Merge "Make X86 assembly labels local."
diff --git a/runtime/arch/x86/jni_entrypoints_x86.S b/runtime/arch/x86/jni_entrypoints_x86.S
index 2eb5ada..ebd82b5 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/x86/jni_entrypoints_x86.S
+++ b/runtime/arch/x86/jni_entrypoints_x86.S
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
     addl LITERAL(8), %esp         // restore the stack
     cmpl LITERAL(0), %eax         // check if returned method code is null
-    je no_native_code_found       // if null, jump to return to handle
+    je .Lno_native_code_found     // if null, jump to return to handle
     jmp *%eax                     // otherwise, tail call to intended method
 END_FUNCTION art_jni_dlsym_lookup_stub
diff --git a/runtime/arch/x86/portable_entrypoints_x86.S b/runtime/arch/x86/portable_entrypoints_x86.S
index 4bd6173..5f270f8 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/x86/portable_entrypoints_x86.S
+++ b/runtime/arch/x86/portable_entrypoints_x86.S
@@ -52,16 +52,16 @@
     POP ebp                       // pop ebp
     mov 20(%esp), %ecx            // get result pointer
     cmpl LITERAL(68), 24(%esp)    // test if result type char == 'D'
-    je return_double_portable
+    je .Lreturn_double_portable
     cmpl LITERAL(70), 24(%esp)    // test if result type char == 'F'
-    je return_float_portable
+    je .Lreturn_float_portable
     mov %eax, (%ecx)              // store the result
     mov %edx, 4(%ecx)             // store the other half of the result
     fstpl (%ecx)                  // store the floating point result as double
     fstps (%ecx)                  // store the floating point result as float
 END_FUNCTION art_portable_invoke_stub
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@
   CFI_DEF_CFA(%esp, 4)
   testl %eax, %eax
-  jz  resolve_fail
+  jz  .Lresolve_fail
   jmp * %eax
-resolve_fail:                     // Resolution failed, return with exception pending.
+.Lresolve_fail:                   // Resolution failed, return with exception pending.
 END_FUNCTION art_portable_resolution_trampoline
diff --git a/runtime/arch/x86/quick_entrypoints_x86.S b/runtime/arch/x86/quick_entrypoints_x86.S
index 7597a4e..b1f2275 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/x86/quick_entrypoints_x86.S
+++ b/runtime/arch/x86/quick_entrypoints_x86.S
@@ -285,14 +285,14 @@
     mov %edx, 4(%ecx)             // store the other half of the result
     mov 24(%esp), %edx            // get the shorty
     cmpb LITERAL(68), (%edx)      // test if result type char == 'D'
-    je return_double_quick
+    je .Lreturn_double_quick
     cmpb LITERAL(70), (%edx)      // test if result type char == 'F'
-    je return_float_quick
+    je .Lreturn_float_quick
     movsd %xmm0, (%ecx)           // store the floating point result
     movss %xmm0, (%ecx)           // store the floating point result
 END_FUNCTION art_quick_invoke_stub
@@ -514,32 +514,32 @@
 DEFINE_FUNCTION art_quick_lock_object
     testl %eax, %eax                      // null check object/eax
-    jz   slow_lock
+    jz   .Lslow_lock
     movl LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%eax), %ecx     // ecx := lock word
     test LITERAL(0xC0000000), %ecx        // test the 2 high bits.
-    jne  slow_lock                        // slow path if either of the two high bits are set.
+    jne  .Lslow_lock                      // slow path if either of the two high bits are set.
     movl %fs:THREAD_ID_OFFSET, %edx       // edx := thread id
     test %ecx, %ecx
-    jnz  already_thin                     // lock word contains a thin lock
+    jnz  .Lalready_thin                   // lock word contains a thin lock
     // unlocked case - %edx holds thread id with count of 0
     movl %eax, %ecx                       // remember object in case of retry
     xor  %eax, %eax                       // eax == 0 for comparison with lock word in cmpxchg
     lock cmpxchg  %edx, LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%ecx)
-    jnz  cmpxchg_fail                     // cmpxchg failed retry
+    jnz  .Lcmpxchg_fail                   // cmpxchg failed retry
     movl  %ecx, %eax                       // restore eax
-    jmp  retry_lock
+    jmp  .Lretry_lock
     cmpw %ax, %dx                         // do we hold the lock already?
