSSAFormat35C(MIR* mir);
- void DataFlowSSAFormat3RC(MIR* mir);
- bool FindLocalLiveIn(BasicBlock* bb);
- void ClearAllVisitedFlags();
- bool CountUses(struct BasicBlock* bb);
- bool InferTypeAndSize(BasicBlock* bb);
- bool VerifyPredInfo(BasicBlock* bb);
- BasicBlock* NeedsVisit(BasicBlock* bb);
- BasicBlock* NextUnvisitedSuccessor(BasicBlock* bb);
- void MarkPreOrder(BasicBlock* bb);
- void RecordDFSOrders(BasicBlock* bb);
- void ComputeDFSOrders();
- void ComputeDefBlockMatrix();
- void ComputeDomPostOrderTraversal(BasicBlock* bb);
- void ComputeDominators();
- void InsertPhiNodes();
- void DoDFSPreOrderSSARename(BasicBlock* block);
- void SetConstant(int32_t ssa_reg, int value);
- void SetConstantWide(int ssa_reg, int64_t value);
- int GetSSAUseCount(int s_reg);
- bool BasicBlockOpt(BasicBlock* bb);
- bool EliminateNullChecks(BasicBlock* bb);
- void NullCheckEliminationInit(BasicBlock* bb);
- bool BuildExtendedBBList(struct BasicBlock* bb);
- bool FillDefBlockMatrix(BasicBlock* bb);
- void InitializeDominationInfo(BasicBlock* bb);
- bool ComputeblockIDom(BasicBlock* bb);
- bool ComputeBlockDominators(BasicBlock* bb);
- bool SetDominators(BasicBlock* bb);
- bool ComputeBlockLiveIns(BasicBlock* bb);
- bool InsertPhiNodeOperands(BasicBlock* bb);
- bool ComputeDominanceFrontier(BasicBlock* bb);
- void DoConstantPropogation(BasicBlock* bb);
- void CountChecks(BasicBlock* bb);
- bool CombineBlocks(BasicBlock* bb);
+ BasicBlock* FindBlock(unsigned int code_offset, bool split, bool create,
+ BasicBlock** immed_pred_block_p);
+ void ProcessTryCatchBlocks();
+ BasicBlock* ProcessCanBranch(BasicBlock* cur_block, MIR* insn, int cur_offset, int width,
+ int flags, const uint16_t* code_ptr, const uint16_t* code_end);
+ void ProcessCanSwitch(BasicBlock* cur_block, MIR* insn, int cur_offset, int width, int flags);
+ BasicBlock* ProcessCanThrow(BasicBlock* cur_block, MIR* insn, int cur_offset, int width,
+ int flags, ArenaBitVector* try_block_addr, const uint16_t* code_ptr,
+ const uint16_t* code_end);
+ int AddNewSReg(int v_reg);
+ void HandleSSAUse(int* uses, int dalvik_reg, int reg_index);
+ void HandleSSADef(int* defs, int dalvik_reg, int reg_index);
+ void DataFlowSSAFormat35C(MIR* mir);
+ void DataFlowSSAFormat3RC(MIR* mir);
+ bool FindLocalLiveIn(BasicBlock* bb);
+ void ClearAllVisitedFlags();
+ bool CountUses(struct BasicBlock* bb);
+ bool InferTypeAndSize(BasicBlock* bb);
+ bool VerifyPredInfo(BasicBlock* bb);
+ BasicBlock* NeedsVisit(BasicBlock* bb);
+ BasicBlock* NextUnvisitedSuccessor(BasicBlock* bb);
+ void MarkPreOrder(BasicBlock* bb);
+ void RecordDFSOrders(BasicBlock* bb);
+ void ComputeDFSOrders();
+ void ComputeDefBlockMatrix();
+ void ComputeDomPostOrderTraversal(BasicBlock* bb);
+ void ComputeDominators();
+ void InsertPhiNodes();
+ void DoDFSPreOrderSSARename(BasicBlock* block);
+ void SetConstant(int32_t ssa_reg, int value);
+ void SetConstantWide(int ssa_reg, int64_t value);
+ int GetSSAUseCount(int s_reg);
+ bool BasicBlockOpt(BasicBlock* bb);
