Interpret class initializers when building image.
We initialize all image classes with the interpreter if they have a
class/static initializer.
Black list classes whose initializers need access to on device native
code. If such classes are added to the image classes they will fail when
they attempt to enter JNI code. A number of "intrinsic" style JNI
routines are special cased to allow more than just trivial class
initializers to run.
Add a lock for initialization in the compiler to serialize the execution
of class initializers and avoid deadlock.
Remove InSourceSpace from image writer (cruft) and teach the image writer
to fix up referent fields in references.
Fix bugs in the interprerter and implement filled-new-array.
Factor some VM code to more easily share between the interpreter and
JNI entry points.
Change-Id: I6bb811dea84f1b82260b1a4e73ac7412179c0b41
diff --git a/src/interpreter/ b/src/interpreter/
index 550c6ee..388eb85 100644
--- a/src/interpreter/
+++ b/src/interpreter/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "dex_instruction.h"
#include "invoke_arg_array_builder.h"
#include "logging.h"
+#include "nth_caller_visitor.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "object_utils.h"
#include "runtime_support.h"
@@ -32,6 +33,310 @@
namespace art {
namespace interpreter {
+static void UnstartedRuntimeInvoke(Thread* self, AbstractMethod* target_method,
+ Object* receiver, JValue* args, JValue* result)
+ SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ // In a runtime that's not started we intercept certain methods to avoid complicated dependency
+ // problems in core libraries.
+ std::string name(PrettyMethod(target_method));
+ if (name == "java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String)") {
+ std::string descriptor(DotToDescriptor(args[0].GetL()->AsString()->ToModifiedUtf8().c_str()));
+ ClassLoader* class_loader = NULL; // shadow_frame.GetMethod()->GetDeclaringClass()->GetClassLoader();
+ Class* found = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->FindClass(descriptor.c_str(),
+ class_loader);
+ CHECK(found != NULL) << "Class.forName failed in un-started runtime for class: "
+ << PrettyDescriptor(descriptor);
+ result->SetL(found);
+ } else if (name == "java.lang.Object java.lang.Class.newInstance()") {
+ Class* klass = receiver->AsClass();
+ AbstractMethod* c = klass->FindDeclaredDirectMethod("<init>", "()V");
+ CHECK(c != NULL);
+ Object* obj = klass->AllocObject(self);
+ CHECK(obj != NULL);
+ EnterInterpreterFromInvoke(self, c, obj, NULL, NULL);
+ result->SetL(obj);
+ } else if (name == "java.lang.reflect.Field java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(java.lang.String)") {
+ // Special managed code cut-out to allow field lookup in a un-started runtime that'd fail
+ // going the reflective Dex way.
+ Class* klass = receiver->AsClass();
+ String* name = args[0].GetL()->AsString();
+ Field* found = NULL;
+ FieldHelper fh;
+ ObjectArray<Field>* fields = klass->GetIFields();
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < fields->GetLength() && found == NULL; ++i) {
+ Field* f = fields->Get(i);
+ fh.ChangeField(f);
+ if (name->Equals(fh.GetName())) {
+ found = f;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found == NULL) {
+ fields = klass->GetSFields();
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < fields->GetLength() && found == NULL; ++i) {
+ Field* f = fields->Get(i);
+ fh.ChangeField(f);
+ if (name->Equals(fh.GetName())) {
+ found = f;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CHECK(found != NULL)
+ << "Failed to find field in Class.getDeclaredField in un-started runtime. name="
+ << name->ToModifiedUtf8() << " class=" << PrettyDescriptor(klass);
+ // TODO: getDeclaredField calls GetType once the field is found to ensure a
+ // NoClassDefFoundError is thrown if the field's type cannot be resolved.
+ result->SetL(found);
+ } else if (name == "void java.lang.System.arraycopy(java.lang.Object, int, java.lang.Object, int, int)") {
+ // Special case array copying without initializing System.
