Enable building art and tests with linux_bionic
A linux_bionic built runtime can be created by modifying the
$OUT_DIR/soong/soong.config json file to add a '"Host_bionic": true'
entry and then running the following command:
% m --skip-make $OUT_DIR/soong/host/linux_bionic-x86/<target-file>
A script 'tools/build_linux_bionic_tests.sh' was also added that will
build linux-bionic versions of host-test related files.
Also modify tests so they can be run. Currently all run-tests pass
when run on a linux_bionic host build. All gtests pass except for the
following 9 tests:
Since these tests must be run manually without the standard
(makefile-based) testrunner it's not clear yet whether these failures
are important or what must be done to fix them. Several tests had
dependencies on the actual location of the libart library that needed
to be fixed, these tests might as well.
Test: ./tools/build_linux_bionic_tests.sh
Test: ./test/testrunner/testrunner.py --no-build --host --64 --run-test-option=--bionic
Test: find $OUT_DIR/soong/host/linux_bionic-x86/nativetest64 -mindepth 2 -type f | while read abc; do $abc; done | tee all-tests.txt
Test: tail -n +0 -f all-tests.txt | grep FAILED
Bug: 31559095
Bug: 118778408
Change-Id: I5fae4e54371e7410678619f18fcb54a3bd34e9b0
diff --git a/compiler/utils/assembler_thumb_test.cc b/compiler/utils/assembler_thumb_test.cc
index 053e202..3d26296 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/assembler_thumb_test.cc
+++ b/compiler/utils/assembler_thumb_test.cc
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
// Assemble the .S
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%sas %s -o %s.o", toolsdir.c_str(), filename, filename);
int cmd_result = system(cmd);
- ASSERT_EQ(cmd_result, 0) << strerror(errno);
+ ASSERT_EQ(cmd_result, 0) << cmd << strerror(errno);
// Disassemble.
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%sobjdump -D -M force-thumb --section=.text %s.o | grep '^ *[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]*:'",