Oat compiler integration snapshot.

Cleanly compiles, but not integrated.  Old-world dependencies captured
in hacked-up temporary files "Dalvik.h" and "HackStubs.cc".

Dalvik.h is a placeholder that captures all of the constants, struct
definitions and inline functions the compiler needs.  It largely consists
of declaration fragments of libdex, Object.h, DvmDex.h and Thread.h.

HackStubs.cc contains empty shells for some required libdex routines.

Change-Id: Ia479dda41da4e3162ff6df383252fdc7dbf38d71
diff --git a/src/compiler/codegen/arm/MethodCodegenDriver.cc b/src/compiler/codegen/arm/MethodCodegenDriver.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..417fdca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/codegen/arm/MethodCodegenDriver.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1765 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+//#define TESTMODE
+#ifdef TESTMODE
+#include "CalloutHelper.h"
+static const RegLocation badLoc = {kLocDalvikFrame, 0, 0, INVALID_REG,
+                                   INVALID_REG, INVALID_SREG, 0,
+                                   kLocDalvikFrame, INVALID_REG, INVALID_REG,
+                                   INVALID_OFFSET};
+static const RegLocation retLoc = LOC_DALVIK_RETURN_VAL;
+static const RegLocation retLocWide = LOC_DALVIK_RETURN_VAL_WIDE;
+static void genNewArray(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir, RegLocation rlDest,
+                        RegLocation rlSrc)
+    oatFlushAllRegs(cUnit);  /* All temps to home location */
+    void* classPtr = (void*)
+        (cUnit->method->clazz->pDvmDex->pResClasses[mir->dalvikInsn.vC]);
+    if (classPtr == NULL) {
+         LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected null passPtr";
+    } else {
+         loadValueDirectFixed(cUnit, rlSrc, r1);    /* get Len */
+         loadConstant(cUnit, r0, (int)classPtr);
+    }
+    // FIXME: need this to throw errNegativeArraySize
+    genRegImmCheck(cUnit, kArmCondMi, r1, 0, mir->offset, NULL);
+#ifdef TESTMODE
+// Hack until we get rSELF setup
+    loadConstant(cUnit, rLR, (int)dvmAllocArrayByClass);
+    loadWordDisp(cUnit, rSELF, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Thread, pArtAllocArrayByClass),
+                 rLR);
+    loadConstant(cUnit, r2, ALLOC_DONT_TRACK);
+    newLIR1(cUnit, kThumbBlxR, rLR); // (arrayClass, length, allocFlags)
+    storeValue(cUnit, rlDest, retLoc);
+ * Similar to genNewArray, but with post-allocation initialization.
+ * Verifier guarantees we're dealing with an array class.  Current
+ * code throws runtime exception "bad Filled array req" for 'D' and 'J'.
+ * Current code also throws internal unimp if not 'L', '[' or 'I'.
+ */
+static void genFilledNewArray(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir, bool isRange)
+    DecodedInstruction* dInsn = &mir->dalvikInsn;
+    int elems;
+    int typeIndex;
+    if (isRange) {
+        elems = dInsn->vA;
+        typeIndex = dInsn->vB;
+    } else {
+        elems = dInsn->vB;
+        typeIndex = dInsn->vC;
+    }
+    oatFlushAllRegs(cUnit);  /* All temps to home location */
+    void* classPtr = (void*)
+        (cUnit->method->clazz->pDvmDex->pResClasses[typeIndex]);
+    if (classPtr == NULL) {
+         LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected null passPtr";
+    } else {
+         loadConstant(cUnit, r0, (int)classPtr);
+         loadConstant(cUnit, r1, elems);
+    }
+    if (elems < 0) {
+        LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected empty array";
+    }
+    /*
+     * FIXME: Need a new NoThrow allocator that checks for and handles
+     * the above mentioned bad cases of 'D', 'J' or !('L' | '[' | 'I').
+     * That will keep us from wasting space generating an inline check here.
+     */
+#ifdef TESTMODE
+// Hack until we get rSELF setup
+    loadConstant(cUnit, rLR, (int)dvmAllocArrayByClass);
+    loadWordDisp(cUnit, rSELF, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Thread, pArtAllocArrayByClass),
+                 rLR);
+    loadConstant(cUnit, r2, ALLOC_DONT_TRACK);
+    newLIR1(cUnit, kThumbBlxR, rLR); // (arrayClass, length, allocFlags)
+    // Reserve ret0 (r0) - we'll use it in place.
+    oatLockTemp(cUnit, r0);
+    // Having a range of 0 is legal
+    if (isRange && (dInsn->vA > 0)) {
+        /*
+         * Bit of ugliness here.  We're going generate a mem copy loop
+         * on the register range, but it is possible that some regs
+         * in the range have been promoted.  This is unlikely, but
+         * before generating the copy, we'll just force a flush
+         * of any regs in the source range that have been promoted to
+         * home location.
+         */
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dInsn->vA; i++) {
+            RegLocation loc = oatUpdateLoc(cUnit,
+                oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, i));
+            if (loc.location == kLocPhysReg) {
+                storeBaseDisp(cUnit, rSP, loc.spOffset, loc.lowReg, kWord);
+            }
+        }
+        /*
+         * TUNING note: generated code here could be much improved, but
+         * this is an uncommon operation and isn't especially performance
+         * critical.
+         */
+        int rSrc = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
+        int rDst = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
+        int rIdx = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
+        int rVal = rLR;  // Using a lot of temps, rLR is known free here
+        // Set up source pointer
+        RegLocation rlFirst = oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, 0);
+        opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAdd, rSrc, rSP, rlFirst.spOffset);
+        // Set up the target pointer
+        opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAdd, rDst, r0,
+                    OFFSETOF_MEMBER(ArrayObject, contents));
+        // Set up the loop counter (known to be > 0)
+        loadConstant(cUnit, rIdx, dInsn->vA);
+        // Generate the copy loop.  Going backwards for convenience
+        ArmLIR* target = newLIR0(cUnit, kArmPseudoTargetLabel);
+        target->defMask = ENCODE_ALL;
+        // Copy next element
+        loadBaseIndexed(cUnit, rSrc, rIdx, rVal, 2, kWord);
+        storeBaseIndexed(cUnit, rDst, rIdx, rVal, 2, kWord);
+        // Use setflags encoding here
+        newLIR3(cUnit, kThumb2SubsRRI12, rIdx, rIdx, 1);
+        ArmLIR* branch = opCondBranch(cUnit, kArmCondNe);
+        branch->generic.target = (LIR*)target;
+    } else if (!isRange) {
+        // TUNING: interleave
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dInsn->vA; i++) {
+            RegLocation rlArg = loadValue(cUnit,
+                oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, i), kCoreReg);
+            storeBaseDisp(cUnit, r0, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(ArrayObject, contents) +
+                          i * 4, rlArg.lowReg, kWord);
+            // If the loadValue caused a temp to be allocated, free it
+            if (oatIsTemp(cUnit, rlArg.lowReg)) {
+                oatFreeTemp(cUnit, rlArg.lowReg);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+static void genSput(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir, RegLocation rlSrc)
+    int valOffset = OFFSETOF_MEMBER(StaticField, value);
+    int tReg = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
+    int objHead;
+    bool isVolatile;
+    bool isSputObject;
+    const Method *method = (mir->OptimizationFlags & MIR_CALLEE) ?
