Oat compiler integration snapshot.

Cleanly compiles, but not integrated.  Old-world dependencies captured
in hacked-up temporary files "Dalvik.h" and "HackStubs.cc".

Dalvik.h is a placeholder that captures all of the constants, struct
definitions and inline functions the compiler needs.  It largely consists
of declaration fragments of libdex, Object.h, DvmDex.h and Thread.h.

HackStubs.cc contains empty shells for some required libdex routines.

Change-Id: Ia479dda41da4e3162ff6df383252fdc7dbf38d71
diff --git a/src/compiler/codegen/arm/LocalOptimizations.cc b/src/compiler/codegen/arm/LocalOptimizations.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d6f3a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/codegen/arm/LocalOptimizations.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "../../Dalvik.h"
+#include "../../CompilerInternals.h"
+#include "ArmLIR.h"
+#include "Codegen.h"
+#define DEBUG_OPT(X)
+/* Check RAW, WAR, and WAR dependency on the register operands */
+#define CHECK_REG_DEP(use, def, check) ((def & check->useMask) || \
+                                        ((use | def) & check->defMask))
+/* Scheduler heuristics */
+#define LDLD_DISTANCE 4
+#define LD_LATENCY 2
+static inline bool isDalvikRegisterClobbered(ArmLIR* lir1, ArmLIR* lir2)
+    int reg1Lo = DECODE_ALIAS_INFO_REG(lir1->aliasInfo);
+    int reg1Hi = reg1Lo + DECODE_ALIAS_INFO_WIDE(lir1->aliasInfo);
+    int reg2Lo = DECODE_ALIAS_INFO_REG(lir2->aliasInfo);
+    int reg2Hi = reg2Lo + DECODE_ALIAS_INFO_WIDE(lir2->aliasInfo);
+    return (reg1Lo == reg2Lo) || (reg1Lo == reg2Hi) || (reg1Hi == reg2Lo);
+/* Convert a more expensive instruction (ie load) into a move */
+static void convertMemOpIntoMove(CompilationUnit* cUnit, ArmLIR* origLIR,
+                                 int dest, int src)
+    /* Insert a move to replace the load */
+    ArmLIR* moveLIR;
+    moveLIR = oatRegCopyNoInsert( cUnit, dest, src);
+    /*
+     * Insert the converted instruction after the original since the
+     * optimization is scannng in the top-down order and the new instruction
+     * will need to be re-checked (eg the new dest clobbers the src used in
+     * thisLIR).
+     */
+    oatInsertLIRAfter((LIR*) origLIR, (LIR*) moveLIR);
+ * Perform a pass of top-down walk, from the second-last instruction in the
+ * superblock, to eliminate redundant loads and stores.
+ *
+ * An earlier load can eliminate a later load iff
+ *   1) They are must-aliases
+ *   2) The native register is not clobbered in between
+ *   3) The memory location is not written to in between
+ *
+ * An earlier store can eliminate a later load iff
+ *   1) They are must-aliases
+ *   2) The native register is not clobbered in between
+ *   3) The memory location is not written to in between
+ *
+ * A later store can be eliminated by an earlier store iff
+ *   1) They are must-aliases
+ *   2) The memory location is not written to in between
+ */
+static void applyLoadStoreElimination(CompilationUnit* cUnit,
+                                      ArmLIR* headLIR,
+                                      ArmLIR* tailLIR)
+    ArmLIR* thisLIR;
+    if (headLIR == tailLIR) return;
+    for (thisLIR = PREV_LIR(tailLIR);
+         thisLIR != headLIR;
+         thisLIR = PREV_LIR(thisLIR)) {
+        int sinkDistance = 0;
+        /* Skip non-interesting instructions */
+        if ((thisLIR->flags.isNop == true) ||
+            isPseudoOpcode(thisLIR->opcode) ||
+            !(EncodingMap[thisLIR->opcode].flags & (IS_LOAD | IS_STORE))) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        int nativeRegId = thisLIR->operands[0];
+        bool isThisLIRLoad = EncodingMap[thisLIR->opcode].flags & IS_LOAD;
+        ArmLIR* checkLIR;
+        /* Use the mem mask to determine the rough memory location */
+        u8 thisMemMask = (thisLIR->useMask | thisLIR->defMask) & ENCODE_MEM;
+        /*
+         * Currently only eliminate redundant ld/st for constant and Dalvik
+         * register accesses.
