Do not pass DexFile to ClassLinker::Lookup/ResolveType().

The DexFile can be easily retrieved from the DexCache,
so reduce the number of arguments that need to be passed.

Also refactor the code to avoid doing the DexCache lookup
twice and avoid unnecessary read barriers in the initial
DexCache lookup (also for Lookup/ResolveField()).

Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: --host --optimizing
Change-Id: Idea9aa42b6a5bade947e93e330b1abdb9d11b2da
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 892c28d..55fa632 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -5466,7 +5466,7 @@
       return false;
-    ObjPtr<mirror::Class> super_class = ResolveType(dex_file, super_class_idx, klass.Get());
+    ObjPtr<mirror::Class> super_class = ResolveType(super_class_idx, klass.Get());
     if (super_class == nullptr) {
       return false;
@@ -5485,7 +5485,7 @@
   if (interfaces != nullptr) {
     for (size_t i = 0; i < interfaces->Size(); i++) {
       dex::TypeIndex idx = interfaces->GetTypeItem(i).type_idx_;
-      ObjPtr<mirror::Class> interface = ResolveType(dex_file, idx, klass.Get());
+      ObjPtr<mirror::Class> interface = ResolveType(idx, klass.Get());
       if (interface == nullptr) {
         return false;
@@ -7762,74 +7762,56 @@
   return string;
-ObjPtr<mirror::Class> ClassLinker::LookupResolvedType(const DexFile& dex_file,
-                                                      dex::TypeIndex type_idx,
-                                                      ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache,
-                                                      ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader) {
-  ObjPtr<mirror::Class> type = dex_cache->GetResolvedType(type_idx);
-  if (type == nullptr) {
-    const char* descriptor = dex_file.StringByTypeIdx(type_idx);
-    DCHECK_NE(*descriptor, '\0') << "descriptor is empty string";
-    if (descriptor[1] == '\0') {
-      // only the descriptors of primitive types should be 1 character long, also avoid class lookup
-      // for primitive classes that aren't backed by dex files.
-      type = FindPrimitiveClass(descriptor[0]);
+ObjPtr<mirror::Class> ClassLinker::DoLookupResolvedType(dex::TypeIndex type_idx,
+                                                        ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache,
+                                                        ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader) {
+  const DexFile& dex_file = *dex_cache->GetDexFile();
+  const char* descriptor = dex_file.StringByTypeIdx(type_idx);
+  DCHECK_NE(*descriptor, '\0') << "descriptor is empty string";
+  ObjPtr<mirror::Class> type = nullptr;
+  if (descriptor[1] == '\0') {
+    // only the descriptors of primitive types should be 1 character long, also avoid class lookup
+    // for primitive classes that aren't backed by dex files.
+    type = FindPrimitiveClass(descriptor[0]);
+  } else {
+    Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
+    DCHECK(self != nullptr);
+    const size_t hash = ComputeModifiedUtf8Hash(descriptor);
+    // Find the class in the loaded classes table.
+    type = LookupClass(self, descriptor, hash, class_loader.Ptr());
+  }
+  if (type != nullptr) {
+    if (type->IsResolved()) {
+      dex_cache->SetResolvedType(type_idx, type);
     } else {
-      Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
-      DCHECK(self != nullptr);
-      const size_t hash = ComputeModifiedUtf8Hash(descriptor);
-      // Find the class in the loaded classes table.
-      type = LookupClass(self, descriptor, hash, class_loader.Ptr());
-    }
-    if (type != nullptr) {
-      if (type->IsResolved()) {
-        dex_cache->SetResolvedType(type_idx, type);
-      } else {
-        type = nullptr;
-      }
+      type = nullptr;
-  DCHECK(type == nullptr || type->IsResolved());
   return type;
-ObjPtr<mirror::Class> ClassLinker::ResolveType(const DexFile& dex_file,
-                                               dex::TypeIndex type_idx,
-                                               ObjPtr<mirror::Class> referrer) {
-  StackHandleScope<2> hs(Thread::Current());
-  Handle<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache(hs.NewHandle(referrer->GetDexCache()));
-  Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader(hs.NewHandle(referrer->GetClassLoader()));
-  return ResolveType(dex_file, type_idx, dex_cache, class_loader);
-ObjPtr<mirror::Class> ClassLinker::ResolveType(const DexFile& dex_file,
-                                               dex::TypeIndex type_idx,
-                                               Handle<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache,
-                                               Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader) {
-  DCHECK(dex_cache != nullptr);
-  Thread::PoisonObjectPointersIfDebug();
-  ObjPtr<mirror::Class> resolved = dex_cache->GetResolvedType(type_idx);
-  if (resolved == nullptr) {
-    Thread* self = Thread::Current();
-    const char* descriptor = dex_file.StringByTypeIdx(type_idx);
-    resolved = FindClass(self, descriptor, class_loader);
-    if (resolved != nullptr) {
-      // TODO: we used to throw here if resolved's class loader was not the
-      //       boot class loader. This was to permit different classes with the
-      //       same name to be loaded simultaneously by different loaders
-      dex_cache->SetResolvedType(type_idx, resolved);
-    } else {
-      CHECK(self->IsExceptionPending())
-          << "Expected pending exception for failed resolution of: " << descriptor;
-      // Convert a ClassNotFoundException to a NoClassDefFoundError.
-      StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
-      Handle<mirror::Throwable> cause(hs.NewHandle(self->GetException()));
-      if (cause->InstanceOf(GetClassRoot(kJavaLangClassNotFoundException))) {
-        DCHECK(resolved == nullptr);  // No Handle needed to preserve resolved.
-        self->ClearException();
-        ThrowNoClassDefFoundError("Failed resolution of: %s", descriptor);
-        self->GetException()->SetCause(cause.Get());
-      }