+        mir->meta.calleeMethod : cUnit->method;
+    void* fieldPtr = (void*)
+      (method->clazz->pDvmDex->pResFields[mir->dalvikInsn.vB]);
+    Opcode opcode = mir->dalvikInsn.opcode;
+    if (fieldPtr == NULL) {
+        // FIXME: need to handle this case for oat();
+    }
+#if ANDROID_SMP != 0
+    isVolatile = (opcode == OP_SPUT_VOLATILE) ||
+                 (opcode == OP_SPUT_VOLATILE_JUMBO) ||
+                 (opcode == OP_SPUT_OBJECT_VOLATILE) ||
+                 (opcode == OP_SPUT_OBJECT_VOLATILE_JUMBO);
+    assert(isVolatile == dvmIsVolatileField((Field *) fieldPtr));
+    isVolatile = dvmIsVolatileField((Field *) fieldPtr);
+    isSputObject = (opcode == OP_SPUT_OBJECT) ||
+                   (opcode == OP_SPUT_OBJECT_VOLATILE);
+    rlSrc = oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, 0);
+    rlSrc = loadValue(cUnit, rlSrc, kAnyReg);
+    loadConstant(cUnit, tReg,  (int) fieldPtr);
+    if (isSputObject) {
+        objHead = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
+        loadWordDisp(cUnit, tReg, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Field, clazz), objHead);
+    }
+    storeWordDisp(cUnit, tReg, valOffset ,rlSrc.lowReg);
+    oatFreeTemp(cUnit, tReg);
+    if (isVolatile) {
+        oatGenMemBarrier(cUnit, kSY);
+    }
+    if (isSputObject) {
+        /* NOTE: marking card based sfield->clazz */
+        markGCCard(cUnit, rlSrc.lowReg, objHead);
+        oatFreeTemp(cUnit, objHead);
+    }
+static void genSputWide(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir, RegLocation rlSrc)
+    int tReg = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
+    int valOffset = OFFSETOF_MEMBER(StaticField, value);
+    const Method *method = (mir->OptimizationFlags & MIR_CALLEE) ?
+        mir->meta.calleeMethod : cUnit->method;
+    void* fieldPtr = (void*)
+      (method->clazz->pDvmDex->pResFields[mir->dalvikInsn.vB]);
+    if (fieldPtr == NULL) {
+        // FIXME: need to handle this case for oat();
+    }
+    rlSrc = oatGetSrcWide(cUnit, mir, 0, 1);
+    rlSrc = loadValueWide(cUnit, rlSrc, kAnyReg);
+    loadConstant(cUnit, tReg,  (int) fieldPtr + valOffset);
+    storePair(cUnit, tReg, rlSrc.lowReg, rlSrc.highReg);
+static void genSgetWide(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir,
+                 RegLocation rlResult, RegLocation rlDest)
+    int valOffset = OFFSETOF_MEMBER(StaticField, value);
+    const Method *method = (mir->OptimizationFlags & MIR_CALLEE) ?
+        mir->meta.calleeMethod : cUnit->method;
+    void* fieldPtr = (void*)
+      (method->clazz->pDvmDex->pResFields[mir->dalvikInsn.vB]);
+    if (fieldPtr == NULL) {
+        // FIXME: need to handle this case for oat();
+    }
+    int tReg = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
+    rlDest = oatGetDestWide(cUnit, mir, 0, 1);
+    rlResult = oatEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kAnyReg, true);
+    loadConstant(cUnit, tReg,  (int) fieldPtr + valOffset);
+    loadPair(cUnit, tReg, rlResult.lowReg, rlResult.highReg);
+    storeValueWide(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
+static void genSget(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir,
+             RegLocation rlResult, RegLocation rlDest)
+    int valOffset = OFFSETOF_MEMBER(StaticField, value);
+    int tReg = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
+    bool isVolatile;
+    const Method *method = cUnit->method;
+    void* fieldPtr = (void*)
+      (method->clazz->pDvmDex->pResFields[mir->dalvikInsn.vB]);
+    if (fieldPtr == NULL) {
+        // FIXME: need to handle this case for oat();
+    }
+    /*
+     * On SMP systems, Dalvik opcodes found to be referencing
+     * volatile fields are rewritten to their _VOLATILE variant.
+     * However, this does not happen on non-SMP systems. The compiler
+     * still needs to know about volatility to avoid unsafe
+     * optimizations so we determine volatility based on either
+     * the opcode or the field access flags.
+     */
+#if ANDROID_SMP != 0
+    Opcode opcode = mir->dalvikInsn.opcode;
+    isVolatile = (opcode == OP_SGET_VOLATILE) ||
+                 (opcode == OP_SGET_OBJECT_VOLATILE);
+    assert(isVolatile == dvmIsVolatileField((Field *) fieldPtr));
+    isVolatile = dvmIsVolatileField((Field *) fieldPtr);
+    rlDest = oatGetDest(cUnit, mir, 0);
+    rlResult = oatEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kAnyReg, true);
+    loadConstant(cUnit, tReg,  (int) fieldPtr + valOffset);
+    if (isVolatile) {
+        oatGenMemBarrier(cUnit, kSY);
+    }
+    loadWordDisp(cUnit, tReg, 0, rlResult.lowReg);
+    storeValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
+typedef int (*NextCallInsn)(CompilationUnit*, MIR*, DecodedInstruction*, int);
+ * Bit of a hack here - in leiu of a real scheduling pass,
+ * emit the next instruction in static & direct invoke sequences.
+ */
+static int nextSDCallInsn(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir,
+                        DecodedInstruction* dInsn, int state)
+    switch(state) {
+        case 0:  // Get the current Method* [sets r0]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, rSP, 0, r0, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            break;
+        case 1:  // Get the pResMethods pointer [uses r0, sets r0]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r0, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Method, pResMethods),
+                         r0, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            break;
+        case 2: // Get the target Method* [uses r0, sets r0]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r0, dInsn->vB * 4, r0,
+                         kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            break;
+        case 3: // Get the target compiled code address [uses r0, sets rLR]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r0,
+                         OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Method, compiledInsns), rLR,
+                         kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            break;
+        default:
+            return -1;
+    }
+    return state + 1;
+ * Bit of a hack here - in leiu of a real scheduling pass,
+ * emit the next instruction in a virtual invoke sequence.
+ * We can use rLR as a temp prior to target address loading
+ * Note also that we'll load the first argument ("this") into
+ * r1 here rather than the standard loadArgRegs.
+ */
+static int nextVCallInsn(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir,
+                        DecodedInstruction* dInsn, int state)
+    RegLocation rlArg;
+    switch(state) {
+        case 0:  // Get the current Method* [set r0]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, rSP, 0, r0, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            // Load "this" [set r1]
+            rlArg = oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, 0);
+            loadValueDirectFixed(cUnit, rlArg, r1);
+            break;
+        case 1:  // Get the pResMethods pointer [use r0, set r12]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r0, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Method, pResMethods),
+                         r12, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+             // Is "this" null? [use r1]
+             genNullCheck(cUnit, oatSSASrc(mir,0), r1,
+                           mir->offset, NULL);
+             break;
+        case 2: // Get the base Method* [use r12, set r0]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r12, dInsn->vB * 4, r0,
+                         kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            // get this->clazz [use r1, set rLR]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r1, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Object, clazz), rLR,
+                         kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            break;
+        case 3: // Get the method index [use r0, set r12]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r0, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Method, methodIndex),
+                         r12, kUnsignedHalf, INVALID_SREG);
+            // get this->clazz->vtable [use rLR, set rLR]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, rLR,
+                         OFFSETOF_MEMBER(ClassObject, vtable), rLR, kWord,
+                         INVALID_SREG);
+            break;
+        case 4: // get target Method* [use rLR, use r12, set r0]
+              loadBaseIndexed(cUnit, rLR, r12, r0, 2, kWord);
+              break;
+        case 5: // Get the target compiled code address [use r0, set rLR]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r0, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Method, compiledInsns),
+                         rLR, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            break;
+        default:
+            return -1;
+    }
+    return state + 1;
+/* Load up to 3 arguments in r1..r3 */
+static int loadArgRegs(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir,
+                       DecodedInstruction* dInsn, int callState,
+                       int *args, NextCallInsn nextCallInsn)
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        if (args[i] != INVALID_REG) {
+            RegLocation rlArg = oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, i);
+            loadValueDirectFixed(cUnit, rlArg, r1 + i);
+            callState = nextCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+        }
+    }
+    return callState;
+ * Interleave launch code for INVOKE_INTERFACE.  The target is
+ * identified using artFindInterfaceMethodInCache(class, ref, method, dex)
+ * Note that we'll have to reload "this" following the helper call.
+ *
+ * FIXME: do we need to have artFindInterfaceMethodInCache return
+ * a NULL if not found so we can throw exception here?  Otherwise,
+ * may need to pass some additional info to allow the helper function
+ * to throw on its own.