+ bool EliminateNullChecks(BasicBlock* bb);
+ void NullCheckEliminationInit(BasicBlock* bb);
+ bool BuildExtendedBBList(struct BasicBlock* bb);
+ bool FillDefBlockMatrix(BasicBlock* bb);
+ void InitializeDominationInfo(BasicBlock* bb);
+ bool ComputeblockIDom(BasicBlock* bb);
+ bool ComputeBlockDominators(BasicBlock* bb);
+ bool SetDominators(BasicBlock* bb);
+ bool ComputeBlockLiveIns(BasicBlock* bb);
+ bool InsertPhiNodeOperands(BasicBlock* bb);
+ bool ComputeDominanceFrontier(BasicBlock* bb);
+ void DoConstantPropogation(BasicBlock* bb);
+ void CountChecks(BasicBlock* bb);
+ bool CombineBlocks(BasicBlock* bb);
- CompilationUnit* const cu_;
- GrowableArray<int>* ssa_base_vregs_;
- GrowableArray<int>* ssa_subscripts_;
- // Map original Dalvik virtual reg i to the current SSA name.
- int* vreg_to_ssa_map_; // length == method->registers_size
- int* ssa_last_defs_; // length == method->registers_size
- ArenaBitVector* is_constant_v_; // length == num_ssa_reg
- int* constant_values_; // length == num_ssa_reg
- // Use counts of ssa names.
- GrowableArray<uint32_t> use_counts_; // Weighted by nesting depth
- GrowableArray<uint32_t> raw_use_counts_; // Not weighted
- unsigned int num_reachable_blocks_;
- GrowableArray<int>* dfs_order_;
- GrowableArray<int>* dfs_post_order_;
- GrowableArray<int>* dom_post_order_traversal_;
- int* i_dom_list_;
- ArenaBitVector** def_block_matrix_; // num_dalvik_register x num_blocks.
- ArenaBitVector* temp_block_v_;
- ArenaBitVector* temp_dalvik_register_v_;
- ArenaBitVector* temp_ssa_register_v_; // num_ssa_regs.
- static const int kInvalidEntry = -1;
- GrowableArray<BasicBlock*> block_list_;
- ArenaBitVector* try_block_addr_;
- BasicBlock* entry_block_;
- BasicBlock* exit_block_;
- BasicBlock* cur_block_;
- int num_blocks_;
- const DexFile::CodeItem* current_code_item_;
- SafeMap<unsigned int, BasicBlock*> block_map_; // FindBlock lookup cache.
- std::vector<DexCompilationUnit*> m_units_; // List of methods included in this graph
- typedef std::pair<int, int> MIRLocation; // Insert point, (m_unit_ index, offset)
- std::vector<MIRLocation> method_stack_; // Include stack
- int current_method_;
- int current_offset_;
- int def_count_; // Used to estimate size of ssa name storage.
- int* opcode_count_; // Dex opcode coverage stats.
- int num_ssa_regs_; // Number of names following SSA transformation.
- std::vector<BasicBlock*> extended_basic_blocks_; // Heads of block "traces".
- int method_sreg_;
- unsigned int attributes_;
- Checkstats* checkstats_;
- ArenaAllocator* arena_;
+ CompilationUnit* const cu_;
+ GrowableArray<int>* ssa_base_vregs_;
+ GrowableArray<int>* ssa_subscripts_;
+ // Map original Dalvik virtual reg i to the current SSA name.
+ int* vreg_to_ssa_map_; // length == method->registers_size
+ int* ssa_last_defs_; // length == method->registers_size
+ ArenaBitVector* is_constant_v_; // length == num_ssa_reg
+ int* constant_values_; // length == num_ssa_reg
+ // Use counts of ssa names.