+ObjPtr<mirror::Class> ClassLinker::DoResolveType(dex::TypeIndex type_idx,
+                                                 Handle<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache,
+                                                 Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader) {
+  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
+  const char* descriptor = dex_cache->GetDexFile()->StringByTypeIdx(type_idx);
+  ObjPtr<mirror::Class> resolved = FindClass(self, descriptor, class_loader);
+  if (resolved != nullptr) {
+    // TODO: we used to throw here if resolved's class loader was not the
+    //       boot class loader. This was to permit different classes with the
+    //       same name to be loaded simultaneously by different loaders
+    dex_cache->SetResolvedType(type_idx, resolved);
+  } else {
+    CHECK(self->IsExceptionPending())
+        << "Expected pending exception for failed resolution of: " << descriptor;
+    // Convert a ClassNotFoundException to a NoClassDefFoundError.
+    StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
+    Handle<mirror::Throwable> cause(hs.NewHandle(self->GetException()));
+    if (cause->InstanceOf(GetClassRoot(kJavaLangClassNotFoundException))) {
+      DCHECK(resolved == nullptr);  // No Handle needed to preserve resolved.
+      self->ClearException();
+      ThrowNoClassDefFoundError("Failed resolution of: %s", descriptor);
+      self->GetException()->SetCause(cause.Get());
   DCHECK((resolved == nullptr) || resolved->IsResolved())
@@ -7962,7 +7944,7 @@
   if (valid_dex_cache_method) {
     // We have a valid method from the DexCache but we need to perform ICCE and IAE checks.
     DCHECK(resolved->GetDeclaringClassUnchecked() != nullptr) << resolved->GetDexMethodIndex();
-    klass = LookupResolvedType(dex_file, method_id.class_idx_, dex_cache.Get(), class_loader.Get());
+    klass = LookupResolvedType(method_id.class_idx_, dex_cache.Get(), class_loader.Get());
     if (UNLIKELY(klass == nullptr)) {
       const char* descriptor = dex_file.StringByTypeIdx(method_id.class_idx_);
       LOG(FATAL) << "Check failed: klass != nullptr Bug: 64759619 Method: "
@@ -7973,7 +7955,7 @@
   } else {
     // The method was not in the DexCache, resolve the declaring class.
-    klass = ResolveType(dex_file, method_id.class_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader);
+    klass = ResolveType(method_id.class_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader);
     if (klass == nullptr) {
       return nullptr;
@@ -8059,10 +8041,8 @@
     return resolved;
   // Fail, get the declaring class.
-  const DexFile& dex_file = *dex_cache->GetDexFile();
-  const DexFile::MethodId& method_id = dex_file.GetMethodId(method_idx);
-  ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass =
-      ResolveType(dex_file, method_id.class_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader);
+  const DexFile::MethodId& method_id = dex_cache->GetDexFile()->GetMethodId(method_idx);
+  ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = ResolveType(method_id.class_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader);
   if (klass == nullptr) {
     return nullptr;
@@ -8084,7 +8064,7 @@
   const DexFile::FieldId& field_id = dex_file.GetFieldId(field_idx);
   ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = dex_cache->GetResolvedType(field_id.class_idx_);
   if (klass == nullptr) {
-    klass = LookupResolvedType(dex_file, field_id.class_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader);
+    klass = LookupResolvedType(field_id.class_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader);
   if (klass == nullptr) {
     // The class has not been resolved yet, so the field is also unresolved.
@@ -8126,7 +8106,7 @@
   const DexFile& dex_file = *dex_cache->GetDexFile();
   const DexFile::FieldId& field_id = dex_file.GetFieldId(field_idx);
   Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
-  ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = ResolveType(dex_file, field_id.class_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader);
+  ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = ResolveType(field_id.class_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader);
   if (klass == nullptr) {
     return nullptr;
@@ -8167,7 +8147,7 @@
   const DexFile& dex_file = *dex_cache->GetDexFile();
   const DexFile::FieldId& field_id = dex_file.GetFieldId(field_idx);
   Thread* self = Thread::Current();
-  ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass(ResolveType(dex_file, field_id.class_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader));
+  ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = ResolveType(field_id.class_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader);
   if (klass == nullptr) {
     return nullptr;
@@ -8203,7 +8183,7 @@
   const DexFile& dex_file = *dex_cache->GetDexFile();
   const DexFile::ProtoId& proto_id = dex_file.GetProtoId(proto_idx);
   Handle<mirror::Class> return_type(hs.NewHandle(
-      ResolveType(dex_file, proto_id.return_type_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader)));
+      ResolveType(proto_id.return_type_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader)));
   if (return_type == nullptr) {
     return nullptr;
@@ -8229,7 +8209,7 @@
   MutableHandle<mirror::Class> param_class = hs.NewHandle<mirror::Class>(nullptr);
   for (; it.HasNext(); it.Next()) {
     const dex::TypeIndex type_idx = it.GetTypeIdx();
-    param_class.Assign(ResolveType(dex_file, type_idx, dex_cache, class_loader));
+    param_class.Assign(ResolveType(type_idx, dex_cache, class_loader));
     if (param_class == nullptr) {
       return nullptr;
@@ -8514,7 +8494,7 @@
   DexFileParameterIterator it(*dex_file, target_method->GetPrototype());
   while (it.HasNext()) {
     const dex::TypeIndex type_idx = it.GetTypeIdx();
-    ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = ResolveType(*dex_file, type_idx, dex_cache, class_loader);
+    ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = ResolveType(type_idx, dex_cache, class_loader);
     if (nullptr == klass) {
       return nullptr;