+ */
+static int nextInterfaceCallInsn(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir,
+                                 DecodedInstruction* dInsn, int state)
+    RegLocation rlArg;
+    switch(state) {
+        case 0:
+            // Load "this" [set r12]
+            rlArg = oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, 0);
+            loadValueDirectFixed(cUnit, rlArg, r12);
+            // Get the current Method* [set arg2]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, rSP, 0, r2, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            // Is "this" null? [use r12]
+            genNullCheck(cUnit, oatSSASrc(mir,0), r12,
+                           mir->offset, NULL);
+            // Get curMethod->clazz [set arg3]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r2, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Method, clazz),
+                         r3, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            // Load this->class [usr r12, set arg0]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r12, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(ClassObject, clazz),
+                         r3, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            // Load address of helper function
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, rSELF,
+                      OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Thread, pArtFindInterfaceMethodInCache),
+                      rLR, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            // Get dvmDex
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r3, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(ClassObject, pDvmDex),
+                         r3, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            // Load ref [set arg1]
+            loadConstant(cUnit, r1, dInsn->vB);
+            // Call out to helper, target Method returned in ret0
+            newLIR1(cUnit, kThumbBlxR, rLR);
+            break;
+        case 1: // Get the target compiled code address [use r0, set rLR]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r0, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Method, compiledInsns),
+                         rLR, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+        default:
+            return -1;
+    }
+    return state + 1;
+ * Interleave launch code for INVOKE_SUPER.  See comments
+ * for nextVCallIns.
+ */
+static int nextSuperCallInsn(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir,
+                             DecodedInstruction* dInsn, int state)
+    RegLocation rlArg;
+    switch(state) {
+        case 0:
+            // Get the current Method* [set r0]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, rSP, 0, r0, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            // Load "this" [set r1]
+            rlArg = oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, 0);
+            loadValueDirectFixed(cUnit, rlArg, r1);
+            // Get method->clazz [use r0, set r12]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r0, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Method, clazz),
+                         r12, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            // Get pResmethods [use r0, set rLR]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r0, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Method, pResMethods),
+                         rLR, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            // Get clazz->super [use r12, set r12]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r12, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(ClassObject, super),
+                         r12, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            // Get base method [use rLR, set r0]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, rLR, dInsn->vB * 4, r0,
+                         kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            // Is "this" null? [use r1]
+            genNullCheck(cUnit, oatSSASrc(mir,0), r1,
+                           mir->offset, NULL);
+            // Get methodIndex [use r0, set rLR]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r0, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Method, methodIndex),
+                         rLR, kUnsignedHalf, INVALID_SREG);
+            // Get vtableCount [use r12, set r0]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r12,
+                         OFFSETOF_MEMBER(ClassObject, vtableCount),
+                         r0, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            // Compare method index w/ vtable count [use r12, use rLR]
+            genRegRegCheck(cUnit, kArmCondGe, rLR, r0, mir->offset, NULL);
+            // get target Method* [use rLR, use r12, set r0]
+            loadBaseIndexed(cUnit, r0, r12, rLR, 2, kWord);
+        case 1: // Get the target compiled code address [use r0, set rLR]
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, mir, r0, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Method, compiledInsns),
+                         rLR, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+        default:
+            return -1;
+    }
+    return state + 1;
+ * Load up to 5 arguments, the first three of which will be in
+ * r1 .. r3.  On entry r0 contains the current method pointer,
+ * and as part of the load sequence, it must be replaced with
+ * the target method pointer.  Note, this may also be called
+ * for "range" variants if the number of arguments is 5 or fewer.
+ */
+static int genDalvikArgsNoRange(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir,
+                                DecodedInstruction* dInsn, int callState,
+                                ArmLIR** pcrLabel, bool isRange,
+                                NextCallInsn nextCallInsn)
+    RegLocation rlArg;
+    int registerArgs[3];
+    /* If no arguments, just return */
+    if (dInsn->vA == 0)
+        return callState;
+    oatLockAllTemps(cUnit);
+    callState = nextCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+    /*
+     * Load frame arguments arg4 & arg5 first. Coded a little odd to
+     * pre-schedule the method pointer target.
+     */
+    for (unsigned int i=3; i < dInsn->vA; i++) {
+        int reg;
+        int arg = (isRange) ? dInsn->vC + i : i;
+        rlArg = oatUpdateLoc(cUnit, oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, arg));
+        if (rlArg.location == kLocPhysReg) {
+            reg = rlArg.lowReg;
+        } else {
+            reg = r1;
+            loadValueDirectFixed(cUnit, rlArg, r1);
+            callState = nextCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+        }
+        storeBaseDisp(cUnit, rSP, (i + 1) * 4, reg, kWord);
+        callState = nextCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+    }
+    /* Load register arguments r1..r3 */
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        if (i < dInsn->vA)
+            registerArgs[i] = (isRange) ? dInsn->vC + i : i;
+        else
+            registerArgs[i] = INVALID_REG;
+    }
+    callState = loadArgRegs(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState, registerArgs,
+                            nextCallInsn);
+    // Load direct & need a "this" null check?
+    if (pcrLabel) {
+        *pcrLabel = genNullCheck(cUnit, oatSSASrc(mir,0), r1,
+                                 mir->offset, NULL);
+    }
+    return callState;
+ * May have 0+ arguments (also used for jumbo).  Note that
+ * source virtual registers may be in physical registers, so may
+ * need to be flushed to home location before copying.  This
+ * applies to arg3 and above (see below).
+ *
+ * Two general strategies:
+ *    If < 20 arguments
+ *       Pass args 3-18 using vldm/vstm block copy
+ *       Pass arg0, arg1 & arg2 in r1-r3
+ *    If 20+ arguments
+ *       Pass args arg19+ using memcpy block copy
+ *       Pass arg0, arg1 & arg2 in r1-r3
+ *
+ */
+static int genDalvikArgsRange(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir,
+                              DecodedInstruction* dInsn, int callState,
+                              ArmLIR** pcrLabel, NextCallInsn nextCallInsn)
+    int firstArg = dInsn->vC;
+    int numArgs = dInsn->vA;
+    // If we can treat it as non-range (Jumbo ops will use range form)
+    if (numArgs <= 5)
+        return genDalvikArgsNoRange(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState, pcrLabel,
+                                    true, nextCallInsn);
+    /*
+     * Make sure range list doesn't span the break between in normal
+     * Dalvik vRegs and the ins.
+     */
+    int highestVreg = oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, numArgs-1).sRegLow;
+    if (highestVreg >= cUnit->method->registersSize - cUnit->method->insSize) {
+        LOG(FATAL) << "Wide argument spanned locals & args";
+    }
+    /*
+     * First load the non-register arguments.  Both forms expect all
+     * of the source arguments to be in their home frame location, so
+     * scan the sReg names and flush any that have been promoted to
+     * frame backing storage.
+     */
+    // Scan the rest of the args - if in physReg flush to memory
+    for (int i = 4; i < numArgs; i++) {
+        RegLocation loc = oatUpdateLoc(cUnit,
+            oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, i));
+        if (loc.location == kLocPhysReg) {  // TUNING: if dirty?
