Faster dex file verification.

Speed up DexFileVerifier by introducing a "map" from type
index to class definition index, implemented as vector<>.

Refactor the verification for correctness, moving checks
against the header into the CheckIntraSection() phase and
checks that rely on other sections to CheckInterSection().
This also allows us to remove some unnecessary checks in
the latter phase.

Improves the "OpenDexFile" time from --dump-timings output
by over 2x for one tested huge apk.

(cherry picked from commit eae30815293d9cacb4bf9f48d7dfdce8a436b426)

Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: --host --optimizing.
Bug: 153966283
Merged-In: Iae423b8f463648360276130c8b21ab6057cf73a7
Change-Id: Ie5a525bd1975c39e014c86b4386d5402c8bef420
diff --git a/libdexfile/dex/ b/libdexfile/dex/
index f69b657..a3fae69 100644
--- a/libdexfile/dex/
+++ b/libdexfile/dex/
@@ -125,75 +125,63 @@
 // functionality, as we're still verifying the dex file. begin and header correspond to the
 // underscored variants in the DexFileVerifier.
-std::string GetStringOrError(const uint8_t* const begin,
-                             const DexFile::Header* const header,
-                             dex::StringIndex string_idx) {
-  // The `string_idx` is not guaranteed to be valid yet.
-  if (header->string_ids_size_ <= string_idx.index_) {
-    return "(error)";
-  }
+std::string GetString(const uint8_t* const begin,
+                      const DexFile::Header* const header,
+                      dex::StringIndex string_idx) {
+  // All sources of the `string_idx` have already been checked in CheckIntraSection().
+  DCHECK_LT(string_idx.index_, header->string_ids_size_);
   const dex::StringId* string_id =
       reinterpret_cast<const dex::StringId*>(begin + header->string_ids_off_) + string_idx.index_;
-  // Assume that the data is OK at this point. String data has been checked at this point.
+  // The string offset has been checked at the start of `CheckInterSection()`
+  // to point to a string data item checked by `CheckIntraSection()`.
   const uint8_t* ptr = begin + string_id->string_data_off_;
-  uint32_t dummy;
-  if (!DecodeUnsignedLeb128Checked(&ptr, begin + header->file_size_, &dummy)) {
-    return "(error)";
-  }
+  DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&ptr);  // Ignore the result.
   return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ptr);
-std::string GetClassOrError(const uint8_t* const begin,
-                            const DexFile::Header* const header,
-                            dex::TypeIndex class_idx) {
-  // The `class_idx` is either `FieldId::class_idx_` or `MethodId::class_idx_` and
-  // it has already been checked in `DexFileVerifier::CheckClassDataItemField()`
-  // or `DexFileVerifier::CheckClassDataItemMethod()`, respectively, to match
-  // a valid defining class.
+std::string GetClass(const uint8_t* const begin,
+                     const DexFile::Header* const header,
+                     dex::TypeIndex class_idx) {
+  // All sources of `class_idx` have already been checked in CheckIntraSection().
   CHECK_LT(class_idx.index_, header->type_ids_size_);
   const dex::TypeId* type_id =
       reinterpret_cast<const dex::TypeId*>(begin + header->type_ids_off_) + class_idx.index_;
-  // Assume that the data is OK at this point. Type id offsets have been checked at this point.
-  return GetStringOrError(begin, header, type_id->descriptor_idx_);
+  // The `type_id->descriptor_idx_` has already been checked in CheckIntraTypeIdItem().
+  // However, it may not have been checked to be a valid descriptor, so return the raw
+  // string without converting with `PrettyDescriptor()`.
+  return GetString(begin, header, type_id->descriptor_idx_);
-std::string GetFieldDescriptionOrError(const uint8_t* const begin,
-                                       const DexFile::Header* const header,
-                                       uint32_t idx) {
-  // The `idx` has already been checked in `DexFileVerifier::CheckClassDataItemField()`.
+std::string GetFieldDescription(const uint8_t* const begin,
+                                const DexFile::Header* const header,
+                                uint32_t idx) {
+  // The `idx` has already been checked in `DexFileVerifier::CheckIntraClassDataItemFields()`.
   CHECK_LT(idx, header->field_ids_size_);
   const dex::FieldId* field_id =
       reinterpret_cast<const dex::FieldId*>(begin + header->field_ids_off_) + idx;
-  // Assume that the data is OK at this point. Field id offsets have been checked at this point.
-  std::string class_name = GetClassOrError(begin, header, field_id->class_idx_);
-  std::string field_name = GetStringOrError(begin, header, field_id->name_idx_);
+  // Indexes in `*field_id` have already been checked in CheckIntraFieldIdItem().
+  std::string class_name = GetClass(begin, header, field_id->class_idx_);
+  std::string field_name = GetString(begin, header, field_id->name_idx_);
   return class_name + "." + field_name;
-std::string GetMethodDescriptionOrError(const uint8_t* const begin,
-                                        const DexFile::Header* const header,
-                                        uint32_t idx) {
-  // The `idx` has already been checked in `DexFileVerifier::CheckClassDataItemMethod()`.
+std::string GetMethodDescription(const uint8_t* const begin,
+                                 const DexFile::Header* const header,
+                                 uint32_t idx) {
+  // The `idx` has already been checked in `DexFileVerifier::CheckIntraClassDataItemMethods()`.
   CHECK_LT(idx, header->method_ids_size_);
   const dex::MethodId* method_id =
       reinterpret_cast<const dex::MethodId*>(begin + header->method_ids_off_) + idx;
-  // Assume that the data is OK at this point. Method id offsets have been checked at this point.
-  std::string class_name = GetClassOrError(begin, header, method_id->class_idx_);
-  std::string method_name = GetStringOrError(begin, header, method_id->name_idx_);
+  // Indexes in `*method_id` have already been checked in CheckIntraMethodIdItem().
+  std::string class_name = GetClass(begin, header, method_id->class_idx_);
+  std::string method_name = GetString(begin, header, method_id->name_idx_);
   return class_name + "." + method_name;
@@ -270,15 +258,13 @@
   bool CheckClassDataItemField(uint32_t idx,
                                uint32_t access_flags,
                                uint32_t class_access_flags,
-                               dex::TypeIndex class_type_index,
-                               bool expect_static);
+                               dex::TypeIndex class_type_index);
   bool CheckClassDataItemMethod(uint32_t idx,
                                 uint32_t access_flags,
                                 uint32_t class_access_flags,
                                 dex::TypeIndex class_type_index,
                                 uint32_t code_offset,
-                                ClassAccessor::Method* direct_method,
-                                size_t* remaining_directs);
+                                bool expect_direct);
   bool CheckOrder(const char* type_descr, uint32_t curr_index, uint32_t prev_index) {
     if (UNLIKELY(curr_index < prev_index)) {
@@ -290,31 +276,29 @@
     return true;
-  bool CheckStaticFieldTypes(const dex::ClassDef* class_def);
+  bool CheckStaticFieldTypes(const dex::ClassDef& class_def);
   bool CheckPadding(size_t offset, uint32_t aligned_offset, DexFile::MapItemType type);
   bool CheckEncodedValue();
   bool CheckEncodedArray();
   bool CheckEncodedAnnotation();
-  bool CheckIntraClassDataItem();
-  // Check all fields of the given type from the given iterator. Load the class data from the first
-  // field, if necessary (and return it), or use the given values.
+  bool CheckIntraTypeIdItem();
+  bool CheckIntraProtoIdItem();
+  bool CheckIntraFieldIdItem();
+  bool CheckIntraMethodIdItem();
+  bool CheckIntraClassDefItem(uint32_t class_def_index);
+  bool CheckIntraMethodHandleItem();
+  bool CheckIntraTypeList();
+  // Check all fields of the given type, reading `encoded_field` entries from `ptr_`.
   template <bool kStatic>
-  bool CheckIntraClassDataItemFields(size_t count,
-                                     ClassAccessor::Field* field,
-                                     bool* have_class,
-                                     dex::TypeIndex* class_type_index,
-                                     const dex::ClassDef** class_def);
-  // Check all methods of the given type from the given iterator. Load the class data from the first
-  // method, if necessary (and return it), or use the given values.
-  bool CheckIntraClassDataItemMethods(ClassAccessor::Method* method,
-                                      size_t num_methods,
-                                      ClassAccessor::Method* direct_method,
-                                      size_t num_directs,
-                                      bool* have_class,
-                                      dex::TypeIndex* class_type_index,
-                                      const dex::ClassDef** class_def);
+  bool CheckIntraClassDataItemFields(size_t count);
+  // Check direct or virtual methods, reading `encoded_method` entries from `ptr_`.
+  // Check virtual methods against duplicates with direct methods.
+  bool CheckIntraClassDataItemMethods(size_t num_methods,
+                                      ClassAccessor::Method* direct_methods,
+                                      size_t num_direct_methods);
+  bool CheckIntraClassDataItem();
   bool CheckIntraCodeItem();
   bool CheckIntraStringDataItem();
@@ -333,10 +317,9 @@
   bool CheckOffsetToTypeMap(size_t offset, uint16_t type);
-  // Note: as sometimes kDexNoIndex16, being 0xFFFF, is a valid return value, we need an
-  // additional out parameter to signal any errors loading an index.
-  dex::TypeIndex FindFirstClassDataDefiner(const uint8_t* ptr, bool* success);
-  dex::TypeIndex FindFirstAnnotationsDirectoryDefiner(const uint8_t* ptr, bool* success);
+  // Returns kDexNoIndex if there are no fields/methods, otherwise a 16-bit type index.