+ Class* ctype = args[0].GetL()->GetClass()->GetComponentType();
+ jint srcPos = args[1].GetI();
+ jint dstPos = args[3].GetI();
+ jint length = args[4].GetI();
+ if (!ctype->IsPrimitive()) {
+ ObjectArray<Object>* src = args[0].GetL()->AsObjectArray<Object>();
+ ObjectArray<Object>* dst = args[2].GetL()->AsObjectArray<Object>();
+ for (jint i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ dst->Set(dstPos + i, src->Get(srcPos + i));
+ }
+ } else if (ctype->IsPrimitiveChar()) {
+ CharArray* src = args[0].GetL()->AsCharArray();
+ CharArray* dst = args[2].GetL()->AsCharArray();
+ for (jint i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ dst->Set(dstPos + i, src->Get(srcPos + i));
+ }
+ } else if (ctype->IsPrimitiveInt()) {
+ IntArray* src = args[0].GetL()->AsIntArray();
+ IntArray* dst = args[2].GetL()->AsIntArray();
+ for (jint i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ dst->Set(dstPos + i, src->Get(srcPos + i));
+ }
+ } else {
+ UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "System.arraycopy of unexpected type: " << PrettyDescriptor(ctype);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Not special, continue with regular interpreter execution.
+ EnterInterpreterFromInvoke(self, target_method, receiver, args, result);
+ }
+// Hand select a number of methods to be run in a not yet started runtime without using JNI.
+static void UnstartedRuntimeJni(Thread* self, AbstractMethod* method,
+ Object* receiver, JValue* args, JValue* result)
+ SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ std::string name(PrettyMethod(method));
+ if (name == "java.lang.ClassLoader dalvik.system.VMStack.getCallingClassLoader()") {
+ result->SetL(NULL);
+ } else if (name == "java.lang.Class dalvik.system.VMStack.getStackClass2()") {
+ NthCallerVisitor visitor(self->GetManagedStack(), NULL, 3);
+ visitor.WalkStack();
+ result->SetL(visitor.caller->GetDeclaringClass());
+ } else if (name == "double java.lang.Math.log(double)") {
+ result->SetD(log(args[0].GetD()));
+ } else if (name == "java.lang.String java.lang.Class.getNameNative()") {
+ result->SetL(receiver->AsClass()->ComputeName());
+ } else if (name == "int java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits(float)") {
+ result->SetI(args[0].GetI());
+ } else if (name == "float java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat(int)") {
+ result->SetF(args[0].GetF());
+ } else if (name == "double java.lang.Math.exp(double)") {
+ result->SetD(exp(args[0].GetD()));
+ } else if (name == "java.lang.Object java.lang.Object.internalClone()") {
+ result->SetL(receiver->Clone(self));
+ } else if (name == "void java.lang.Object.notifyAll()") {
+ receiver->NotifyAll();
+ } else if (name == "int java.lang.String.compareTo(java.lang.String)") {
+ String* rhs = args[0].GetL()->AsString();
+ CHECK(rhs != NULL);
+ result->SetI(receiver->AsString()->CompareTo(rhs));
+ } else if (name == "java.lang.String java.lang.String.intern()") {
+ result->SetL(receiver->AsString()->Intern());
+ } else if (name == "int java.lang.String.fastIndexOf(int, int)") {
+ result->SetI(receiver->AsString()->FastIndexOf(args[0].GetI(), args[1].GetI()));
+ } else if (name == "java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Array.createMultiArray(java.lang.Class, int[])") {
+ result->SetL(Array::CreateMultiArray(self, args[0].GetL()->AsClass(), args[1].GetL()->AsIntArray()));
+ } else if (name == "java.lang.Object java.lang.Throwable.nativeFillInStackTrace()") {
+ ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(self);
+ result->SetL(soa.Decode<Object*>(self->CreateInternalStackTrace(soa)));
+ } else if (name == "boolean java.nio.ByteOrder.isLittleEndian()") {
+ result->SetJ(JNI_TRUE);
+ } else if (name == "boolean sun.misc.Unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(java.lang.Object, long, int, int)") {
+ Object* obj = args[0].GetL();
+ jlong offset = args[1].GetJ();
+ jint expectedValue = args[2].GetI();
+ jint newValue = args[3].GetI();
+ byte* raw_addr = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(obj) + offset;
+ volatile int32_t* address = reinterpret_cast<volatile int32_t*>(raw_addr);
+ // Note: android_atomic_release_cas() returns 0 on success, not failure.