+            storeBaseDisp(cUnit, rSP, loc.spOffset, loc.lowReg, kWord);
+            callState = nextCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+        }
+    }
+    int startOffset = cUnit->regLocation[mir->ssaRep->uses[3]].spOffset;
+    int outsOffset = 4 /* Method* */ + (3 * 4);
+    if (numArgs >= 20) {
+        // Generate memcpy, but first make sure all of
+        opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAdd, r0, rSP, startOffset);
+        opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAdd, r1, rSP, outsOffset);
+        loadWordDisp(cUnit, rSELF, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Thread, pMemcpy), rLR);
+        loadConstant(cUnit, r2, (numArgs - 3) * 4);
+        newLIR1(cUnit, kThumbBlxR, rLR);
+    } else {
+        // Use vldm/vstm pair using r3 as a temp
+        int regsLeft = MIN(numArgs - 3, 16);
+        callState = nextCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+        opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAdd, r3, rSP, startOffset);
+        newLIR3(cUnit, kThumb2Vldms, r3, fr0 & FP_REG_MASK, regsLeft);
+        callState = nextCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+        opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAdd, r3, rSP, 4 /* Method* */ + (3 * 4));
+        callState = nextCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+        newLIR3(cUnit, kThumb2Vstms, r3, fr0 & FP_REG_MASK, regsLeft);
+        callState = nextCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+    }
+    // Handle the 1st 3 in r1, r2 & r3
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dInsn->vA && i < 3; i++) {
+        RegLocation loc = oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, firstArg + i);
+        loadValueDirectFixed(cUnit, loc, r1 + i);
+        callState = nextCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+    }
+    // Finally, deal with the register arguments
+    // We'll be using fixed registers here
+    oatLockAllTemps(cUnit);
+    callState = nextCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+    return callState;
+static void genInvokeStatic(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir)
+    DecodedInstruction* dInsn = &mir->dalvikInsn;
+    int callState = 0;
+    if (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode == OP_INVOKE_STATIC) {
+        callState = genDalvikArgsNoRange(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState, NULL,
+                                         false, nextSDCallInsn);
+    } else {
+        callState = genDalvikArgsRange(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState, NULL,
+                                       nextSDCallInsn);
+    }
+    // Finish up any of the call sequence not interleaved in arg loading
+    while (callState >= 0) {
+        callState = nextSDCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+    }
+    newLIR1(cUnit, kThumbBlxR, rLR);
+static void genInvokeDirect(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir)
+    DecodedInstruction* dInsn = &mir->dalvikInsn;
+    int callState = 0;
+    ArmLIR* nullCk;
+    if (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode == OP_INVOKE_DIRECT)
+        callState = genDalvikArgsNoRange(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState, &nullCk,
+                                         false, nextSDCallInsn);
+    else
+        callState = genDalvikArgsRange(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState, &nullCk,
+                                       nextSDCallInsn);
+    // Finish up any of the call sequence not interleaved in arg loading
+    while (callState >= 0) {
+        callState = nextSDCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+    }
+    newLIR1(cUnit, kThumbBlxR, rLR);
+static void genInvokeInterface(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir)
+    DecodedInstruction* dInsn = &mir->dalvikInsn;
+    int callState = 0;
+    ArmLIR* nullCk;
+    /* Note: must call nextInterfaceCallInsn() prior to 1st argument load */
+    callState = nextInterfaceCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+    if (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode == OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE)
+        callState = genDalvikArgsNoRange(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState, &nullCk,
+                                         false, nextInterfaceCallInsn);
+    else
+        callState = genDalvikArgsRange(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState, &nullCk,
+                                       nextInterfaceCallInsn);
+    // Finish up any of the call sequence not interleaved in arg loading
+    while (callState >= 0) {
+        callState = nextInterfaceCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+    }
+    newLIR1(cUnit, kThumbBlxR, rLR);
+static void genInvokeSuper(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir)
+    DecodedInstruction* dInsn = &mir->dalvikInsn;
+    int callState = 0;
+    ArmLIR* nullCk;
+// FIXME - redundantly loading arg0/r1 ("this")
+    if (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode == OP_INVOKE_SUPER)
+        callState = genDalvikArgsNoRange(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState, &nullCk,
+                                         false, nextSuperCallInsn);
+    else
+        callState = genDalvikArgsRange(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState, &nullCk,
+                                       nextSuperCallInsn);
+    // Finish up any of the call sequence not interleaved in arg loading
+    while (callState >= 0) {
+        callState = nextSuperCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+    }
+    newLIR1(cUnit, kThumbBlxR, rLR);
+static void genInvokeVirtual(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir)
+    DecodedInstruction* dInsn = &mir->dalvikInsn;
+    int callState = 0;
+    ArmLIR* nullCk;
+// FIXME - redundantly loading arg0/r1 ("this")
+    if (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode == OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL)
+        callState = genDalvikArgsNoRange(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState, &nullCk,
+                                         false, nextVCallInsn);
+    else
+        callState = genDalvikArgsRange(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState, &nullCk,
+                                       nextVCallInsn);
+    // Finish up any of the call sequence not interleaved in arg loading
+    while (callState >= 0) {
+        callState = nextVCallInsn(cUnit, mir, dInsn, callState);
+    }
+    newLIR1(cUnit, kThumbBlxR, rLR);
+// TODO: break out the case handlers.  Might make it easier to support x86
+static bool compileDalvikInstruction(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir,
+                                     BasicBlock* bb, ArmLIR* labelList)
+    bool res = false;   // Assume success
+    RegLocation rlSrc[3];
+    RegLocation rlDest = badLoc;
+    RegLocation rlResult = badLoc;
+    Opcode opcode = mir->dalvikInsn.opcode;
+    /* Prep Src and Dest locations */
+    int nextSreg = 0;
+    int nextLoc = 0;
+    int attrs = oatDataFlowAttributes[opcode];
+    rlSrc[0] = rlSrc[1] = rlSrc[2] = badLoc;
+    if (attrs & DF_UA) {
+        rlSrc[nextLoc++] = oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, nextSreg);
+        nextSreg++;
+    } else if (attrs & DF_UA_WIDE) {
+        rlSrc[nextLoc++] = oatGetSrcWide(cUnit, mir, nextSreg,
+                                                 nextSreg + 1);
+        nextSreg+= 2;
+    }
+    if (attrs & DF_UB) {
+        rlSrc[nextLoc++] = oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, nextSreg);
+        nextSreg++;
+    } else if (attrs & DF_UB_WIDE) {
+        rlSrc[nextLoc++] = oatGetSrcWide(cUnit, mir, nextSreg,
+                                                 nextSreg + 1);
+        nextSreg+= 2;
+    }
+    if (attrs & DF_UC) {
+        rlSrc[nextLoc++] = oatGetSrc(cUnit, mir, nextSreg);
+    } else if (attrs & DF_UC_WIDE) {
+        rlSrc[nextLoc++] = oatGetSrcWide(cUnit, mir, nextSreg,
+                                                 nextSreg + 1);
+    }
+    if (attrs & DF_DA) {
+        rlDest = oatGetDest(cUnit, mir, 0);
+    } else if (attrs & DF_DA_WIDE) {
+        rlDest = oatGetDestWide(cUnit, mir, 0, 1);
+    }
+    switch(opcode) {
+        case OP_NOP:
+            break;
+        case OP_MOVE_EXCEPTION:
+            int exOffset;
+            int resetReg;
+            exOffset = OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Thread, exception);
+            resetReg = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
+            rlResult = oatEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kCoreReg, true);
+            loadWordDisp(cUnit, rSELF, exOffset, rlResult.lowReg);
+            loadConstant(cUnit, resetReg, 0);
+            storeWordDisp(cUnit, rSELF, exOffset, resetReg);
+            storeValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
+            break;
+        case OP_RETURN_VOID:
+            break;
+        case OP_RETURN:
+        case OP_RETURN_OBJECT:
+            storeValue(cUnit, retLoc, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_RETURN_WIDE:
+            rlDest = retLocWide;
+            rlDest.fp = rlSrc[0].fp;
+            storeValueWide(cUnit, rlDest, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_MOVE_RESULT_WIDE:
+            if (mir->OptimizationFlags & MIR_INLINED)
+                break;  // Nop - combined w/ previous invoke
+            /*
+             * Somewhat hacky here.   Because we're now passing
+             * return values in registers, we have to let the
+             * register allocation utilities know that the return
+             * registers are live and may not be used for address
+             * formation in storeValueWide.