+  uint32_t FindFirstClassDataDefiner(const ClassAccessor& accessor);
+  uint32_t FindFirstAnnotationsDirectoryDefiner(const uint8_t* ptr);
   bool CheckInterStringIdItem();
   bool CheckInterTypeIdItem();
@@ -345,7 +328,6 @@
   bool CheckInterMethodIdItem();
   bool CheckInterClassDefItem();
   bool CheckInterCallSiteIdItem();
-  bool CheckInterMethodHandleItem();
   bool CheckInterAnnotationSetRefList();
   bool CheckInterAnnotationSetItem();
   bool CheckInterClassDataItem();
@@ -354,42 +336,6 @@
   bool CheckInterSectionIterate(size_t offset, uint32_t count, DexFile::MapItemType type);
   bool CheckInterSection();
-  // Load a string by (type) index. Checks whether the index is in bounds, printing the error if
-  // not. If there is an error, null is returned.
-  const char* CheckLoadStringByIdx(dex::StringIndex idx, const char* error_fmt) {
-    if (UNLIKELY(!CheckIndex(idx.index_, dex_file_->NumStringIds(), error_fmt))) {
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    return dex_file_->StringDataByIdx(idx);
-  }
-  const char* CheckLoadStringByTypeIdx(dex::TypeIndex type_idx, const char* error_fmt) {
-    if (UNLIKELY(!CheckIndex(type_idx.index_, dex_file_->NumTypeIds(), error_fmt))) {
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    return CheckLoadStringByIdx(dex_file_->GetTypeId(type_idx).descriptor_idx_, error_fmt);
-  }
-  // Load a field/method/proto Id by index. Checks whether the index is in bounds, printing the
-  // error if not. If there is an error, null is returned.
-  const dex::FieldId* CheckLoadFieldId(uint32_t idx, const char* error_fmt) {
-    if (UNLIKELY(!CheckIndex(idx, dex_file_->NumFieldIds(), error_fmt))) {
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    return &dex_file_->GetFieldId(idx);
-  }
-  const dex::MethodId* CheckLoadMethodId(uint32_t idx, const char* error_fmt) {
-    if (UNLIKELY(!CheckIndex(idx, dex_file_->NumMethodIds(), error_fmt))) {
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    return &dex_file_->GetMethodId(idx);
-  }
-  const dex::ProtoId* CheckLoadProtoId(dex::ProtoIndex idx, const char* error_fmt) {
-    if (UNLIKELY(!CheckIndex(idx.index_, dex_file_->NumProtoIds(), error_fmt))) {
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    return &dex_file_->GetProtoId(idx);
-  }
   void ErrorStringPrintf(const char* fmt, ...)
       __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3))) COLD_ATTR {
     va_list ap;
@@ -401,16 +347,6 @@
   bool FailureReasonIsSet() const { return failure_reason_.size() != 0; }
-  // Retrieve class index and class def from the given member. index is the member index, which is
-  // taken as either a field or a method index (as designated by is_field). The result, if the
-  // member and declaring class could be found, is stored in class_type_index and class_def.
-  // This is an expensive lookup, as we have to find the class def by type index, which is a
-  // linear search. The output values should thus be cached by the caller.
-  bool FindClassIndexAndDef(uint32_t index,
-                            bool is_field,
-                            dex::TypeIndex* class_type_index,
-                            const dex::ClassDef** output_class_def);
   // Check validity of the given access flags, interpreted for a field in the context of a class
   // with the given second access flags.
   bool CheckFieldAccessFlags(uint32_t idx,
@@ -434,10 +370,7 @@
   void FindStringRangesForMethodNames();
   template <typename ExtraCheckFn>
-  bool VerifyTypeDescriptor(dex::TypeIndex idx,
-                            const char* error_msg1,
-                            const char* error_msg2,
-                            ExtraCheckFn extra_check);
+  bool VerifyTypeDescriptor(dex::TypeIndex idx, const char* error_msg, ExtraCheckFn extra_check);
   const DexFile* const dex_file_;
   const uint8_t* const begin_;
@@ -503,69 +436,38 @@
   // avoids all allocations. The bitset should be implemented as 8K of storage, which is
   // tight enough for all callers.
   std::bitset<kTypeIdLimit + 1> defined_classes_;
+  // Class definition indexes, valid only if corresponding `defined_classes_[.]` is true.
+  std::vector<uint16_t> defined_class_indexes_;
-// Helper macro to load string and return false on error.
-#define LOAD_STRING(var, idx, error)                    \
-  const char* (var) = CheckLoadStringByIdx(idx, error); \
-  if (UNLIKELY((var) == nullptr)) {                     \
-    return false;                                       \
-  }
-// Helper macro to load string by type idx and return false on error.
-#define LOAD_STRING_BY_TYPE(var, type_idx, error)                \
-  const char* (var) = CheckLoadStringByTypeIdx(type_idx, error); \
-  if (UNLIKELY((var) == nullptr)) {                              \
-    return false;                                                \
-  }
-// Helper macro to load method id. Return last parameter on error.
-#define LOAD_METHOD(var, idx, error_string, error_stmt)                   \
-  const dex::MethodId* (var)  = CheckLoadMethodId(idx, error_string); \
-  if (UNLIKELY((var) == nullptr)) {                                       \
-    error_stmt;                                                           \
-  }
-// Helper macro to load method id. Return last parameter on error.
-#define LOAD_FIELD(var, idx, fmt, error_stmt)                 \
-  const dex::FieldId* (var) = CheckLoadFieldId(idx, fmt); \
-  if (UNLIKELY((var) == nullptr)) {                           \
-    error_stmt;                                               \
-  }
 template <typename ExtraCheckFn>
 bool DexFileVerifier::VerifyTypeDescriptor(dex::TypeIndex idx,
-                                           const char* error_msg1,
-                                           const char* error_msg2,
+                                           const char* error_msg,
                                            ExtraCheckFn extra_check) {
-  size_t index = idx.index_;
-  if (UNLIKELY(index >= verified_type_descriptors_.size())) {
-    ErrorStringPrintf("Bad index for type index: %zx >= %zx",
-                      index,
-                      verified_type_descriptors_.size());
-    return false;
-  }
+  // All sources of the `idx` have already been checked in CheckIntraSection().
+  DCHECK_LT(idx.index_, header_->type_ids_size_);
   auto err_fn = [&](const char* descriptor) {
-    ErrorStringPrintf("%s: '%s'", error_msg2, descriptor);
+    ErrorStringPrintf("%s: '%s'", error_msg, descriptor);
-  char cached_char = verified_type_descriptors_[index];
+  char cached_char = verified_type_descriptors_[idx.index_];
   if (cached_char != 0) {
     if (!extra_check(cached_char)) {
-      LOAD_STRING_BY_TYPE(descriptor, idx, error_msg1)
+      const char* descriptor = dex_file_->StringByTypeIdx(idx);
       return false;
     return true;
-  LOAD_STRING_BY_TYPE(descriptor, idx, error_msg1)
+  const char* descriptor = dex_file_->StringByTypeIdx(idx);
   if (UNLIKELY(!IsValidDescriptor(descriptor))) {
     return false;
-  verified_type_descriptors_[index] = descriptor[0];
+  verified_type_descriptors_[idx.index_] = descriptor[0];
   if (!extra_check(descriptor[0])) {
@@ -612,32 +514,24 @@
 bool DexFileVerifier::CheckListSize(const void* start, size_t count, size_t elem_size,
                                     const char* label) {
-  // Check that size is not 0.
-  CHECK_NE(elem_size, 0U);
+  // Check that element size is not 0.
+  DCHECK_NE(elem_size, 0U);
-  const uint8_t* range_start = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(start);
-  const uint8_t* file_start = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(begin_);
-  // Check for overflow.
-  uintptr_t max = 0 - 1;
-  size_t available_bytes_till_end_of_mem = max - reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(start);
-  size_t max_count = available_bytes_till_end_of_mem / elem_size;
-  if (max_count < count) {
-    ErrorStringPrintf("Overflow in range for %s: %zx for %zu@%zu", label,
-                      static_cast<size_t>(range_start - file_start),
-                      count, elem_size);
+  size_t offset = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(start) - begin_;
+  if (UNLIKELY(offset > size_)) {
+    ErrorStringPrintf("Offset beyond end of file for %s: %zx to %zx", label, offset, size_);
     return false;
-  const uint8_t* range_end = range_start + count * elem_size;
-  const uint8_t* file_end = file_start + size_;
-  if (UNLIKELY((range_start < file_start) || (range_end > file_end))) {
-    // Note: these two tests are enough as we make sure above that there's no overflow.
-    ErrorStringPrintf("Bad range for %s: %zx to %zx", label,
-                      static_cast<size_t>(range_start - file_start),
-                      static_cast<size_t>(range_end - file_start));
+  // Calculate the number of elements that fit until the end of file,
+  // rather than calculating the end of the range as that could overflow.
+  size_t max_elements = (size_ - offset) / elem_size;
+  if (UNLIKELY(max_elements < count)) {
+    ErrorStringPrintf(
+        "List too large for %s: %zx+%zu*%zu > %zx", label, offset, count, elem_size, size_);
     return false;
   return true;
@@ -944,12 +838,9 @@
 bool DexFileVerifier::CheckClassDataItemField(uint32_t idx,
                                               uint32_t access_flags,
                                               uint32_t class_access_flags,
-                                              dex::TypeIndex class_type_index,
-                                              bool expect_static) {
-  // Check for overflow.
