Enable class unloading in dex2oat for quicken multidex

Enable class unloading for the quicken compilation filter. This
reduces RAM used by dex2oat when compiling multidex apps with the
quicken filter.

Unit test is already in dex2oat_test.

Bug: 63467744
Test: test-art-host
Test: test/testrunner/testrunner.py --interpreter --host -j40
Change-Id: Icde116fc066aaae9bf0ee951f277a618be60ccf0
diff --git a/dex2oat/dex2oat.cc b/dex2oat/dex2oat.cc
index f50e88f..a6036da 100644
--- a/dex2oat/dex2oat.cc
+++ b/dex2oat/dex2oat.cc
@@ -1774,11 +1774,11 @@
   bool ShouldCompileDexFilesIndividually() const {
     // Compile individually if we are not building an image, not using any compilation, and are
     // using multidex.
-    // This means extract, and verify, will use the individual compilation mode (to reduce RAM used
-    // by the compiler).
+    // This means extract, verify, and quicken, will use the individual compilation mode (to reduce
+    // RAM used by the compiler).
     return !IsImage() &&
         dex_files_.size() > 1 &&
-        !CompilerFilter::IsAnyCompilationEnabled(compiler_options_->GetCompilerFilter());
+        !CompilerFilter::IsAotCompilationEnabled(compiler_options_->GetCompilerFilter());
   // Set up and create the compiler driver and then invoke it to compile all the dex files.