+             */
+            assert(retLocWide.lowReg == r0);
+            assert(retLocWide.lowReg == r1);
+            oatLockTemp(cUnit, retLocWide.lowReg);
+            oatLockTemp(cUnit, retLocWide.highReg);
+            storeValueWide(cUnit, rlDest, retLocWide);
+            oatFreeTemp(cUnit, retLocWide.lowReg);
+            oatFreeTemp(cUnit, retLocWide.highReg);
+            break;
+        case OP_MOVE_RESULT:
+        case OP_MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT:
+            if (mir->OptimizationFlags & MIR_INLINED)
+                break;  // Nop - combined w/ previous invoke
+            /* See comment for OP_MOVE_RESULT_WIDE */
+            assert(retLoc.lowReg == r0);
+            oatLockTemp(cUnit, retLoc.lowReg);
+            storeValue(cUnit, rlDest, retLoc);
+            oatFreeTemp(cUnit, retLoc.lowReg);
+            break;
+        case OP_MOVE:
+        case OP_MOVE_OBJECT:
+        case OP_MOVE_16:
+        case OP_MOVE_OBJECT_16:
+        case OP_MOVE_FROM16:
+        case OP_MOVE_OBJECT_FROM16:
+            storeValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_MOVE_WIDE:
+        case OP_MOVE_WIDE_16:
+        case OP_MOVE_WIDE_FROM16:
+            storeValueWide(cUnit, rlDest, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_CONST:
+        case OP_CONST_4:
+        case OP_CONST_16:
+            rlResult = oatEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kAnyReg, true);
+            loadConstantNoClobber(cUnit, rlResult.lowReg, mir->dalvikInsn.vB);
+            storeValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
+            break;
+        case OP_CONST_HIGH16:
+            rlResult = oatEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kAnyReg, true);
+            loadConstantNoClobber(cUnit, rlResult.lowReg,
+                                  mir->dalvikInsn.vB << 16);
+            storeValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
+            break;
+        case OP_CONST_WIDE_16:
+        case OP_CONST_WIDE_32:
+            rlResult = oatEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kCoreReg, true);
+            loadConstantNoClobber(cUnit, rlResult.lowReg, mir->dalvikInsn.vB);
+            //TUNING: do high separately to avoid load dependency
+            opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAsr, rlResult.highReg, rlResult.lowReg, 31);
+            storeValueWide(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
+            break;
+        case OP_CONST_WIDE:
+            rlResult = oatEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kAnyReg, true);
+            loadConstantValueWide(cUnit, rlResult.lowReg, rlResult.highReg,
+                                  0, mir->dalvikInsn.vB);
+            storeValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
+            break;
+        case OP_CONST_WIDE_HIGH16:
+            rlResult = oatEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kAnyReg, true);
+            loadConstantValueWide(cUnit, rlResult.lowReg, rlResult.highReg,
+                                  0, mir->dalvikInsn.vB << 16);
+            storeValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
+            break;
+        case OP_MONITOR_ENTER:
+            genMonitorEnter(cUnit, mir, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_MONITOR_EXIT:
+            genMonitorExit(cUnit, mir, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_CHECK_CAST:
+            genCheckCast(cUnit, mir, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_INSTANCE_OF:
+            genInstanceof(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_NEW_INSTANCE:
+            genNewInstance(cUnit, mir, rlDest);
+            break;
+        case OP_THROW:
+            genThrow(cUnit, mir, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_ARRAY_LENGTH:
+            int lenOffset;
+            lenOffset = OFFSETOF_MEMBER(ArrayObject, length);
+            genNullCheck(cUnit, rlSrc[0].sRegLow, rlSrc[0].lowReg,
+                         mir->offset, NULL);
+            rlResult = oatEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kCoreReg, true);
+            loadWordDisp(cUnit, rlSrc[0].lowReg, lenOffset,
+                         rlResult.lowReg);
+            storeValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
+            break;
+        case OP_CONST_STRING:
+        case OP_CONST_STRING_JUMBO:
+            genConstString(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_CONST_CLASS:
+            genConstClass(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_FILL_ARRAY_DATA:
+            genFillArrayData(cUnit, mir, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_FILLED_NEW_ARRAY:
+            genFilledNewArray(cUnit, mir, false /* not range */);
+            break;
+            genFilledNewArray(cUnit, mir, true /* range */);
+            break;
+        case OP_NEW_ARRAY:
+            genNewArray(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_GOTO:
+        case OP_GOTO_16:
+        case OP_GOTO_32:
+            // TUNING: add MIR flag to disable when unnecessary
+            bool backwardBranch;
+            backwardBranch = (bb->taken->startOffset <= mir->offset);
+            if (backwardBranch) {
+                genSuspendPoll(cUnit, mir);
+            }
+            genUnconditionalBranch(cUnit, &labelList[bb->taken->id]);
+            break;
+        case OP_PACKED_SWITCH:
+            genPackedSwitch(cUnit, mir, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_SPARSE_SWITCH:
+            genSparseSwitch(cUnit, mir, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_CMPL_FLOAT:
+        case OP_CMPG_FLOAT:
+        case OP_CMPL_DOUBLE:
+        case OP_CMPG_DOUBLE:
+            res = genCmpFP(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1]);
+            break;
+        case OP_CMP_LONG:
+            genCmpLong(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1]);
+            break;
+        case OP_IF_EQ:
+        case OP_IF_NE:
+        case OP_IF_LT:
+        case OP_IF_GE:
+        case OP_IF_GT:
+        case OP_IF_LE: {
+            bool backwardBranch;
+            ArmConditionCode cond;
+            backwardBranch = (bb->taken->startOffset <= mir->offset);
+            if (backwardBranch) {
+                genSuspendPoll(cUnit, mir);
+            }
+            rlSrc[0] = loadValue(cUnit, rlSrc[0], kCoreReg);
+            rlSrc[1] = loadValue(cUnit, rlSrc[1], kCoreReg);
+            opRegReg(cUnit, kOpCmp, rlSrc[0].lowReg, rlSrc[1].lowReg);
+            switch(opcode) {
+                case OP_IF_EQ:
+                    cond = kArmCondEq;
+                    break;
+                case OP_IF_NE:
+                    cond = kArmCondNe;
+                    break;
+                case OP_IF_LT:
+                    cond = kArmCondLt;
+                    break;
+                case OP_IF_GE:
+                    cond = kArmCondGe;
+                    break;
+                case OP_IF_GT:
+                    cond = kArmCondGt;
+                    break;
+                case OP_IF_LE:
+                    cond = kArmCondLe;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    cond = (ArmConditionCode)0;
+                    LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected opcode " << (int)opcode;
+            }
+            genConditionalBranch(cUnit, cond, &labelList[bb->taken->id]);
+            genUnconditionalBranch(cUnit, &labelList[bb->fallThrough->id]);
+            break;
+            }
+        case OP_IF_EQZ:
+        case OP_IF_NEZ:
+        case OP_IF_LTZ:
+        case OP_IF_GEZ:
+        case OP_IF_GTZ:
+        case OP_IF_LEZ: {
+            bool backwardBranch;
+            ArmConditionCode cond;
+            backwardBranch = (bb->taken->startOffset <= mir->offset);
+            if (backwardBranch) {
+                genSuspendPoll(cUnit, mir);
+            }
+            rlSrc[0] = loadValue(cUnit, rlSrc[0], kCoreReg);
