Switch interpreter: Split the method in ASAN to avoid huge frames

Bug: 117341496
Test: "./art/test.py -b -r --interpreter --host --64" in ASAN
Change-Id: I6945bf78789588058b1668bf16da9ee1b3ff26b5
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/interpreter_switch_impl-inl.h b/runtime/interpreter/interpreter_switch_impl-inl.h
index be4b807..8afaed5 100644
--- a/runtime/interpreter/interpreter_switch_impl-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/interpreter_switch_impl-inl.h
@@ -1901,11 +1901,34 @@
   bool& exit_interpreter_loop;
-// TODO On ASAN builds this function gets a huge stack frame. Since normally we run in the mterp
-// this shouldn't cause any problems for stack overflow detection. Remove this once b/117341496 is
-// fixed.
+// Don't inline in ASAN. It would create massive stack frame.
+#define OPCODE_CASE(OPCODE, OPCODE_NAME, NAME, FORMAT, i, a, e, v)                                \
+template<bool do_access_check, bool transaction_active>                                           \
+ASAN_NO_INLINE static bool OP_##OPCODE_NAME(                                                      \
+    SwitchImplContext* ctx,                                                                       \
+    const instrumentation::Instrumentation* instrumentation,                                      \
+    Thread* self,                                                                                 \
+    ShadowFrame& shadow_frame,                                                                    \
+    uint16_t dex_pc,                                                                              \
+    const Instruction* inst,                                                                      \
+    uint16_t inst_data,                                                                           \
+    const Instruction*& next,                                                                     \
+    bool& exit) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {                                           \
+  InstructionHandler<do_access_check, transaction_active, Instruction::FORMAT> handler(           \
+      ctx, instrumentation, self, shadow_frame, dex_pc, inst, inst_data, next, exit);             \
+  return LIKELY(handler.OPCODE_NAME());                                                           \
 template<bool do_access_check, bool transaction_active>
-ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_ADDRESS void ExecuteSwitchImplCpp(SwitchImplContext* ctx) {
+void ExecuteSwitchImplCpp(SwitchImplContext* ctx) {
   Thread* self = ctx->self;
   const CodeItemDataAccessor& accessor = ctx->accessor;
   ShadowFrame& shadow_frame = ctx->shadow_frame;
@@ -1935,9 +1958,9 @@
         case OPCODE: {                                                                            \
           DCHECK_EQ(self->IsExceptionPending(), (OPCODE == Instruction::MOVE_EXCEPTION));         \
           next = inst->RelativeAt(Instruction::SizeInCodeUnits(Instruction::FORMAT));             \
-          InstructionHandler<do_access_check, transaction_active, Instruction::FORMAT> handler(   \
+          bool success = OP_##OPCODE_NAME<do_access_check, transaction_active>(                   \
               ctx, instrumentation, self, shadow_frame, dex_pc, inst, inst_data, next, exit);     \
-          if (handler.OPCODE_NAME() && LIKELY(!interpret_one_instruction)) {                      \
+          if (success && LIKELY(!interpret_one_instruction)) {                                    \
             DCHECK(!exit) << NAME;                                                                \
             continue;                                                                             \
           }                                                                                       \