Thumb2 assembler for JNI compiler and optimizing compiler

This provides a programmatic assembler for the thumb2 instruction set for
ARM.  The interface is the same as the ARM assembler and the ARM assembler has
been moved into Arm32Assembler.  The assembler handles most 16 and 32 bit instructions
and also allows relocations due to branch expansion.  It will also rewrite cbz/cbnz
instructions if they go out of range.

It also changes the JNI compiler to use the thumb2 assembler as opposed
to forcing it to use ARM32.  The trampoline compiler still uses ARM due to the
way it returns the address of its generated code.  A trampoline in thumb2 is the
same size as that in ARM anyway (8 bytes).

Provides gtest for testing the thumb2 instruction output.  This gtest only runs
on the host as it uses arm-eabi-objdump to disassemble the generated code.  On the
target the output is not checked but the assembler will still be run to perform
all its checks.

Change-Id: Icd9742b6f13541bec5b23097896727392e3a6fb6
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_arm32.h b/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_arm32.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a0fce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_arm32.h
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "constants_arm.h"
+#include "utils/arm/managed_register_arm.h"
+#include "utils/arm/assembler_arm.h"
+#include "offsets.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+namespace art {
+namespace arm {
+class Arm32Assembler FINAL : public ArmAssembler {
+ public:
+  Arm32Assembler() {
+  }
+  virtual ~Arm32Assembler() {}
+  bool IsThumb() const OVERRIDE {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Data-processing instructions.
+  void and_(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void eor(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void sub(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void subs(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void rsb(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void rsbs(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void add(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void adds(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void adc(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void sbc(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void rsc(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void tst(Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void teq(Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void cmp(Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void cmn(Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void orr(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void orrs(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void mov(Register rd, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void movs(Register rd, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void bic(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void mvn(Register rd, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void mvns(Register rd, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  // Miscellaneous data-processing instructions.
+  void clz(Register rd, Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void movw(Register rd, uint16_t imm16, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void movt(Register rd, uint16_t imm16, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  // Multiply instructions.
+  void mul(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void mla(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, Register ra,
+           Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void mls(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, Register ra,
+           Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void umull(Register rd_lo, Register rd_hi, Register rn, Register rm,
+             Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void sdiv(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void udiv(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  // Load/store instructions.
+  void ldr(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void str(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void ldrb(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void strb(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void ldrh(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void strh(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void ldrsb(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void ldrsh(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void ldrd(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void strd(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void ldm(BlockAddressMode am, Register base,
+           RegList regs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void stm(BlockAddressMode am, Register base,
+           RegList regs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void ldrex(Register rd, Register rn, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void strex(Register rd, Register rt, Register rn, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  // Miscellaneous instructions.
+  void clrex(Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void nop(Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  // Note that gdb sets breakpoints using the undefined instruction 0xe7f001f0.
+  void bkpt(uint16_t imm16) OVERRIDE;
+  void svc(uint32_t imm24) OVERRIDE;
+  void cbz(Register rn, Label* target) OVERRIDE;
+  void cbnz(Register rn, Label* target) OVERRIDE;
+  // Floating point instructions (VFPv3-D16 and VFPv3-D32 profiles).
+  void vmovsr(SRegister sn, Register rt, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vmovrs(Register rt, SRegister sn, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vmovsrr(SRegister sm, Register rt, Register rt2, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vmovrrs(Register rt, Register rt2, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vmovdrr(DRegister dm, Register rt, Register rt2, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vmovrrd(Register rt, Register rt2, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vmovs(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vmovd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  // Returns false if the immediate cannot be encoded.
+  bool vmovs(SRegister sd, float s_imm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  bool vmovd(DRegister dd, double d_imm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vldrs(SRegister sd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vstrs(SRegister sd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vldrd(DRegister dd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vstrd(DRegister dd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vadds(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vaddd(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vsubs(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vsubd(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vmuls(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vmuld(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vmlas(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vmlad(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vmlss(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vmlsd(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vdivs(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vdivd(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vabss(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vabsd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vnegs(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vnegd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vsqrts(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vsqrtd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vcvtsd(SRegister