-  if (!CheckIndex(idx, header_->field_ids_size_, "class_data_item field_idx")) {
-    return false;
-  }
+                                              dex::TypeIndex class_type_index) {
+  // The `idx` has already been checked in `CheckIntraClassDataItemFields()`.
+  DCHECK_LE(idx, header_->field_ids_size_);
   // Check that it's the right class.
   dex::TypeIndex my_class_index =
@@ -961,13 +852,6 @@
     return false;
-  // Check that it falls into the right class-data list.
-  bool is_static = (access_flags & kAccStatic) != 0;
-  if (UNLIKELY(is_static != expect_static)) {
-    ErrorStringPrintf("Static/instance field not in expected list");
-    return false;
-  }
   // Check field access flags.
   std::string error_msg;
   if (!CheckFieldAccessFlags(idx, access_flags, class_access_flags, &error_msg)) {
@@ -983,12 +867,9 @@
                                                uint32_t class_access_flags,
                                                dex::TypeIndex class_type_index,
                                                uint32_t code_offset,
-                                               ClassAccessor::Method* direct_method,
-                                               size_t* remaining_directs) {
-  // Check for overflow.
-  if (!CheckIndex(idx, header_->method_ids_size_, "class_data_item method_idx")) {
-    return false;
-  }
+                                               bool expect_direct) {
+  // The `idx` has already been checked in `CheckIntraClassDataItemMethods()`.
+  DCHECK_LT(idx, header_->method_ids_size_);
   const dex::MethodId& method_id =
       *(reinterpret_cast<const dex::MethodId*>(begin_ + header_->method_ids_off_) + idx);
@@ -1002,29 +883,6 @@
     return false;
-  // For virtual methods, we cross reference the method index to make sure it doesn't match any
-  // direct methods.
-  const bool expect_direct = direct_method == nullptr;
-  if (!expect_direct && *remaining_directs > 0) {
-    // The direct methods are already known to be in ascending index order. So just keep up
-    // with the current index.
-    while (true) {
-      const uint32_t direct_idx = direct_method->GetIndex();
-      if (direct_idx > idx) {
-        break;
-      }
-      if (direct_idx == idx) {
-        ErrorStringPrintf("Found virtual method with same index as direct method: %d", idx);
-        return false;
-      }
-      --*remaining_directs;
-      if (*remaining_directs == 0u) {
-        break;
-      }
-      direct_method->Read();
-    }
-  }
   std::string error_msg;
   uint32_t constructor_flags_by_name = 0;
@@ -1273,63 +1131,17 @@
   return true;
-bool DexFileVerifier::FindClassIndexAndDef(uint32_t index,
-                                           bool is_field,
-                                           dex::TypeIndex* class_type_index,
-                                           const dex::ClassDef** output_class_def) {
-  DCHECK(class_type_index != nullptr);
-  DCHECK(output_class_def != nullptr);
-  // First check if the index is valid.
-  if (index >= (is_field ? header_->field_ids_size_ : header_->method_ids_size_)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Next get the type index.
-  if (is_field) {
-    *class_type_index =
-        (reinterpret_cast<const dex::FieldId*>(begin_ + header_->field_ids_off_) + index)->
-            class_idx_;
-  } else {
-    *class_type_index =
-        (reinterpret_cast<const dex::MethodId*>(begin_ + header_->method_ids_off_) + index)->
-            class_idx_;
-  }
-  // Check if that is valid.
-  if (class_type_index->index_ >= header_->type_ids_size_) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Now search for the class def. This is basically a specialized version of the DexFile code, as
-  // we should not trust that this is a valid DexFile just yet.
-  const dex::ClassDef* class_def_begin =
-      reinterpret_cast<const dex::ClassDef*>(begin_ + header_->class_defs_off_);
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < header_->class_defs_size_; ++i) {
-    const dex::ClassDef* class_def = class_def_begin + i;
-    if (class_def->class_idx_ == *class_type_index) {
-      *output_class_def = class_def;
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  // Didn't find the class-def, not defined here...
-  return false;
-bool DexFileVerifier::CheckStaticFieldTypes(const dex::ClassDef* class_def) {
-  if (class_def == nullptr) {
-    return true;
-  }
+bool DexFileVerifier::CheckStaticFieldTypes(const dex::ClassDef& class_def) {
   ClassAccessor accessor(*dex_file_, ptr_);
-  EncodedStaticFieldValueIterator array_it(*dex_file_, *class_def);
+  EncodedStaticFieldValueIterator array_it(*dex_file_, class_def);
   for (const ClassAccessor::Field& field : accessor.GetStaticFields()) {
     if (!array_it.HasNext()) {
     uint32_t index = field.GetIndex();
+    // The `index` has already been checked in `CheckIntraClassDataItemFields()`.
+    DCHECK_LT(index, header_->field_ids_size_);
     const dex::TypeId& type_id = dex_file_->GetTypeId(dex_file_->GetFieldId(index).type_idx_);
     const char* field_type_name =
@@ -1416,170 +1228,305 @@
   return true;
-template <bool kStatic>
-bool DexFileVerifier::CheckIntraClassDataItemFields(size_t count,
-                                                    ClassAccessor::Field* field,
-                                                    bool* have_class,
-                                                    dex::TypeIndex* class_type_index,
-                                                    const dex::ClassDef** class_def) {
-  DCHECK(field != nullptr);
-  constexpr const char* kTypeDescr = kStatic ? "static field" : "instance field";
-  if (count == 0u) {
-    return true;
+bool DexFileVerifier::CheckIntraTypeIdItem() {
+  if (!CheckListSize(ptr_, 1, sizeof(dex::TypeId), "type_ids")) {
+    return false;
-  field->Read();
-  if (!*have_class) {
-    *have_class = FindClassIndexAndDef(field->GetIndex(), true, class_type_index, class_def);
-    if (!*have_class) {
-      // Should have really found one.
-      ErrorStringPrintf("could not find declaring class for %s index %" PRIu32,
-                        kTypeDescr,
-                        field->GetIndex());
-      return false;
-    }
+  const dex::TypeId* type_id = reinterpret_cast<const dex::TypeId*>(ptr_);
+  if (!CheckIndex(type_id->descriptor_idx_.index_,
+                  header_->string_ids_size_,
+                  "type_id.descriptor")) {
+    return false;
-  DCHECK(*class_def != nullptr);
-  uint32_t prev_index = 0;
-  for (size_t i = 0; ;) {
-    uint32_t curr_index = field->GetIndex();
-    // These calls use the raw access flags to check whether the whole dex field is valid.
-    if (!CheckOrder(kTypeDescr, curr_index, prev_index)) {
+  ptr_ += sizeof(dex::TypeId);
+  return true;
+bool DexFileVerifier::CheckIntraProtoIdItem() {
+  if (!CheckListSize(ptr_, 1, sizeof(dex::ProtoId), "proto_ids")) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  const dex::ProtoId* proto_id = reinterpret_cast<const dex::ProtoId*>(ptr_);
+  if (!CheckIndex(proto_id->shorty_idx_.index_, header_->string_ids_size_, "proto_id.shorty") ||
+      !CheckIndex(proto_id->return_type_idx_.index_,
+                  header_->type_ids_size_,
+                  "proto_id.return_type")) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  ptr_ += sizeof(dex::ProtoId);
+  return true;
+bool DexFileVerifier::CheckIntraFieldIdItem() {
+  if (!CheckListSize(ptr_, 1, sizeof(dex::FieldId), "field_ids")) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  const dex::FieldId* field_id = reinterpret_cast<const dex::FieldId*>(ptr_);
+  if (!CheckIndex(field_id->class_idx_.index_, header_->type_ids_size_, "field_id.class") ||
+      !CheckIndex(field_id->type_idx_.index_, header_->type_ids_size_, "field_id.type") ||
+      !CheckIndex(field_id->name_idx_.index_, header_->string_ids_size_, "")) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  ptr_ += sizeof(dex::FieldId);
+  return true;
+bool DexFileVerifier::CheckIntraMethodIdItem() {
+  if (!CheckListSize(ptr_, 1, sizeof(dex::MethodId), "method_ids")) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  const dex::MethodId* method_id = reinterpret_cast<const dex::MethodId*>(ptr_);
+  if (!CheckIndex(method_id->class_idx_.index_, header_->type_ids_size_, "method_id.class") ||
+      !CheckIndex(method_id->proto_idx_.index_, header_->proto_ids_size_, "method_id.proto") ||
+      !CheckIndex(method_id->name_idx_.index_, header_->string_ids_size_, "")) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  ptr_ += sizeof(dex::MethodId);
+  return true;
+bool DexFileVerifier::CheckIntraClassDefItem(uint32_t class_def_index) {
+  if (!CheckListSize(ptr_, 1, sizeof(dex::ClassDef), "class_defs")) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  const dex::ClassDef* class_def = reinterpret_cast<const dex::ClassDef*>(ptr_);
+  if (!CheckIndex(class_def->class_idx_.index_, header_->type_ids_size_, "class_def.class")) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Check superclass, if any.
