Use SS/GSS collectors in dex2oat if they are the default.

With CL 198466, we stopped exercising the SS/GSS collectors in dex2oat,
which could bit-rot. We now turn on the force deterministic compilation
only if the default GC is CMS or MS and allow the SS/GSS collectors to
be exercised in dex2oat if they are the default.

Bug: 26687569
Change-Id: I049f8d0a9b4ebf3f31d0953cf71dd0e4ba6aa651
diff --git a/dex2oat/ b/dex2oat/
index f56fc38..a5d95c1 100644
--- a/dex2oat/
+++ b/dex2oat/
@@ -928,16 +928,25 @@
     // Fill some values into the key-value store for the oat header.
     key_value_store_.reset(new SafeMap<std::string, std::string>());
-    // Automatically force determinism for the boot image in a host
-    // build, except when read barriers are enabled, as the former
-    // switches the GC to a non-concurrent one by passing the
-    // option `-Xgc:nonconcurrent` (see below).
-    if (!kIsTargetBuild && IsBootImage() && !kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
-      force_determinism_ = true;
+    // Automatically force determinism for the boot image in a host build if the default GC is CMS
+    // or MS and read barriers are not enabled, as the former switches the GC to a non-concurrent
+    // one by passing the option `-Xgc:nonconcurrent` (see below).
+    if (!kIsTargetBuild && IsBootImage()) {
+      if (SupportsDeterministicCompilation()) {
+        force_determinism_ = true;
+      } else {
+        LOG(WARNING) << "Deterministic compilation is disabled.";
+      }
     compiler_options_->force_determinism_ = force_determinism_;
+  static bool SupportsDeterministicCompilation() {
+    return (gc::kCollectorTypeDefault == gc::kCollectorTypeCMS ||
+            gc::kCollectorTypeDefault == gc::kCollectorTypeMS) &&
+        !kEmitCompilerReadBarrier;
+  }
   void ExpandOatAndImageFilenames() {
     std::string base_oat = oat_filenames_[0];
     size_t last_oat_slash = base_oat.rfind('/');
@@ -1180,8 +1189,8 @@
       } else if (option.starts_with("--no-inline-from=")) {
         no_inline_from_string_ = option.substr(strlen("--no-inline-from=")).data();
       } else if (option == "--force-determinism") {
-        if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
-          Usage("Cannot use --force-determinism with read barriers");
+        if (!SupportsDeterministicCompilation()) {
+          Usage("Cannot use --force-determinism with read barriers or non-CMS garbage collector");
         force_determinism_ = true;
       } else if (!compiler_options_->ParseCompilerOption(option, Usage)) {