sd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vcvtds(DRegister dd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vcvtis(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vcvtid(SRegister sd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vcvtsi(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vcvtdi(DRegister dd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vcvtus(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vcvtud(SRegister sd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vcvtsu(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vcvtdu(DRegister dd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vcmps(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vcmpd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vcmpsz(SRegister sd, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vcmpdz(DRegister dd, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vmstat(Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;  // VMRS APSR_nzcv, FPSCR
+  void vpushs(SRegister reg, int nregs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vpushd(DRegister reg, int nregs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vpops(SRegister reg, int nregs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void vpopd(DRegister reg, int nregs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  // Branch instructions.
+  void b(Label* label, Condition cond = AL);
+  void bl(Label* label, Condition cond = AL);
+  void blx(Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void bx(Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void Lsl(Register rd, Register rm, uint32_t shift_imm, Condition cond = AL);
+  void Lsr(Register rd, Register rm, uint32_t shift_imm, Condition cond = AL);
+  void Asr(Register rd, Register rm, uint32_t shift_imm, Condition cond = AL);
+  void Ror(Register rd, Register rm, uint32_t shift_imm, Condition cond = AL);
+  void Rrx(Register rd, Register rm, Condition cond = AL);
+  void Push(Register rd, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void Pop(Register rd, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void PushList(RegList regs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void PopList(RegList regs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void Mov(Register rd, Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void CompareAndBranchIfZero(Register r, Label* label) OVERRIDE;
+  void CompareAndBranchIfNonZero(Register r, Label* label) OVERRIDE;
+  // Macros.
+  // Add signed constant value to rd. May clobber IP.
+  void AddConstant(Register rd, int32_t value, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void AddConstant(Register rd, Register rn, int32_t value,
+                   Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void AddConstantSetFlags(Register rd, Register rn, int32_t value,
+                           Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void AddConstantWithCarry(Register rd, Register rn, int32_t value,
+                            Condition cond = AL) {}
+  // Load and Store. May clobber IP.
+  void LoadImmediate(Register rd, int32_t value, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void LoadSImmediate(SRegister sd, float value, Condition cond = AL) {}
+  void LoadDImmediate(DRegister dd, double value,
+                      Register scratch, Condition cond = AL) {}
+  void MarkExceptionHandler(Label* label) OVERRIDE;
+  void LoadFromOffset(LoadOperandType type,
+                      Register reg,
+                      Register base,
+                      int32_t offset,
+                      Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void StoreToOffset(StoreOperandType type,
+                     Register reg,
+                     Register base,
+                     int32_t offset,
+                     Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void LoadSFromOffset(SRegister reg,
+                       Register base,
+                       int32_t offset,
+                       Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void StoreSToOffset(SRegister reg,
+                      Register base,
+                      int32_t offset,
+                      Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void LoadDFromOffset(DRegister reg,
+                       Register base,
+                       int32_t offset,
+                       Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  void StoreDToOffset(DRegister reg,
+                      Register base,
+                      int32_t offset,
+                      Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+  static bool IsInstructionForExceptionHandling(uword pc);
+  // Emit data (e.g. encoded instruction or immediate) to the
+  // instruction stream.
+  void Emit(int32_t value);
+  void Bind(Label* label) OVERRIDE;
+  void MemoryBarrier(ManagedRegister scratch) OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+  void EmitType01(Condition cond,
+                  int type,
+                  Opcode opcode,
+                  int set_cc,
+                  Register rn,
+                  Register rd,
+                  const ShifterOperand& so);
+  void EmitType5(Condition cond, int offset, bool link);
+  void EmitMemOp(Condition cond,
+                 bool load,
+                 bool byte,
+                 Register rd,
+                 const Address& ad);
+  void EmitMemOpAddressMode3(Condition cond,
+                             int32_t mode,
+                             Register rd,
+                             const Address& ad);
+  void EmitMultiMemOp(Condition cond,
+                      BlockAddressMode am,
+                      bool load,
+                      Register base,
+                      RegList regs);
+  void EmitShiftImmediate(Condition cond,
+                          Shift opcode,
+                          Register rd,
+                          Register rm,
+                          const ShifterOperand& so);
+  void EmitShiftRegister(Condition cond,
+                         Shift opcode,
+                         Register rd,
+                         Register rm,
+                         const ShifterOperand& so);
+  void EmitMulOp(Condition cond,
+                 int32_t opcode,
+                 Register rd,
+                 Register rn,
+                 Register rm,
+                 Register rs);
+  void EmitVFPsss(Condition cond,
+                  int32_t opcode,
+                  SRegister sd,
+                  SRegister sn,
+                  SRegister sm);
+  void EmitVFPddd(Condition cond,
+                  int32_t opcode,
+                  DRegister dd,
+                  DRegister dn,
+                  DRegister dm);
+  void EmitVFPsd(Condition cond,
+                 int32_t opcode,
+                 SRegister sd,
+                 DRegister dm);
+  void EmitVFPds(Condition cond,
+                 int32_t opcode,
+                 DRegister dd,
+                 SRegister sm);
+  void EmitVPushPop(uint32_t reg, int nregs, bool push, bool dbl, Condition cond);
+  void EmitBranch(Condition cond, Label* label, bool link);
+  static int32_t EncodeBranchOffset(int offset, int32_t inst);
+  static int DecodeBranchOffset(int32_t inst);
+  int32_t EncodeTstOffset(int offset, int32_t inst);
+  int DecodeTstOffset(int32_t inst);
+}  // namespace arm
+}  // namespace art