+ int r = android_atomic_release_cas(expectedValue, newValue, address);
+ result->SetZ(r == 0);
+ } else if (name == "void sun.misc.Unsafe.putObject(java.lang.Object, long, java.lang.Object)") {
+ Object* obj = args[0].GetL();
+ Object* newValue = args[2].GetL();
+ obj->SetFieldObject(MemberOffset(args[1].GetJ()), newValue, false);
+ } else {
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Attempt to invoke native method in non-started runtime: " << name;
+ }
+static void InterpreterJni(Thread* self, AbstractMethod* method, StringPiece shorty,
+ Object* receiver, JValue* args, JValue* result)
+ SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ // TODO: The following enters JNI code using a typedef-ed function rather than the JNI compiler,
+ // it should be removed and JNI compiled stubs used instead.
+ ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(self);
+ if (method->IsStatic()) {
+ if (shorty == "L") {
+ typedef jobject (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ result->SetL(soa.Decode<Object*>(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get())));
+ } else if (shorty == "V") {
+ typedef void (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ fn(soa.Env(), klass.get());
+ } else if (shorty == "Z") {
+ typedef jboolean (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ result->SetZ(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get()));
+ } else if (shorty == "BI") {
+ typedef jbyte (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ result->SetB(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0].GetI()));
+ } else if (shorty == "II") {
+ typedef jint (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ result->SetI(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0].GetI()));
+ } else if (shorty == "LL") {
+ typedef jobject (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jobject);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
+ ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg0(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[0].GetL()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ result->SetL(soa.Decode<Object*>(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), arg0.get())));
+ } else if (shorty == "IIZ") {
+ typedef jint (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jboolean);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ result->SetI(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0].GetI(), args[1].GetZ()));
+ } else if (shorty == "ILI") {
+ typedef jint (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jobject, jint);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
+ ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg0(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[0].GetL()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ result->SetI(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), arg0.get(), args[1].GetI()));
+ } else if (shorty == "SIZ") {
+ typedef jshort (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jboolean);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ result->SetS(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0].GetI(), args[1].GetZ()));
+ } else if (shorty == "VIZ") {
+ typedef void (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jboolean);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0].GetI(), args[1].GetZ());
+ } else if (shorty == "ZLL") {
+ typedef jboolean (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jobject, jobject);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
+ ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg0(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[0].GetL()));
+ ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg1(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[1].GetL()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ result->SetZ(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), arg0.get(), arg1.get()));
+ } else if (shorty == "ZILL") {
+ typedef jboolean (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jobject, jobject);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
+ ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg1(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[1].GetL()));
+ ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg2(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[2].GetL()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ result->SetZ(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0].GetI(), arg1.get(), arg2.get()));
+ } else if (shorty == "VILII") {
+ typedef void (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jobject, jint, jint);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
+ ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg1(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[1].GetL()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0].GetI(), arg1.get(), args[2].GetI(), args[3].GetI());
+ } else if (shorty == "VLILII") {
+ typedef void (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jobject, jint, jobject, jint, jint);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
+ ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg0(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[0].GetL()));
+ ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg2(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[2].GetL()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), arg0.get(), args[1].GetI(), arg2.get(), args[3].GetI(),
+ args[4].GetI());
+ } else {
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Do something with static native method: " << PrettyMethod(method)
+ << " shorty: " << shorty;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (shorty == "L") {
+ typedef jobject (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jobject);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jobject> rcvr(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(receiver));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ result->SetL(soa.Decode<Object*>(fn(soa.Env(), rcvr.get())));
+ } else if (shorty == "LL") {
+ typedef jobject (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jobject> rcvr(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(receiver));
+ ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg0(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[0].GetL()));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ result->SetL(soa.Decode<Object*>(fn(soa.Env(), rcvr.get(), arg0.get())));
+ } else if (shorty == "III") {
+ typedef jint (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jint, jint);
+ fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
+ ScopedLocalRef<jobject> rcvr(soa.Env(),
+ soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(receiver));
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
+ result->SetI(fn(soa.Env(), rcvr.get(), args[0].GetI(), args[1].GetI()));
+ } else {
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Do something with native method: " << PrettyMethod(method)
+ << " shorty: " << shorty;
+ }
+ }
static void DoMonitorEnter(Thread* self, Object* ref) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
@@ -71,7 +376,11 @@
} else {
arg_array.BuildArgArray(shadow_frame, dec_insn.arg + (type != kStatic ? 1 : 0));
- target_method->Invoke(self, receiver, arg_array.get(), result);
+ if (LIKELY(Runtime::Current()->IsStarted())) {
+ target_method->Invoke(self, receiver, arg_array.get(), result);
+ } else {
+ UnstartedRuntimeInvoke(self, target_method, receiver, arg_array.get(), result);
+ }
if (!mh.GetReturnType()->IsPrimitive() && result->GetL() != NULL) {
@@ -183,7 +492,7 @@
while (true) {
DecodedInstruction dec_insn(inst);
- const bool kTracing = true;
+ const bool kTracing = false;
if (kTracing) {
LOG(INFO) << PrettyMethod(shadow_frame.GetMethod())
<< StringPrintf("\n0x%x: %s\nReferences:",
@@ -264,7 +573,7 @@
return result;
case Instruction::CONST_4: {
- int32_t val = (dec_insn.vB << 28) >> 28;
+ int32_t val = static_cast<int32_t>(dec_insn.vB << 28) >> 28;
shadow_frame.SetVReg(dec_insn.vA, val);
if (val == 0) {
shadow_frame.SetReference(dec_insn.vA, NULL);
@@ -295,24 +604,17 @@
- case Instruction::CONST_WIDE_16: {
- int64_t val = static_cast<int16_t>(dec_insn.vB);
- shadow_frame.SetVReg(dec_insn.vA, val);
- shadow_frame.SetVReg(dec_insn.vA + 1, val >> 32);
+ case Instruction::CONST_WIDE_16:
+ shadow_frame.SetVRegLong(dec_insn.vA, static_cast<int16_t>(dec_insn.vB));