+ GrowableArray<uint32_t> use_counts_; // Weighted by nesting depth
+ GrowableArray<uint32_t> raw_use_counts_; // Not weighted
+ unsigned int num_reachable_blocks_;
+ GrowableArray<int>* dfs_order_;
+ GrowableArray<int>* dfs_post_order_;
+ GrowableArray<int>* dom_post_order_traversal_;
+ int* i_dom_list_;
+ ArenaBitVector** def_block_matrix_; // num_dalvik_register x num_blocks.
+ ArenaBitVector* temp_block_v_;
+ ArenaBitVector* temp_dalvik_register_v_;
+ ArenaBitVector* temp_ssa_register_v_; // num_ssa_regs.
+ static const int kInvalidEntry = -1;
+ GrowableArray<BasicBlock*> block_list_;
+ ArenaBitVector* try_block_addr_;
+ BasicBlock* entry_block_;
+ BasicBlock* exit_block_;
+ BasicBlock* cur_block_;
+ int num_blocks_;
+ const DexFile::CodeItem* current_code_item_;
+ SafeMap<unsigned int, BasicBlock*> block_map_; // FindBlock lookup cache.
+ std::vector<DexCompilationUnit*> m_units_; // List of methods included in this graph
+ typedef std::pair<int, int> MIRLocation; // Insert point, (m_unit_ index, offset)
+ std::vector<MIRLocation> method_stack_; // Include stack
+ int current_method_;
+ int current_offset_;
+ int def_count_; // Used to estimate size of ssa name storage.
+ int* opcode_count_; // Dex opcode coverage stats.
+ int num_ssa_regs_; // Number of names following SSA transformation.
+ std::vector<BasicBlock*> extended_basic_blocks_; // Heads of block "traces".
+ int method_sreg_;
+ unsigned int attributes_;
+ Checkstats* checkstats_;
+ ArenaAllocator* arena_;
} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/dex/ b/compiler/dex/
index f83bbb2..22c738a 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/
+++ b/compiler/dex/
@@ -183,15 +183,15 @@
case Instruction::MOVE_FROM16:
case Instruction::MOVE_OBJECT_FROM16:
return kSelectMove;
- case Instruction::CONST:
- case Instruction::CONST_4:
- case Instruction::CONST_16:
+ case Instruction::CONST:
+ case Instruction::CONST_4:
+ case Instruction::CONST_16:
return kSelectConst;
- case Instruction::GOTO:
- case Instruction::GOTO_16:
- case Instruction::GOTO_32:
+ case Instruction::GOTO:
+ case Instruction::GOTO_16:
+ case Instruction::GOTO_32:
return kSelectGoto;
- default:;
+ default:;
return kSelectNone;
diff --git a/compiler/dex/portable/ b/compiler/dex/portable/
index ad7a6a8..6fc01bd 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/portable/
+++ b/compiler/dex/portable/
@@ -1179,11 +1179,11 @@
ConvertNewInstance(vB, rl_dest);
- case Instruction::MOVE_EXCEPTION:
+ case Instruction::MOVE_EXCEPTION:
- case Instruction::THROW:
+ case Instruction::THROW:
* If this throw is standalone, terminate.
