Fix ThreadStress check script to filter stderr.

Test: --host --optimizing -t 004-ThreadStress
Test: --target --optimizing -t 004-ThreadStress
Bug: 154100060
Bug: 171865375
Change-Id: If32cda4ee11696b3422112e842f84c938cb5664a
diff --git a/test/004-ThreadStress/check b/test/004-ThreadStress/check
index c7ee9f4..e351e13 100755
--- a/test/004-ThreadStress/check
+++ b/test/004-ThreadStress/check
@@ -25,6 +25,6 @@
 # shutdown thread. This can occasionally happen with this test but it is not
 # something we really need to worry about here.
 sed '-es/[0-9][0-9]*/N/g' "$2" \
-    | sed "/Exception creating thread peer:/,+3d" \
     | diff --strip-trailing-cr -q "$1" - >/dev/null \
-  && diff --strip-trailing-cr -q "$3" "$4" >/dev/null
+  && sed "/Exception creating thread peer:/,+3d" "$4" \
+    | diff --strip-trailing-cr -q "$3" - >/dev/null