+            opRegImm(cUnit, kOpCmp, rlSrc[0].lowReg, 0);
+            switch(opcode) {
+                case OP_IF_EQZ:
+                    cond = kArmCondEq;
+                    break;
+                case OP_IF_NEZ:
+                    cond = kArmCondNe;
+                    break;
+                case OP_IF_LTZ:
+                    cond = kArmCondLt;
+                    break;
+                case OP_IF_GEZ:
+                    cond = kArmCondGe;
+                    break;
+                case OP_IF_GTZ:
+                    cond = kArmCondGt;
+                    break;
+                case OP_IF_LEZ:
+                    cond = kArmCondLe;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    cond = (ArmConditionCode)0;
+                    LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected opcode " << (int)opcode;
+            }
+            genConditionalBranch(cUnit, cond, &labelList[bb->taken->id]);
+            genUnconditionalBranch(cUnit, &labelList[bb->fallThrough->id]);
+            break;
+            }
+      case OP_AGET_WIDE:
+            genArrayGet(cUnit, mir, kLong, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1], rlDest, 3);
+            break;
+        case OP_AGET:
+        case OP_AGET_OBJECT:
+            genArrayGet(cUnit, mir, kWord, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1], rlDest, 2);
+            break;
+        case OP_AGET_BOOLEAN:
+            genArrayGet(cUnit, mir, kUnsignedByte, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1],
+                        rlDest, 0);
+            break;
+        case OP_AGET_BYTE:
+            genArrayGet(cUnit, mir, kSignedByte, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1], rlDest, 0);
+            break;
+        case OP_AGET_CHAR:
+            genArrayGet(cUnit, mir, kUnsignedHalf, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1],
+                        rlDest, 1);
+            break;
+        case OP_AGET_SHORT:
+            genArrayGet(cUnit, mir, kSignedHalf, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1], rlDest, 1);
+            break;
+        case OP_APUT_WIDE:
+            genArrayPut(cUnit, mir, kLong, rlSrc[1], rlSrc[2], rlSrc[0], 3);
+            break;
+        case OP_APUT:
+            genArrayPut(cUnit, mir, kWord, rlSrc[1], rlSrc[2], rlSrc[0], 2);
+            break;
+        case OP_APUT_OBJECT:
+            genArrayObjectPut(cUnit, mir, rlSrc[1], rlSrc[2], rlSrc[0], 2);
+            break;
+        case OP_APUT_SHORT:
+        case OP_APUT_CHAR:
+            genArrayPut(cUnit, mir, kUnsignedHalf, rlSrc[1], rlSrc[2],
+                        rlSrc[0], 1);
+            break;
+        case OP_APUT_BYTE:
+        case OP_APUT_BOOLEAN:
+            genArrayPut(cUnit, mir, kUnsignedByte, rlSrc[1], rlSrc[2],
+                        rlSrc[0], 0);
+            break;
+        case OP_IGET_WIDE:
+        case OP_IGET_WIDE_VOLATILE:
+            genIGetWideX(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_IGET:
+        case OP_IGET_VOLATILE:
+        case OP_IGET_OBJECT:
+            genIGetX(cUnit, mir, kWord, rlDest, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_IGET_BOOLEAN:
+        case OP_IGET_BYTE:
+            genIGetX(cUnit, mir, kUnsignedByte, rlDest, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_IGET_CHAR:
+            genIGetX(cUnit, mir, kUnsignedHalf, rlDest, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_IGET_SHORT:
+            genIGetX(cUnit, mir, kSignedHalf, rlDest, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_IPUT_WIDE:
+        case OP_IPUT_WIDE_VOLATILE:
+            genIPutWideX(cUnit, mir, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1]);
+            break;
+        case OP_IPUT_OBJECT:
+            genIPutX(cUnit, mir, kWord, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1], true);
+            break;
+        case OP_IPUT:
+        case OP_IPUT_VOLATILE:
+            genIPutX(cUnit, mir, kWord, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1], false);
+            break;
+        case OP_IPUT_BOOLEAN:
+        case OP_IPUT_BYTE:
+            genIPutX(cUnit, mir, kUnsignedByte, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1], false);
+            break;
+        case OP_IPUT_CHAR:
+            genIPutX(cUnit, mir, kUnsignedHalf, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1], false);
+            break;
+        case OP_IPUT_SHORT:
+            genIPutX(cUnit, mir, kSignedHalf, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1], false);
+            break;
+        case OP_SGET:
+        case OP_SGET_OBJECT:
+        case OP_SGET_BOOLEAN:
+        case OP_SGET_BYTE:
+        case OP_SGET_CHAR:
+        case OP_SGET_SHORT:
+            genSget(cUnit, mir, rlResult, rlDest);
+            break;
+        case OP_SGET_WIDE:
+            genSgetWide(cUnit, mir, rlResult, rlDest);
+            break;
+        case OP_SPUT:
+        case OP_SPUT_OBJECT:
+        case OP_SPUT_BOOLEAN:
+        case OP_SPUT_BYTE:
+        case OP_SPUT_CHAR:
+        case OP_SPUT_SHORT:
+            genSput(cUnit, mir, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_SPUT_WIDE:
+            genSputWide(cUnit, mir, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_INVOKE_STATIC:
+            genInvokeStatic(cUnit, mir);
+            break;
+        case OP_INVOKE_DIRECT:
+            genInvokeDirect(cUnit, mir);
+            break;
+        case OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL:
+            genInvokeVirtual(cUnit, mir);
+            break;
+        case OP_INVOKE_SUPER:
+        case OP_INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE:
+            genInvokeSuper(cUnit, mir);
+            break;
+        case OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE:
+            genInvokeInterface(cUnit, mir);
+            break;
+        case OP_NEG_INT:
+        case OP_NOT_INT:
+            res = genArithOpInt(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_NEG_LONG:
+        case OP_NOT_LONG:
+            res = genArithOpLong(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_NEG_FLOAT:
+            res = genArithOpFloat(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_NEG_DOUBLE:
+            res = genArithOpDouble(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_INT_TO_LONG:
+            rlResult = oatEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kCoreReg, true);
+            if (rlSrc[0].location == kLocPhysReg) {
+                genRegCopy(cUnit, rlResult.lowReg, rlSrc[0].lowReg);
+            } else {
+                loadValueDirect(cUnit, rlSrc[0], rlResult.lowReg);
+            }
+            opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAsr, rlResult.highReg,
+                        rlResult.lowReg, 31);
+            storeValueWide(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
+            break;
+        case OP_LONG_TO_INT:
+            rlSrc[0] = oatUpdateLocWide(cUnit, rlSrc[0]);
+            rlSrc[0] = oatWideToNarrow(cUnit, rlSrc[0]);
+            storeValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_INT_TO_BYTE:
+            rlSrc[0] = loadValue(cUnit, rlSrc[0], kCoreReg);
+            rlResult = oatEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kCoreReg, true);
+            opRegReg(cUnit, kOp2Byte, rlResult.lowReg, rlSrc[0].lowReg);
+            storeValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
+            break;
+        case OP_INT_TO_SHORT:
+            rlSrc[0] = loadValue(cUnit, rlSrc[0], kCoreReg);
+            rlResult = oatEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kCoreReg, true);
+            opRegReg(cUnit, kOp2Short, rlResult.lowReg, rlSrc[0].lowReg);
+            storeValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
+            break;
+        case OP_INT_TO_CHAR:
+            rlSrc[0] = loadValue(cUnit, rlSrc[0], kCoreReg);
+            rlResult = oatEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kCoreReg, true);