+  if (UNLIKELY(class_def->pad2_ != 0u)) {
+    uint32_t combined =
+        (static_cast<uint32_t>(class_def->pad2_) << 16) + class_def->superclass_idx_.index_;
+    if (combined != 0xffffffffu) {
+      ErrorStringPrintf("Invalid superclass type padding/index: %x", combined);
       return false;
-    if (!CheckClassDataItemField(curr_index,
-                                 field->GetAccessFlags(),
-                                 (*class_def)->access_flags_,
-                                 *class_type_index,
-                                 kStatic)) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    ++i;
-    if (i >= count) {
+  } else if (!CheckIndex(class_def->superclass_idx_.index_,
+                         header_->type_ids_size_,
+                         "class_def.superclass")) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  DCHECK_LE(class_def->class_idx_.index_, kTypeIdLimit);
+  DCHECK_LT(kTypeIdLimit, defined_classes_.size());
+  if (defined_classes_[class_def->class_idx_.index_]) {
+    ErrorStringPrintf("Redefinition of class with type idx: '%u'", class_def->class_idx_.index_);
+    return false;
+  }
+  defined_classes_[class_def->class_idx_.index_] = true;
+  DCHECK_LE(class_def->class_idx_.index_, defined_class_indexes_.size());
+  defined_class_indexes_[class_def->class_idx_.index_] = class_def_index;
+  ptr_ += sizeof(dex::ClassDef);
+  return true;
+bool DexFileVerifier::CheckIntraMethodHandleItem() {
+  if (!CheckListSize(ptr_, 1, sizeof(dex::MethodHandleItem), "method_handles")) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  const dex::MethodHandleItem* item = reinterpret_cast<const dex::MethodHandleItem*>(ptr_);
+  DexFile::MethodHandleType method_handle_type =
+      static_cast<DexFile::MethodHandleType>(item->method_handle_type_);
+  if (method_handle_type > DexFile::MethodHandleType::kLast) {
+    ErrorStringPrintf("Bad method handle type %x", item->method_handle_type_);
+    return false;
+  }
+  uint32_t index = item->field_or_method_idx_;
+  switch (method_handle_type) {
+    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kStaticPut:
+    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kStaticGet:
+    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kInstancePut:
+    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kInstanceGet:
+      if (!CheckIndex(index, header_->field_ids_size_, "method_handle_item field_idx")) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      break;
+    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kInvokeStatic:
+    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kInvokeInstance:
+    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kInvokeConstructor:
+    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kInvokeDirect:
+    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kInvokeInterface: {
+      if (!CheckIndex(index, header_->method_ids_size_, "method_handle_item method_idx")) {
+        return false;
+      }
-    field->Read();
-    prev_index = curr_index;
+  }
+  ptr_ += sizeof(dex::MethodHandleItem);
+  return true;
+bool DexFileVerifier::CheckIntraTypeList() {
+  const dex::TypeList* type_list = reinterpret_cast<const dex::TypeList*>(ptr_);
+  if (!CheckList(sizeof(dex::TypeItem), "type_list", &ptr_)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  for (uint32_t i = 0, size = type_list->Size(); i != size; ++i) {
+    if (!CheckIndex(type_list->GetTypeItem(i).type_idx_.index_,
+                    header_->type_ids_size_,
+                    "type_list.type")) {
+      return false;
+    }
   return true;
-bool DexFileVerifier::CheckIntraClassDataItemMethods(ClassAccessor::Method* method,
-                                                     size_t num_methods,
-                                                     ClassAccessor::Method* direct_method,
-                                                     size_t num_directs,
-                                                     bool* have_class,
-                                                     dex::TypeIndex* class_type_index,
-                                                     const dex::ClassDef** class_def) {
-  DCHECK(method != nullptr);
-  const char* kTypeDescr = method->IsStaticOrDirect() ? "direct method" : "virtual method";
+template <bool kStatic>
+bool DexFileVerifier::CheckIntraClassDataItemFields(size_t count) {
+  constexpr const char* kTypeDescr = kStatic ? "static field" : "instance field";
-  if (num_methods == 0u) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  method->Read();
-  if (!*have_class) {
-    *have_class = FindClassIndexAndDef(method->GetIndex(), false, class_type_index, class_def);
-    if (!*have_class) {
-      // Should have really found one.
-      ErrorStringPrintf("could not find declaring class for %s index %" PRIu32,
-                        kTypeDescr,
-                        method->GetIndex());
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  DCHECK(*class_def != nullptr);
+  // We cannot use ClassAccessor::Field yet as it could read beyond the end of the data section.
+  const uint8_t* ptr = ptr_;
+  const uint8_t* data_end = begin_ + header_->data_off_ + header_->data_size_;
   uint32_t prev_index = 0;
-  for (size_t i = 0; ;) {
-    uint32_t curr_index = method->GetIndex();
+  for (size_t i = 0; i != count; ++i) {
+    uint32_t field_idx_diff, access_flags;
+    if (UNLIKELY(!DecodeUnsignedLeb128Checked(&ptr, data_end, &field_idx_diff)) ||
+        UNLIKELY(!DecodeUnsignedLeb128Checked(&ptr, data_end, &access_flags))) {
+      ErrorStringPrintf("encoded_field read out of bounds");
+      return false;
+    }
+    uint32_t curr_index = prev_index + field_idx_diff;
+    // Check for overflow.
+    if (!CheckIndex(curr_index, header_->field_ids_size_, "class_data_item field_idx")) {
+      return false;
+    }
     if (!CheckOrder(kTypeDescr, curr_index, prev_index)) {
       return false;
-    if (!CheckClassDataItemMethod(curr_index,
-                                  method->GetAccessFlags(),
-                                  (*class_def)->access_flags_,
-                                  *class_type_index,
-                                  method->GetCodeItemOffset(),
-                                  direct_method,
-                                  &num_directs)) {
+    // Check that it falls into the right class-data list.
+    bool is_static = (access_flags & kAccStatic) != 0;
+    if (UNLIKELY(is_static != kStatic)) {
+      ErrorStringPrintf("Static/instance field not in expected list");
       return false;
-    ++i;
-    if (i >= num_methods) {
-      break;
-    }
-    method->Read();
     prev_index = curr_index;
+  ptr_ = ptr;
+  return true;
+bool DexFileVerifier::CheckIntraClassDataItemMethods(size_t num_methods,
+                                                     ClassAccessor::Method* direct_methods,
+                                                     size_t num_direct_methods) {
+  DCHECK(num_direct_methods == 0u || direct_methods != nullptr);
+  const char* kTypeDescr = (direct_methods == nullptr) ? "direct method" : "virtual method";
+  // We cannot use ClassAccessor::Method yet as it could read beyond the end of the data section.
+  const uint8_t* ptr = ptr_;
+  const uint8_t* data_end = begin_ + header_->data_off_ + header_->data_size_;
+  // Load the first direct method for the check below.
+  size_t remaining_direct_methods = num_direct_methods;
+  if (remaining_direct_methods != 0u) {
+    DCHECK(direct_methods != nullptr);
+    direct_methods->Read();
+  }
+  uint32_t prev_index = 0;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i != num_methods; ++i) {
+    uint32_t method_idx_diff, access_flags, code_off;
+    if (UNLIKELY(!DecodeUnsignedLeb128Checked(&ptr, data_end, &method_idx_diff)) ||
+        UNLIKELY(!DecodeUnsignedLeb128Checked(&ptr, data_end, &access_flags)) ||
+        UNLIKELY(!DecodeUnsignedLeb128Checked(&ptr, data_end, &code_off))) {
+      ErrorStringPrintf("encoded_method read out of bounds");
+      return false;
+    }
+    uint32_t curr_index = prev_index + method_idx_diff;
+    // Check for overflow.
+    if (!CheckIndex(curr_index, header_->method_ids_size_, "class_data_item method_idx")) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (!CheckOrder(kTypeDescr, curr_index, prev_index)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    // For virtual methods, we cross reference the method index to make sure
+    // it doesn't match any direct methods.
+    if (remaining_direct_methods != 0) {
+      // The direct methods are already known to be in ascending index order.
+      // So just keep up with the current index.
+      while (true) {
+        const uint32_t direct_idx = direct_methods->GetIndex();
+        if (direct_idx > curr_index) {
+          break;
+        }
+        if (direct_idx == curr_index) {
+          ErrorStringPrintf("Found virtual method with same index as direct method: %u",
+                            curr_index);
+          return false;
+        }
+        --remaining_direct_methods;
+        if (remaining_direct_methods == 0u) {
+          break;
+        }
+        direct_methods->Read();
+      }
+    }
+    prev_index = curr_index;
+  }
+  ptr_ = ptr;
   return true;
 bool DexFileVerifier::CheckIntraClassDataItem() {
-  ClassAccessor accessor(*dex_file_, ptr_);
+  // We cannot use ClassAccessor yet as it could read beyond the end of the data section.
+  const uint8_t* ptr = ptr_;
+  const uint8_t* data_end = begin_ + header_->data_off_ + header_->data_size_;
-  // This code is complicated by the fact that we don't directly know which class this belongs to.
-  // So we need to explicitly search with the first item we find (either field or method), and then,
-  // as the lookup is expensive, cache the result.
-  bool have_class = false;
-  dex::TypeIndex class_type_index;
-  const dex::ClassDef* class_def = nullptr;
-  ClassAccessor::Field field(*dex_file_, accessor.ptr_pos_);
-  // Check fields.
-  if (!CheckIntraClassDataItemFields<true>(accessor.NumStaticFields(),
-                                           &field,
-                                           &have_class,
-                                           &class_type_index,
-                                           &class_def)) {
+  uint32_t static_fields_size, instance_fields_size, direct_methods_size, virtual_methods_size;
+  if (UNLIKELY(!DecodeUnsignedLeb128Checked(&ptr, data_end, &static_fields_size)) ||
+      UNLIKELY(!DecodeUnsignedLeb128Checked(&ptr, data_end, &instance_fields_size)) ||
+      UNLIKELY(!DecodeUnsignedLeb128Checked(&ptr, data_end, &direct_methods_size)) ||
+      UNLIKELY(!DecodeUnsignedLeb128Checked(&ptr, data_end, &virtual_methods_size))) {
+    ErrorStringPrintf("class_data_item read out of bounds");
     return false;
-  field.NextSection();
-  if (!CheckIntraClassDataItemFields<false>(accessor.NumInstanceFields(),
-                                            &field,
-                                            &have_class,
-                                            &class_type_index,
-                                            &class_def)) {
+  ptr_ = ptr;
+  // Check fields.