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/
index 0e81324..1416c61 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/
@@ -217,63 +217,63 @@
void ArmMir2Lir::GenSpecialCase(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir,
SpecialCaseHandler special_case) {
- current_dalvik_offset_ = mir->offset;
- MIR* next_mir = NULL;
- switch (special_case) {
- case kNullMethod:
- DCHECK(mir->dalvikInsn.opcode == Instruction::RETURN_VOID);
- next_mir = mir;
- break;
- case kConstFunction:
- ArmMir2Lir::GenPrintLabel(mir);
- LoadConstant(rARM_RET0, mir->dalvikInsn.vB);
- next_mir = GetNextMir(&bb, mir);
- break;
- case kIGet:
- next_mir = SpecialIGet(&bb, mir, kWord, false, false);
- break;
- case kIGetBoolean:
- case kIGetByte:
- next_mir = SpecialIGet(&bb, mir, kUnsignedByte, false, false);
- break;
- case kIGetObject:
- next_mir = SpecialIGet(&bb, mir, kWord, false, true);
- break;
- case kIGetChar:
- next_mir = SpecialIGet(&bb, mir, kUnsignedHalf, false, false);
- break;
- case kIGetShort:
- next_mir = SpecialIGet(&bb, mir, kSignedHalf, false, false);
- break;
- case kIGetWide:
- next_mir = SpecialIGet(&bb, mir, kLong, true, false);
- break;
- case kIPut:
- next_mir = SpecialIPut(&bb, mir, kWord, false, false);
- break;
- case kIPutBoolean:
- case kIPutByte:
- next_mir = SpecialIPut(&bb, mir, kUnsignedByte, false, false);
- break;
- case kIPutObject:
- next_mir = SpecialIPut(&bb, mir, kWord, false, true);
- break;
- case kIPutChar:
- next_mir = SpecialIPut(&bb, mir, kUnsignedHalf, false, false);
- break;
- case kIPutShort:
- next_mir = SpecialIPut(&bb, mir, kSignedHalf, false, false);
- break;
- case kIPutWide:
- next_mir = SpecialIPut(&bb, mir, kLong, true, false);
- break;
- case kIdentity:
- next_mir = SpecialIdentity(mir);
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- if (next_mir != NULL) {
+ current_dalvik_offset_ = mir->offset;
+ MIR* next_mir = NULL;
+ switch (special_case) {
+ case kNullMethod:
+ DCHECK(mir->dalvikInsn.opcode == Instruction::RETURN_VOID);
+ next_mir = mir;
+ break;
+ case kConstFunction:
+ ArmMir2Lir::GenPrintLabel(mir);
+ LoadConstant(rARM_RET0, mir->dalvikInsn.vB);
+ next_mir = GetNextMir(&bb, mir);
+ break;
+ case kIGet:
+ next_mir = SpecialIGet(&bb, mir, kWord, false, false);
+ break;
+ case kIGetBoolean:
+ case kIGetByte:
+ next_mir = SpecialIGet(&bb, mir, kUnsignedByte, false, false);
+ break;
+ case kIGetObject:
+ next_mir = SpecialIGet(&bb, mir, kWord, false, true);
+ break;
+ case kIGetChar:
+ next_mir = SpecialIGet(&bb, mir, kUnsignedHalf, false, false);
+ break;
+ case kIGetShort:
+ next_mir = SpecialIGet(&bb, mir, kSignedHalf, false, false);
+ break;
+ case kIGetWide:
+ next_mir = SpecialIGet(&bb, mir, kLong, true, false);
+ break;
+ case kIPut:
+ next_mir = SpecialIPut(&bb, mir, kWord, false, false);
+ break;
+ case kIPutBoolean:
+ case kIPutByte:
+ next_mir = SpecialIPut(&bb, mir, kUnsignedByte, false, false);
+ break;
+ case kIPutObject:
+ next_mir = SpecialIPut(&bb, mir, kWord, false, true);
+ break;
+ case kIPutChar:
+ next_mir = SpecialIPut(&bb, mir, kUnsignedHalf, false, false);
+ break;
+ case kIPutShort:
+ next_mir = SpecialIPut(&bb, mir, kSignedHalf, false, false);
+ break;
+ case kIPutWide:
+ next_mir = SpecialIPut(&bb, mir, kLong, true, false);
+ break;
+ case kIdentity:
+ next_mir = SpecialIdentity(mir);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ if (next_mir != NULL) {
current_dalvik_offset_ = next_mir->offset;
if (special_case != kIdentity) {
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/
index f41f110..1ea0a64 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/
@@ -118,32 +118,32 @@
* immediate. If not, return -1. If so, return i:imm3:a:bcdefgh form.