+            opRegReg(cUnit, kOp2Char, rlResult.lowReg, rlSrc[0].lowReg);
+            storeValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
+            break;
+        case OP_INT_TO_FLOAT:
+        case OP_INT_TO_DOUBLE:
+        case OP_LONG_TO_FLOAT:
+        case OP_LONG_TO_DOUBLE:
+        case OP_FLOAT_TO_INT:
+        case OP_FLOAT_TO_LONG:
+        case OP_FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE:
+        case OP_DOUBLE_TO_INT:
+        case OP_DOUBLE_TO_LONG:
+        case OP_DOUBLE_TO_FLOAT:
+            genConversion(cUnit, mir);
+            break;
+        case OP_ADD_INT:
+        case OP_SUB_INT:
+        case OP_MUL_INT:
+        case OP_DIV_INT:
+        case OP_REM_INT:
+        case OP_AND_INT:
+        case OP_OR_INT:
+        case OP_XOR_INT:
+        case OP_SHL_INT:
+        case OP_SHR_INT:
+        case OP_USHR_INT:
+        case OP_ADD_INT_2ADDR:
+        case OP_SUB_INT_2ADDR:
+        case OP_MUL_INT_2ADDR:
+        case OP_DIV_INT_2ADDR:
+        case OP_REM_INT_2ADDR:
+        case OP_AND_INT_2ADDR:
+        case OP_OR_INT_2ADDR:
+        case OP_XOR_INT_2ADDR:
+        case OP_SHL_INT_2ADDR:
+        case OP_SHR_INT_2ADDR:
+        case OP_USHR_INT_2ADDR:
+            genArithOpInt(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1]);
+            break;
+        case OP_ADD_LONG:
+        case OP_SUB_LONG:
+        case OP_MUL_LONG:
+        case OP_DIV_LONG:
+        case OP_REM_LONG:
+        case OP_AND_LONG:
+        case OP_OR_LONG:
+        case OP_XOR_LONG:
+        case OP_ADD_LONG_2ADDR:
+        case OP_SUB_LONG_2ADDR:
+        case OP_MUL_LONG_2ADDR:
+        case OP_DIV_LONG_2ADDR:
+        case OP_REM_LONG_2ADDR:
+        case OP_AND_LONG_2ADDR:
+        case OP_OR_LONG_2ADDR:
+        case OP_XOR_LONG_2ADDR:
+            genArithOpLong(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1]);
+            break;
+        case OP_SHL_LONG_2ADDR:
+        case OP_SHR_LONG_2ADDR:
+        case OP_USHR_LONG_2ADDR:
+            genShiftOpLong(cUnit,mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[0]);
+            break;
+        case OP_SHL_LONG:
+        case OP_SHR_LONG:
+        case OP_USHR_LONG:
+            genShiftOpLong(cUnit,mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1]);
+            break;
+        case OP_ADD_FLOAT:
+        case OP_SUB_FLOAT:
+        case OP_MUL_FLOAT:
+        case OP_DIV_FLOAT:
+        case OP_REM_FLOAT:
+        case OP_ADD_FLOAT_2ADDR:
+        case OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR:
+        case OP_MUL_FLOAT_2ADDR:
+        case OP_DIV_FLOAT_2ADDR:
+        case OP_REM_FLOAT_2ADDR:
+            genArithOpFloat(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1]);
+            break;
+        case OP_ADD_DOUBLE:
+        case OP_SUB_DOUBLE:
+        case OP_MUL_DOUBLE:
+        case OP_DIV_DOUBLE:
+        case OP_REM_DOUBLE:
+        case OP_ADD_DOUBLE_2ADDR:
+        case OP_SUB_DOUBLE_2ADDR:
+        case OP_MUL_DOUBLE_2ADDR:
+        case OP_DIV_DOUBLE_2ADDR:
+        case OP_REM_DOUBLE_2ADDR:
+            genArithOpDouble(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0], rlSrc[1]);
+            break;
+        case OP_RSUB_INT:
+        case OP_ADD_INT_LIT16:
+        case OP_MUL_INT_LIT16:
+        case OP_DIV_INT_LIT16:
+        case OP_REM_INT_LIT16:
+        case OP_AND_INT_LIT16:
+        case OP_OR_INT_LIT16:
+        case OP_XOR_INT_LIT16:
+        case OP_ADD_INT_LIT8:
+        case OP_RSUB_INT_LIT8:
+        case OP_MUL_INT_LIT8:
+        case OP_DIV_INT_LIT8:
+        case OP_REM_INT_LIT8:
+        case OP_AND_INT_LIT8:
+        case OP_OR_INT_LIT8:
+        case OP_XOR_INT_LIT8:
+        case OP_SHL_INT_LIT8:
+        case OP_SHR_INT_LIT8:
+        case OP_USHR_INT_LIT8:
+            genArithOpIntLit(cUnit, mir, rlDest, rlSrc[0], mir->dalvikInsn.vC);
+            break;
+        default:
+            res = true;
+    }
+    return res;
+static const char *extendedMIROpNames[kMirOpLast - kMirOpFirst] = {
+    "kMirOpPhi",
+    "kMirOpNullNRangeUpCheck",
+    "kMirOpNullNRangeDownCheck",
+    "kMirOpLowerBound",
+    "kMirOpPunt",
+    "kMirOpCheckInlinePrediction",
+/* Extended MIR instructions like PHI */
+static void handleExtendedMethodMIR(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir)
+    int opOffset = mir->dalvikInsn.opcode - kMirOpFirst;
+    char* msg = (char*)oatNew(strlen(extendedMIROpNames[opOffset]) + 1, false);
+    strcpy(msg, extendedMIROpNames[opOffset]);
+    ArmLIR* op = newLIR1(cUnit, kArmPseudoExtended, (int) msg);
+    switch ((ExtendedMIROpcode)mir->dalvikInsn.opcode) {
+        case kMirOpPhi: {
+            char* ssaString = oatGetSSAString(cUnit, mir->ssaRep);
+            op->flags.isNop = true;
+            newLIR1(cUnit, kArmPseudoSSARep, (int) ssaString);
+            break;
+        }
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+/* If there are any ins passed in registers that have not been promoted
+ * to a callee-save register, flush them to the frame.
+ * Note: at this pointCopy any ins that are passed in register to their home location */
+static void flushIns(CompilationUnit* cUnit)
+    if (cUnit->method->insSize == 0)
+        return;
+    int inRegs = (cUnit->method->insSize > 2) ? 3 : cUnit->method->insSize;
+    int startReg = r1;
+    int startLoc = cUnit->method->registersSize - cUnit->method->insSize;
+    for (int i = 0; i < inRegs; i++) {
+        RegLocation loc = cUnit->regLocation[startLoc + i];
+        if (loc.location == kLocPhysReg) {
+            genRegCopy(cUnit, loc.lowReg, startReg + i);
+        } else {
+            assert(loc.location == kLocDalvikFrame);
+            storeBaseDisp(cUnit, rSP, loc.spOffset, startReg + i, kWord);
+        }
+    }
+    // Handle special case of wide argument half in regs, half in frame
+    if (inRegs == 3) {
+        RegLocation loc = cUnit->regLocation[startLoc + 2];
+        if (loc.wide && loc.location == kLocPhysReg) {
+            // Load the other half of the arg into the promoted pair
+            loadBaseDisp(cUnit, NULL, rSP, loc.spOffset+4,
+                         loc.highReg, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            inRegs++;
+        }
+    }
+    // Now, do initial assignment of all promoted arguments passed in frame
+    for (int i = inRegs; i < cUnit->method->insSize;) {
+        RegLocation loc = cUnit->regLocation[startLoc + i];
+        if (loc.fpLocation == kLocPhysReg) {
+            loc.location = kLocPhysReg;
+            loc.fp = true;
+            loc.lowReg = loc.fpLowReg;
+            loc.highReg = loc.fpHighReg;
+        }
+        if (loc.location == kLocPhysReg) {
+            if (loc.wide) {
+                loadBaseDispWide(cUnit, NULL, rSP, loc.spOffset,
+                                 loc.lowReg, loc.highReg, INVALID_SREG);
+                i++;
+            } else {
+                loadBaseDisp(cUnit, NULL, rSP, loc.spOffset,
+                             loc.lowReg, kWord, INVALID_SREG);
+            }
+        }
+        i++;
+    }
+/* Handle the content in each basic block */
+static bool methodBlockCodeGen(CompilationUnit* cUnit, BasicBlock* bb)
+    MIR* mir;
+    ArmLIR* labelList = (ArmLIR*) cUnit->blockLabelList;
+    int blockId = bb->id;
+    cUnit->curBlock = bb;
+    labelList[blockId].operands[0] = bb->startOffset;
+    /* Insert the block label */
+    labelList[blockId].opcode = kArmPseudoNormalBlockLabel;
+    oatAppendLIR(cUnit, (LIR*) &labelList[blockId]);
+    oatClobberAllRegs(cUnit);
+    oatResetNullCheck(cUnit);
+    ArmLIR* headLIR = NULL;
+    if (bb->blockType == kEntryBlock) {
+        /*
+         * On entry, r0, r1, r2 & r3 are live.  Let the register allocation
+         * mechanism know so it doesn't try to use any of them when
+         * expanding the frame or flushing.  This leaves the utility
+         * code with a single temp: r12.  This should be enough.