+         */
+        if (!(thisMemMask & (ENCODE_LITERAL | ENCODE_DALVIK_REG))) continue;
+        /*
+         * Add r15 (pc) to the resource mask to prevent this instruction
+         * from sinking past branch instructions. Also take out the memory
+         * region bits since stopMask is used to check data/control
+         * dependencies.
+         */
+        u8 stopUseRegMask = (ENCODE_REG_PC | thisLIR->useMask) &
+                            ~ENCODE_MEM;
+        u8 stopDefRegMask = thisLIR->defMask & ~ENCODE_MEM;
+        for (checkLIR = NEXT_LIR(thisLIR);
+             checkLIR != tailLIR;
+             checkLIR = NEXT_LIR(checkLIR)) {
+            /*
+             * Skip already dead instructions (whose dataflow information is
+             * outdated and misleading).
+             */
+            if (checkLIR->flags.isNop) continue;
+            u8 checkMemMask = (checkLIR->useMask | checkLIR->defMask) &
+                              ENCODE_MEM;
+            u8 aliasCondition = thisMemMask & checkMemMask;
+            bool stopHere = false;
+            /*
+             * Potential aliases seen - check the alias relations
+             */
+            if (checkMemMask != ENCODE_MEM && aliasCondition != 0) {
+                bool isCheckLIRLoad = EncodingMap[checkLIR->opcode].flags &
+                                      IS_LOAD;
+                if  (aliasCondition == ENCODE_LITERAL) {
+                    /*
+                     * Should only see literal loads in the instruction
+                     * stream.
+                     */
+                    assert(!(EncodingMap[checkLIR->opcode].flags &
+                             IS_STORE));
+                    /* Same value && same register type */
+                    if (checkLIR->aliasInfo == thisLIR->aliasInfo &&
+                        REGTYPE(checkLIR->operands[0]) == REGTYPE(nativeRegId)){
+                        /*
+                         * Different destination register - insert
+                         * a move
+                         */
+                        if (checkLIR->operands[0] != nativeRegId) {
+                            convertMemOpIntoMove(cUnit, checkLIR,
+                                                 checkLIR->operands[0],
+                                                 nativeRegId);
+                        }
+                        checkLIR->flags.isNop = true;
+                    }
+                } else if (aliasCondition == ENCODE_DALVIK_REG) {
+                    /* Must alias */
+                    if (checkLIR->aliasInfo == thisLIR->aliasInfo) {
+                        /* Only optimize compatible registers */
+                        bool regCompatible =
+                            REGTYPE(checkLIR->operands[0]) ==
+                            REGTYPE(nativeRegId);
+                        if ((isThisLIRLoad && isCheckLIRLoad) ||
+                            (!isThisLIRLoad && isCheckLIRLoad)) {
+                            /* RAR or RAW */
+                            if (regCompatible) {
+                                /*
+                                 * Different destination register -
+                                 * insert a move
+                                 */
+                                if (checkLIR->operands[0] !=
+                                    nativeRegId) {
+                                    convertMemOpIntoMove(cUnit,
+                                                 checkLIR,
+                                                 checkLIR->operands[0],
+                                                 nativeRegId);
+                                }
+                                checkLIR->flags.isNop = true;
+                            } else {
+                                /*
+                                 * Destinaions are of different types -
+                                 * something complicated going on so
+                                 * stop looking now.
+                                 */
+                                stopHere = true;
+                            }
+                        } else if (isThisLIRLoad && !isCheckLIRLoad) {
+                            /* WAR - register value is killed */
+                            stopHere = true;
+                        } else if (!isThisLIRLoad && !isCheckLIRLoad) {
+                            /* WAW - nuke the earlier store */
+                            thisLIR->flags.isNop = true;
+                            stopHere = true;
+                        }
+                    /* Partial overlap */
+                    } else if (isDalvikRegisterClobbered(thisLIR, checkLIR)) {
+                        /*
+                         * It is actually ok to continue if checkLIR
+                         * is a read. But it is hard to make a test
+                         * case for this so we just stop here to be
+                         * conservative.
