[metrics] Dump ArtMetrics on SIGQUIT

ART now writes a current snapshot of its internal metrics in response to

Example output:
*** ART internal metrics ***

ClassVerificationTotalTime: count = 863833
JitMethodCompileTime: range = 0...1000000, buckets: 244,5,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0

*** Done dumping ART internal metrics ***

This includes a new StreamBackend, which is used to write ART metrics to
an output stream in a human readable format.

Bug: 170149255
Test: m test-art-host-gtest-art_libartbase_tests
Change-Id: Iaf8bcee5a4993e70ac4e36940591a734fe1a6697
diff --git a/libartbase/base/metrics_test.cc b/libartbase/base/metrics_test.cc
index 20ac92c..f568ea0 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/metrics_test.cc
+++ b/libartbase/base/metrics_test.cc
@@ -205,6 +205,27 @@
   EXPECT_GT(GetBuckets(test_histogram)[0], 0u);
+// Makes sure all defined metrics are included when dumping through StreamBackend.
+TEST_F(MetricsTest, StreamBackendDumpAllMetrics) {
+  ArtMetrics metrics;
+  std::stringstream os;
+  StreamBackend backend(os);
+  metrics.ReportAllMetrics(&backend);
+  // Make sure the resulting string lists all the counters.
+#define COUNTER(name) \
+  EXPECT_NE(os.str().find(DatumName(DatumId::k##name)), std::string::npos)
+#undef COUNTER
+  // Make sure the resulting string lists all the histograms.
+#define HISTOGRAM(name, num_buckets, minimum_value, maximum_value) \
+  EXPECT_NE(os.str().find(DatumName(DatumId::k##name)), std::string::npos)
 }  // namespace metrics
 }  // namespace art