+  if (!CheckIntraClassDataItemFields</*kStatic=*/ true>(static_fields_size)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!CheckIntraClassDataItemFields</*kStatic=*/ false>(instance_fields_size)) {
     return false;
   // Check methods.
-  ClassAccessor::Method method(*dex_file_, field.ptr_pos_);
-  if (!CheckIntraClassDataItemMethods(&method,
-                                      accessor.NumDirectMethods(),
-                                      /* direct_method= */ nullptr,
-                                      0u,
-                                      &have_class,
-                                      &class_type_index,
-                                      &class_def)) {
+  const uint8_t* direct_methods_ptr = ptr_;
+  if (!CheckIntraClassDataItemMethods(direct_methods_size,
+                                      /*direct_methods=*/ nullptr,
+                                      /*num_direct_methods=*/ 0u)) {
     return false;
-  ClassAccessor::Method direct_methods(*dex_file_, field.ptr_pos_);
-  method.NextSection();
-  if (accessor.NumDirectMethods() != 0u) {
-    direct_methods.Read();
-  }
-  if (!CheckIntraClassDataItemMethods(&method,
-                                      accessor.NumVirtualMethods(),
-                                      &direct_methods,
-                                      accessor.NumDirectMethods(),
-                                      &have_class,
-                                      &class_type_index,
-                                      &class_def)) {
+  // Direct methods have been checked, so we can now use ClassAccessor::Method to read them again.
+  ClassAccessor::Method direct_methods(*dex_file_, direct_methods_ptr);
+  if (!CheckIntraClassDataItemMethods(virtual_methods_size, &direct_methods, direct_methods_size)) {
     return false;
-  // Check static field types against initial static values in encoded array.
-  if (!CheckStaticFieldTypes(class_def)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  ptr_ = method.ptr_pos_;
   return true;
@@ -2029,6 +1976,9 @@
   uint32_t last_idx = 0;
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < field_count; i++) {
+    if (!CheckIndex(field_item->field_idx_, header_->field_ids_size_, "field annotation")) {
+      return false;
+    }
     if (UNLIKELY(last_idx >= field_item->field_idx_ && i != 0)) {
       ErrorStringPrintf("Out-of-order field_idx for annotation: %x then %x",
                         last_idx, field_item->field_idx_);
@@ -2051,6 +2001,9 @@
   last_idx = 0;
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < method_count; i++) {
+    if (!CheckIndex(method_item->method_idx_, header_->method_ids_size_, "method annotation")) {
+      return false;
+    }
     if (UNLIKELY(last_idx >= method_item->method_idx_ && i != 0)) {
       ErrorStringPrintf("Out-of-order method_idx for annotation: %x then %x",
                        last_idx, method_item->method_idx_);
@@ -2071,6 +2024,11 @@
   last_idx = 0;
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < parameter_count; i++) {
+    if (!CheckIndex(parameter_item->method_idx_,
+                    header_->method_ids_size_,
+                    "parameter annotation method")) {
+      return false;
+    }
     if (UNLIKELY(last_idx >= parameter_item->method_idx_ && i != 0)) {
       ErrorStringPrintf("Out-of-order method_idx for annotation: %x then %x",
                         last_idx, parameter_item->method_idx_);
@@ -2122,38 +2080,33 @@
       case DexFile::kDexTypeTypeIdItem: {
-        if (!CheckListSize(ptr_, 1, sizeof(dex::TypeId), "type_ids")) {
+        if (!CheckIntraTypeIdItem()) {
           return false;
-        ptr_ += sizeof(dex::TypeId);
       case DexFile::kDexTypeProtoIdItem: {
-        if (!CheckListSize(ptr_, 1, sizeof(dex::ProtoId), "proto_ids")) {
+        if (!CheckIntraProtoIdItem()) {
           return false;
-        ptr_ += sizeof(dex::ProtoId);
       case DexFile::kDexTypeFieldIdItem: {
-        if (!CheckListSize(ptr_, 1, sizeof(dex::FieldId), "field_ids")) {
+        if (!CheckIntraFieldIdItem()) {
           return false;
-        ptr_ += sizeof(dex::FieldId);
       case DexFile::kDexTypeMethodIdItem: {
-        if (!CheckListSize(ptr_, 1, sizeof(dex::MethodId), "method_ids")) {
+        if (!CheckIntraMethodIdItem()) {
           return false;
-        ptr_ += sizeof(dex::MethodId);
       case DexFile::kDexTypeClassDefItem: {
-        if (!CheckListSize(ptr_, 1, sizeof(dex::ClassDef), "class_defs")) {
+        if (!CheckIntraClassDefItem(/*class_def_index=*/ i)) {
           return false;
-        ptr_ += sizeof(dex::ClassDef);
       case DexFile::kDexTypeCallSiteIdItem: {
@@ -2164,14 +2117,13 @@
       case DexFile::kDexTypeMethodHandleItem: {
-        if (!CheckListSize(ptr_, 1, sizeof(dex::MethodHandleItem), "method_handles")) {
+        if (!CheckIntraMethodHandleItem()) {
           return false;
-        ptr_ += sizeof(dex::MethodHandleItem);
       case DexFile::kDexTypeTypeList: {
-        if (!CheckList(sizeof(dex::TypeItem), "type_list", &ptr_)) {
+        if (!CheckIntraTypeList()) {
           return false;
@@ -2331,6 +2283,8 @@
     return false;
+  // FIXME: Doing this check late means we may have already read memory outside the
+  // data section and potentially outside the file, thus risking a segmentation fault.
   size_t next_offset = ptr_ - begin_;
   if (next_offset > data_end) {
     ErrorStringPrintf("Out-of-bounds end of data subsection: %zu data_off=%u data_size=%u",
@@ -2476,66 +2430,57 @@
   return true;
-dex::TypeIndex DexFileVerifier::FindFirstClassDataDefiner(const uint8_t* ptr, bool* success) {
-  ClassAccessor accessor(*dex_file_, ptr);
-  *success = true;
+uint32_t DexFileVerifier::FindFirstClassDataDefiner(const ClassAccessor& accessor) {
+  // The data item and field/method indexes have already been checked in
+  // `CheckIntraClassDataItem()` or its helper functions.
   if (accessor.NumFields() != 0) {
     ClassAccessor::Field read_field(*dex_file_, accessor.ptr_pos_);
-    LOAD_FIELD(field, read_field.GetIndex(), "first_class_data_definer field_id",
-               *success = false; return dex::TypeIndex(DexFile::kDexNoIndex16))
-    return field->class_idx_;
+    DCHECK_LE(read_field.GetIndex(), dex_file_->NumFieldIds());
+    return dex_file_->GetFieldId(read_field.GetIndex()).class_idx_.index_;
   if (accessor.NumMethods() != 0) {
     ClassAccessor::Method read_method(*dex_file_, accessor.ptr_pos_);
-    LOAD_METHOD(method, read_method.GetIndex(), "first_class_data_definer method_id",
-                *success = false; return dex::TypeIndex(DexFile::kDexNoIndex16))
-    return method->class_idx_;
+    DCHECK_LE(read_method.GetIndex(), dex_file_->NumMethodIds());
+    return dex_file_->GetMethodId(read_method.GetIndex()).class_idx_.index_;
-  return dex::TypeIndex(DexFile::kDexNoIndex16);
+  return kDexNoIndex;
-dex::TypeIndex DexFileVerifier::FindFirstAnnotationsDirectoryDefiner(const uint8_t* ptr,
-                                                                     bool* success) {
+uint32_t DexFileVerifier::FindFirstAnnotationsDirectoryDefiner(const uint8_t* ptr) {
+  // The annotations directory and field/method indexes have already been checked in
+  // `CheckIntraAnnotationsDirectoryItem()`.
   const dex::AnnotationsDirectoryItem* item =
       reinterpret_cast<const dex::AnnotationsDirectoryItem*>(ptr);
-  *success = true;
   if (item->fields_size_ != 0) {
     dex::FieldAnnotationsItem* field_items = (dex::FieldAnnotationsItem*) (item + 1);
-    LOAD_FIELD(field, field_items[0].field_idx_, "first_annotations_dir_definer field_id",
-               *success = false; return dex::TypeIndex(DexFile::kDexNoIndex16))
-    return field->class_idx_;
+    DCHECK_LE(field_items[0].field_idx_, dex_file_->NumFieldIds());
+    return dex_file_->GetFieldId(field_items[0].field_idx_).class_idx_.index_;
   if (item->methods_size_ != 0) {
     dex::MethodAnnotationsItem* method_items = (dex::MethodAnnotationsItem*) (item + 1);
-    LOAD_METHOD(method, method_items[0].method_idx_, "first_annotations_dir_definer method id",
-                *success = false; return dex::TypeIndex(DexFile::kDexNoIndex16))
-    return method->class_idx_;
+    DCHECK_LE(method_items[0].method_idx_, dex_file_->NumMethodIds());
+    return dex_file_->GetMethodId(method_items[0].method_idx_).class_idx_.index_;
   if (item->parameters_size_ != 0) {
     dex::ParameterAnnotationsItem* parameter_items = (dex::ParameterAnnotationsItem*) (item + 1);
-    LOAD_METHOD(method, parameter_items[0].method_idx_, "first_annotations_dir_definer method id",
-                *success = false; return dex::TypeIndex(DexFile::kDexNoIndex16))
-    return method->class_idx_;
+    DCHECK_LE(parameter_items[0].method_idx_, dex_file_->NumMethodIds());
+    return dex_file_->GetMethodId(parameter_items[0].method_idx_).class_idx_.index_;
-  return dex::TypeIndex(DexFile::kDexNoIndex16);
+  return kDexNoIndex;
 bool DexFileVerifier::CheckInterStringIdItem() {
   const dex::StringId* item = reinterpret_cast<const dex::StringId*>(ptr_);
-  // Check the map to make sure it has the right offset->type.
