Interpreter entries and instrumentation as a listener.

Make the instrumentation responsible for whether we want method entry/exit
stubs, and allow it to use interpreter entry stubs when instruction by
instruction instrumentation is required. Improve deoptimization so more JDWP
test cases are passing.

Refactor exception debug posting, in particular improve reporting in the
interpreter. Improve class linker exception throwing so that broken dex files
are more likely to be reported. Fixes the performance issue Bug: 8410519.

Fix some error reporting lock level errors for the large object space. Make
fast object verification faster.

Add some debug mode robustness to finding dex PCs in GC maps.

Add printf attributes to JniAbortF and fix errors.

Expand run-test 044 to test return behaviors and fix issues with not throwing
appropriate exceptions for proxies.

Ensure causes are reported with a class linker NoClassDefFoundError and JNI

Remove unused debugMe and updateDebuggerFromCode.

There's a minor sizing tweak to the arg array builder, and an extra reference
array check in the interpreter.

Some clean-up of trace code.

Fix reg type cache destructor if it is called after the reg type cache is
shutdown (as is the case in oatdump).

Change-Id: I6519c7b35df77f978d011999354c864f4918e8ce
diff --git a/src/oat/runtime/mips/runtime_support_mips.S b/src/oat/runtime/mips/runtime_support_mips.S
index 0fc2437..529fd0d 100644
--- a/src/oat/runtime/mips/runtime_support_mips.S
+++ b/src/oat/runtime/mips/runtime_support_mips.S
@@ -204,24 +204,6 @@
-     * On entry, $a0 and $a1 must be preserved, $a2 is dex PC
-     */
-    .extern artUpdateDebuggerFromCode
-ENTRY art_quick_update_debugger
-    move    $a3, $a0        # stash away $a0 so that it's saved as if it were an argument
-    move    $a0, $a2        # arg0 is dex PC
-    move    $a1, rSELF      # arg1 is Thread*
-    move    $a2, $sp        # arg2 is $sp
-    jal     artUpdateDebuggerFromCode      # artUpdateDebuggerFromCode(int32_t, Thread*, Method**)
-    nop
-    jr      $ra
-    move    $a0, $a3        # restore original $a0
-END art_quick_update_debugger
-    /*
      * On entry $a0 is uint32_t* gprs_ and $a1 is uint32_t* fprs_
      * FIXME: just guessing about the shape of the jmpbuf.  Where will pc be?
@@ -989,29 +971,22 @@
     .extern artInstrumentationMethodExitFromCode
 ENTRY art_quick_instrumentation_entry_from_code
     move     $t0, $sp       # remember bottom of caller's frame
-    addiu    $sp, $sp, -16  # save arguments (4 words)
-    .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 16
-    sw       $a0, 0($sp)
-    .cfi_rel_offset 4, 0
-    sw       $a1, 4($sp)
-    .cfi_rel_offset 5, 4
-    sw       $a2, 8($sp)
-    .cfi_rel_offset 6, 8
-    sw       $a3, 12($sp)
-    .cfi_rel_offset 7, 12
-    move     $a3, $ra       # pass $ra
-    move     $a2, $t0       # pass $sp
-    jal      artInstrumentationMethodEntryFromCode  # (Method*, Thread*, SP, LR)
-    move     $a1, rSELF     # pass Thread::Current
+    addiu    $sp, $sp, -32  # space for args, pad (3 words), arguments (5 words)
+    .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 32
+    sw       $a0, 28($sp)   # save arg0
+    sw       $ra, 16($sp)   # pass $ra
+    move     $a3, $t0       # pass $sp
+    jal      artInstrumentationMethodEntryFromCode  # (Method*, Object*, Thread*, SP, LR)
+    move     $a2, rSELF     # pass Thread::Current
     move     $t9, $v0       # $t9 holds reference to code
-    lw       $a0, 0($sp)
-    lw       $a1, 4($sp)
-    lw       $a2, 8($sp)
-    lw       $a3, 12($sp)
+    lw       $a0, 28($sp)   # restore arg0
+    addiu    $sp, $sp, 32   # remove args
+    .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -32
     jalr     $t9            # call method
-    addiu    $sp, $sp, 16
-    .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -16
+    nop
 END art_quick_instrumentation_entry_from_code
     /* intentional fallthrough */
     .global art_quick_instrumentation_exit_from_code
@@ -1020,53 +995,46 @@
     addiu    $t9, $ra, 4    # put current address into $t9 to rebuild $gp
     move     $t0, $sp       # remember bottom of caller's frame
-    addiu    $sp, $sp, -16  # save return values
-    .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 16
-    sw       $v0, 0($sp)
+    addiu    $sp, $sp, -48  # save return values and set up args
+    .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 48
+    sw       $v0, 32($sp)
     .cfi_rel_offset 2, 0
-    sw       $v1, 4($sp)
+    sw       $v1, 36($sp)
     .cfi_rel_offset 3, 4
+    s.s      $f0, 40($sp)
+    s.s      $f1, 44($sp)
+    s.s      $f0, 16($sp)   # pass fpr result
+    s.s      $f1, 20($sp)
+    move     $a2, $v0       # pass gpr result
+    move     $a3, $v1
     move     $a1, $t0       # pass $sp
-    jal      artInstrumentationMethodExitFromCode  # (Thread*, SP)
+    jal      artInstrumentationMethodExitFromCode  # (Thread*, SP, gpr_res, fpr_res)
     move     $a0, rSELF     # pass Thread::Current
     move     $t0, $v0       # set aside returned link register
     move     $ra, $v1       # set link register for deoptimization
-    lw       $v0, 0($sp)
-    lw       $v1, 4($sp)
+    lw       $v0, 32($sp)   # restore return values
+    lw       $v1, 36($sp)
+    l.s      $f0, 40($sp)
+    l.s      $f1, 44($sp)
     jr       $t0            # return
-    addiu    $sp, $sp, 16
-    .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -16
+    addiu    $sp, $sp, 112  # 48 bytes of args + 64 bytes of callee save frame
+    .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -112
 END art_quick_instrumentation_exit_from_code
-     * The thread's enter interpreter flag is set and so we should transition to the interpreter
-     * rather than allow execution to continue in the frame below. There may be live results in
-     * registers depending on how complete the operation is when we safepoint - for example, a
-     * set operation may have completed while a get operation needs writing back into the vregs.
+     * Instrumentation has requested that we deoptimize into the interpreter. The deoptimization
+     * will long jump to the upcall with a special exception of -1.
     .extern artDeoptimize
     .extern artEnterInterpreterFromDeoptimize
 ENTRY art_quick_deoptimize
-    move     $a0, $v0       # pass first half of return value
-    move     $a1, $v1       # pass second half of return value
-    move     $a2, rSELF     # pass Thread::current
-    jal      artDeoptimize  # artDeoptimize(return value, Thread*, SP)
+    move     $a0, rSELF     # pass Thread::current
+    jal      artDeoptimize  # artDeoptimize(Thread*, SP)
                             # Returns caller method's frame size.
-    move     $a3, $sp       # pass $sp
-    beqz     $v0, 1f        # Return if caller was upcall.
-    add      $t9, $sp, $v0  # $t9 == bottom of caller's frame.
-    lw       $ra, -4($t9)   # Restore $ra.
-    move     $sp, $t9       # Remove frame.
-    jal      artEnterInterpreterFromDeoptimize  # Enter interpreter, callee-save ends stack fragment.
-    nop
-    jr       $ra            # Return to caller.
-    nop
+    move     $a1, $sp       # pass $sp
 END art_quick_deoptimize