-    jne  slow_lock
+    jne  .Lslow_lock
     addl LITERAL(65536), %eax             // increment recursion count
     test LITERAL(0xC0000000), %eax        // overflowed if either of top two bits are set
-    jne  slow_lock                        // count overflowed so go slow
+    jne  .Lslow_lock                      // count overflowed so go slow
     movl %eax, LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%ecx)     // update lockword, cmpxchg not necessary as we hold lock
     SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME  // save ref containing registers for GC
     mov %esp, %edx                // remember SP
     SETUP_GOT_NOSAVE              // clobbers EBX
@@ -558,22 +558,22 @@
 DEFINE_FUNCTION art_quick_unlock_object
     testl %eax, %eax                      // null check object/eax
-    jz   slow_unlock
+    jz   .Lslow_unlock
     movl LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%eax), %ecx     // ecx := lock word
     movl %fs:THREAD_ID_OFFSET, %edx       // edx := thread id
     test %ecx, %ecx
-    jb   slow_unlock                      // lock word contains a monitor
+    jb   .Lslow_unlock                    // lock word contains a monitor
     cmpw %cx, %dx                         // does the thread id match?
-    jne  slow_unlock
+    jne  .Lslow_unlock
     cmpl LITERAL(65536), %ecx
-    jae  recursive_thin_unlock
+    jae  .Lrecursive_thin_unlock
     movl LITERAL(0), LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%eax)
     subl LITERAL(65536), %ecx
     mov  %ecx, LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%eax)
     SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME  // save ref containing registers for GC
     mov %esp, %edx                // remember SP
     SETUP_GOT_NOSAVE              // clobbers EBX
@@ -651,21 +651,21 @@
 DEFINE_FUNCTION art_quick_aput_obj
     test %edx, %edx              // store of null
-    jz do_aput_null
+    jz .Ldo_aput_null
     movl CLASS_OFFSET(%eax), %ebx
     movl CLASS_COMPONENT_TYPE_OFFSET(%ebx), %ebx
     cmpl CLASS_OFFSET(%edx), %ebx // value's type == array's component type - trivial assignability
-    jne check_assignability
+    jne .Lcheck_assignability
     movl %edx, OBJECT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax, %ecx, 4)
     movl %fs:THREAD_CARD_TABLE_OFFSET, %edx
     shrl LITERAL(7), %eax
     movb %dl, (%edx, %eax)
     movl %edx, OBJECT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax, %ecx, 4)
     PUSH eax                     // save arguments
     PUSH ecx
     PUSH edx
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@
     addl LITERAL(16), %esp       // pop arguments
     testl %eax, %eax
-    jz   throw_array_store_exception
+    jz   .Lthrow_array_store_exception
     POP  edx
     POP  ecx
     POP  eax
@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@
     shrl LITERAL(7), %eax
     movb %dl, (%edx, %eax)
     POP  edx
     POP  ecx
     POP  eax
@@ -792,14 +792,14 @@
 DEFINE_FUNCTION art_quick_idivmod
     cmpl LITERAL(0x80000000), %eax
-    je check_arg2  // special case
+    je .Lcheck_arg2  // special case
     cdq         // edx:eax = sign extend eax
     idiv %ecx   // (edx,eax) = (edx:eax % ecx, edx:eax / ecx)
     cmpl LITERAL(-1), %ecx
-    jne args_ok
+    jne .Largs_ok
     xorl %edx, %edx
     ret         // eax already holds min int
 END_FUNCTION art_quick_idivmod
@@ -1308,12 +1308,12 @@
      *   edi: pointer to comp string data
     repe cmpsw                    // find nonmatching chars in [%esi] and [%edi], up to length %ecx
-    jne not_equal
+    jne .Lnot_equal
     POP edi                       // pop callee save reg
     POP esi                       // pop callee save reg
     .balign 16
     movzwl  -2(%esi), %eax        // get last compared char from this string
     movzwl  -2(%edi), %ecx        // get last compared char from comp string
     subl  %ecx, %eax              // return the difference