Rework logcat handling

Only extract logs from dex2oat instances that were started by the
correct runtime. This is accomplished by getting pid of runtime
and then filtering logcat output based on dex2oat 'parent PID ='

Test: -cp classes.dex --class Test
  --expected-output out --device

Change-Id: Ib1a5da6fac1560c57af8245e3a921d10bf464f2a
diff --git a/tools/bisection_search/ b/tools/bisection_search/
index 0d36aa4..b7f1907 100755
--- a/tools/bisection_search/
+++ b/tools/bisection_search/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 from common import FatalError
 from common import GetEnvVariableOrError
 from common import HostTestEnv
+from common import LogSeverity
 from common import RetCode
@@ -57,6 +58,9 @@
 # position in the command.
+# Default core image path relative to ANDROID_HOST_OUT.
 class Dex2OatWrapperTestable(object):
   """Class representing a testable compilation.
@@ -104,10 +108,9 @@
       print('Testing methods: {0} passes: {1}.'.format(
           compiled_methods, passes_to_run))
     cmd = self._PrepareCmd(compiled_methods=compiled_methods,
-                           passes_to_run=passes_to_run,
-                           verbose_compiler=False)
+                           passes_to_run=passes_to_run)
     (output, ret_code) = self._test_env.RunCommand(
-        cmd, {'ANDROID_LOG_TAGS': '*:e'})
+        cmd, LogSeverity.ERROR)
     res = True
     if self._expected_retcode:
       res = self._expected_retcode == ret_code
@@ -126,8 +129,8 @@
       FatalError: An error occurred when retrieving methods list.
-    cmd = self._PrepareCmd(verbose_compiler=True)
-    (output, _) = self._test_env.RunCommand(cmd, {'ANDROID_LOG_TAGS': '*:i'})
+    cmd = self._PrepareCmd()
+    (output, _) = self._test_env.RunCommand(cmd, LogSeverity.INFO)
     match_methods = re.findall(r'Building ([^\n]+)\n', output)
     if not match_methods:
       raise FatalError('Failed to retrieve methods list. '
@@ -146,9 +149,8 @@
       FatalError: An error occurred when retrieving passes list.
-    cmd = self._PrepareCmd(compiled_methods=[compiled_method],
-                           verbose_compiler=True)
-    (output, _) = self._test_env.RunCommand(cmd, {'ANDROID_LOG_TAGS': '*:i'})
+    cmd = self._PrepareCmd(compiled_methods=[compiled_method])
+    (output, _) = self._test_env.RunCommand(cmd, LogSeverity.INFO)
     match_passes = re.findall(r'Starting pass: ([^\n]+)\n', output)
     if not match_passes:
       raise FatalError('Failed to retrieve passes list. '
@@ -168,9 +170,8 @@
       self._test_env.WriteLines(self._passes_to_run_path, passes_to_run)
       cmd += ['-Xcompiler-option', '--run-passes={0}'.format(
-    if verbose_compiler:
-      cmd += ['-Xcompiler-option', '--runtime-arg', '-Xcompiler-option',
-              '-verbose:compiler', '-Xcompiler-option', '-j1']
+    cmd += ['-Xcompiler-option', '--runtime-arg', '-Xcompiler-option',
+            '-verbose:compiler', '-Xcompiler-option', '-j1']
     cmd += self._base_cmd[self._arguments_position:]
     return cmd
@@ -361,8 +362,8 @@
     if not args.device:
       base_cmd += ['-XXlib:{0}'.format(args.lib)]
       if not args.image:
-        image_path = '{0}/framework/'.format(
-            GetEnvVariableOrError('ANDROID_HOST_OUT'))
+        image_path = (GetEnvVariableOrError('ANDROID_HOST_OUT') +
+                      DEFAULT_IMAGE_RELATIVE_PATH)
         image_path = args.image
       base_cmd += ['-Ximage:{0}'.format(image_path)]