- }
- case Instruction::CONST_WIDE_32: {
- int64_t val = static_cast<int32_t>(dec_insn.vB);
- shadow_frame.SetVReg(dec_insn.vA, val);
- shadow_frame.SetVReg(dec_insn.vA + 1, val >> 32);
+ case Instruction::CONST_WIDE_32:
+ shadow_frame.SetVRegLong(dec_insn.vA, static_cast<int32_t>(dec_insn.vB));
- }
case Instruction::CONST_WIDE:
- shadow_frame.SetVReg(dec_insn.vA, dec_insn.vB_wide);
- shadow_frame.SetVReg(dec_insn.vA + 1, dec_insn.vB_wide >> 32);
+ shadow_frame.SetVRegLong(dec_insn.vA, dec_insn.vB_wide);
case Instruction::CONST_WIDE_HIGH16:
- shadow_frame.SetVRegLong(dec_insn.vA + 1, static_cast<uint64_t>(dec_insn.vB) << 48);
+ shadow_frame.SetVRegLong(dec_insn.vA, static_cast<uint64_t>(dec_insn.vB) << 48);
case Instruction::CONST_STRING:
case Instruction::CONST_STRING_JUMBO: {
@@ -351,12 +653,12 @@
case Instruction::ARRAY_LENGTH: {
- Array* array = shadow_frame.GetReference(dec_insn.vB)->AsArray();
+ Object* array = shadow_frame.GetReference(dec_insn.vB);
if (UNLIKELY(array == NULL)) {
ThrowNullPointerExceptionFromDexPC(shadow_frame.GetMethod(), inst->GetDexPc(insns));
- shadow_frame.SetVReg(dec_insn.vA, array->GetLength());
+ shadow_frame.SetVReg(dec_insn.vA, array->AsArray()->GetLength());
case Instruction::NEW_INSTANCE: {
@@ -371,9 +673,30 @@
case Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY:
- case Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_RANGE:
- UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << inst->DumpString(&mh.GetDexFile());
+ case Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_RANGE: {
+ bool is_range = (dec_insn.opcode == Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_RANGE);
+ int32_t length = dec_insn.vA;
+ CHECK(is_range || length <= 5);
+ Class* arrayClass = mh.ResolveClass(dec_insn.vB);
+ CHECK(arrayClass->IsArrayClass());
+ if (arrayClass->GetComponentType()->IsPrimitiveInt()) {
+ IntArray* newArray = IntArray::Alloc(self, length);
+ if (newArray != NULL) {
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ if (is_range) {
+ newArray->Set(i, shadow_frame.GetVReg(dec_insn.vC + i));
+ } else {
+ newArray->Set(i, shadow_frame.GetVReg(dec_insn.arg[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result_register.SetL(newArray);
+ } else {
+ UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << inst->DumpString(&mh.GetDexFile())
+ << " for array type: " << PrettyDescriptor(arrayClass);
+ }
+ }
case Instruction::CMPL_FLOAT: {
float val1 = shadow_frame.GetVRegFloat(dec_insn.vB);
float val2 = shadow_frame.GetVRegFloat(dec_insn.vC);
@@ -408,7 +731,7 @@
int32_t result;
if (val1 == val2) {
result = 0;
- } else if (val1 > val2) {
+ } else if (val1 < val2) {
result = 1;
} else {
result = -1;
@@ -423,7 +746,7 @@
int32_t result;
if (val1 == val2) {
result = 0;
- } else if (val1 < val2) {
+ } else if (val1 > val2) {
result = -1;
} else {
result = 1;
@@ -436,11 +759,11 @@
int64_t val2 = shadow_frame.GetVRegLong(dec_insn.vC);
int32_t result;
if (val1 < val2) {
- result = -1;
+ result = 1;
} else if (val1 == val2) {
result = 0;
} else {
- result = 1;
+ result = -1;
shadow_frame.SetVReg(dec_insn.vA, result);
@@ -1124,7 +1447,7 @@
case Instruction::MUL_LONG_2ADDR:
- shadow_frame.GetVRegLong(dec_insn.vA) +
+ shadow_frame.GetVRegLong(dec_insn.vA) *
case Instruction::DIV_LONG_2ADDR:
@@ -1282,6 +1605,7 @@
void EnterInterpreterFromInvoke(Thread* self, AbstractMethod* method, Object* receiver,
JValue* args, JValue* result) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(self, Thread::Current());
MethodHelper mh(method);
const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = mh.GetCodeItem();
uint16_t num_regs;
@@ -1313,7 +1637,7 @@
true, true);
- StringPiece shorty(mh.GetShorty());
+ const char* shorty = mh.GetShorty();
size_t arg_pos = 0;
for (; cur_reg < num_regs; ++cur_reg, ++arg_pos) {
DCHECK_LT(arg_pos + 1, mh.GetShortyLength());
@@ -1332,165 +1656,18 @@
- if (!method->IsNative()) {
+ if (LIKELY(!method->IsNative())) {
JValue r = Execute(self, mh, code_item, *shadow_frame.get());
if (result != NULL) {
*result = r;
} else {
- // TODO: The following enters JNI code using a typedef-ed function rather than the JNI compiler,
- // it should be removed and JNI compiled stubs used instead.
- ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(self);
- if (method->IsStatic()) {
- if (shorty == "L") {
- typedef jobject (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- result->SetL(soa.Decode<Object*>(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get())));
- } else if (shorty == "V") {
- typedef void (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- fn(soa.Env(), klass.get());
- } else if (shorty == "Z") {
- typedef jboolean (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- result->SetZ(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get()));
- } else if (shorty == "BI") {
- typedef jbyte (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- result->SetB(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0].GetI()));
- } else if (shorty == "II") {
- typedef jint (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- result->SetI(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0].GetI()));
- } else if (shorty == "LL") {
- typedef jobject (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jobject);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
- ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg0(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[0].GetL()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- result->SetL(soa.Decode<Object*>(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), arg0.get())));
- } else if (shorty == "IIZ") {
- typedef jint (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jboolean);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- result->SetI(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0].GetI(), args[1].GetZ()));
- } else if (shorty == "ILI") {
- typedef jint (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jobject, jint);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
- ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg0(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[0].GetL()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- result->SetI(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), arg0.get(), args[1].GetI()));
- } else if (shorty == "SIZ") {
- typedef jshort (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jboolean);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- result->SetS(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0].GetI(), args[1].GetZ()));
- } else if (shorty == "VIZ") {
- typedef void (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jboolean);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0].GetI(), args[1].GetZ());
- } else if (shorty == "ZLL") {
- typedef jboolean (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jobject, jobject);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
- ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg0(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[0].GetL()));
- ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg1(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[1].GetL()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- result->SetZ(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), arg0.get(), arg1.get()));
- } else if (shorty == "ZILL") {
- typedef jboolean (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jobject, jobject);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
- ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg1(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[1].GetL()));
- ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg2(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[2].GetL()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- result->SetZ(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0].GetI(), arg1.get(), arg2.get()));
- } else if (shorty == "VILII") {
- typedef void (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jobject, jint, jint);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
- ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg1(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[1].GetL()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0].GetI(), arg1.get(), args[2].GetI(), args[3].GetI());
- } else if (shorty == "VLILII") {
- typedef void (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jobject, jint, jobject, jint, jint);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jclass> klass(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(method->GetDeclaringClass()));
- ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg0(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[0].GetL()));
- ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg2(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[2].GetL()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), arg0.get(), args[1].GetI(), arg2.get(), args[3].GetI(),
- args[4].GetI());
- } else {
- LOG(FATAL) << "Do something with static native method: " << PrettyMethod(method)
- << " shorty: " << shorty;
- }
+ // We don't expect to be asked to interpret native code (which is entered via a JNI compiler
+ // generated stub) except during testing and image writing.
+ if (!Runtime::Current()->IsStarted()) {
+ UnstartedRuntimeJni(self, method, receiver, args, result);
} else {
- if (shorty == "L") {
- typedef jobject (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jobject);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jobject> rcvr(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(receiver));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- result->SetL(soa.Decode<Object*>(fn(soa.Env(), rcvr.get())));
- } else if (shorty == "LL") {
- typedef jobject (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jobject> rcvr(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(receiver));
- ScopedLocalRef<jobject> arg0(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args[0].GetL()));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- result->SetL(soa.Decode<Object*>(fn(soa.Env(), rcvr.get(), arg0.get())));
- } else if (shorty == "III") {
- typedef jint (fnptr)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jint, jint);
- fnptr* fn = reinterpret_cast<fnptr*>(method->GetNativeMethod());
- ScopedLocalRef<jobject> rcvr(soa.Env(),
- soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(receiver));
- ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative);
- result->SetI(fn(soa.Env(), rcvr.get(), args[0].GetI(), args[1].GetI()));
- } else {
- LOG(FATAL) << "Do something with native method: " << PrettyMethod(method)
- << " shorty: " << shorty;
- }
+ InterpreterJni(self, method, shorty, receiver, args, result);