+         */
+        oatLockTemp(cUnit, r0);
+        oatLockTemp(cUnit, r1);
+        oatLockTemp(cUnit, r2);
+        oatLockTemp(cUnit, r3);
+        newLIR0(cUnit, kArmPseudoMethodEntry);
+        /* Spill core callee saves */
+        newLIR1(cUnit, kThumb2Push, cUnit->coreSpillMask);
+        /* Need to spill any FP regs? */
+        if (cUnit->numFPSpills) {
+            newLIR1(cUnit, kThumb2VPushCS, cUnit->numFPSpills);
+        }
+        opRegImm(cUnit, kOpSub, rSP, cUnit->frameSize - (cUnit->numSpills * 4));
+        storeBaseDisp(cUnit, rSP, 0, r0, kWord);
+        flushIns(cUnit);
+        oatFreeTemp(cUnit, r0);
+        oatFreeTemp(cUnit, r1);
+        oatFreeTemp(cUnit, r2);
+        oatFreeTemp(cUnit, r3);
+    } else if (bb->blockType == kExitBlock) {
+        newLIR0(cUnit, kArmPseudoMethodExit);
+        opRegImm(cUnit, kOpAdd, rSP, cUnit->frameSize - (cUnit->numSpills * 4));
+        /* Need to restore any FP callee saves? */
+        if (cUnit->numFPSpills) {
+            newLIR1(cUnit, kThumb2VPopCS, cUnit->numFPSpills);
+        }
+        if (cUnit->coreSpillMask & (1 << rLR)) {
+            /* Unspill rLR to rPC */
+            cUnit->coreSpillMask &= ~(1 << rLR);
+            cUnit->coreSpillMask |= (1 << rPC);
+        }
+        newLIR1(cUnit, kThumb2Pop, cUnit->coreSpillMask);
+        if (!(cUnit->coreSpillMask & (1 << rPC))) {
+            /* We didn't pop to rPC, so must do a bv rLR */
+            newLIR1(cUnit, kThumbBx, rLR);
+        }
+    }
+    for (mir = bb->firstMIRInsn; mir; mir = mir->next) {
+        oatResetRegPool(cUnit);
+        if (cUnit->disableOpt & (1 << kTrackLiveTemps)) {
+            oatClobberAllRegs(cUnit);
+        }
+        if (cUnit->disableOpt & (1 << kSuppressLoads)) {
+            oatResetDefTracking(cUnit);
+        }
+        if ((int)mir->dalvikInsn.opcode >= (int)kMirOpFirst) {
+            handleExtendedMethodMIR(cUnit, mir);
+            continue;
+        }
+        cUnit->currentDalvikOffset = mir->offset;
+        Opcode dalvikOpcode = mir->dalvikInsn.opcode;
+        InstructionFormat dalvikFormat =
+            dexGetFormatFromOpcode(dalvikOpcode);
+        ArmLIR* boundaryLIR;
+        /* Mark the beginning of a Dalvik instruction for line tracking */
+        boundaryLIR = newLIR1(cUnit, kArmPseudoDalvikByteCodeBoundary,
+                             (int) oatGetDalvikDisassembly(
+                             &mir->dalvikInsn, ""));
+        /* Remember the first LIR for this block */
+        if (headLIR == NULL) {
+            headLIR = boundaryLIR;
+            /* Set the first boundaryLIR as a scheduling barrier */
+            headLIR->defMask = ENCODE_ALL;
+        }
+        /* Don't generate the SSA annotation unless verbose mode is on */
+        if (cUnit->printMe && mir->ssaRep) {
+            char *ssaString = oatGetSSAString(cUnit, mir->ssaRep);
+            newLIR1(cUnit, kArmPseudoSSARep, (int) ssaString);
+        }
+        bool notHandled = compileDalvikInstruction(cUnit, mir, bb, labelList);
+        if (notHandled) {
+            char buf[100];
+            snprintf(buf, 100, "%#06x: Opcode %#x (%s) / Fmt %d not handled",
+                 mir->offset,
+                 dalvikOpcode, dexGetOpcodeName(dalvikOpcode),
+                 dalvikFormat);
+            LOG(FATAL) << buf;
+        }
+    }
+    if (headLIR) {
+        /*
+         * Eliminate redundant loads/stores and delay stores into later
+         * slots
+         */
+        oatApplyLocalOptimizations(cUnit, (LIR*) headLIR,
+                                           cUnit->lastLIRInsn);
+        /*
+         * Generate an unconditional branch to the fallthrough block.
+         */
+        if (bb->fallThrough) {
+            genUnconditionalBranch(cUnit,
+                                   &labelList[bb->fallThrough->id]);
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+ * Nop any unconditional branches that go to the next instruction.
+ * Note: new redundant branches may be inserted later, and we'll
+ * use a check in final instruction assembly to nop those out.
+ */
+void removeRedundantBranches(CompilationUnit* cUnit)
+    ArmLIR* thisLIR;
+    for (thisLIR = (ArmLIR*) cUnit->firstLIRInsn;
+         thisLIR != (ArmLIR*) cUnit->lastLIRInsn;
+         thisLIR = NEXT_LIR(thisLIR)) {
+        /* Branch to the next instruction */
+        if ((thisLIR->opcode == kThumbBUncond) ||
+            (thisLIR->opcode == kThumb2BUncond)) {
+            ArmLIR* nextLIR = thisLIR;
+            while (true) {
+                nextLIR = NEXT_LIR(nextLIR);
+                /*
+                 * Is the branch target the next instruction?
+                 */
+                if (nextLIR == (ArmLIR*) thisLIR->generic.target) {
+                    thisLIR->flags.isNop = true;
+                    break;
+                }
+                /*
+                 * Found real useful stuff between the branch and the target.
+                 * Need to explicitly check the lastLIRInsn here because it
+                 * might be the last real instruction.
+                 */
+                if (!isPseudoOpcode(nextLIR->opcode) ||
+                    (nextLIR = (ArmLIR*) cUnit->lastLIRInsn))
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void oatMethodMIR2LIR(CompilationUnit* cUnit)
+    /* Used to hold the labels of each block */
+    cUnit->blockLabelList =
+        (void *) oatNew(sizeof(ArmLIR) * cUnit->numBlocks, true);
+    oatDataFlowAnalysisDispatcher(cUnit, methodBlockCodeGen,
+                                  kPreOrderDFSTraversal, false /* Iterative */);
+    removeRedundantBranches(cUnit);
+/* Common initialization routine for an architecture family */
+bool oatArchInit()
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < kArmLast; i++) {
+        if (EncodingMap[i].opcode != i) {
+            LOG(FATAL) << "Encoding order for " << EncodingMap[i].name <<
+               " is wrong: expecting " << i << ", seeing " <<
+               (int)EncodingMap[i].opcode;
+        }
+    }
+    return oatArchVariantInit();
+/* Needed by the Assembler */
+void oatSetupResourceMasks(ArmLIR* lir)
+    setupResourceMasks(lir);
+/* Needed by the ld/st optmizatons */
+ArmLIR* oatRegCopyNoInsert(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int rDest, int rSrc)
+    return genRegCopyNoInsert(cUnit, rDest, rSrc);
+/* Needed by the register allocator */
+ArmLIR* oatRegCopy(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int rDest, int rSrc)
+    return genRegCopy(cUnit, rDest, rSrc);
+/* Needed by the register allocator */
+void oatRegCopyWide(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int destLo, int destHi,
+                            int srcLo, int srcHi)
+    genRegCopyWide(cUnit, destLo, destHi, srcLo, srcHi);
+void oatFlushRegImpl(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int rBase,
+                             int displacement, int rSrc, OpSize size)
+    storeBaseDisp(cUnit, rBase, displacement, rSrc, size);
+void oatFlushRegWideImpl(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int rBase,
+                                 int displacement, int rSrcLo, int rSrcHi)
+    storeBaseDispWide(cUnit, rBase, displacement, rSrcLo, rSrcHi);
+#ifdef TESTMODE
+// Will be done at runtime by art.  Keep for debugging
+void oatInitHelpers(Thread* thread)
+    thread->pMemcpy = memcpy;
+    thread->pI2f = __aeabi_i2f;
+    thread->pF2iz = __aeabi_f2iz;
+    thread->pD2f = __aeabi_d2f;
+    thread->pF2d = __aeabi_f2d;
+    thread->pI2d = __aeabi_i2d;
+    thread->pD2iz = __aeabi_d2iz;
+    thread->pL2f = __aeabi_l2f;
+    thread->pL2d = __aeabi_l2d;
+    thread->pArtF2l = artF2L;
+    thread->pArtD2l = artD2L;
+    thread->pFadd = __aeabi_fadd;
+    thread->pFsub = __aeabi_fsub;
+    thread->pFdiv = __aeabi_fdiv;
+    thread->pFmul = __aeabi_fmul;
+    thread->pFmodf = fmodf;
+    thread->pDadd = __aeabi_dadd;
+    thread->pDsub = __aeabi_dsub;
+    thread->pDdiv = __aeabi_ddiv;
+    thread->pDmul = __aeabi_dmul;
+    thread->pFmod = fmod;
+    thread->pIdivmod = __aeabi_idivmod;
+    thread->pIdiv = __aeabi_idiv;
+    thread->pLdivmod = __aeabi_ldivmod;
+    thread->pArtUnlockObject = dvmUnlockObject;
+    thread->pArtCanPutArrayElementNoThrow = dvmCanPutArrayElement;
+    thread->pArtInstanceofNonTrivialNoThrow = dvmInstanceofNonTrivial;
+    thread->pArtInstanceofNonTrivial = dvmInstanceofNonTrivial;
+    thread->pArtAllocArrayByClass = dvmAllocArrayByClass;
+    thread->pArtFindInterfaceMethodInCache = dvmFindInterfaceMethodInCache;
+    thread->pArtUnlockObjectNoThrow = dvmUnlockObject;
+    thread->pArtLockObjectNoThrow = dvmLockObject;
+    thread->pArtAllocObjectNoThrow = dvmAllocObject;
+    thread->pArtThrowException = NULL;  //TBD
+    thread->pArtHandleFillArrayDataNoThrow = dvmInterpHandleFillArrayData;