+                         */
+                        stopHere = true;
+                    }
+                }
+                /* Memory content may be updated. Stop looking now. */
+                if (stopHere) {
+                    break;
+                /* The checkLIR has been transformed - check the next one */
+                } else if (checkLIR->flags.isNop) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+            /*
+             * this and check LIRs have no memory dependency. Now check if
+             * their register operands have any RAW, WAR, and WAW
+             * dependencies. If so, stop looking.
+             */
+            if (stopHere == false) {
+                stopHere = CHECK_REG_DEP(stopUseRegMask, stopDefRegMask,
+                                         checkLIR);
+            }
+            if (stopHere == true) {
+                DEBUG_OPT(dumpDependentInsnPair(thisLIR, checkLIR,
+                                                "REG CLOBBERED"));
+                /* Only sink store instructions */
+                if (sinkDistance && !isThisLIRLoad) {
+                    ArmLIR* newStoreLIR =
+                        (ArmLIR* ) oatNew(sizeof(ArmLIR), true);
+                    *newStoreLIR = *thisLIR;
+                    /*
+                     * Stop point found - insert *before* the checkLIR
+                     * since the instruction list is scanned in the
+                     * top-down order.
+                     */
+                    oatInsertLIRBefore((LIR*) checkLIR,
+                                               (LIR*) newStoreLIR);
+                    thisLIR->flags.isNop = true;
+                }
+                break;
+            } else if (!checkLIR->flags.isNop) {
+                sinkDistance++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ * Perform a pass of bottom-up walk, from the second instruction in the
+ * superblock, to try to hoist loads to earlier slots.
+ */
+static void applyLoadHoisting(CompilationUnit* cUnit,
+                              ArmLIR* headLIR,
+                              ArmLIR* tailLIR)
+    ArmLIR* thisLIR, *checkLIR;
+    /*
+     * Store the list of independent instructions that can be hoisted past.
+     * Will decide the best place to insert later.
+     */
+    ArmLIR* prevInstList[MAX_HOIST_DISTANCE];
+    /* Empty block */
+    if (headLIR == tailLIR) return;
+    /* Start from the second instruction */
+    for (thisLIR = NEXT_LIR(headLIR);
+         thisLIR != tailLIR;
+         thisLIR = NEXT_LIR(thisLIR)) {
+        /* Skip non-interesting instructions */
+        if ((thisLIR->flags.isNop == true) ||
+            isPseudoOpcode(thisLIR->opcode) ||
+            !(EncodingMap[thisLIR->opcode].flags & IS_LOAD)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        u8 stopUseAllMask = thisLIR->useMask;
+        /*
+         * Branches for null/range checks are marked with the true resource
+         * bits, and loads to Dalvik registers, constant pools, and non-alias
+         * locations are safe to be hoisted. So only mark the heap references
+         * conservatively here.
+         */
+        if (stopUseAllMask & ENCODE_HEAP_REF) {
+            stopUseAllMask |= ENCODE_REG_PC;
+        }
+        /* Similar as above, but just check for pure register dependency */
+        u8 stopUseRegMask = stopUseAllMask & ~ENCODE_MEM;
+        u8 stopDefRegMask = thisLIR->defMask & ~ENCODE_MEM;
+        int nextSlot = 0;
+        bool stopHere = false;
+        /* Try to hoist the load to a good spot */
+        for (checkLIR = PREV_LIR(thisLIR);
+             checkLIR != headLIR;
+             checkLIR = PREV_LIR(checkLIR)) {
+            /*
+             * Skip already dead instructions (whose dataflow information is
+             * outdated and misleading).
+             */
+            if (checkLIR->flags.isNop) continue;
+            u8 checkMemMask = checkLIR->defMask & ENCODE_MEM;
+            u8 aliasCondition = stopUseAllMask & checkMemMask;
+            stopHere = false;
+            /* Potential WAR alias seen - check the exact relation */
+            if (checkMemMask != ENCODE_MEM && aliasCondition != 0) {
+                /* We can fully disambiguate Dalvik references */
+                if (aliasCondition == ENCODE_DALVIK_REG) {
+                    /* Must alias or partually overlap */
+                    if ((checkLIR->aliasInfo == thisLIR->aliasInfo) ||
+                        isDalvikRegisterClobbered(thisLIR, checkLIR)) {
+                        stopHere = true;
+                    }
+                /* Conservatively treat all heap refs as may-alias */
+                } else {
+                    assert(aliasCondition == ENCODE_HEAP_REF);
+                    stopHere = true;
+                }
+                /* Memory content may be updated. Stop looking now. */
+                if (stopHere) {
+                    prevInstList[nextSlot++] = checkLIR;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (stopHere == false) {
+                stopHere = CHECK_REG_DEP(stopUseRegMask, stopDefRegMask,
+                                         checkLIR);
+            }
+            /*
+             * Store the dependent or non-pseudo/indepedent instruction to the
+             * list.
