Revert "Revert "Enable Load Store Elimination for ARM and ARM64""

This patch refactors the implementation of the LoadStoreElimination
optimisation pass. Please note that this pass was disabled and not
functional for any of the backends.

The current implementation tracks aliases and handles DalvikRegs as well
as Heap memory regions. It has been tested and it is known to optimise
out the following:
  * Load - Load
  * Store - Load
  * Store - Store
  * Load Literals

Change-Id: I3aadb12a787164146a95bc314e85fa73ad91e12b
diff --git a/compiler/dex/reg_storage.h b/compiler/dex/reg_storage.h
index addd628..706933a 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/reg_storage.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/reg_storage.h
@@ -192,6 +192,18 @@
     return (reg & (kFloatingPoint | k64BitMask)) == kFloatingPoint;
+  static constexpr bool Is32Bit(uint16_t reg) {
+    return ((reg & kShapeMask) == k32BitSolo);
+  }
+  static constexpr bool Is64Bit(uint16_t reg) {
+    return ((reg & k64BitMask) == k64Bits);
+  }
+  static constexpr bool Is64BitSolo(uint16_t reg) {
+    return ((reg & kShapeMask) == k64BitSolo);
+  }
   // Used to retrieve either the low register of a pair, or the only register.
   int GetReg() const {
     DCHECK(!IsPair()) << "reg_ = 0x" << std::hex << reg_;
@@ -265,11 +277,11 @@
   static constexpr bool SameRegType(RegStorage reg1, RegStorage reg2) {
-    return (reg1.IsDouble() == reg2.IsDouble()) && (reg1.IsSingle() == reg2.IsSingle());
+    return ((reg1.reg_ & kShapeTypeMask) == (reg2.reg_ & kShapeTypeMask));
   static constexpr bool SameRegType(int reg1, int reg2) {
-    return (IsDouble(reg1) == IsDouble(reg2)) && (IsSingle(reg1) == IsSingle(reg2));
+    return ((reg1 & kShapeTypeMask) == (reg2 & kShapeTypeMask));
   // Create a 32-bit solo.