int ArmMir2Lir::ModifiedImmediate(uint32_t value) {
- int z_leading;
- int z_trailing;
- uint32_t b0 = value & 0xff;
+ int z_leading;
+ int z_trailing;
+ uint32_t b0 = value & 0xff;
- /* Note: case of value==0 must use 0:000:0:0000000 encoding */
- if (value <= 0xFF)
- return b0; // 0:000:a:bcdefgh
- if (value == ((b0 << 16) | b0))
- return (0x1 << 8) | b0; /* 0:001:a:bcdefgh */
- if (value == ((b0 << 24) | (b0 << 16) | (b0 << 8) | b0))
- return (0x3 << 8) | b0; /* 0:011:a:bcdefgh */
- b0 = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
- if (value == ((b0 << 24) | (b0 << 8)))
- return (0x2 << 8) | b0; /* 0:010:a:bcdefgh */
- /* Can we do it with rotation? */
- z_leading = LeadingZeros(value);
- z_trailing = 32 - LeadingZeros(~value & (value - 1));
- /* A run of eight or fewer active bits? */
- if ((z_leading + z_trailing) < 24)
- return -1; /* No - bail */
- /* left-justify the constant, discarding msb (known to be 1) */
- value <<= z_leading + 1;
- /* Create bcdefgh */
- value >>= 25;
- /* Put it all together */
- return value | ((0x8 + z_leading) << 7); /* [01000..11111]:bcdefgh */
+ /* Note: case of value==0 must use 0:000:0:0000000 encoding */
+ if (value <= 0xFF)
+ return b0; // 0:000:a:bcdefgh
+ if (value == ((b0 << 16) | b0))
+ return (0x1 << 8) | b0; /* 0:001:a:bcdefgh */
+ if (value == ((b0 << 24) | (b0 << 16) | (b0 << 8) | b0))
+ return (0x3 << 8) | b0; /* 0:011:a:bcdefgh */
+ b0 = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
+ if (value == ((b0 << 24) | (b0 << 8)))
+ return (0x2 << 8) | b0; /* 0:010:a:bcdefgh */
+ /* Can we do it with rotation? */
+ z_leading = LeadingZeros(value);
+ z_trailing = 32 - LeadingZeros(~value & (value - 1));
+ /* A run of eight or fewer active bits? */
+ if ((z_leading + z_trailing) < 24)
+ return -1; /* No - bail */
+ /* left-justify the constant, discarding msb (known to be 1) */
+ value <<= z_leading + 1;
+ /* Create bcdefgh */
+ value >>= 25;
+ /* Put it all together */
+ return value | ((0x8 + z_leading) << 7); /* [01000..11111]:bcdefgh */
bool ArmMir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantInt(int32_t value) {
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/ b/compiler/dex/quick/
index d1bfd2d..bc49b70 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/
@@ -180,24 +180,24 @@
void Mir2Lir::GenIntNarrowing(Instruction::Code opcode, RegLocation rl_dest,
RegLocation rl_src) {
- rl_src = LoadValue(rl_src, kCoreReg);
- RegLocation rl_result = EvalLoc(rl_dest, kCoreReg, true);
- OpKind op = kOpInvalid;
- switch (opcode) {
- case Instruction::INT_TO_BYTE:
- op = kOp2Byte;
+ rl_src = LoadValue(rl_src, kCoreReg);
+ RegLocation rl_result = EvalLoc(rl_dest, kCoreReg, true);
+ OpKind op = kOpInvalid;
+ switch (opcode) {
+ case Instruction::INT_TO_BYTE:
+ op = kOp2Byte;
+ break;
+ case Instruction::INT_TO_SHORT:
+ op = kOp2Short;
- case Instruction::INT_TO_SHORT:
- op = kOp2Short;
- break;
- case Instruction::INT_TO_CHAR:
- op = kOp2Char;
- break;
- default:
- LOG(ERROR) << "Bad int conversion type";
- }
- OpRegReg(op, rl_result.low_reg, rl_src.low_reg);
- StoreValue(rl_dest, rl_result);
+ case Instruction::INT_TO_CHAR:
+ op = kOp2Char;
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Bad int conversion type";
+ }
+ OpRegReg(op, rl_result.low_reg, rl_src.low_reg);
+ StoreValue(rl_dest, rl_result);
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/ b/compiler/dex/quick/
index fd8f86b..8840526 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/
@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@
OpRegReg(kOpCmp, rl_idx.low_reg, reg_max);
OpCondBranch(kCondCs, launch_pad);
- }
+ }
} else {
if (range_check) {
reg_max = AllocTemp();
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h b/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
index 0962167..4774456 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
@@ -208,14 +208,14 @@
LIR *def_end; // Ending inst in last def sequence.
