Optimizing: Fix TypeConversion(And(x, const)) simplification.

Avoid introducing implicit conversions when simplifying the
expression TypeConversion(And(x, const)). Previously, when
we dropped the And, we could end up with a TypeConversion to
the same type which should be eliminated on subsequent pass
of the block's instructions; however, a subsequent dependent
TypeConversion in the same block would be processed earlier
and we would unexpectedly see its input as the conversion to
the same type, failing a DCHECK().

Bug: 27626509
Change-Id: I5874a9ceafbf635cf3391beea807ede8468ab5c3
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/instruction_simplifier.cc b/compiler/optimizing/instruction_simplifier.cc
index 049901b..69dad69 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/instruction_simplifier.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/instruction_simplifier.cc
@@ -867,9 +867,7 @@
-  } else if (input->IsAnd() &&
-      Primitive::IsIntegralType(result_type) &&
-      input->HasOnlyOneNonEnvironmentUse()) {
+  } else if (input->IsAnd() && Primitive::IsIntegralType(result_type)) {
     HAnd* input_and = input->AsAnd();
     HConstant* constant = input_and->GetConstantRight();
@@ -879,10 +877,18 @@
       size_t trailing_ones = CTZ(~static_cast<uint64_t>(value));
       if (trailing_ones >= kBitsPerByte * Primitive::ComponentSize(result_type)) {
         // The `HAnd` is useless, for example in `(byte) (x & 0xff)`, get rid of it.
-        input_and->ReplaceWith(input_and->GetLeastConstantLeft());
-        input_and->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(input_and);
-        RecordSimplification();
-        return;
+        HInstruction* original_input = input_and->GetLeastConstantLeft();
+        if (IsTypeConversionImplicit(original_input->GetType(), result_type)) {
+          instruction->ReplaceWith(original_input);
+          instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+          RecordSimplification();
+          return;
+        } else if (input->HasOnlyOneNonEnvironmentUse()) {
+          input_and->ReplaceWith(original_input);
+          input_and->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(input_and);
+          RecordSimplification();
+          return;
+        }