-  if (!CheckOffsetToTypeMap(item->string_data_off_, DexFile::kDexTypeStringDataItem)) {
-    return false;
-  }
+  // Note: The mapping to string data items is eagerly verified at the start of CheckInterSection().
   // Check ordering between items.
   if (previous_item_ != nullptr) {
@@ -2557,15 +2502,11 @@
     // Translate to index to potentially use cache.
-    ssize_t index = item - reinterpret_cast<const dex::TypeId*>(begin_ + header_->type_ids_off_);
-    if (UNLIKELY(index < 0 ||
-                 index > std::numeric_limits<decltype(dex::TypeIndex::index_)>::max())) {
-      ErrorStringPrintf("TypeIdItem not in TypeId table: %zd", index);
-      return false;
-    }
+    // The check in `CheckIntraIdSection()` guarantees that this index is valid.
+    size_t index = item - reinterpret_cast<const dex::TypeId*>(begin_ + header_->type_ids_off_);
+    DCHECK_LE(index, header_->type_ids_size_);
     if (UNLIKELY(!VerifyTypeDescriptor(
-        "inter_type_id_item descriptor_idx",
         "Invalid type descriptor",
         [](char) { return true; }))) {
       return false;
@@ -2590,7 +2531,7 @@
 bool DexFileVerifier::CheckInterProtoIdItem() {
   const dex::ProtoId* item = reinterpret_cast<const dex::ProtoId*>(ptr_);
-  LOAD_STRING(shorty, item->shorty_idx_, "inter_proto_id_item shorty_idx")
+  const char* shorty = dex_file_->StringDataByIdx(item->shorty_idx_);
   if (item->parameters_off_ != 0 &&
       !CheckOffsetToTypeMap(item->parameters_off_, DexFile::kDexTypeTypeList)) {
@@ -2604,7 +2545,7 @@
     return false;
   // Check the return type and advance the shorty.
-  LOAD_STRING_BY_TYPE(return_type, item->return_type_idx_, "inter_proto_id_item return_type_idx")
+  const char* return_type = dex_file_->StringByTypeIdx(item->return_type_idx_);
   if (!CheckShortyDescriptorMatch(*shorty, return_type, true)) {
     return false;
@@ -2673,7 +2614,6 @@
   // Check that the class descriptor is valid.
   if (UNLIKELY(!VerifyTypeDescriptor(item->class_idx_,
-                                     "inter_field_id_item class_idx",
                                      "Invalid descriptor for class_idx",
                                      [](char d) { return d == 'L'; }))) {
     return false;
@@ -2681,16 +2621,15 @@
   // Check that the type descriptor is a valid field name.
   if (UNLIKELY(!VerifyTypeDescriptor(item->type_idx_,
-                                     "inter_field_id_item type_idx",
                                      "Invalid descriptor for type_idx",
                                      [](char d) { return d != 'V'; }))) {
     return false;
   // Check that the name is valid.
-  LOAD_STRING(descriptor, item->name_idx_, "inter_field_id_item name_idx")
-  if (UNLIKELY(!IsValidMemberName(descriptor))) {
-    ErrorStringPrintf("Invalid field name: '%s'", descriptor);
+  const char* field_name = dex_file_->StringDataByIdx(item->name_idx_);
+  if (UNLIKELY(!IsValidMemberName(field_name))) {
+    ErrorStringPrintf("Invalid field name: '%s'", field_name);
     return false;
@@ -2722,16 +2661,15 @@
   // Check that the class descriptor is a valid reference name.
   if (UNLIKELY(!VerifyTypeDescriptor(item->class_idx_,
-                                     "inter_method_id_item class_idx",
                                      "Invalid descriptor for class_idx",
                                      [](char d) { return d == 'L' || d == '['; }))) {
     return false;
   // Check that the name is valid.
-  LOAD_STRING(descriptor, item->name_idx_, "inter_method_id_item name_idx")
-  if (UNLIKELY(!IsValidMemberName(descriptor))) {
-    ErrorStringPrintf("Invalid method name: '%s'", descriptor);
+  const char* method_name = dex_file_->StringDataByIdx(item->name_idx_);
+  if (UNLIKELY(!IsValidMemberName(method_name))) {
+    ErrorStringPrintf("Invalid method name: '%s'", method_name);
     return false;
@@ -2781,19 +2719,7 @@
   // Check for duplicate class def.
-  // Sanity checks, should be optimized away.
-  DCHECK_LE(item->class_idx_.index_, kTypeIdLimit);
-  DCHECK_LT(kTypeIdLimit, defined_classes_.size());
-  if (defined_classes_[item->class_idx_.index_]) {
-    ErrorStringPrintf("Redefinition of class with type idx: '%d'", item->class_idx_.index_);
-    return false;
-  }
-  defined_classes_[item->class_idx_.index_] = true;
   if (UNLIKELY(!VerifyTypeDescriptor(item->class_idx_,
-                                     "inter_class_def_item class_idx",
                                      "Invalid class descriptor",
                                      [](char d) { return d == 'L'; }))) {
     return false;
@@ -2850,7 +2776,6 @@
     if (UNLIKELY(!VerifyTypeDescriptor(item->superclass_idx_,
-                                       "inter_class_def_item superclass_idx",
                                        "Invalid superclass",
                                        [](char d) { return d == 'L'; }))) {
       return false;
@@ -2891,7 +2816,6 @@
       // Ensure that the interface refers to a class (not an array nor a primitive type).
       if (UNLIKELY(!VerifyTypeDescriptor(interfaces->GetTypeItem(i).type_idx_,
-                                         "inter_class_def_item interface type_idx",
                                          "Invalid interface",
                                          [](char d) { return d == 'L'; }))) {
         return false;
@@ -2916,14 +2840,10 @@
   // Check that references in class_data_item are to the right class.
   if (item->class_data_off_ != 0) {
-    const uint8_t* data = begin_ + item->class_data_off_;
-    bool success;
-    dex::TypeIndex data_definer = FindFirstClassDataDefiner(data, &success);
-    if (!success) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (UNLIKELY((data_definer != item->class_idx_) &&
-                 (data_definer != dex::TypeIndex(DexFile::kDexNoIndex16)))) {
+    ClassAccessor accessor(*dex_file_, begin_ + item->class_data_off_);
+    uint32_t data_definer = FindFirstClassDataDefiner(accessor);
+    DCHECK(IsUint<16>(data_definer) || data_definer == kDexNoIndex) << data_definer;
+    if (UNLIKELY((data_definer != item->class_idx_.index_) && (data_definer != kDexNoIndex))) {
       ErrorStringPrintf("Invalid class_data_item");
       return false;
@@ -2937,13 +2857,9 @@
       return false;
     const uint8_t* data = begin_ + item->annotations_off_;
-    bool success;
-    dex::TypeIndex annotations_definer = FindFirstAnnotationsDirectoryDefiner(data, &success);
-    if (!success) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (UNLIKELY((annotations_definer != item->class_idx_) &&
-                 (annotations_definer != dex::TypeIndex(DexFile::kDexNoIndex16)))) {
+    uint32_t defining_class = FindFirstAnnotationsDirectoryDefiner(data);
+    DCHECK(IsUint<16>(defining_class) || defining_class == kDexNoIndex) << defining_class;
+    if (UNLIKELY((defining_class != item->class_idx_.index_) && (defining_class != kDexNoIndex))) {
       ErrorStringPrintf("Invalid annotations_directory_item");
       return false;
@@ -3008,39 +2924,6 @@
   return true;
-bool DexFileVerifier::CheckInterMethodHandleItem() {
-  const dex::MethodHandleItem* item = reinterpret_cast<const dex::MethodHandleItem*>(ptr_);
-  DexFile::MethodHandleType method_handle_type =
-      static_cast<DexFile::MethodHandleType>(item->method_handle_type_);
-  if (method_handle_type > DexFile::MethodHandleType::kLast) {
-    ErrorStringPrintf("Bad method handle type %x", item->method_handle_type_);
-    return false;
-  }
-  uint32_t index = item->field_or_method_idx_;
-  switch (method_handle_type) {
-    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kStaticPut:
-    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kStaticGet:
-    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kInstancePut:
-    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kInstanceGet: {
-      LOAD_FIELD(field, index, "method_handle_item field_idx", return false);
-      break;
-    }
-    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kInvokeStatic:
-    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kInvokeInstance:
-    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kInvokeConstructor:
-    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kInvokeDirect:
-    case DexFile::MethodHandleType::kInvokeInterface: {
-      LOAD_METHOD(method, index, "method_handle_item method_idx", return false);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  ptr_ += sizeof(dex::MethodHandleItem);
-  return true;
 bool DexFileVerifier::CheckInterAnnotationSetRefList() {
   const dex::AnnotationSetRefList* list = reinterpret_cast<const dex::AnnotationSetRefList*>(ptr_);
   const dex::AnnotationSetRefItem* item = list->list_;
@@ -3090,31 +2973,64 @@
 bool DexFileVerifier::CheckInterClassDataItem() {
   ClassAccessor accessor(*dex_file_, ptr_);
-  bool success;
-  dex::TypeIndex defining_class = FindFirstClassDataDefiner(ptr_, &success);
-  if (!success) {
-    return false;
+  uint32_t defining_class = FindFirstClassDataDefiner(accessor);
+  DCHECK(IsUint<16>(defining_class) || defining_class == kDexNoIndex) << defining_class;
+  if (defining_class == kDexNoIndex) {
+    return true;  // Empty definitions are OK (but useless) and could be shared by multiple classes.