- struct RegisterPool {
- int num_core_regs;
- RegisterInfo *core_regs;
- int next_core_reg;
- int num_fp_regs;
- RegisterInfo *FPRegs;
- int next_fp_reg;
- };
+ struct RegisterPool {
+ int num_core_regs;
+ RegisterInfo *core_regs;
+ int next_core_reg;
+ int num_fp_regs;
+ RegisterInfo *FPRegs;
+ int next_fp_reg;
+ };
struct PromotionMap {
RegLocationType core_location:3;
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/ b/compiler/dex/quick/
index 67989a1..92bd94e 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/
@@ -714,29 +714,29 @@
bool Mir2Lir::CheckCorePoolSanity() {
- for (static int i = 0; i < reg_pool_->num_core_regs; i++) {
- if (reg_pool_->core_regs[i].pair) {
- static int my_reg = reg_pool_->core_regs[i].reg;
- static int my_sreg = reg_pool_->core_regs[i].s_reg;
- static int partner_reg = reg_pool_->core_regs[i].partner;
- static RegisterInfo* partner = GetRegInfo(partner_reg);
- DCHECK(partner != NULL);
- DCHECK(partner->pair);
- DCHECK_EQ(my_reg, partner->partner);
- static int partner_sreg = partner->s_reg;
- if (my_sreg == INVALID_SREG) {
- DCHECK_EQ(partner_sreg, INVALID_SREG);
- } else {
- int diff = my_sreg - partner_sreg;
- DCHECK((diff == -1) || (diff == 1));
- }
- }
- if (!reg_pool_->core_regs[i].live) {
- DCHECK(reg_pool_->core_regs[i].def_start == NULL);
- DCHECK(reg_pool_->core_regs[i].def_end == NULL);
- }
- }
- return true;
+ for (static int i = 0; i < reg_pool_->num_core_regs; i++) {
+ if (reg_pool_->core_regs[i].pair) {
+ static int my_reg = reg_pool_->core_regs[i].reg;
+ static int my_sreg = reg_pool_->core_regs[i].s_reg;
+ static int partner_reg = reg_pool_->core_regs[i].partner;
+ static RegisterInfo* partner = GetRegInfo(partner_reg);
+ DCHECK(partner != NULL);
+ DCHECK(partner->pair);
+ DCHECK_EQ(my_reg, partner->partner);
+ static int partner_sreg = partner->s_reg;
+ if (my_sreg == INVALID_SREG) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(partner_sreg, INVALID_SREG);
+ } else {
+ int diff = my_sreg - partner_sreg;
+ DCHECK((diff == -1) || (diff == 1));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!reg_pool_->core_regs[i].live) {
+ DCHECK(reg_pool_->core_regs[i].def_start == NULL);
+ DCHECK(reg_pool_->core_regs[i].def_end == NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;