+             */
+            if (stopHere || !isPseudoOpcode(checkLIR->opcode)) {
+                prevInstList[nextSlot++] = checkLIR;
+                if (nextSlot == MAX_HOIST_DISTANCE) break;
+            }
+            /* Found a new place to put the load - move it here */
+            if (stopHere == true) {
+                DEBUG_OPT(dumpDependentInsnPair(checkLIR, thisLIR
+                                                "HOIST STOP"));
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        /*
+         * Reached the top - use headLIR as the dependent marker as all labels
+         * are barriers.
+         */
+        if (stopHere == false && nextSlot < MAX_HOIST_DISTANCE) {
+            prevInstList[nextSlot++] = headLIR;
+        }
+        /*
+         * At least one independent instruction is found. Scan in the reversed
+         * direction to find a beneficial slot.
+         */
+        if (nextSlot >= 2) {
+            int firstSlot = nextSlot - 2;
+            int slot;
+            ArmLIR* depLIR = prevInstList[nextSlot-1];
+            /* If there is ld-ld dependency, wait LDLD_DISTANCE cycles */
+            if (!isPseudoOpcode(depLIR->opcode) &&
+                (EncodingMap[depLIR->opcode].flags & IS_LOAD)) {
+                firstSlot -= LDLD_DISTANCE;
+            }
+            /*
+             * Make sure we check slot >= 0 since firstSlot may be negative
+             * when the loop is first entered.
+             */
+            for (slot = firstSlot; slot >= 0; slot--) {
+                ArmLIR* curLIR = prevInstList[slot];
+                ArmLIR* prevLIR = prevInstList[slot+1];
+                /* Check the highest instruction */
+                if (prevLIR->defMask == ENCODE_ALL) {
+                    /*
+                     * If the first instruction is a load, don't hoist anything
+                     * above it since it is unlikely to be beneficial.
+                     */
+                    if (EncodingMap[curLIR->opcode].flags & IS_LOAD) continue;
+                    /*
+                     * If the remaining number of slots is less than LD_LATENCY,
+                     * insert the hoisted load here.
+                     */
+                    if (slot < LD_LATENCY) break;
+                }
+                /*
+                 * NOTE: now prevLIR is guaranteed to be a non-pseudo
+                 * instruction (ie accessing EncodingMap[prevLIR->opcode] is
+                 * safe).
+                 *
+                 * Try to find two instructions with load/use dependency until
+                 * the remaining instructions are less than LD_LATENCY.
+                 */
+                if (((curLIR->useMask & prevLIR->defMask) &&
+                     (EncodingMap[prevLIR->opcode].flags & IS_LOAD)) ||
+                    (slot < LD_LATENCY)) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            /* Found a slot to hoist to */
+            if (slot >= 0) {
+                ArmLIR* curLIR = prevInstList[slot];
+                ArmLIR* newLoadLIR = (ArmLIR* ) oatNew(sizeof(ArmLIR),
+                                                               true);
+                *newLoadLIR = *thisLIR;
+                /*
+                 * Insertion is guaranteed to succeed since checkLIR
+                 * is never the first LIR on the list
+                 */
+                oatInsertLIRBefore((LIR*) curLIR, (LIR*) newLoadLIR);
+                thisLIR->flags.isNop = true;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void oatApplyLocalOptimizations(CompilationUnit* cUnit, LIR* headLIR,
+                                        LIR* tailLIR)
+    if (!(cUnit->disableOpt & (1 << kLoadStoreElimination))) {
+        applyLoadStoreElimination(cUnit, (ArmLIR* ) headLIR,
+                                  (ArmLIR* ) tailLIR);
+    }
+    if (!(cUnit->disableOpt & (1 << kLoadHoisting))) {
+        applyLoadHoisting(cUnit, (ArmLIR* ) headLIR, (ArmLIR* ) tailLIR);
+    }