+  if (!defined_classes_[defining_class]) {
+      // Should really have a class definition for this class data item.
+      ErrorStringPrintf("Could not find declaring class for non-empty class data item.");
+      return false;
+  }
+  const dex::TypeIndex class_type_index(defining_class);
+  const dex::ClassDef& class_def = dex_file_->GetClassDef(defined_class_indexes_[defining_class]);
   for (const ClassAccessor::Field& read_field : accessor.GetFields()) {
-    LOAD_FIELD(field, read_field.GetIndex(), "inter_class_data_item field_id", return false)
-    if (UNLIKELY(field->class_idx_ != defining_class)) {
+    // The index has already been checked in `CheckIntraClassDataItemFields()`.
+    DCHECK_LE(read_field.GetIndex(), header_->field_ids_size_);
+    const dex::FieldId& field = dex_file_->GetFieldId(read_field.GetIndex());
+    if (UNLIKELY(field.class_idx_ != class_type_index)) {
       ErrorStringPrintf("Mismatched defining class for class_data_item field");
       return false;
+    if (!CheckClassDataItemField(read_field.GetIndex(),
+                                 read_field.GetAccessFlags(),
+                                 class_def.access_flags_,
+                                 class_type_index)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  size_t num_direct_methods = accessor.NumDirectMethods();
+  size_t num_processed_methods = 0u;
   auto methods = accessor.GetMethods();
   auto it = methods.begin();
-  for (; it != methods.end(); ++it) {
+  for (; it != methods.end(); ++it, ++num_processed_methods) {
     uint32_t code_off = it->GetCodeItemOffset();
     if (code_off != 0 && !CheckOffsetToTypeMap(code_off, DexFile::kDexTypeCodeItem)) {
       return false;
-    LOAD_METHOD(method, it->GetIndex(), "inter_class_data_item method_id", return false)
-    if (UNLIKELY(method->class_idx_ != defining_class)) {
+    // The index has already been checked in `CheckIntraClassDataItemMethods()`.
+    DCHECK_LE(it->GetIndex(), header_->method_ids_size_);
+    const dex::MethodId& method = dex_file_->GetMethodId(it->GetIndex());
+    if (UNLIKELY(method.class_idx_ != class_type_index)) {
       ErrorStringPrintf("Mismatched defining class for class_data_item method");
       return false;
+    bool expect_direct = num_processed_methods < num_direct_methods;
+    if (!CheckClassDataItemMethod(it->GetIndex(),
+                                  it->GetAccessFlags(),
+                                  class_def.access_flags_,
+                                  class_type_index,
+                                  it->GetCodeItemOffset(),
+                                  expect_direct)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  // Check static field types against initial static values in encoded array.
+  if (!CheckStaticFieldTypes(class_def)) {
+    return false;
   ptr_ = it.GetDataPointer();
@@ -3124,11 +3040,8 @@
 bool DexFileVerifier::CheckInterAnnotationsDirectoryItem() {
   const dex::AnnotationsDirectoryItem* item =
       reinterpret_cast<const dex::AnnotationsDirectoryItem*>(ptr_);
-  bool success;
-  dex::TypeIndex defining_class = FindFirstAnnotationsDirectoryDefiner(ptr_, &success);
-  if (!success) {
-    return false;
-  }
+  uint32_t defining_class = FindFirstAnnotationsDirectoryDefiner(ptr_);
+  DCHECK(IsUint<16>(defining_class) || defining_class == kDexNoIndex) << defining_class;
   if (item->class_annotations_off_ != 0 &&
       !CheckOffsetToTypeMap(item->class_annotations_off_, DexFile::kDexTypeAnnotationSetItem)) {
@@ -3140,9 +3053,10 @@
       reinterpret_cast<const dex::FieldAnnotationsItem*>(item + 1);
   uint32_t field_count = item->fields_size_;
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < field_count; i++) {
-    LOAD_FIELD(field, field_item->field_idx_, "inter_annotations_directory_item field_id",
-               return false)
-    if (UNLIKELY(field->class_idx_ != defining_class)) {
+    // The index has already been checked in `CheckIntraAnnotationsDirectoryItem()`.
+    DCHECK_LE(field_item->field_idx_, header_->field_ids_size_);
+    const dex::FieldId& field = dex_file_->GetFieldId(field_item->field_idx_);
+    if (UNLIKELY(field.class_idx_.index_ != defining_class)) {
       ErrorStringPrintf("Mismatched defining class for field_annotation");
       return false;
@@ -3157,9 +3071,10 @@
       reinterpret_cast<const dex::MethodAnnotationsItem*>(field_item);
   uint32_t method_count = item->methods_size_;
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < method_count; i++) {
-    LOAD_METHOD(method, method_item->method_idx_, "inter_annotations_directory_item method_id",
-                return false)
-    if (UNLIKELY(method->class_idx_ != defining_class)) {
+    // The index has already been checked in `CheckIntraAnnotationsDirectoryItem()`.
+    DCHECK_LE(method_item->method_idx_, header_->method_ids_size_);
+    const dex::MethodId& method = dex_file_->GetMethodId(method_item->method_idx_);
+    if (UNLIKELY(method.class_idx_.index_ != defining_class)) {
       ErrorStringPrintf("Mismatched defining class for method_annotation");
       return false;
@@ -3174,9 +3089,10 @@
       reinterpret_cast<const dex::ParameterAnnotationsItem*>(method_item);
   uint32_t parameter_count = item->parameters_size_;
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < parameter_count; i++) {
-    LOAD_METHOD(parameter_method, parameter_item->method_idx_,
-                "inter_annotations_directory_item parameter method_id", return false)
-    if (UNLIKELY(parameter_method->class_idx_ != defining_class)) {
+    // The index has already been checked in `CheckIntraAnnotationsDirectoryItem()`.
+    DCHECK_LE(parameter_item->method_idx_, header_->method_ids_size_);
+    const dex::MethodId& parameter_method = dex_file_->GetMethodId(parameter_item->method_idx_);
+    if (UNLIKELY(parameter_method.class_idx_.index_ != defining_class)) {
       ErrorStringPrintf("Mismatched defining class for parameter_annotation");
       return false;
@@ -3220,6 +3136,7 @@
     // Check depending on the section type.
     switch (type) {
       case DexFile::kDexTypeHeaderItem:
+      case DexFile::kDexTypeMethodHandleItem:
       case DexFile::kDexTypeMapList:
       case DexFile::kDexTypeTypeList:
       case DexFile::kDexTypeCodeItem:
@@ -3261,13 +3178,9 @@
       case DexFile::kDexTypeClassDefItem: {
         // There shouldn't be more class definitions than type ids allow.
-        // This check should be redundant, since there are checks that the
-        // class_idx_ is within range and that there is only one definition
-        // for a given type id.
-        if (i > kTypeIdLimit) {
-          ErrorStringPrintf("Too many class definition items");
-          return false;
-        }
+        // This is checked in `CheckIntraClassDefItem()` by checking the type
+        // index against `kTypeIdLimit` and rejecting dulicate definitions.
+        DCHECK_LE(i, kTypeIdLimit);
         if (!CheckInterClassDefItem()) {
           return false;
@@ -3279,12 +3192,6 @@
-      case DexFile::kDexTypeMethodHandleItem: {
-        if (!CheckInterMethodHandleItem()) {
-          return false;
-        }
-        break;
-      }
       case DexFile::kDexTypeAnnotationSetRefList: {
         if (!CheckInterAnnotationSetRefList()) {
           return false;
@@ -3327,6 +3234,18 @@
 bool DexFileVerifier::CheckInterSection() {
+  // Eagerly verify that `StringId` offsets map to string data items to make sure
+  // we can retrieve the string data for verifying other items (types, shorties, etc.).
+  // After this we can safely use `DexFile` helpers such as `GetFieldId()` or `GetMethodId()`
+  // but not `PrettyMethod()` or `PrettyField()` as descriptors have not been verified yet.
+  const dex::StringId* string_ids =
+      reinterpret_cast<const dex::StringId*>(begin_ + header_->string_ids_off_);
+  for (size_t i = 0, num_strings = header_->string_ids_size_; i != num_strings; ++i) {
+    if (!CheckOffsetToTypeMap(string_ids[i].string_data_off_, DexFile::kDexTypeStringDataItem)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
   const dex::MapList* map = reinterpret_cast<const dex::MapList*>(begin_ + header_->map_off_);
   const dex::MapItem* item = map->list_;
   uint32_t count = map->size_;
@@ -3392,7 +3311,9 @@
     return false;
-  verified_type_descriptors_.resize(std::min(header_->type_ids_size_, kTypeIdLimit + 1), 0);
+  DCHECK_LE(header_->type_ids_size_, kTypeIdLimit + 1u);  // Checked in CheckHeader().
