Log information about JITed JNI stubs in GetOatQuickMethodHeader

We added some logs to debug crashes in GetOatQuickMethodHeader.
Crashes from b/307702425 suggest that the method failing the check is a
native method. So also log JITed JNI stubs to identify the problem.

Test: art/test.py
Change-Id: I7f92f88be4fe86aa3ca1b1e5dcd83096f54113ff
diff --git a/runtime/art_method.cc b/runtime/art_method.cc
index a478ba9..6bb33a1 100644
--- a/runtime/art_method.cc
+++ b/runtime/art_method.cc
@@ -640,7 +640,8 @@
             << ", pc=" << std::hex << pc
             << ", entry_point=" << std::hex << reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(existing_entry_point)
             << ", copy=" << std::boolalpha << IsCopied()
-            << ", proxy=" << std::boolalpha << IsProxyMethod();
+            << ", proxy=" << std::boolalpha << IsProxyMethod()
+            << ", is_native=" << std::boolalpha << IsNative();
diff --git a/runtime/jit/jit_code_cache.cc b/runtime/jit/jit_code_cache.cc
index e7e5161..845f6eb 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/jit_code_cache.cc
+++ b/runtime/jit/jit_code_cache.cc
@@ -1905,6 +1905,20 @@
     os << meth->PrettyMethod() << "@"  << std::hex
        << code_ptr << "-" << reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(code_ptr) + header->GetCodeSize() << '\n';
+  os << "JNIStubs: \n";
+  for (auto it : jni_stubs_map_) {
+    const void* code_ptr = it.second.GetCode();
+    if (code_ptr == nullptr) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    OatQuickMethodHeader* header = OatQuickMethodHeader::FromCodePointer(code_ptr);
+    os << std::hex << code_ptr << "-"
+       << reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(code_ptr) + header->GetCodeSize() << " ";
+    for (ArtMethod* m : it.second.GetMethods()) {
+      os << m->PrettyMethod() << ";";
+    }
+    os << "\n";
+  }
 void JitCodeCache::PostForkChildAction(bool is_system_server, bool is_zygote) {