+  verified_type_descriptors_.resize(header_->type_ids_size_, 0);
+  defined_class_indexes_.resize(header_->type_ids_size_);
   // Check structure within remaining sections.
   if (!CheckIntraSection()) {
@@ -3414,7 +3335,7 @@
   // Generally sort out >16-bit flags.
   if ((field_access_flags & ~kAccJavaFlagsMask) != 0) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Bad field access_flags for %s: %x(%s)",
-                              GetFieldDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, idx).c_str(),
+                              GetFieldDescription(begin_, header_, idx).c_str(),
     return false;
@@ -3434,7 +3355,7 @@
   // Fields may have only one of public/protected/final.
   if (!CheckAtMostOneOfPublicProtectedPrivate(field_access_flags)) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Field may have only one of public/protected/private, %s: %x(%s)",
-                              GetFieldDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, idx).c_str(),
+                              GetFieldDescription(begin_, header_, idx).c_str(),
     return false;
@@ -3446,7 +3367,7 @@
     constexpr uint32_t kPublicFinalStatic = kAccPublic | kAccFinal | kAccStatic;
     if ((field_access_flags & kPublicFinalStatic) != kPublicFinalStatic) {
       *error_msg = StringPrintf("Interface field is not public final static, %s: %x(%s)",
-                                GetFieldDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, idx).c_str(),
+                                GetFieldDescription(begin_, header_, idx).c_str(),
       if (dex_file_->SupportsDefaultMethods()) {
@@ -3461,7 +3382,7 @@
     constexpr uint32_t kDisallowed = ~(kPublicFinalStatic | kAccSynthetic);
     if ((field_access_flags & kFieldAccessFlags & kDisallowed) != 0) {
       *error_msg = StringPrintf("Interface field has disallowed flag, %s: %x(%s)",
-                                GetFieldDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, idx).c_str(),
+                                GetFieldDescription(begin_, header_, idx).c_str(),
       if (dex_file_->SupportsDefaultMethods()) {
@@ -3479,7 +3400,7 @@
   constexpr uint32_t kVolatileFinal = kAccVolatile | kAccFinal;
   if ((field_access_flags & kVolatileFinal) == kVolatileFinal) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Fields may not be volatile and final: %s",
-                              GetFieldDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, idx).c_str());
+                              GetFieldDescription(begin_, header_, idx).c_str());
     return false;
@@ -3547,7 +3468,7 @@
       kAccJavaFlagsMask | kAccConstructor | kAccDeclaredSynchronized;
   if ((method_access_flags & ~kAllMethodFlags) != 0) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Bad method access_flags for %s: %x",
-                              GetMethodDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str(),
+                              GetMethodDescription(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str(),
     return false;
@@ -3569,7 +3490,7 @@
   // Methods may have only one of public/protected/final.
   if (!CheckAtMostOneOfPublicProtectedPrivate(method_access_flags)) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Method may have only one of public/protected/private, %s: %x",
-                              GetMethodDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str(),
+                              GetMethodDescription(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str(),
     return false;
@@ -3584,7 +3505,7 @@
     *error_msg =
         StringPrintf("Method %" PRIu32 "(%s) is marked constructor, but doesn't match name",
-                      GetMethodDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
+                      GetMethodDescription(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
     return false;
@@ -3595,7 +3516,7 @@
     if (is_static ^ is_clinit_by_name) {
       *error_msg = StringPrintf("Constructor %" PRIu32 "(%s) is not flagged correctly wrt/ static.",
-                                GetMethodDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
+                                GetMethodDescription(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
       if (dex_file_->SupportsDefaultMethods()) {
         return false;
       } else {
@@ -3613,7 +3534,7 @@
   if (is_direct != expect_direct) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Direct/virtual method %" PRIu32 "(%s) not in expected list %d",
-                              GetMethodDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str(),
+                              GetMethodDescription(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str(),
     return false;
@@ -3630,8 +3551,8 @@
     if ((method_access_flags & desired_flags) == 0) {
       *error_msg = StringPrintf("Interface virtual method %" PRIu32 "(%s) is not public",
-          method_index,
-          GetMethodDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
+                                method_index,
+                                GetMethodDescription(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
       if (dex_file_->SupportsDefaultMethods()) {
         return false;
       } else {
@@ -3649,14 +3570,14 @@
       *error_msg = StringPrintf("Method %" PRIu32 "(%s) has no code, but is not marked native or "
-                                GetMethodDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
+                                GetMethodDescription(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
       return false;
     // Constructors must always have code.
     if (is_constructor_by_name) {
       *error_msg = StringPrintf("Constructor %u(%s) must not be abstract or native",
-                                GetMethodDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
+                                GetMethodDescription(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
       if (dex_file_->SupportsDefaultMethods()) {
         return false;
       } else {
@@ -3671,14 +3592,14 @@
           kAccPrivate | kAccStatic | kAccFinal | kAccNative | kAccStrict | kAccSynchronized;
       if ((method_access_flags & kForbidden) != 0) {
         *error_msg = StringPrintf("Abstract method %" PRIu32 "(%s) has disallowed access flags %x",
-            method_index,
-            GetMethodDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str(),
-            method_access_flags);
+                                  method_index,
+                                  GetMethodDescription(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str(),
+                                  method_access_flags);
         return false;
       // Abstract methods should be in an abstract class or interface.
       if ((class_access_flags & (kAccInterface | kAccAbstract)) == 0) {
-        LOG(WARNING) << "Method " << GetMethodDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, method_index)
+        LOG(WARNING) << "Method " << GetMethodDescription(begin_, header_, method_index)
                      << " is abstract, but the declaring class is neither abstract nor an "
                      << "interface in dex file "
                      << dex_file_->GetLocation();
@@ -3689,8 +3610,8 @@
       // Interface methods without code must be abstract.
       if ((method_access_flags & (kAccPublic | kAccAbstract)) != (kAccPublic | kAccAbstract)) {
         *error_msg = StringPrintf("Interface method %" PRIu32 "(%s) is not public and abstract",
-            method_index,
-            GetMethodDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
+                                  method_index,
+                                  GetMethodDescription(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
         if (dex_file_->SupportsDefaultMethods()) {
           return false;
         } else {
@@ -3710,7 +3631,7 @@
   if ((method_access_flags & (kAccNative | kAccAbstract)) != 0) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Method %" PRIu32 "(%s) has code, but is marked native or abstract",
-                              GetMethodDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
+                              GetMethodDescription(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
     return false;
@@ -3721,7 +3642,7 @@
     if ((method_access_flags & ~kInitAllowed) != 0) {
       *error_msg = StringPrintf("Constructor %" PRIu32 "(%s) flagged inappropriately %x",
-                                GetMethodDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str(),
+                                GetMethodDescription(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str(),
       return false;
@@ -3737,24 +3658,14 @@
          constructor_flags == (kAccConstructor | kAccStatic));
   // Check signature matches expectations.
-  const dex::MethodId* const method_id = CheckLoadMethodId(method_index,
-                                                           "Bad <init>/<clinit> method id");
-  if (method_id == nullptr) {
-    return false;
-  }
+  // The `method_index` has already been checked in `CheckIntraClassDataItemMethods()`.
+  CHECK_LT(method_index, header_->method_ids_size_);
+  const dex::MethodId& method_id = dex_file_->GetMethodId(method_index);
-  // Check the ProtoId for the corresponding method.
-  //
-  // TODO(oth): the error message here is to satisfy the MethodId test
-  // in the DexFileVerifierTest. The test is checking that the error
-  // contains this string if the index is out of range.
-  const dex::ProtoId* const proto_id = CheckLoadProtoId(method_id->proto_idx_,
-                                                        "inter_method_id_item proto_idx");
-  if (proto_id == nullptr) {
-    return false;
-  }
+  // The `method_id.proto_idx_` has already been checked in `CheckIntraMethodIdItem()`
+  DCHECK_LE(method_id.proto_idx_.index_, header_->proto_ids_size_);
-  Signature signature = dex_file_->GetMethodSignature(*method_id);
+  Signature signature = dex_file_->GetMethodSignature(method_id);
   if (constructor_flags == (kAccStatic | kAccConstructor)) {
     if (!signature.IsVoid() || signature.GetNumberOfParameters() != 0) {
       ErrorStringPrintf("<clinit> must have descriptor ()V");
@@ -3763,7 +3674,7 @@
   } else if (!signature.IsVoid()) {
     ErrorStringPrintf("Constructor %u(%s) must be void",
-                      GetMethodDescriptionOrError(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
+                      GetMethodDescription(begin_, header_, method_index).c_str());
     return false;
diff --git a/libdexfile/dex/ b/libdexfile/dex/
index 37c06b1..79e9c8b 100644
--- a/libdexfile/dex/
+++ b/libdexfile/dex/
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
         dex::MethodId* method_id = const_cast<dex::MethodId*>(&dex_file->GetMethodId(0));
         method_id->class_idx_ = dex::TypeIndex(0xFF);
-      "could not find declaring class for direct method index 0");
+      "Bad index for method_id.class");
   // Proto idx error.
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
         dex::MethodId* method_id = const_cast<dex::MethodId*>(&dex_file->GetMethodId(0));
         method_id->proto_idx_ = dex::ProtoIndex(0xFF);
-      "inter_method_id_item proto_idx");
+      "Bad index for method_id.proto");
   // Name idx error.
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
         dex::MethodId* method_id = const_cast<dex::MethodId*>(&dex_file->GetMethodId(0));
         method_id->name_idx_ = dex::StringIndex(0xFF);
-      "Bad index for method flags verification");
+      "Bad index for");
 TEST_F(DexFileVerifierTest, InitCachingWithUnicode) {